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Character | Creation [Reboot] (Discussion/Sign-ups)

So, with the RP right around the corner, I just wanted to say that I'll be trying a sort of villain role, and to remind everyone that I usually go one post a day. I know that, especially at the RP's beginning, things are rapid fire, but I go slow and steady. That'll factor quite a bit into interaction.
Oh yeees. I was thinking about making her an antihero/mercenary, but I have to change her personality a bit, since I based the majority of her from a past RP that kind of died (but since it's only between me and one person, it probably won't be dead forever). I can make the rest of her creations slightly like her, but Trixie is her voice of reason. This will be interesting XD
Added art to my first creation :) not sure if I'll be able to make other art pieces of my other characters though :/ that was the one I had already drawn last year :/
Wanna exchange friend codes @Cloudswift ~
I don't know mine yet, generally I don't get into the online stuff. I'll try to figure it out, though! Keep in mind I'm only on Akala's second trial XD

I'm not thinking of making my characters intentionally antiheroes or anything like that, but I might make one of them a bit naive. Maybe join the dark side by being deceived or something along those lines. We'll see how it plays out.
I don't know mine yet, generally I don't get into the online stuff. I'll try to figure it out, though! Keep in mind I'm only on Akala's second trial XD

I'm not thinking of making my characters intentionally antiheroes or anything like that, but I might make one of them a bit naive. Maybe join the dark side by being deceived or something along those lines. We'll see how it plays out.
Haven't even gotten past Melemele's first trial cause I just got Ultra Moon and I'm focused on Festival Plaza and the Pokedex xD
Don't sweat it. Honestly, with Christmas around the corner, I'd say wait until the day after the day after it (y'know, since people will probably spend the day after recovering from their hangovers and whatnot).

EDIT: In the meantime, should we discuss the setting? Is this taking place in a city, town, or country? America, Europe, or somewhere else? I take it that it's modern day, but when did the Prometheus start? And what is Prometheus- a periodic table element, a magic spell, or what?
Well your characters can be wherever, but Helmloss (the main setting that everyone will eventually have to go to) is a border city in between America and Canada that is officially a Canadian territory but is at the same time considered an American region. The politics of the city are complicated. Prometheus is technically a periodic element, but it's hard to place it because of its magical properties. It's most commonly found in the moderately-expensive ink that Creators use to write and draw their Creations.
Name: Tes Willow
Gender: Female
Age: (Be reasonable with this - don't be, say, two years old.) 19
Appearance: Tes has decent height for a girl standing at 5'9". Her body is slim and she wears black tights with a blue tank top. Her hair is dyed a sea blue styled in a smooth fassion.
Personality (Optional): (keep is short) Nice and forgiving. Her only fault is that she holds grudges and doesn't have much mercy to others. Has a dark art style
Skill: (Writer, Artist, both, none) Artist.
Characters: (Max of five for balance's sake) Cross, Techie, Mace
Extra: PickleFishLips. Why not?

Name: Cross
Gender: Cross
Age: (Optional) Cross
Class: (Fighter, Swordsman, Mage, Animalistic, Morphological, Mechanical, Spiritual) Spiritual
Sub-Class (Optional): (Fighter, Swordsman, Mage, Animalistic, Morphological, Mechanical, Spiritual) Morphological
Appearance: A large creature standing at a massive 8'10" in the shape of a dragon man. Its scales are a black purple color and its tail has quite the length. Its wingspan is 14 feet.
Personality (Optional): Cross
Powers (Optional): Flight, Super strength,
Skills: (Max of four per character) Fire blast (blast of fire) Obsidian blade. (Summons a clear obsidian blade) Death from the Sky (Flys in the air and surrounds the battle field with a black fire.
Special: (Takes a lot of energy, max of one per character) Cross (Cross grows into a full dragon, gaining major boosts to his attack and speed.)
Stats (overall max of 25, max of 5 per stat):ATK(attack):4 , DEF(defense): 4, SPD(speed):3 , SKL(skill):4 , MAG(magic):2 , TEC(technology):0 , INTL(intelligence):3
Extra: Tes's latest creation, and her most powerful by far. Cross's name is his name in english.

Name: Techie
Gender: Male
Age: (Optional) 22
Class: (Fighter, Swordsman, Mage, Animalistic, Morphological, Mechanical, Spiritual) Mechanical
Sub-Class (Optional): (Fighter, Swordsman, Mage, Animalistic, Morphological, Mechanical, Spiritual) Fighter
Appearance: A cyborg like person. He's white with a silver, metal body. A single eye is colored red and is robotic, matching the rest of his body. There are many tools and functions equipped around his exoskeleton.
Personality (Optional): Robotic
Powers (Optional): Punch, Lazer, Kick, Cannon, Super Sight.
Skills: (Max of four per character) Lazer arm (his arm turns to pure energy and attacks) Reprogram (wirelessly sends a signal to all electronic devices causing them to 'do the chicken dance'
Special: (Takes a lot of energy, max of one per character) All Lazer Focus (all energy blast points focus on a single point on the enemy)
Stats (overall max of 25, max of 5 per stat): ATK(attack): 3, DEF(defense):5 , SPD(speed):2 , SKL(skill):4 , MAG(magic):0 , TEC(technology):5 , INTL(intelligence):5

Name: Mace
Gender: Male
Age: (Optional) NA
Class: (Fighter, Swordsman, Mage, Animalistic, Morphological, Mechanical, Spiritual) Swordsman(not sword though)
Sub-Class (Optional): (Fighter, Swordsman, Mage, Animalistic, Morphological, Mechanical, Spiritual) Spiritu
Appearance: A giant set of armor with no visible body inside, only smoke. The armor glows a dark blue, and wields a massive steel mace around. There are two glowing red eyes inside. It stands at 7 feet exactly.
Personality (Optional): NA
Powers (Optional): Mace, Punch, Glare,
Skills: (Max of four per character) Teleport (sinks into the light and travels around instantly. Can take others with him) Duplicate (makes copies of itself)
Special: (Takes a lot of energy, max of one per character) Light shines through (His body explodes with light revealing himself made of lightning, causing Mace to travel extremely fast and his attacks become electrified.
Stats (overall max of 25, max of 5 per stat): ATK(attack): 5, DEF(defense):5 , SPD(speed):3 , SKL(skill): 5, MAG(magic):3 , TEC(technology):0 , INTL(intelligence):2

Here are my OC's remade.
Oof. College sounds tough.

@Eeveechu151 Can you respond? I hate sounding repetitive and demanding, but your characters are the only ones mine are close to interacting with, so I'd need them to do something before I could respond. Imma check the thread, and if you already replied, disregard this.
oh shoot hope I'm not too late

Name: Dylan Sage
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: Standing at 5'9, Dylan has a slim but muscular (kinda like Killua) build and a skin tone leaning on more of the tan side. He has short black hair slicked neatly to the right and icy blue eyes with speckles of bright emerald. His casual attire is a tight black long-sleeved shirt, white trousers, and black sneakers.
Personality (Optional): Dylan is usually monotone in general, but around his friends and Characters, he is very fickle and unpredictable most times.
Skill: (Writer, Artist, both, none) Artist
Characters: Lunaris, Warren

Name: Lunaris
Gender: Male
Age: (Optional) 79 in human years
Class: Swordsman
Sub-Class (Optional): Fighter
Appearance: Lunaris has silver hair swept to the left and a muscular build, standing at 6'2. He has a large scar in the shape of a crescent that almost "wraps" around his left eye. Lunaris wears a black yukata with a design similar to that of Gintoki's (from the anime Gintama), but with a bright silver swirl pattern. Underneath, he wears a black shirt with a popped collar and black trousers. Lunaris also wears a pair of black boots. Hanging at his side is a Nagamaki sword in a black and silver sheathe. The weapon has a long polished oak wood handle.
Powers (Optional):
- Mastery of all kinds of weapons with blades (Spear, daggers, scythe, battle axe, etc.)
- Mastery of Wing Chun
Skills: (Max of four per character)
- Flurry Strike: Lunaris makes almost 35 swift slashes with his blade in the duration of less than a second, making his attack nearly invisible. It is capable of cutting down entire buildings and takes quite a toll on Lunaris' stamina.
- Storm Slash: Lunaris makes a deft swipe that generates a gust of wind directed by the swing of the blade, powerful enough to erode away entire mountains. It deals low damage but blows away (heh) any targets quite a distance, decreasing Lunaris' stamina by a third.
Special: Inner Demon; Lunaris undergoes a transformation that sharply boosts his ATK and SPD for about 20 minutes. He turns into a feral red demon with scarlet fire burning in his eyes and even engulfing the blade of his Nagasaki.
Stats: ATK(attack): 5, DEF(defense): 4, SPD(speed): 5, SKL(skill): 5, MAG(magic): 1, TEC(technology): 1, INTL(intelligence): 4
Extra: Teaches Dylan in swordsmanship

Name: Warren Warlock
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Class: Mage
Appearance: Warren has spiky black hair with deep bronze tips. He has a medium build and stands at 5'11. Warren has pale skin and amber eyes with speckles of black. His regular attire is a grey robe with a black tunic underneath, black trousers, and black boots.
Powers (Optional):
- Manipulation of Lightning Magic
• Can cast spells of electricity that do certain things (i.e. inflict curses that decrease stats of opponents) for a limited amount of time
• Can manipulate and conjure lightning at will
Skills: (Max of four per character)
- Static Cutlass: Warren brandishes a sword hilt and generates a blade of electricity.
- Thunder Strike: Warren conjures a powerful bolt of lightning that is only focused on a single target.
- Lightning Slash: Warren's hand becomes encased in blue lightning in the shape of a large claw. He makes a deft swipe that can deal damage to multiple targets.
Special: Electric Curse
- The function of Electric Curse has Warren react automatically to external stimuli. Instead of the normal process of the stimulus being perceived by the nerves, which transmit a signal to the brain which in turn sends an instruction to the muscles, Warren sends an electric signal to his muscles so as to instantly react to a treat, bypassing the comparatively slow nervous system. The signal can be pre-programmed to respond to different stimuli: physical contact, malevolent intent in enemies, or someone stepping in a predetermined perimeter, and the specific response is pre-programmed as well.
Stats: ATK(attack): 4, DEF(defense): 3, SPD(speed): 4, SKL(skill): 4, MAG(magic): 5, TEC(technology): 1, INTL(intelligence): 4
Extra: N/A
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Well your characters can be wherever, but Helmloss (the main setting that everyone will eventually have to go to) is a border city in between America and Canada that is officially a Canadian territory but is at the same time considered an American region. The politics of the city are complicated. Prometheus is technically a periodic element, but it's hard to place it because of its magical properties. It's most commonly found in the moderately-expensive ink that Creators use to write and draw their Creations.

Is Prometheus Ink flammable? Also, if someone were to, oh, I dunno, try and hunt/destroy every trace of Prometheus off the face of the earth, what other scientific observations could one make about it? Is it solid, liquid, gas, or an in-between state? What color is it most frequently?
It's normally grey in color, but it's not flammable. It's usually found in an in-between state between solid and liquid, which is why it's easily able to be turned into ink.
Also @Cloudswift I thought I brought attention to this in my post, but Cloudy isn't able to enter Jay's current area of The Blank. That Barrier thing keeps the sections separate.
Oh, whoops. It wasn't really that clear. I thought he was like at the end of The Blank. I'll go fix that.

EDIT: I might make Ranger do the thing. Is there a specific thing they need to say?
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Not really, they just swear allegiance. Usually it's done with a handshake, knee-drop or bow. Then their essence becomes a tattoo on the person's body, which usually stings for a few seconds.