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Ask to Join "Captured by the Evil Team!" Discussion

Hallo itz mee,
I wanna find out a way to get included in the whole Alez-got-his-pokémon-kidnapped thingy. I don't know how to squeeze in some interaction. If y'all want I can just leave it so you guys can have fun, or if possible I could join ?.. If there's a way I could squeeze in a character, that'd be great - but please, don't feel pressured!
Anyways, right now I'm going to bed, so I won't be on for awhile.
@HatDucky You're with Micheal, Jodi, and Maker, right? They all have the rest of the pokemon Edward is looking for, and he's sending grunts out to find them. Let's say you guys run into a couple grunts, and one of them notices Gligar, Trumbeak, or Salandit. Maybe they then call in reinforcements. Maybe the grunts then take one of your pokemon by mistake, or even take you hostage to try to get those pokemon from the other trainers. Maybe you guys win and take the fight back to their base. It's up to you! :)

No don't leave!!! :p

Sorry to anyone who has nothing to do... there are so many characters and I can't interact with everyone at once! XD But I really want to include everyone!!! I'm sending Ray to find Maker and co right now, so you can join up with them there? Also, I have another thing planned that'll be pretty noticeable when it happens hehe...

Anyways, if anyone ever feels left out in general feel free to forcibly insert yourself into whatever Ray's doing - I don't mind! :)
aah hallo I'm alive again
Wow, people help me be involved in the roleplay.
w0w I haven't had that in a while.
thank you guys for responding. I think I'm going to go with FifthDragon's suggestion, just since that would make the most sense to do.
I know there is a lot of characters and it's hard to include them all.
Wait, have all the pokémon Edward wanted been taken yet?
I've read the book! I didn't know there was a movie, I'll have to check it out.
If you like White Fang you should read/watch (if a movie exists) some other Jack London stuff! Call of the Wild is good too - it's like, the inverse of white fang; instead of being about a feral dog who is taken in by a human, it's about a domestic dog who is thrown out and has to embrace his inner wolf!

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