Announcement: RP is Currently Closed! Reworking this RP for reopening.
Welcome! Please, look around. I would appreciate if all roleplayers took the time to read the various sections featured in this thread! Please consider this a reference and discussion hub.
UPDATE 09/04/2012 - Added 'The Story So Far' for quick recap of happenings within RP as it progresses and seperated the background into 'The Six Months Following FFVIII'.
Needs to Post
Chadwyck / Violet
All standard Pokecharms RP rules apply.
The SeeD deploy from Galbadia.
Four Guardian Force Limit per character
Custom GFs are permitted but must be approved by both Yoshimitsu and Myself! Likely we'll just ask it to be edited a little unless you made quite a bad mistake.
Custom Weapons are also permitted so long as they aren't as ridiculous as mega-pen0r laz0r.
A.T.C. - After Time Compression. This is the base date at which Ultimecia was defeated, FFVIII ended and time reordered itself.
Red SeeD - The name of the program launched three months ago by Martine. As a sign of respect and differentiation from Balamb all products of the Red SeeD program are known as G-SeeD or Red SeeD. Although a subsect of Galbadia they are still generally unapproved of on a global scale.
"G" - A prefix. This is applied to mean Galbadia and is used in various iterations. For example: G-Garden, G-Army, G-SeeD.
Centra - An powerful, ancient civilisation that existed years ago on the central continent. There is evidence of this race throughout the world. They destroyed their own civilisation through the abuse of the Crystal Pillar with the continent scarred clearly. Some meager ruins are scattered about the continent. Esthar, Timber and all Gardens are built on Centran ruins.
Lunatic Pandora - A great mechanical housing for the gargantuan Crystal Pillar, capable of triggering a Lunar Cry. This structure and the crystal pillar were shattered near Esthar.
Lunar Cry - An event triggered by a resonance reaction between the Crystal Pillar and the Moon. The moon is a world teeming with monsters, the Lunar Cry being when an immense mass of monsters gather turning the visible side of the moon red before falling to the planet at the location of the Crystal Pillar.
Tears' Point - Where the resonance between Crystal Pillar and the moon is strongest. There is an expansive structure here covered in machinery to prevent a Lunar Cry, during the events of FFVIII this machinery overloaded and was destroyed when the Lunatic Pandora was brought to it.
Red SeeD - The name of the program launched three months ago by Martine. As a sign of respect and differentiation from Balamb all products of the Red SeeD program are known as G-SeeD or Red SeeD. Although a subsect of Galbadia they are still generally unapproved of on a global scale.
"G" - A prefix. This is applied to mean Galbadia and is used in various iterations. For example: G-Garden, G-Army, G-SeeD.
Centra - An powerful, ancient civilisation that existed years ago on the central continent. There is evidence of this race throughout the world. They destroyed their own civilisation through the abuse of the Crystal Pillar with the continent scarred clearly. Some meager ruins are scattered about the continent. Esthar, Timber and all Gardens are built on Centran ruins.
Lunatic Pandora - A great mechanical housing for the gargantuan Crystal Pillar, capable of triggering a Lunar Cry. This structure and the crystal pillar were shattered near Esthar.
Lunar Cry - An event triggered by a resonance reaction between the Crystal Pillar and the Moon. The moon is a world teeming with monsters, the Lunar Cry being when an immense mass of monsters gather turning the visible side of the moon red before falling to the planet at the location of the Crystal Pillar.
Tears' Point - Where the resonance between Crystal Pillar and the moon is strongest. There is an expansive structure here covered in machinery to prevent a Lunar Cry, during the events of FFVIII this machinery overloaded and was destroyed when the Lunatic Pandora was brought to it.
The Six Months Following Final Fantasy VIII
The date stands at one month ATC. The world has begun the recovery process from the plots of Ultimecia. Only governmental and military figures in the super powers of Esthar and Galbadia truly know of the entity Ultimecia that was behind the chaotic event that was Time Compression. Most of the world is still under the belief that the Sorceress Edea was behind the machinations that distorted the world before a Legendary SeeD and others from Balamb Garden stole her powers, returning her to normal.
Due to this the nation of Galbadia and all of those assosciated with it are trapped in a position of clearing their name, having been under the direct control of Ultimecia through the guise of Edea and their army performing her wishes.
The government and military existing as one were sufficiently reluctant to gain trust through any pacifistic means, worried regarding their power hold over most of the continent. As a method of continuing this without actually losing any of their assets General Fury Caraway steps down and is replaced by a new general as close to Vinzer Deling Jr. as Fury was to Deling Sr.
Martine, reinstated head of G-Garden decides to rely upon and strengthen the partnership with Balamb and Trabia Gardens to diminish their reputation. To gain favour and show he and his students are not purely an academy to train soliders for the G-Army, he assists in funding the restoration of Trabia. This eases the resentment regarding the Galbadian Missile Crisis but only towards G-Garden as the government refused to pay any form of reperations.
After this has been established the eyes of the world turn to the victims of the Lunar Cry, Esthar. Supplies, the G-Army and SeeD are dispatched to help free of charge, securing sections of the metropolis and helping many survive. Part way through the recovery of Esthar, Timber expands in power. All resistance factions are unified as one and by order of the government to prepare for the threat of an offensive by Timber Galbadia is forced to pull back, including Garden students. The original Red SeeD plan is set forward, a plan that states the Garden may cease production of soldiers for the G-Army and act as a completely independant body. This is subsequently denied by the ambitious Vinzer Deling Jr. and with Balamb focused on aiding Esthar and Trabia on rebuilding, there is no support for Martine.
Regardless, the city and surrounding area are still majorly over-run when the nation stoicly notes at three months ATC that it is once more closing borders. Giving consideration to the fact that both Piet - head of the Space Program and Esthar's greatest and most unstable mind, Dr. Odine have returned and military power partially restored both Galbadia and Balamb agree that SeeD should take a defensive role.
Thanks to Martine and Squall's funded assistance, Trabia is restored within barely a week shy of four months ATC. This was sped up by the aid of the native dwellers of the Trabia continent: The Shumi Tribe and the paid workers skilled with Centran technology - the dwellers of Fisherman's Horizon. However, at the grand opening ceremony Squall fails to make an appearence. After the day long ceremony concludes and festivities subside both Martine, the head of Trabia and the leader of the Shumi Tribe go their seperate ways to ascertain what has happened to Squall and his comrades.
In the coming week it is made apparent that Balamb Garden and all of those assosciated with it have disappeared. The only sign of them is the airship Ragnarok's destroyed husk littering part of the Centran continent.
As accusations of assassination and concealing dangerous weaponry echo about the world with every nation financially stressed tensions begin to wear thin, the easiest target Galbadia. The government makes an agreement with Trabia and Martine to start the new SeeD program, Red Seed. The agreement has been changed however so that it is down to the students where they will go and that two of the instructors in the Garden will be from the G-Army. It is through this that hopes of both repairing and bettering relations can be resolved, along with the mystery of Balamb Garden's disappearence.
It is now the current date, six months ATC. The second Red SeeD test is to be held after the unusual results of the last test passed about in mutters between instructors of empty dormitories and army involvement...
It is into this turmoil that you, our heroes, are cast.
Due to this the nation of Galbadia and all of those assosciated with it are trapped in a position of clearing their name, having been under the direct control of Ultimecia through the guise of Edea and their army performing her wishes.
The government and military existing as one were sufficiently reluctant to gain trust through any pacifistic means, worried regarding their power hold over most of the continent. As a method of continuing this without actually losing any of their assets General Fury Caraway steps down and is replaced by a new general as close to Vinzer Deling Jr. as Fury was to Deling Sr.
Martine, reinstated head of G-Garden decides to rely upon and strengthen the partnership with Balamb and Trabia Gardens to diminish their reputation. To gain favour and show he and his students are not purely an academy to train soliders for the G-Army, he assists in funding the restoration of Trabia. This eases the resentment regarding the Galbadian Missile Crisis but only towards G-Garden as the government refused to pay any form of reperations.
After this has been established the eyes of the world turn to the victims of the Lunar Cry, Esthar. Supplies, the G-Army and SeeD are dispatched to help free of charge, securing sections of the metropolis and helping many survive. Part way through the recovery of Esthar, Timber expands in power. All resistance factions are unified as one and by order of the government to prepare for the threat of an offensive by Timber Galbadia is forced to pull back, including Garden students. The original Red SeeD plan is set forward, a plan that states the Garden may cease production of soldiers for the G-Army and act as a completely independant body. This is subsequently denied by the ambitious Vinzer Deling Jr. and with Balamb focused on aiding Esthar and Trabia on rebuilding, there is no support for Martine.
Regardless, the city and surrounding area are still majorly over-run when the nation stoicly notes at three months ATC that it is once more closing borders. Giving consideration to the fact that both Piet - head of the Space Program and Esthar's greatest and most unstable mind, Dr. Odine have returned and military power partially restored both Galbadia and Balamb agree that SeeD should take a defensive role.
Thanks to Martine and Squall's funded assistance, Trabia is restored within barely a week shy of four months ATC. This was sped up by the aid of the native dwellers of the Trabia continent: The Shumi Tribe and the paid workers skilled with Centran technology - the dwellers of Fisherman's Horizon. However, at the grand opening ceremony Squall fails to make an appearence. After the day long ceremony concludes and festivities subside both Martine, the head of Trabia and the leader of the Shumi Tribe go their seperate ways to ascertain what has happened to Squall and his comrades.
In the coming week it is made apparent that Balamb Garden and all of those assosciated with it have disappeared. The only sign of them is the airship Ragnarok's destroyed husk littering part of the Centran continent.
As accusations of assassination and concealing dangerous weaponry echo about the world with every nation financially stressed tensions begin to wear thin, the easiest target Galbadia. The government makes an agreement with Trabia and Martine to start the new SeeD program, Red Seed. The agreement has been changed however so that it is down to the students where they will go and that two of the instructors in the Garden will be from the G-Army. It is through this that hopes of both repairing and bettering relations can be resolved, along with the mystery of Balamb Garden's disappearence.
It is now the current date, six months ATC. The second Red SeeD test is to be held after the unusual results of the last test passed about in mutters between instructors of empty dormitories and army involvement...
It is into this turmoil that you, our heroes, are cast.
The Story So Far!
The Day of the Red SeeD Exam - Current
Registration has long since sounded. All the students in the Garden are on edge on this day, the day of the 'Cursed Exam' that caused the disappearence of 13 of 20 previous candidates with no statement on what occured during the exam to cause this. Cautious of the bad luck spreading, contact with SeeD candidates is purposely avoided. Of the students embarking upon the exam, Faust and Violet are being escorted by Acting Instructor Leo to obtain their first Guardian Forces. Meanwhile Charles and Justin share a brief exchange within the Training Area. Back on the Monterosa Plateau, in an attempt to gauge the abilities of his classmates-turned-temporary-students Leo has drawn the attention of a group of monsters.
Registration has long since sounded. All the students in the Garden are on edge on this day, the day of the 'Cursed Exam' that caused the disappearence of 13 of 20 previous candidates with no statement on what occured during the exam to cause this. Cautious of the bad luck spreading, contact with SeeD candidates is purposely avoided. Of the students embarking upon the exam, Faust and Violet are being escorted by Acting Instructor Leo to obtain their first Guardian Forces. Meanwhile Charles and Justin share a brief exchange within the Training Area. Back on the Monterosa Plateau, in an attempt to gauge the abilities of his classmates-turned-temporary-students Leo has drawn the attention of a group of monsters.
Guardian Force Roster
Me - Black Moomba, Griever.
Yoshimitsu - Custom GF No. 1, 2 & 3, Bahamut.
Toru - Brothers, Bomb, ---, Alexander.
Johnny B3 - Quezacotl,Golem, Doomtrain, Pandemona.
Chadwyck - Shiva, Diablos, Gilgamesh, Cactuar.
Rex - Tonberry, Carbuncle, Leviathan, Moomba.
Guardian Forces Available
Siren, Cerberus, Ifrit, Eden, Tiamat, Phoenix, Chocobo.
Yoshimitsu - Custom GF No. 1, 2 & 3, Bahamut.
Toru - Brothers, Bomb, ---, Alexander.
Johnny B3 - Quezacotl,Golem, Doomtrain, Pandemona.
Chadwyck - Shiva, Diablos, Gilgamesh, Cactuar.
Rex - Tonberry, Carbuncle, Leviathan, Moomba.
Guardian Forces Available
Siren, Cerberus, Ifrit, Eden, Tiamat, Phoenix, Chocobo.
Profile Framework
Age: Must be 17 - 19 due to the SeeD test/status, if you wish to be an instructor e.g. Quistis then any age over 19 is appropriate but you MUST cover it in the history. If you are not involved with Garden, this may be any age.
Rank: Pick either Student, SeeD or Instructor. Speicalisation of SeeD and student are not differentiated between any longer in Galbadia, as the army and Garden became competitive for certain types of soldier once the Red SeeD program was launched.
Appearence: Everyone also has a SeeD Outfit. Ref. Pics [Sketch] [Colouration] [Female Screenie]. And Uniform. Please describe your casual outfit.
Original Residence: Balamb Town, Deling City, etc.
Current Residence: A Garden, or a city such as Deling and they commute, for example
Family: (And where they are situated)
Current GFs: If any, GFs are also SeeD/Instructor only.
Magic: This field will be auto-filled depending on your chosen GFs and spells unlocked/upgaded as story progresses.
Weapon(s) of Choice:
Limit Break:
History: Doesn't need to be extensive or elaborate, requires mention of home town, length of time in Garden, if pre/post exam and perhaps friendships.
Age: Must be 17 - 19 due to the SeeD test/status, if you wish to be an instructor e.g. Quistis then any age over 19 is appropriate but you MUST cover it in the history. If you are not involved with Garden, this may be any age.
Rank: Pick either Student, SeeD or Instructor. Speicalisation of SeeD and student are not differentiated between any longer in Galbadia, as the army and Garden became competitive for certain types of soldier once the Red SeeD program was launched.
Appearence: Everyone also has a SeeD Outfit. Ref. Pics [Sketch] [Colouration] [Female Screenie]. And Uniform. Please describe your casual outfit.
Original Residence: Balamb Town, Deling City, etc.
Current Residence: A Garden, or a city such as Deling and they commute, for example
Family: (And where they are situated)
Current GFs: If any, GFs are also SeeD/Instructor only.
Magic: This field will be auto-filled depending on your chosen GFs and spells unlocked/upgaded as story progresses.
Weapon(s) of Choice:
Limit Break:
History: Doesn't need to be extensive or elaborate, requires mention of home town, length of time in Garden, if pre/post exam and perhaps friendships.
Compiled Profiles
Name: Violet Credence
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Rank: Student
Original Residence: Deling City
Current Residence: Galbadia Garden
Family: Both parents reside in Deling City, but she hardly maintains contact with them; she has become too involved in her training at garden to pay attention to her family ties. Older brother died when she was very young defending her from a monster attack outside of the city. He was a student at the Garden, home visiting his family at the time.
Current GFs: None acquired yet.
Magic: [???]
Weapon of Choice: Gunblade (I know it's not very original, but I like the idea of a female gunblade user, so I'mma go with it.)
Limit Break: Zantetsuken
History?: Joined the Garden to escape her home life, not that she disliked her parents or where she lived, but everything reminded her of her older brother. She blames herself for his death, and joined Garden to become strong enough to never need protecting again; likes to rely on her own strength on the battlefield.
I don't wanna go too deep into her history and personality, because I know it'll adapt to fit the way I perceive the character as we continue along; so I'll just leave it at that for now.
Name: Justin Matthai
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Rank: Student
Original Residence: Winhill
Current Residence: Trabia Garden
Family: Mother and father
Current GFs: One, as of yet unnamed
Magic: [???]
Weapon of Choice: Spear
Limit Break: Elemental Rush
History: Joined Trabia Garden as a means of escaping his parents, who are very abusive. Instead of Galbadia, he chose Trabia, as it was much further away. He underwent the SeeD training so that he could fight back against his parents if they raised their fists to him again, though he's still uncertain if he'd actually be able to.
While he's moderately popular around Trabia Garden, he has very few people he considers close friends. Half of his time is spent sneaking out at night and finding a neighbouring town with a bar, which is where he typically makes his friends. Much to the dismay of the Garden staff, he always succeeds and is never caught.
Name: Charles South.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Rank: Student
Appearence: Charles dons a grey long sleeved shirt (the collar and first button are undone) with a striped, silken blue sleeveless overcoat. He also wears a slightly loose black tie, which is hidden underneath his overcoat. On his lower half, Charles has not too tight, not too loose black denim jeans, with a grey belt tightened neatly around it. Just below the cufflinked sleeves of his shirt are two gloves. Both are leather; the right one black, the left one creamy white. For shoes, he wears something equivalent to a pair of black doc martins.
Original Residence: Deling City
Current Residence: Galbadia Garden
Family: Ian South - Currently in Deling City.
Current GFs: Brothers
Magic: This field will be auto-filled depending on your chosen GFs and spells unlocked/upgraded as story progresses.
Weapon of Choice:
-The Mk.2 Rocketblade-
Similar to most projectile firing gunblades, it has a barrel running through the middle of the blade. Unlike most projectile firing brands, however, the Mk.2 has been specifically designed to withstand the heavy rounds it fires and prevent major recoil from the weapon whilst being able to deal out heavy close - range damage with the blade. The Rocketblade takes high calibur belt fed explosive rounds, fired via the trigger attached onto the guard, and also magically charged explosive rounds - although they're very rare and expensive, not to mention powerful. The general colour scheme of Charles' Rocketblade is a deep black - the barrel, handle, and guard are all painted said colour.
The handle of Charles' Rocketblade carries a securely tied on charm - given to him by his now deceased Mother. (I'll have a better picture of the weapon later) [Need This Today!]
Limit Break: Rising Barrage
History: Showing an avid aspiration to become a SeeD soldier since an upbeat childhood, he was raised by his middle - class family in Deling City with a lot of love and affection. Despite the love they put in, Ian and Grace's son grew up to become quite a secluded and stuck up person, prompting conern although deep down they knew there was a small feeling of gratitude. Charles' parents - knowing that there was no way of changing his view - eventually got him into Galbadia Gardens (through persuasion regarding the boy's natural combat talent and a little bit of cash to bypass the army propaganda) at the age of 14.
As Charles started to settle into the Garden, he received news of the death of his Mother, filling him with regret and guilt - he had treated his mother as if she were nothing, despite the care she expressed for him. And even after this, she had left him a gift - some money from her will and a charm.
Since his Mother's death, Charles has battled his way through tasks whilst still being as locked up andinsolent as ever. After those 3 years of training, he finally had a chance to pass his SeeD Exam and pursue his childhood dream... of surpassing the Legendary SeeD.
Name: Leo Swarzwald
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Rank: Student
Appearance: Leo's casual outfit consists of fitted black jeans held up by a white belt with the Galbadia Garden insignia as the belt buckle. As a choice of footwear he wears typical black shoes with the same design as the uniform shoulders creeping along the sides. He tends to wear a red lined vest under a hooded black leather jacket to cover his upper half. In terms of physical features, Leo stands at 5'9 with an athletic build and shoulder length black hair, ends curling gently.
His guns are kept in black holsters either side of his belt.
Original Residence: Deling City
Current Residence: Galbadia Garden
Family: None
Current GFs: Black Moomba
Magic: Fire, Demi.
Weapon of Choice: x2 .45 cal 'Cactuar' Pistols
Limit Break: Flowering Cactuar
History?: An orphan, Leo was found wandering the streets of Deling City. Too young to remember who or what had happened, he was taken in by Garden as many astray youthes were. As such he became loyal to G-Garden, so much so that when the Red SeeD candidacy was announced he aspired to join it more than anything.
Name: Faust Mephisto
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Rank: Student
Appearence: Spiked, shoulder length platinum blonde hair. Faust wears copper rimmed engineer goggles around his neck, habitually donning them during battle outside of 'operations' and engineering. The blonde scientist wears an open labcoat over his bare chest featuring a cacophony of scars due to past experimentations on his own body. The violet eyed teen wears fitted black trousers and when required to wear a shirt will choose to wear a peak-collared white business shirt.
Original Residence: Timber
Current Residence: Galbadia Garden
Family: Mother and father still located in timber
Current GFs: None at the moment.
Magic: None as of Yet
Weapon(s) of Choice: Hell's Breach - Guillotine Scythe
[Drawn picture to be included]
Limit Break: Screaming Requiem
History: In Timber he was regarded as dark and twisted simply because he liked to take things apart, both living and mechanical. Faust tried to push his body to it’s physical limit through experimentations on himself and for this reason he was regarded as a recluse and a freak even though he was always willing to talk to others, as he enjoyed the company of others almost as much as his experimentation.
For this reason his parents thought he may fit in better if submitted to Garden, but in the wake of Balamb's disappearence he was forced to abandon commute by ferry and move in to the G-Garden dorms. This was essentially due to fears from his parents regarding passage across the Monterosa Pleateau and trekking through the forest every day.
Faust was denied permission to embark upon the previous SeeD exam due to his self-experimenting tendancies. After proving he will no longer experiment on himself and understanding that carving up other students is strictly prohibited, he has been allowed to join this second exam.
Name: Violet Credence
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Rank: Student
Original Residence: Deling City
Current Residence: Galbadia Garden
Family: Both parents reside in Deling City, but she hardly maintains contact with them; she has become too involved in her training at garden to pay attention to her family ties. Older brother died when she was very young defending her from a monster attack outside of the city. He was a student at the Garden, home visiting his family at the time.
Current GFs: None acquired yet.
Magic: [???]
Weapon of Choice: Gunblade (I know it's not very original, but I like the idea of a female gunblade user, so I'mma go with it.)
Limit Break: Zantetsuken
History?: Joined the Garden to escape her home life, not that she disliked her parents or where she lived, but everything reminded her of her older brother. She blames herself for his death, and joined Garden to become strong enough to never need protecting again; likes to rely on her own strength on the battlefield.
I don't wanna go too deep into her history and personality, because I know it'll adapt to fit the way I perceive the character as we continue along; so I'll just leave it at that for now.
Name: Justin Matthai
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Rank: Student
Original Residence: Winhill
Current Residence: Trabia Garden
Family: Mother and father
Current GFs: One, as of yet unnamed
Magic: [???]
Weapon of Choice: Spear
Limit Break: Elemental Rush
History: Joined Trabia Garden as a means of escaping his parents, who are very abusive. Instead of Galbadia, he chose Trabia, as it was much further away. He underwent the SeeD training so that he could fight back against his parents if they raised their fists to him again, though he's still uncertain if he'd actually be able to.
While he's moderately popular around Trabia Garden, he has very few people he considers close friends. Half of his time is spent sneaking out at night and finding a neighbouring town with a bar, which is where he typically makes his friends. Much to the dismay of the Garden staff, he always succeeds and is never caught.
Name: Charles South.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Rank: Student
Appearence: Charles dons a grey long sleeved shirt (the collar and first button are undone) with a striped, silken blue sleeveless overcoat. He also wears a slightly loose black tie, which is hidden underneath his overcoat. On his lower half, Charles has not too tight, not too loose black denim jeans, with a grey belt tightened neatly around it. Just below the cufflinked sleeves of his shirt are two gloves. Both are leather; the right one black, the left one creamy white. For shoes, he wears something equivalent to a pair of black doc martins.
Original Residence: Deling City
Current Residence: Galbadia Garden
Family: Ian South - Currently in Deling City.
Current GFs: Brothers
Magic: This field will be auto-filled depending on your chosen GFs and spells unlocked/upgraded as story progresses.
Weapon of Choice:
-The Mk.2 Rocketblade-
Similar to most projectile firing gunblades, it has a barrel running through the middle of the blade. Unlike most projectile firing brands, however, the Mk.2 has been specifically designed to withstand the heavy rounds it fires and prevent major recoil from the weapon whilst being able to deal out heavy close - range damage with the blade. The Rocketblade takes high calibur belt fed explosive rounds, fired via the trigger attached onto the guard, and also magically charged explosive rounds - although they're very rare and expensive, not to mention powerful. The general colour scheme of Charles' Rocketblade is a deep black - the barrel, handle, and guard are all painted said colour.
The handle of Charles' Rocketblade carries a securely tied on charm - given to him by his now deceased Mother. (I'll have a better picture of the weapon later) [Need This Today!]
Limit Break: Rising Barrage
History: Showing an avid aspiration to become a SeeD soldier since an upbeat childhood, he was raised by his middle - class family in Deling City with a lot of love and affection. Despite the love they put in, Ian and Grace's son grew up to become quite a secluded and stuck up person, prompting conern although deep down they knew there was a small feeling of gratitude. Charles' parents - knowing that there was no way of changing his view - eventually got him into Galbadia Gardens (through persuasion regarding the boy's natural combat talent and a little bit of cash to bypass the army propaganda) at the age of 14.
As Charles started to settle into the Garden, he received news of the death of his Mother, filling him with regret and guilt - he had treated his mother as if she were nothing, despite the care she expressed for him. And even after this, she had left him a gift - some money from her will and a charm.
Since his Mother's death, Charles has battled his way through tasks whilst still being as locked up andinsolent as ever. After those 3 years of training, he finally had a chance to pass his SeeD Exam and pursue his childhood dream... of surpassing the Legendary SeeD.
Name: Leo Swarzwald
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Rank: Student
Appearance: Leo's casual outfit consists of fitted black jeans held up by a white belt with the Galbadia Garden insignia as the belt buckle. As a choice of footwear he wears typical black shoes with the same design as the uniform shoulders creeping along the sides. He tends to wear a red lined vest under a hooded black leather jacket to cover his upper half. In terms of physical features, Leo stands at 5'9 with an athletic build and shoulder length black hair, ends curling gently.
His guns are kept in black holsters either side of his belt.
Original Residence: Deling City
Current Residence: Galbadia Garden
Family: None
Current GFs: Black Moomba
Magic: Fire, Demi.
Weapon of Choice: x2 .45 cal 'Cactuar' Pistols
Limit Break: Flowering Cactuar
History?: An orphan, Leo was found wandering the streets of Deling City. Too young to remember who or what had happened, he was taken in by Garden as many astray youthes were. As such he became loyal to G-Garden, so much so that when the Red SeeD candidacy was announced he aspired to join it more than anything.
Name: Faust Mephisto
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Rank: Student
Appearence: Spiked, shoulder length platinum blonde hair. Faust wears copper rimmed engineer goggles around his neck, habitually donning them during battle outside of 'operations' and engineering. The blonde scientist wears an open labcoat over his bare chest featuring a cacophony of scars due to past experimentations on his own body. The violet eyed teen wears fitted black trousers and when required to wear a shirt will choose to wear a peak-collared white business shirt.
Original Residence: Timber
Current Residence: Galbadia Garden
Family: Mother and father still located in timber
Current GFs: None at the moment.
Magic: None as of Yet
Weapon(s) of Choice: Hell's Breach - Guillotine Scythe
[Drawn picture to be included]
Limit Break: Screaming Requiem
History: In Timber he was regarded as dark and twisted simply because he liked to take things apart, both living and mechanical. Faust tried to push his body to it’s physical limit through experimentations on himself and for this reason he was regarded as a recluse and a freak even though he was always willing to talk to others, as he enjoyed the company of others almost as much as his experimentation.
For this reason his parents thought he may fit in better if submitted to Garden, but in the wake of Balamb's disappearence he was forced to abandon commute by ferry and move in to the G-Garden dorms. This was essentially due to fears from his parents regarding passage across the Monterosa Pleateau and trekking through the forest every day.
Faust was denied permission to embark upon the previous SeeD exam due to his self-experimenting tendancies. After proving he will no longer experiment on himself and understanding that carving up other students is strictly prohibited, he has been allowed to join this second exam.
Each summon provides an unlimited quantity and players will have levels of mental fatigue, restored by caffeine like Ethers.
Drawing is still in effect and *MUST* be used in order to obtain your 3rd Gf, except in the case of Doomtrain which may be obtained through other methods.
Eight magic slots are open and in the interest of people fitting more into roles rather than everyone being more or less exactly the same excluding close combat, each summon will provide two spells.
Combination Magic
Powerful spells cast by two or more members of a party. More information to come but what I can say so far is that chunks of the correct formula lists for these spells will be released at intervals along with magic tier-ups.
GF Boost
This will come into effect upon obtaining your first GF. Your magic for the following is defaulted as a GF equipper.
Elem-Atk-J Elem-Def-J
You will suffer the disadvantage stat of your first summon and will naturally able to infuse your weapon with your base GF element e.g. Diablos is Darkness, weak to Holy; Ifrit is fire, weak to Blizzard; Shiva is Blizzard, weak to Fire; Quezacotl Thunder, is weak to Quake etc.
Any ONE command ability.
Card - Turns one enemy into a card if they are at critical health
Doom - Ticks a 120 second counter over the target before Death
Mad Rush - Casts Protect, Shell and Beserk
Treatment - Heals any status ailment
Darkside - Sacrifice some of own health for a dark based attack
Recover - Heals minor wounds
Absorb - Physical contact allows user to drain target's health
Kamikaze - Explode violently.
Devour - Eat the foe!
Drawing is still in effect and *MUST* be used in order to obtain your 3rd Gf, except in the case of Doomtrain which may be obtained through other methods.
Eight magic slots are open and in the interest of people fitting more into roles rather than everyone being more or less exactly the same excluding close combat, each summon will provide two spells.
Combination Magic
Powerful spells cast by two or more members of a party. More information to come but what I can say so far is that chunks of the correct formula lists for these spells will be released at intervals along with magic tier-ups.
GF Boost
This will come into effect upon obtaining your first GF. Your magic for the following is defaulted as a GF equipper.
Elem-Atk-J Elem-Def-J
You will suffer the disadvantage stat of your first summon and will naturally able to infuse your weapon with your base GF element e.g. Diablos is Darkness, weak to Holy; Ifrit is fire, weak to Blizzard; Shiva is Blizzard, weak to Fire; Quezacotl Thunder, is weak to Quake etc.
Any ONE command ability.
Card - Turns one enemy into a card if they are at critical health
Doom - Ticks a 120 second counter over the target before Death
Mad Rush - Casts Protect, Shell and Beserk
Treatment - Heals any status ailment
Darkside - Sacrifice some of own health for a dark based attack
Recover - Heals minor wounds
Absorb - Physical contact allows user to drain target's health
Kamikaze - Explode violently.
Devour - Eat the foe!
Past Votes
Airship currently being designed by Yoshimitsu.
Magic System decided.
Magic System decided.
Credit to Yoshi for: Hyperlinked images, Magic Hierarchy, Story Assistance, Airship design, Ether description, plenty of other stuff and being an all around general wonderful person!
Credit to RPers: You made this possible, even if it lives a short life it will be thanks to all of you for giving this thing a shot that maybe even a single happy moment can be gleamed from this.
Credit to Anyone Else: You gave this thread a view, regardless of opinion. Kudos to you
![Laugh :D :D](
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