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Ask to Join Captured by the Evil Team! (part 2: new RPers weclome)

Renz picked himself up from the floor. He didn’t like these slippery floors. He followed Maker, if he followed her and she didn’t slip he wouldn’t either.


The prophet peered behind him to make sure the trainers were still following. It wasn’t too much farther now, but he had to open the secret door.


The man had stopped suddenly at a dead end. Renz watched as he took a small medallion from his pocket, and placed it on a small outcrop of stone sticking up from the floor. Suddenly, there was a rumble as the wall slid to the side, revealing another section of sewers.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli walked right behind Maker "What do you think he's leading us to?" Razor nuzzled Maker, tring to get her to pet him, Eli smiled at this "The moment you pick that one up, he becomes a sponge for loven" He turned the corner and saw the preacher walk into the new sewers, ready to follow this stranger, he prepared to run if he tried to escape them
Michael and Jodi saw how Maker followed the man, and the new guy followed Maker, so they decided to stop whining and just go with the flow. They eventually got at the dead end and Michael raised an eyebrow. As the weird prophet took out the medalion, his and Jodi's faces fell to the floor (the metaphorical floor, not the disgust sewer floor) As the secret door opened, their eyes went wide, but got back to their normal size since on the other side there was still the sewer. They sighed disappointed and waited for the others' reactions.
Renz’s mouth was agape as the door slid open, and peered forward into the next section of sewer. It was completely unlighted, except for some little bits of glowing moss.


The Prophet marched through the door, lighting the way. He led them through several more passages, until a faint, glowing light appeared ahead.
"We are walking into an obvious trap." She replied to the question.
Maker petted Razor as they walked though the long passages. "Ugh Rattata man! You need to put a transport service down here!" Maker complained as she followed. They finally saw a light up ahead after walking for a few moments. "It's about time!" She said excitedly. She began walking faster, anxious to get to the new room.
The group approached a room with a giant, glowing pad in the middle. The man stood just inside, waiting for them to enter. He placed the medallion on a pedestal and the pad began to glow brighter.


Renz looked at the man suspiciously. He knew there could be people in ambush just around the corner. He released Garchomp behind him just in case. He whispered to Maker,

‘Maker. What do you think? Is it safe?’
As the suspicious man, also called "Rattata Man" by Maker, put his medallion on a pedestal and the pad began to glow, Michael and Jodi began to whisper to each other. "Are you sure it's safe?" Michael whispered to his friend.
"I think so... He may be crazy, but he seems really passionate about this whole Palkia business. It may actually bring us to an alternate universe!" Jodi whispered back.
"I guess so... But I hope that someone else goes first, so we'll know if it's a death trap if they don't come back in two minutes."
"Oh my Arceus, Michael. Heh, let's just wait and see."
Maker set Razor down and took a step forward. "It doesn't matter, Ray and Azumi aren't taking the glory for this fight." She said with a determined look. She walked ahead and stepped on the pad. "Wherever this is taking me, it better be better than this thing or I'm going to destroy you." She pointed at the stranger. "Now light it up you sewer dwelling creep! I don't got all night!"
Ray Lucian and June arrived at Byron's house along with the police, and the chief officer immediately got to work cracking the lock on the front door. It wasn't long before she managed to get it open, and she and her subordinates stormed inside with methodical precision. Ray and June followed Lucian inside, who'd been granted access by nature of his status as an elite 4 member, and the three of them watched in silence and the police officers combed every inch of the building in search of incriminating evidence...

"They appear to have this process practiced down to a T" Lucian commented. "I feel like we'd just get in the way if we tried to assist them..."
"I guess we just wait and see if they find anything..." June responded.

Lucian turned to Ray with a curious expression, as the police officers continued to work in the background.
"So, did you manage to catch a glimpse of this alleged 'Palkia'? I heard people whispering about it, but I arrived too late on the scene to see it for myself..."
"A-actually, I did..." Ray replied "I'm not sure what to make of it; I'm deeply skeptical of things like 'legendary pokemon sightings,' and the rational part of me doesn't want to believe it - but I did see something... something huge that blipped in and out of existence like it was nothing! I don't know what else that could be - but I'm not believing anything for certain just yet..."
"I see..." Lucian seemed dissatisfied with his answer. "I was hoping that you'd tell me that you didn't see anything, and that the sightings were just exaggerated rumours... that would make things a lot easier to explain. But if you're telling me that you actually did see something otherworldly, then I trust you; sometimes things aren't as simple as we'd like them to be..."

"I FOUND SOMETHING!" Ray and Lucian's conversation was interrupted by the shout of a police officer from upstairs, and everyone rushed over to see what was going on.

The police officer was in Byron's study, behind an open drawer in his desk, holding a folder containing numerous Galactic plans and documents.
"His desk is full of 'em!" the police officer told his colleagues, pulling out folder after folder of yellow 'G'-marked papers.

The chief police officer speed-walked over to the desk and looked over the evidence; her eyes widened...
"That crazy guy was right!" she proclaimed. "Byron was funding team Galactic all along! Where is he now!?" she turned frantically to her subordinates. "He needs to to put in cuffs - no - PRISON immediately!"

"An interpol officer took him earlier..." one of her them responded meekly.
"AND? What happened to him after that? Where is this interpol officer? I'd need to speak to them immediately!"
"I-I don't know..."

* * *

The street preacher snickered at Makers impatience.
"I must warn you, what's on the other side of this portal may shock you... but I advise you to keep calm!"
With that the portal lit up pink and anyone who chose to walk on it was instantly whisked away...

On the other side of the portal was an expansive, cathedral-like chamber. The walls were etched with ancient hieroglyphics, and lined with crumbling statues of people and pokemon from an entirely different era. There were no windows and the room was lit entirely by enigmatic orbs of light. Dozens of hooded figures knelt alongside the walls, and the street preacher immediately joined them upon entering. At the far end of the room stood the self-proclaimed champion of Palkia himself: the white and pink robed man from the crater.

"AND WHO HAVE WE HERE?" his voiced boomed.
"N-new initiates, master Hermaeus!" replied the now-kneeling street preacher. He looked back at Maker and anyone else who'd decided to join her and frantically signalled for them to kneel, terrified that his master may get upset...
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Maker smirked with an evilness look on her face. "I am not kneeling before ANYONE. So get your religious looking ass ready to battle, because this ends now!" She took out a pokeball. "The greatest fire type trainer just stepped in sucker!" She threw her pokeball and out came her Daramatian. The fire pokemon smashed his fist into the floor, ready to battle.
Seeing Maker pull out her Pokémon, Renz decided the jig was up anyway, so he threw out Garchomp. The Pseudo-Legendary gave a roar and blasted the hooded figures on both sides with a Dragon Pulse. Hooded figures were sent running away from the blasts.

‘Was this really a good idea, to just charge in, Darmanitans a-blazin’?’

One of the hooded figures pulled out a Pokéball and threw out a Vaporeon, telling it to attack Darmanitan. Garchomp rushed forward and slammed it into a wall with Dragon Tail. Soon there were more Pokémon out and attacking, and chaos reigned. Hermaeus stood up and yelled something, but it couldn’t be heard over the din of battle.
Jodi was about to go on the teleportation pad to follow the others, but Michael stopped her. "Let's just wait for a bit." He said with his eyebrow raised. They waited for two minutes until he spoke again "Yep, they're in trouble. Let's go." One by one, they stepped on the glowing pad and got sent to the chamber, where a fight was taking place. They both approached Maker and Michael whispered " 'Aker, what are you doing?! This is really bad!"
"If what I heard is correct, that guy over there has some sort of powers!" Jodi added, pointing at the master.
Maker looked back at Michael. "It wasn't me! I was just acting tough, Renz here is the one who started attacking everyone." Maker looked around, she wanted to join the fight, but the hooded men looked like they were not expecting one. "Hey Renz, settle down, it doesn't look like they are the kind to battle well."
The Daramatian was beginning to feel anxious when it saw that it didn't have an opponent.
‘Tell that to the Dragonite and Metagross!’

Renz shouted back to Maker. He was trying to battle a path towards Hermaeus, but it wasn’t going great. More Pokémon kept joining the fray, and Garchomp was getting tired. He was currently combating two other Pseudo-Legendarys.

‘You looked pretty ready to attack when you sent out Darmanitan, I was following your lead. And don’t forget you said to get ready to battle. I did NOT start this. But know that we’re actually fighting, can I get some help?’
"Good job new guy, first battle ever and already pointing fingers!" Michael said as he rolled his eyes.
"Doesn't matter, we should help!" Jodi said as she got ready to send reinforcements, when Michael stopped her.
"Wait, if we stay out of this, wouldn't the so called 'master' forgive us, since we technically didn't want to battle?"
"I... guess so? Hey, Renz guy, you should probably apologize or something!" Jodi called out to the new guy. "If his apologies aren't accepted, then we'll interfere."
"Fine by me." Michael got out a PokeBall, just in case Renz failed.
Maker looked at Jodi and Michael and then at Renz. It was a tough choice. She wanted to battle, but the monks seemed to have been forced into battling since they weren't the ones to attack. Also, the place where they were seemed kind of fragile. Damaging a place where they had no idea of the location didn't seed to make her feel comfortable with the idea of battling. But, her Daramatian was fired up and ready to join.
Garchomp impacted with a heavy blow on Dragonite, fainting it, but Metagross charged in with a Focus Punch, fainting Garchomp. Renz called out Torterra, who finished of Metagross with Earth Power. Then Renz yelled,

‘Listen, don’t take a step closer, or I’ll have Torterra use Earthquake and bring this building to the ground. I request a Parley with him.’

He pointed at Hermaeus. He also backed up towards the group so Torterra could Protect them from falling ruble if the building fell if he was forced to use Earthquake.
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Maker watched the battle. She was still unable to decide if she should join or not. When Renz stopped his attacks, she was a little relief. Her Daramatian wasn't however, it looked back at Maker confused. Maker noticed this and began to feel odd, she was never the type to pass off a battle, let alone let someone else do it for her. She looked at her hands, they were shaking. "What is wrong with me!?" She said out loud. Her Daramatian, Dada, got closed to her with a worried look. Maker looked up at the big Pokemon's eyes. "I don't feel good Dada." The Daramatian caught his trainer with one of his big hands as she fainted, and gently laid her on the floor.
"Dude, stop being so aggressive!" Michael sternly called out to Renz. "They only attacked in self defense, because someone decided to attack them!" He sighed frustrated and went to see how Maker was doing. Jodi approached them, quite worried.
"What happened to her?!" Jodi said, her voice trembling.
"Did you hear what she said? She probably is shocked that she turned down a battle. She's going to be fine... I hope."
Azumi sat in the Pokemon center, drinking a cup of tea. She placed her hand on her forehead. Nana, who was playing with Joan, looked up at her trainer with a worried look. Azumi noticed and smiled back at her. "It's ok Nana, I'm just feeling tired." She assured her Kirlia.
Nana quickly teleported next to her trainer and her hands began to glow. Azumi smiled as she noticed what she was trying to do. "I'm sorry Nana, I don't think your heal pulse works on humans." She leaned back on the sit. "I wonder if Maker is feeling like this as well."

Maker laid unconscious on the floor. Her Daramatian slammed his fist in the ground, as if trying to wake her up.
"ENOUGH!" Hermaeus's voiced boomed. "HOW DARE YOU BRING SUCH INSOLENT FOOLS TO OUR SANCTUM!" He reached over and grabbed a sceptre off of his throne: it's stalk was grey, with alternating red and black stripes running up it; and at the top of it was a pointy mass of yellow metal, somewhat reminiscent of the mandibles of an insect, housing a fragment of a jagged yellow orb.

"THERE WILL BE NO PARLAY, AND YOUR PRESENCE WILL NO LONGER BE TOLERATED HERE!" he swung the sceptre, and sent a powerful wave of violent yellow energy towards Renz and his Garchomp.
"And as for you my disciples...: how dare you use pokemon in such a crude and unsophisticated manner! With the power accessible to us, you should know that there is no need for such barbarism!" the hooded figures bowed in apology, and Hermaeus turned toward the Canalave street preacher.
"Destroy the Canalave portal immediately! now that you've revealed its location to the uninitiated, it threatens our security!"
The street preacher nodded and leapt through the portal, which went dim shortly after as he destroyed the link on the other side...

"Now, as for the intruders... BEGON!" Hemaeus shouted and threw his arms out and the orbs on his shoulders glowed brightly, engulfing the room in a pink light...

In a disorienting flash Micheal, Jodi, Maker, Eli, and Renz were cast out of the sanctum, appearing somewhere outside high up on a mountainside... A small historic-looking town could be seen down below, far off in the distance...
‘Wha! What happened?!’ Renz was startled as he suddenly found himself on top of a mountain. Then Eli walked up and smacked him in the face. At first he was too startled for words. All of his ‘friends’ were turning on him, when he had just been following Maker’s example. She was the ‘Captain of the team’ after all. He was almost about to attack Eli, when he turned his back, and began to walk down the mountain. He returned Hardhat to his Pokéball as he walked away. He needed time alone. His entire plan had been ruined just by paying attention to some crazy preacher.

For the first time in years, he began to cry, and the tears began to freeze to his face. He had lost important battles without a single tear, but now he felt so hopeless.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli sighed and walked over to Maker and sat next to her, seeing she was still unconscious, he sighed "Why did he have to attack? we could have gotten so much information out of them." He placed his hand on Makers head to see if she was hot "I mean I know Maker pulled out his pokemon, but she even told him to pull back"
Maker laid on the ground, her breathing was normal, it almost seemed as if she was asleep. Dada, her Daramatian, sat next to her. He had noticed the cold air around and knew his warm body would help his trainer. He would gently move her, as if trying to wake her up.

Azumi had fallen asleep on the table, her tea half way finished. Her head buried in her arms. Nana and Joan were now on top of the table. Nana patted her trainer's shoulder as if helping her sleep, while Joan stood guard, growling at anyone who got too close.
Renz trudged down the mountain for a ways before stopping in a small cave. He normally would’ve called out one of his Pokémon for comfort, but both Hardhat and Garchomp disliked the cold, and he had left Ceasar back by the entrance to the sewers. He began to shiver. The cave was shielding him from the wind, but it was still extremely cold.


Nidoking continued to stand guard over the manhole, but it was getting late and he was getting tired. Out of a sense of duty to his trainer he would stay, but he would love nothing more than to curl up and sleep.

The amount of passerby was growing less and less, and most people in town were asleep. The lights in all the nearby buildings were out. Ceasar decided to go check the nearest Pokémon Center to see if anyone was there. He collapsed into sleep as soon as he entered.
Nana noticed the Nidoking that had walked into the Pokemon center. She looked at him with curiosity. Watching him sleep kind reminded her of typhlosion. She smiled and teleported to his side. Her small hands glowed and a light pink beam shot at the sleeping Nidoking. After Nana had finished using heal pulse, she teleported back and sat next to Joan.
Nidoking slept for a moment longer, then woke up from its exaughstion. The Pokémon center looked about the same as most others he had been in, the only differences being that there was not any Nurse Joy at the front desk, and that there was a trainer slumped over in the lobby, sleeping.

The trainer looked similar to the trainer Renz had been with earlier, so he wandered over to ask the girl where he was. As he approached a small rabbit began growing at him threateningly. He looked towards the Kirlia, trying to communicate that he wanted to ask the trainer a question.
Joan growled louder as the Nidoking approached. Nana was just looking back and forth between the two. Joan showed her teeth. Nana began tapping Azumi's shoulder, trying to wake her up. Azumi finally reacted and lifted her head slowly. She saw Joan baring her teeth at a Nidoking.
Azumi quickly got up and looked at the Nidoking. "Do you have a trainer?" She looked at it carefully. Joan kept growling.
As the light disappeared from Michael and Jodi's retinas, they realized that they were somewhere else. Michael got up and shouted angry at Renz "Good job, new guy! Way to mess this up!" He was about to do something, when Eli slapped him. Michael's face put on a smile and playfully slapped him on the back. "Nice! You took the words right out of my mouth!...Er, the slap right out of my hand!" Jodi sighed frustrated as Renz left and got Michael by the sleeve, dragging him to Maker.
"I hope she's okay..." Jodi said worried. "It's pretty chilly outside, so we should probably-" She was cut off by Maker's Darmanitam, who did exactly what she had in mind. She whispered something to Michael, who nodded. The two of them send out Blaziken and Charizard to sit beside Maker and Dada, making it more warm. Blaziken wrists caught on fire and put them close to the others, while Charizard put his tail right next to her wrists, making it pleasant and warm around them.
The Shiny Nidoking nodded. He really wasn’t sure how to communicate what he wanted to say. He decided that if this person looked so much like the other trainer, they must be related. He pointed at Azumi, then towards her hair, then towards a red book on the table. Then he pointed to the book again but covered every word in the title except ‘Friends’.


Renz awoke with a shock. The sun was up, so he must have slept through the rest of the night. As soon as he felt he could manage to move, he trudged down the mountain to the town below. He entered the Pokémon Center and asked for some Tapu Cocoa. (That is the Pokémon name for hot cocoa)

He sat around the room for half an hour, and if no-one had enteracted with him he walked up to Nurse Joy, got his Pokémon back from her and walked outside.
Azumi had figured out what the Nidoking wanted after a few minutes. She had followed him back to the manhole, but after searching in the sewers all night, they found nothing. The sun came out and Azumi sat next to her pokemon and the nidoking under a tree. Joan still gave the stranger pokemon a mean look, while Nana was quietly humming as she watched the sunrise. Azumi sighed and looked at her hands. "Now we all stink, we can't find the others, we have no communication and I have a Pokemon that's too big to take him around any transport back home." She slowly got up. "Well, let's start by getting a bath and some breakfast." She began walking, Nana skipped happily after her and Joan walked proudly, and would look at the Nidoking every now and then.

Maker woke up curled up with her Daramatian. She stretched out her arms and back but remained laying down. "What happened?" She turned her head and saw the other trainers. "Guys, what's going on? Where are we? Does my morning hair look bad? How's my breath?" She exhaled into her hands and smelled it. "Anybody have a mint?"
Darwin awoke from his uncomfortable slumber at the pokemon center. He was always the frugal type and chose to sleep on the benches and chairs in the main lobby, using his backpack as a pillow. His partner, Buddy the Pachurisu, was usually always cuddled right beside him or in his arms in case someone tried to mess with or attempt to rob him while he slept. They've gotten so used to this paranoid lifestyle that a mere near presence is enough to wake Buddy in order to defend Darwin. It wasn't the best sleep schedule he's had, but it sure beat lying outside, at least pokecenters were relatively harmless.

The center was just about as active as Darwin expected in the morning. His first instinct was to find someone to sell his wares to, and considering most people in the center were already preoccupied with healing pokemon or buying from the actual center itself, Darwin found it better to search for customers outside. After exiting the doors he spotted his potential buyer: A tall tan-skinned dude walking by his lonesome. He debated on whether or not to keep his hood on: Should he leave it on, it might make him appear as shady or dangerous, but if he takes it off it reveals the Team Galactic insignia tattoo on his neck, which could be a deal breaker the instance it's spotted. He decided to leave his hood on.

Regardless, at least Buddy was by his side to make Darwin appear as somewhat friendly, Buddy exerted some kind of wholesome sympathy that sometimes swayed people into buying just cause of how cute he is.He gave Buddy a look to signify a friendly approach (They have other methods such as the sympathetic or desperate approach but this one was the most common) and as he approached he spoke in a soft calm and friendly tone: "Hello there, sir.Could I interest you in anything? I have literally everything you could think of. Food, healing items, Special stones, jewelry. You're my first customer of the day so I'll give you a special discount!" He said with a genuine smile while Buddy imitated him.
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