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Ask to Join Captured by the Evil Team! (part 2: new RPers weclome)

Jude sighed as Maker knocked down the door and started walking in on his own, Jude went next, he quietly squeezed past Maker and melted into the crowd. Just to try to find the caged pokemon while they all probably started a huge battle. Since Piper had told him about the last one on the beach, Jude could easily picture what they were capable of, he wasn't taking any chances.

Jude stood on his toes and got a glimpse of the battles that were happening. Suddenly he spotted Edward. Staraptor-Guy! Jude realized, he quickly squeezed by the crowd again and was able to get to Edawrd. Jude paused. This guy never really did see me, so does he actually know who I am..? He realized. Better not act too suspicious for now. He thought as he approached Mr. Starapter-Dude.

"Hello!" He greeted, not quite knowing what else to do. Jay, his Deino was at Jude's feet, looking confused. "I-Um.. Heard you were able to get some new pokemon!"
Maker walked in proudly. Some of the people down there looked at her with a confused look. She looked around and crossed her arms, trying to look intimidating. "I'm bout to deliver a butt wooping on y'all! Who wants to go first?" She reached for a pokeball and held it up. "Come on chumps!"
The people staring at her stood quiet for a while. Then, some of them laughed and others simply ignored her. Maker grew furious. She was about to start a fight when Leo grabbed her arm. "Master, I'm sorry but I strongly recommend that you don't start a fight here. These people have no boundaries and will actually kill you."
Maker laughed at the comment. "Leo, you have much to learn. This isn't the first time we are doing something likes this." She released her Daramatian.
One big guy got up from his seat. "If it's a fight you want little lady, it's a fight you are going to get." He said as four guys stood up also.

Azumi sighed in frustration as she saw Jude approach Edward and Maker making a scene. "Great. Now they stand out from the rest." She looked around, there were many pokemon caged up in the back and too many trainers to start a battle. She slowly made her way through the crowd, until being close to Edward and Jude. She could get to Arcanine if Edward was distracted enough.
Ray sighed and rolled his eyes as Maker broke into the room.
"Just for the record, when Azumi gets mad at us later, I did try to show some restraint..." he sent out Dusknoir, who he figured would be best-suited for the close-quarters situation, and began to look around for Azumi. He spotted her sneaking through the crowd toward Edward, and was about to run over to her... but he stopped himself when he realized that he shouldn't blow her cover.

"Alright, Dusknoir: start Disabling!" he instructed, and the ghost-type started to use Disable on all of the pokemon who were engaged in illegal fights. The gamblers looked over at Ray menacingly, as their bets were abruptly placed on hold...

"Hey! What was that for, kid?"

"Because I felt like it! Got a problem with that?" Ray shouted back. He had no idea what he was doing, other than trying to cause a distraction... but it looked like things were going to escalate into a fight, before long...

Lucian hung back, methodically assessing the positions of all of the people and pokemon in the room, attempting to formulate a plan.

June watched the scene before her with a look of disbelief:
"My inside connection didn't tell me anything about this... I wonder if this is Galactic run? or if it there just happened to be a lot of Galactics here..."
Azumi took saw that nobody was paying attention to the red door now, not even Edward. She walked quietly past Edward and whispered to Arcanine. "You're trainer is here." She continued on to the red door. She tried to go in, but it was locked. She stood to the side and started searching the crowd to see if anyone had keys with them.

Maker followed Ray's lead. "Come on! We want a real fight, not these cheap fights you have down here." Her Daramatian smashed his fist on the floor. Nana just stood behind Maker's leg, looking afraid and confused.

Azumi saw man wearing a Galactic uniform with a couple of keys hanging from his belt. She looked over at Maker from across the room and nodded. Maker smiled in return.
"Come on the you losers!" She yelled at the thugs before her.
One of them got desperate and sent out Pangoro. The panda pokemon rushed at Daramatian. The fire pokemon picked it up and threw it across the room, making a mess. The crowd now got more upset and sent out their pokemon, attacking Maker and the group.
Edward looked Jude up and down. "Here's some advice kid: get lost. This isn't the kind of place for you. Unless you want to run that deino of yours." Edward's demeanor noticeably changed at the start of his previous sentence. "I doubt it'd last long, but who knows? The odds may be in your favor today. A big enough bet could set you for life," his grin dripped with malice. Insecurity just begs for manipulation, and Edward was never one to miss out on an opportunity.

Edward glanced at the commotion at the entrance, but didn't think much of it. Fighting was common here. Although... "You know what? Let's do a round right now. Dragon on dragon. We don't need refs. Here's some more advice: they ruin everything, never trust 'em, those refs. Here," he said, pulling out a wad of money and thumbing through it. "I'll put all of this down. Think you can match me?" Edward tried to goad Jude into giving him a free win.


Alex continued clearing his mind. His limbs were relaxed to the point that he forgot he even had them anymore. He was just a mind, adrift in an empty sea, until that, too faded away. There was nothing. Slowly, he began to feel another presence.


Alex and Espeon opened their eyes and stood up in sync, before walking over to the entrance Ray had found. Alex jumped through the recently melted gate, landing as gently as a telekinetic cat. Meanwhile, Espeon jumped in after him. With perfect timing, Alex turned and caught Espeon in his arms. Setting Espeon down, he turned back to face the hole Maker had made. Step for step, Alex and Espeon walked through the new entrance.
"Oh, uhh... " Jude trailed off, realizing he would definitely loose this battle. Gee, what was I thinking?! He demanded of himself. He looked down at Deino. The Deino nodded, ready to fight his best.
"Alright." Jude answered.
"But," he started. "I need a better prize.." He said. He realized this was probably too unfair of a bargain, but hopefully Edward thought Deino was too weak to actually win.. Which Jay might be. Jude shook his head. No. I can do this. He thought.
"I want those pokemon that you caught earlier today." Jude replied. Looking back up at Edward.
"Then, I'll battle." He went on. "But.. Oh! Are you scared you're going to loose?" Jude tempted.
Edward laughed. "That's a gutsy thing to ask, kid. But if you're gonna ask for a big bet, you'll have to lay one down to match." He jammed the money back into his pocket. "What kind of pokemon you got?" Edward noticed the fraxure trying to sneak away. He whipped his head around and slammed a hand on the side of the nearest overturned table. The pokemon immediately froze and cowered in fear. It knew what that sound meant. It wasn't going to be a fair, fun fight. The dragon prepared to fight for survival.
Jude watched sadly as the Fraxure got scared. Jude looked down at the ground, considering Edward's offer of the bet of all pokemon. Even though Edward hadn't said directly what the deal was, but Jude guessed it wouldn't be money anymore.
"I got a Deino, Litten and a Chat-." Jude quickly stopped himself. He wasn't quite sure if he wanted this stranger to know that, yet.
"Just a Litten, and my Deino." Jude corrected.
Why're you even thinking about it?! Run!
But he has Charity! And a ton of other pokemon, who knows what he'll do!
But if- no, when he wins, he'll also take Jay and Smoke!

His mind went on arguing, until Jude just couldn't take it anymore.
"Argh, fine! We got to put the pokeballs right there on the ground though!" Jude finally insisted. He knew for certain if this guy agreed, he would surely grab all of them and run, but Jude planned to do it first. Jude held out Smoke, his Litten's pokeball and placed it on, not moving away and motioned Edward to do the same.
Edward caught the slip up, but he already knew what the kid was after. He could tell what he was planning, too. Edward had seen this trick before. But he played along anyway. He pulled out the chatot's pokeball and set it on the ground, next to Jude's bet. The bird wasn't worth a thing. Edward couldn't give it away. It was worth much more to him as a test. If this kid actually went through with his plan, he'd make a great grunt. Much better than those idiots at Iron Island. Edward jerked his head at the arena. "Well? Let's start then."
"Ugh, for Arceus' sake! I'm so sick of these battles!!" Michael said frustrated.
"Let's go already!" Jodi said, grabbing Michael by the wrist and shoving him in the hole. She jumped shortly after with Blaziken, Charizard and Ursaring right behind them. They saw all the battles and the racket and sighed frustrated. Jodi sent Charizard out to battle, while Ursaring was protecting her. Michael on the other hand, noticed Jude and Edward ready to engage in something sketchy. He took out his Weavile and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and looked straight at the two humans off in the distance. She used Agility and Quick Attack; and then ran towards them. She yanked the three PokéBalls off of the ground, gave them back to Jude and then sprinted back. Michael patted her head and gave Blaziken and her commands.
Azumi saw the grunt with the keys get distracted. She walked up to him and pretended to trip. The grunt turned and caught her. "Be careful lady. Some weird kids just barged in and are starting a fight." He said as he helped Azumi straighten up.
Azumi smiled. "Right sorry, the tequila got to me." She thanked him and walked back to the red door. While the grunt was catching her, she had grabbed the keys of his belt.
She looked around to see if anyone was looking her way, but they were all distracted by the battles. She opened the door and slipped in. Once inside the lights went on. It was a small office.
Azumi quickly set the bunneary down on a chair and began looking through the papers on the desk. She found a list of Pokemon that had been sold and some marked with a red cross. She saw papers with names and proofs of purchase. She quickly stuffed them all in her bag. She got up and took pictures of the office. When she was finished she went for the bunneary, who was still in shock. She picked it up and left the office. Once outside she slowly made her way through the crowd until she reached Ray. "I got what I need. Don't let anyone out." She took Nana from Maker and went outside.

Maker got the same instructions as Ray and she began to battle, making sure no one could leave the room.
Jude watched slowly as Edward placed down Charity's pokeball. Somebody else would get Arcanine, and I don't think I can do much right now. Other then pick up Charity's pokeball and then run. He looked up at Edward, wondering why he was making this so easy. He looked down again at Charity and his Litten's pokeballs on the ground. Well if he wants to make it easy, then let it be easy. He finally decided. Suddenly, a blur ran between the two of them, shoving the two pokeballs into Jude's arms. Jude looked over. It was Michael's Weavile. Before he could think about it too much, he started running. Geez, you're a huge cheater. He scolded himself. Well, that doesn't count. I needed to be. The two sides of his mind argued. Jude ignored them and ran through the crowd, dodging multiple pokemon attacks which were being thrown at him. He checked behind him to make sure that Jay was still following. Yep, we're good. He clarified.
He finally was able to get to the others, who where at the moment battling.

Jude tried to avoid thinking what Mr. Staraptor guy's expression was. He made it way too easy, though. Maybe he.. wanted me to get her back? Jude shook his head, trying to clear his mind.
"Does anybody own a Fraxure?" He first asked the trainers who where at the moment, battling.
"The fraxure is meowurs," Alex responded, all of his usual inflection and intonation gone from his voice. Espeon found a high perch near the door while Alex walked through the throng of battling pokemon and people. Projectiles curved around him as he calmly strode farther into the room. A mienshao charged him, fists blazing. It threw a punch, but instead of connecting with its target, the pokemon was psychically frozen solid. Alex kept walking.

Before long, he reached Edward's table ring. He walked around the makeshift barrier slowly. Edward saw him approach. "Damn, since when did they start letting in so many kids?" he complained. Edward looked closer at Alex, squinting. "Hey wait... You're the one that had my fraxure! Oh, you've got a lot of nerve comin' here," he cracked his knuckles.

Alex kept walking. As he closed the gap between the angry and now confused thug, Edward got ready to tear Alex apart. Before he got the chance, however, he was flung unceremoniously to the side by a wave of psychic energy. Alex reached Arcanine and knelt down, petting her head. "my bestest friends!!! im so happy to see you!!" Arcanine enthused. "im afraid, but i can help protect you if you need me!!"

"It's okay, meow can protect you instead," they responded.

Edward staggered to his feet, dusting off the remains of the table he had crashed into. He growled and rushed Alex, who caught his fist with telekenetically enhanced strength. Edward, however, was prepared for more tricks. Right on cue, his staraptor dive bombed, aiming to hit Alex from behind. Thanks to Espeon's perspective, he saw it coming and ducked out of the way. The bird crashed into its master instead, knocking him off his feet.

"C'mon, goofball, let's get Fraxure and get out of here," they told Arcanine. Alex walked straight through the rink to guide Fraxure to the exit.

"I won't let you have that damn dragon!" Edward shouted from the floor. His staraptor sent a volley of stars at the pokemon before getting up and flying over itself.

Alex saw what was happening and leapt to cover Fraxure. The pokemon reflexively bit him when he got closer, but loosened her grip when she noticed what Alex was doing. As the stars struck Alex, Arcanine took the staraptor down with a flamethrower. Alex stood up with Fraxure in his arms, still biting him. He and Arcanine walked back to the entrance.
"We're leaving? Ugh, why did I even bother to come here...?"Michael said frustrated. "Ugh, let's go..." He started walking towards the exit.
"Wait for me!" Jodi said as she caught up to him. "Wow, our adventures start to get a little boring. I mean, there are criminals, but Azumi takes care of them every time. And all we get to do is fight, like we did hundreds of times."
"You took the words right out of my mouth." He sighed and signaled for their Pokémon to come over. They propeled Jodi and him up and jumped after them. "Ugh, I can't wait to finally get home. We have to explain to my family why we went missing..." He sighed again and began looking around.
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Jude followed the rest outside, along with Piper.
She'd been fighting too the entire time, and it could honestly get kind of boring.
Jude finally made it outside. He first separated himself from the group, he then dug through his pockets, looking for Charity's pokeball. He threw it up, and it landed. Letting out his small, shiny Chatot. Jude rouched down and smiled. She shuffled around to have eye contact with him. Then squeaking happily, she ran into his arms. Jude picked her up, inspecting her throughly. It seemed she couldn't move her left wing at all for some reason, and whenever Jude tried it seemed to hurt. Jude placed Charity gently on his shoulder and returned Jay to his pokeball. Jude then joined the group again.
Azumi treated the bunneary's wounds. She had reported to the local police the current incident and was feeling confident that they were safe. The bunneary barely moved, it was in a state of shock. Nana seemed to b me trying to communicate with it, but the bunny wouldn't reply.

Maker walked out with the rest. "Well you are way too over powered Michael! You have to enjoy the little things!" She said as she dusted her clothes.
Michael turned around and looked at Maker confused."Why am I too overpowered?"He asked him confused."And what little things? Like, little leaves and stuff?"
"No, like the little things that happen in life."Jodi responded."At least I think that's what she meant..."
"Okay...?"He continued to look around, until he noticed the Buneary from Azumi."Oh. My. Arceus! What happened to this little fella? Was he down there, fightin'?"
"Right, Jodi feels me, ya dig?" Maker smiled proudly and then walked over to Eli. "Hey you ok? Any injuries?"

Azumi responded Michael's question without looking away from the injured Pokemon. "Yes, it was about to be killed by a Sandslash. So I paid the trainer for it." She finished putting some bandages on, but the bunneary just stared blankly at the sky. Azumi picked it up and placed it in her arms. I should take it to a Pokemon center, would you mind coming along with me?" She asked Michael.
" 'Course I would!" Michael responded to Azumi. "But first, there's a really important question that I need to ask you...What will you name it? I saw how you've got this trend with your Pokemon by giving them all nicknames and such. And since this cutie is yours now, it needs to have a nickname too!"
Jodi sighed as she got bored, so she decided to go talk to Jude."Hey, are you okay? Is your Chatot hurt?" She tried to speak with a nurturing tone, in case he or the Pokemon were sad and/or scarred for life from that battle.
Maker grinned as she spoke with Eli. "We came out like champs! I hate to admit it, but I had a lot of fun. I wish it wasn't on such bad terms thought..." She bit her lip as she thought about the situation. "Does that mean I'm bad?" She asked Eli.

"Oh I'm not sure yet. I don't even know it's gender or personality." Azumi responded to Michael. She put her bag on and looked down at Nana. "Want to come along or stay with Ray?"
Nana gave the bunneary a worried look. Azumi smiled at her. "Ok, but I can't carry you. You will have to go with Michael."
Nana looked at Michael confused and thought about it for a while. She moved her head to the sides every few seconds while thinking. Finally, she smiled and nodded in agreement.
Azumi smiled back at Nana. "Great! If she is too much let me know and I can put her in her pokeball." She told Michael. Azumi released her Stoutland and got on. "Ready when you are."
"Yay! I get to go with her!"Michael said happy as Nana agreed. He picked her up and said"Don't worry, with me you'll have fun! Oh, if you wanna listen to some music, I could give you the headphones from my backpack and my phone!"He called out his Blaziken, which landed in front of them. "I know Blazi looks a little bit intimidating, but she's a real softie!"He got on Blaziken's shoulders with Nana on his shoulders." I'm ready!"
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Azumi gave Michael a worried look. "Please don't let her fall." She took a deep breath and told her Stoutland. "Let's go." The big dog Pokemon barked and they took off.
Nana was excited. She didn't really understand what Michael said, but she was loving the attention and the ride.

They soon arrived at the Pokemon center. Azumi made sure Nana arrived safely and then rushed inside. Azumi went to the emergencies area and wen straight to the receptionist. "Excuse me I have an emergency." She said as she stepped up.
"We all do sweety. Fill out the form and wait your turn." The nurse responded. She was an older lady with glasses, who was typing gently on the keyboard.
Azumi was about to argue, but she figured it wouldn't help. She quickly grabbed a form and sat down, with bunneary in her lap, and began to fill it out.
Meanwhile, Nana held on to Michael's pants, she didn't recognize the location, and looked around with curiosity.
Michael nodded and put Nana's arms around his chin. "Follow them!"He signaled to his Blaziken. She nodded and jumped in the direction of the Pokemon Center.
They arrived shortly, Michael jumping from Blaziken's shoulders and slowly getting Nana off his. He recalled his Pokemon and went inside. He felt something grabbing his pants and looked down to see Nana looking around with curiosity. "You like it here? If there is a chance you might start battling, you might come here more often... That sounds a little morbid... Nevermind what I said." He patted her head and waited for Azumi. Michael got his Pikachu headphones out, plugged them to his phone and put them on Nana's head."I think you may like this..." He clicked a video with the title 'Oh Carol' and the song began ringing in his headphones. He put the phone in his pocket and waited for Nana's reaction.
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Nana's eyes widen with joy as she heard the song begin to play. She began slowly dancing and singing along with it.
Azumi saw them and went over to sit next to Michael. "Thank you for taking care if Nana." She said as she began filling out the form. "I hate this part." She said without looking up. "I haven't been in this job too long and yet I've seen so many pokemon and people get taken to emergencies and never come out. Then, having to inform the families or trainers..." She stopped as she concentrated on the form. She finished pretty fast and went back to the receptionist.
The nurse finally looked up and saw the bunneary in Azumi's arm. "Oh my! What happened to the little fella?"
Azumi's lips quivered with frustration. "It's in the form, please get it some help." She answered quietly.
"Well you shouldn't let your Pokemon get hurt like this!" The nurse snapped back. She pressed a button.
Azumi looked down, avoiding contact with the nurse.
Soon, two male nurses came in and took the bunneary from Azumi's arms. Azumi walked back and sat next to Michael, looking forward without saying anything.
Michael smiled as Nana began dancing and singing."You are just adorable!"He petted her head. When Azumi came, he was about to say something, but then she quickly left. Then, she came back as quickly as she left."Relax! That nurse is pretty old and old people tend to be grumpy! You've done a good thing saving that Buneary and if the nurse is too blind and stubborn to actually listen to you or read your forum, then it's her problem."He said, trying to be reassuring.
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Maker looked at Eli with a confused look as he left. "I wonder where he is going..." She walked over to Alex. "Hey there zombie man! You ok? Or are you still in parasect mode?"

Azumi smiled at Michael. "Right, it just gets annoying. Hey could you give me any information you can about pokemon contest? I was thinking Nana might want to participate in them."
"Sure, I would love to!" Michael responded with a smile. "So, the main focus of contests is looking pretty. A ribbon or two always helps! So, you need to combine moves together to create something majestic! Like, for example, you use Fire Spin to create the vortex and then you destroy it with Ancient Power, or any other bullet attack, so that it breaks into a million beautiful pieces. That's in the first round. If you get a high enough score to make it in the top 8, I think, you go to the second round. You battle another person from the top 8 and that's where things get a little complicated. So, it goes like a normal battle, but the interesting thing is that you have a health bar. So, you need to attack the other opponent, while looking gracefully so you don't lose points. If the enemy blocks your attack or destroys it, you lose points. If you defeat the other opponent's Pokemon or you have more points than them when the time runs up, you win! If it's vice versa, you lose. If you win, you go to the top 4, then final 2 and if you win, you get a ribbon! Oh, and you could also get like a case for your PokeBalls that are blue, so when you sent out your Pokemon, sparkles and stuff come out. I'm not really the best at explaining, so I hope you got it."
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Azumi looked at Michael and caught every word he said. ''I see so we would need a lot of practice. She just knows heals pulse and teleport. I'm not sure we can do much with those." She sat back and watched Nana dance. "Oh well, if that is what makes her happy, then I guess I have to adapt." She looked back at Michael. "What were your experiences in Hoenn contest?"
"Oh, I have none. Because in Hoenn I battled Gym Leaders."Michael corrected Azumi."I did contests in Kalos. It's not really different any others, just that the Nurse Joy and host are different. But, my experiences.... I actually have 5 Ribbons and I'm really proud of them. I didn't go to the Grand Festival, 'cause that's not what I wanted. Oh shoot, I'm going off track. So, my favourite strategy is spinning. When the Pokemon is spinning, it's attack goes everywhere and it is really beautiful! Well, that depends on the move you use. Oh, Nana could maybe use Heal Pulse while she's spinning. The beautiful colours of the attacks and a Kirlia's spinning skills could be a great match. And if she learns another move, Attract for example, the little hearts on the pink background could sure catch the judges' attention! And after your performance, they'll give you a score! My personal record is a clean 30! So, is there anything else you wanna know?
"Yeah, I'm.. Okay." Jude answered to Jodi's question after some time. He turned to the remaining group.
"Well, where shall we venture next?" Jude joked. He watched as Michael and Azumi raced off.
"Welp.." He sighed. He started trying to find Alex, just to check up on how he was doing. Jude wasn't quite sure if he was checking on the two pokemon, or Alex's strange twister of powerfulness from earlier. He approached Alex and saw that he was holding the Fraxure, who didn't look to be quite in a great state, but it was definitely conscious.
"You okay?" Jude asked, looking up at Alex.
Azumi listened attentively to Michael until he was finished. "Well I guess that's all for now. It sounds like I will need to study a lot before we try any contest." She looked over at Nana, who was now sitting down, still listening to music. "I hope they don't take too long with the bunneary." She said as she looked in the direction of the door where it was taken.

Maker saw as the police arrived at the bar and they invaded the place, making a loud ruckus as some people tried to escape and others were claiming they had nothing to do with it. "Well I guess our job here is done! Dynamic team saves the day!" Maker did a victory pose. She walked over to Ray. "Hey douchebag! What's next? Alex looks pretty beat up and that Jude guy is pretty shaken."
"We're fine, and ... still a zombie" Alex responded to Jude and Maker, hesitating at the attempted humor. "This body is pretty tired though, and so is meour mind. This telellethpy is really intense," he continued, grabbing a pokeball from a pocket. Alex recalled the bitey pokemon from his arm and handed the pokeball to Jude. "Can you take care of this one for us? We're gonna try disconnecting," he explained, draping himself over Arcanine's back. Espeon lept up to sit next to him, and they both closed their eyes. Within moments, Alex was out like a light, and Espeon had opened his eyes again.


Alex found himself standing in the middle of a field. The ground felt slightly springy beneath his feet, almost like after a light springtime rain. Chest-high pinkish grass extended to the horizons, and was maybe the softest thing he'd ever felt. In the distance were mountains of... He squinted his eyes. Were those pokemon treats? He picked a direction and started walking. Above him, the sky was thinly overcast in a distinctly un-cloudlike way. It was almost like someone had stretched a giant, light grey sheet between the ground and the sun. It was still bright, but not blue and without a sun in sight. As he walked, the mountains didn't seem to get any closer. The parallax was all wrong, things near the horizon distorted in strange ways he wasn't used to.

Soon he caught sight of a swarm of Alexes. There were at least ten. They were all running around, picking up random objects and setting them in arbitrary places, acting busy. One Alex rose from below the pink grass carrying a tea kettle, scurried over to another, equally grassy area, and bent down. He then stood up carrying a step stool. Alex changed his direction so as to not get closer. They seemed busy and he didn't want to interrupt.

Alex turned his head and suddenly saw Espeon next to him, standing on top of the grass? Legs locked in a standing position, he seemed to float along at chest level as Alex walked. "it feels like you're walking on meow skin, weird." Espeon's voice seemed to come from the sky above him and the ground beneath him. The sound echoed off the mountains in the distance.

Alex looked down, realizing the grass wasn't grass at all, but rather Espeon's fur. Well, that explained why it was so soft. Alex ran his hands through it again, and the earth beneath him purred. "So, where are we?" Alex asked, watching a group of Arcanines doing somersaults with eachother. Their tounges flopped out of their mouths, while they wore goofy expressions on their faces. "And why are there so many of me, and Arcanine?"

"mrrrrr... my mind I guess. meow don't know what you mean about bunches of yous though," the world spoke.

"You mean you don't see the mountains of treats in the distance? Or the endless field of your fur?"

"no... i just hear your voice in my head, and two tiny feet on my skin. your feet, i guess. meow feel totaly awake, tired though," Alex felt Espeon's voice rumble through his feet. "even when i close meow eyes, i just see darkness, like normal."

"Wow, that's really interesting," Alex expressed genuinely.

"mrrrr... well, your body is still uncionscous, so we should probably do something about that. but not now, im tired. hey, while youre in there, pet me some more," Espeon spoke, as the floating version of him faded away.

Alex obliged, the fur was quite soft and enjoyable to pet anyway. The whole earth purred.
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"Well, it looked pretty bad..." Michael said as he looked in the direction where Azumi was looking. "But it doesn't really matter if they take too long, what matters is that they might take it away from you, since people shouldn't allow Pokémon to get that hurt... Wait, did you write on the forum that you found her at the bar? Maybe they'll understand that way..."
Jodi sighed as Jude gave her the shortest answer ever. She walked over to her Pokémon, who sat under a tree, and sat with them. "Hmmm... Would it be a bad idea if I take out our new friend near the bar?" Her Charizard shaked his head while Ursaring nodded. "Hm... I'll risk it." She got up and sent out her Glaceon and Shiftry, who looked a little bit surprised when they saw the bar flooded with police officers and Officer Jenny arresting a guy who seemed pretty angry. "Huh, that's the Staraptor Guy! Anyway, we have a new team member! Charizard and Shiftry already know him, but it doesn't matter!" She threw a PokéBall into the air, revealing a Trumbeak, who curled up in a ball right when he touched the ground and went to sleep. "Meet Trumbeak! Alex rescued him from Iron Island and gave him to me!" Her Pokémon looked curiously at the bird, who would snore from time to time. "Isn't he cute?" She sat back down and continued to admire the Trumbeak.
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