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DPPt/HGSS Can Someone Help With My Team?

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Yeah, I've been looking through my team lately, and I don't really know if it's good, like I went to a pokemon comparing website where I compared my team pokemon with a bunch of others and I found a lot stronger pokemon, I had some help from my little bro crafting this team (I started a new Platinum game like a year after he got his Diamond game so he had a lot of pokemon). But I just want to see if Soemone could take a lookj at it and kind of..... I dunno, assess it I guess.... or like critique it or something, just give me some insight of what I need to do with my team.

N.B. I have only 7 gym badges and I'm getting my main part of my team (all of the pokemon except for Palkia) to level 50 before the last gym. If you suggest a higher level don't be afraid to say it, I'm really open to positive criticism. Just don't go overboard....... lol

Pidgeot: held item: Amulet Coin ($_$)
Level: 48
Type: Normal-Flying
Max HP: 143
Nature: Timid
Attack: 89
Defense: 95
Sp. Attack: 81
Sp. Defense: 77
Speed: 122
Ability: Tangled Feet
Wing Attack

Magmortar: Held Item: Soothe Bell (It doesn't like me T_T)
Level: 42
Type: Fire
Max HP: 127
Nature: Mild
Attack: 94
Defense: 65
Sp. Attack:129
Sp. Defense: 96
Speed: 89
Ability: Flame Body
Lava Plume
Rock Climb
Fire Punch

Lucario: Held Item: Exp. Share (I'm training right now)
Level: 46
Type: Steel-Fighting
Max HP: 135
Nature: Bashful
Attack: 123
Defense: 85
Sp. Attack: 119
Sp. Defense: 71
Speed: 104
Ability: Steadfast
Force Palm
Aura Sphere
Swords Dance
Close Combat

Jolteon: Held Item: Magnet
Level: 50
Type: Electric
Max HP: 135
Nature: Relaxed
Attack: 85
Defense: 89
Sp. Attack: 124
Sp. Defense: 110
Speed: 133
Ability: Volt Absorb
Strength (For finishing off purposes)
Last Resort
Shock Wave (Never misses!!!! MWAHAHAHA)
Thunder Fang

Torterra: Held Item: Miracle Seed
Level: 50
Type: Grass-Ground
Max HP: 162
Nature: Hardy
Defense: 130
Sp. Attack: 99
Sp. Defense: 97
Speed: 81
Ability: Overgrow
Cut (finishing off purposes)
Razor Leaf

Palkia: Held Item: Dragon Fang (the person I got it from didn't give me the illustrious orb)
Level: 70
Type: Dragon-Water
Max HP: 224
Nature: Sassy
Attack: 190
Defense: 162
Sp. Attack: 222
Sp. Defense: 196
Speed: 130
Ability: Pressure
Spacial Rend
Heal Block
Earth Power
Surf (It was better than Slash, and for the sake of STAB)

In regards to the Palkia, I got it through a trade, I wanted to replace a Golduck, which wasn't very good I should've gotten a Floatzel, and at the same time I always get Floatzel so I wanted to get Palkia. I'm not going to train him, or use him that much, I'm dfinitely going to use him against Flint in the Elite four considering that the other pokemon that has super effective attacks against Fire-Types is part Grass.

This is kind of a re-make teeam really, because before this my team was going to be:

But with the conflict of Ice-Type pokemon I swapped up the team for better pokemon, now I have the threat of Ground-Type pkemon being super effective against half of my party pokemon, and then there's also a smaller threat of Ice-Type pokemon against my team as well considering Pidgeot and Torterra.

So guys, if you can give me some feed-back on my team that would be great.
Thing is it seems you are looking for an in-game team right now since you haven't finished the game yet. Thing is with in-game teams, so as long as you have type balance and high enough levels none of them are bad. It's when it gets to competitive battling that more factors come into play.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
There's really not a whole lot to say here. Even by in-game standards, your Pidgeot, Magmortar and Lucario movesets are awful. Two Flying-type attacks on Pidgeot makes no sense when it also gets STAB from Normal-type moves such as Return, and if I were your Magmortar I wouldn't like you either, because three Fire-type moves + Rock Climb cripples its otherwise impressive coverage. Lucario, well...3 Fighting-type moves + Swords Dance is a disgrace - a Lv.1 Gastly would wall you forever, and on something with the coverage that Lucario has, three Fighting-type attacks only is just abysmal.

I suggest you read this topic:


...and check all the posts which talk about movesets. Although this thread is primarily about competitive battling, getting your movesets as close to competitive standard as possible is definitely the best idea for getting through the game quickly and effectively.
There's really not a whole lot to say here. Even by in-game standards, your Pidgeot, Magmortar and Lucario movesets are awful. Two Flying-type attacks on Pidgeot makes no sense when it also gets STAB from Normal-type moves such as Return, and if I were your Magmortar I wouldn't like you either, because three Fire-type moves + Rock Climb cripples its otherwise impressive coverage. Lucario, well...3 Fighting-type moves + Swords Dance is a disgrace - a Lv.1 Gastly would wall you forever, and on something with the coverage that Lucario has, three Fighting-type attacks only is just abysmal.

I suggest you read this topic:


...and check all the posts which talk about movesets. Although this thread is primarily about competitive battling, getting your movesets as close to competitive standard as possible is definitely the best idea for getting through the game quickly and effectively.

Dude I need to ask you something. Like I know you're trying to help. But you aren't helping, you're just criticizing. I mean you're not giving any help what so ever! So please just don't post here.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Actually, since I moderate this board, I have every right to post here. I've given you the help you need in that link - that's the best help you can get as of right now.

However, since you don't seem to want help, topic locked. If you don't want your team to get criticized...well, try not to post such bad teams in the future.
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