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Charmuraji -RX's almost-live picture show-

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The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

People need to stop asking if he takes requests. If you bothered to read the first post he said that he would only do a request for whoever wins his coloring contest, otherwise he doesn't accept them.

Next person I see asking about requests will get a warning.
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Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

Aheeheehee RX how lovely these are and lovely love :>

Although I state this stuff in chat I decided I need to get off my behind and make it all verifiably readable here ♥ Your lovely squishyhuggablepeople look so lovely and squishy and huggable ♥ Only cause I have an aversion to the word chibi but that's not the point. I do hope you keep motivations on and a-going so that I can look at them cause I get soooo loooonelyyyyy </3

Aheeheehee that's the end of my commentations for now :>

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

[me=DoctorOak]requests a chibi me 'cos I'm me and can totally do that :x[/me]
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

Wow, those are both amazing :'D I really like the Magpie chibi, her hat is awesome and it's just so adorable :>

Virgil's hat and coat/cape thingy are both amazing as well, they look really cool. Srsly, RX, if you were to design clothes they would be the only thing that I'd wear :x

Keep up the good work, because you're art is teh uber smex~
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

OhmygoshIfeelspecial :D

I feel I should go out and find some tailor to make all those clothes for me because they are so fantastic and I want them irl ♥
The pants are my favorite because they are so gentlemanly~

I really love all these chibiiiisss. Magpie's hair is so awesome and I want to touch her hat. And the design on her pants is all swirly and fun :}
Pheo's magic book is on the same neen level as Rain's wings and earrings. Chibi Katie/Sem are so shiny I love it.

since I'm pretty sure I haven't commented in here yet (shame on meeee) I need to talk about some of your earlier posts tooo.

Hope is really cool and I love her outfit :o I can't wait to see the results of the coloring contest :>
Ummmm her Mijumaru is pretty much the most adorable thing in the world. I love the look on his cutesie little face :'D

First two chibis are cute. I especially like the little kitty shadow on the first guy.

And I s'pose that's all I gotta say. Your art is amazing and adorable and I can't find a way to combine those two words into one so I just have to say amazing and adorable. ♥
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

Great, now I've got this massive urge to go draw chibis... Curse your awesome design skills RX! The shading and colouring on them is so simple, but it just works. You should get a job in clothing design.

Hats ^^

Sir Red

Charms' Caped Crusader
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

I think I already said how much I love Virgil in chat. Oh, and the chibi is awesome too. :3 I frelling love that hat, it's just so incredible. All of Virgil's clothes just scream "Gentleman" to me and I adore it. And he just looks so mysterious and cool and everything amazing, plus his little tie and vest are smexy.

Magpie just looks so purty with her flowing locks and her big blue eyes (and I really must say, you do an exquisite job on all of the eyes in your art work. They just seem so life-like, it's truly outstanding). Her Murkrow hat is awesome and I want one just like it. The jacket is just so cool looking too and really accents everything so well. And the little swirlies on the pants were a nice touch. :3

[me=RedRising]stalks RX to see who he chibi-fies next >> [/me]
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

The Magpie Chibi is just....adorable! The hat design is so great. I kind of want one xD

And Virgil Chibi is just....awesome. Really, really awesome.
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

I looooooooooove Magpie's chibi. Pretty and adorable, what a combo! And her hair is just so magnificent.

Virgil's hat is O_o amazing! Spinny glasses FTW.

These just are too cool.
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

OMG! your CHibi's are the coolest things ever. I love how you have made one for most of the Staff and Mods xD Keep them up I look froward to seeing more.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D


I'm so happy~

There really aren't words to tell you how stunned I was last night when I saw chibi me. Your artwork is just so awesome, and it's always a complete honour to be drawn by you, so first off, thanks so much for taking the time to make it ♥

I love my hair. You've pretty much captured the way it looks when it's down. I usually keep it tied up because it's so wild. Windy days are nightmares. But you make the wildness look for pretty and nice. My hat is epic. I want one. I love my little Magpie feathers ♥

I've always loved that outfit you draw for me. I'd wear it all the time and never take it off if it was real. And those little swirls on my pants (Calling them pants to avoid confusion, but they're totally called trousers) are so cute. I love it so much ♥

Virgil looks like such a gentlemen. His hat and outfit are just so handsome, and the colours are so pretty together. Swirl eyes ♥

I can't thank you enough for being so awesome, RX ♥

*Combusts from too much awesome and joy*
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Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

*Fi noms on the chibis, as they are cute enough to eat*

Wow. These are pretty awesome. My favorite is Semmy's, as I love the expression on the Aquamor's face.
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D



Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

Eeeee the Magpie chibi is adorable! Like, really adorable :D

I love Virgil's swirly eyes as well - thats a really neat touch ^^
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D


I am in like 'holy squeekjednkmenks' at your arts :o

All of the Buizels are AHHH I want to huuggg theemmmm <333 The little musician is so cutesy with his hat and all and the giant one looks so damn huggable~ Sometimes I want to punch Ash and his PokeMon IN THE FACE but you make his Buisel look adorable :'D And the father and daughter couple is so cute. :>

HOPE'S CLOTHES ARE FFF. I want some now ♥ And her Pogeymanz are so adorablleee ♥

I'm excited to see who wins the colouring contest :O

They're so damned cute C': Katie or Virgil's are probably my favourites~ They're so cute and neeeeeen. :} I want to hug them. ♥ you should like make one for me /jokejokejokejokejokedonthurtme

I wish I was in your timezone so I could like annoy you in #Pokecharms chat >=O

But really, your stuff is wooaaahhh <3333
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

The Virgil one is the best one yet. XD I love the design of the outfit... and I want that hat. I'd totally wear it. :p

Though I have to admit that the expression on aReX's face is also pretty awesome.

Edited because I fail at names.
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

So.....dern....cute :3 I really like the chibi stuff :D especially Virgil's and Magpie's. Man I wish I was as good as you.

Prof. Cinders

Staff member
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

Loving the chibis ^^ I almost feel left out :p

(Yes, that was a subtle hint. I guess this makes it less subtle, but meh.)
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

The chibi's as Tun pointed out are holy squeekjednkmenks. Quite really.
Anyway, just looking at your art always made me flasdorghonbulkszord. But the new chibi's are in a league of their own.
On a final note, so much squee
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

As my two amigos have pointed out, the chibis are squeekjednkmenks. No kidding. (Start to sing a famous piece of music by SQUEEEE!ing.)

I wonder what I would look like?
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D


Hi, everyone! My name's Naomi, or Minnow, if you like. I've been asked by RX-kun to help judge the entries for the Hope Coloring Contest! So without further ado, here're the entries from our contestants!


Uwaah~! Everyone's work is really quite interesting! It's gonna take me and RX-kun a while to judge these entries, so for now, please tune in and wait for the results! Oh, and in the meantime, let's give our contestants a round of applause for their work!
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Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

RX o:

You got so many good entries xD
I have no idea how you and Minnow are going to decide :|
On another note, I really like Minnow's art ^^
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

Oh, wow. I liek your chibi people! And you certainly did get alot of entries for your contest! I personally like RainIzabel's entry. I hope to see more of your work!
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

Wow, I can't wait to see which is the winner out of all these beautiful entries. I think all of them look fantastic, but my favorite is Jenova's (the one on the right) C:

But really there are a ton I like. I'm excited for the next update! (like that's really shocking :p )
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Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

I like Suwako Moriya's one on the left. But I have to give a close second to Jenova's one on the right :)


Formerly psy-teen
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

ok mine stand no chance against these other fantastic chibies :)
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Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

Geez... these chibis are becoming more popular than God, aren't they? :p Understandably though, they're amazing RX!
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Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

Those entries all look really good.

This is why I never hold contests for people to draw my characters on another site, it's hard to pick just one. XD

Sir Red

Charms' Caped Crusader
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

Some of those Hope chibi's are terrific, so kudos to those that made them, as well as everyone who entered. -^^-

I really wanted to comment on Naomi, because her design is just so unbelievably cute. :3 I love her little hat and jacket, and her hair style and expression, and her little waving animated arm. It's all just too adorable. You continue to outdo yourself in the adorable department, RX. ^^
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

I stand no chance against all of these loverly designs </3

Minnow is so kyute~ I ♥ her outfit, too, and I desperately want her jacket/hat kwjenlkjekjme D':

All of the colour schemes are wonderfulllll ♥ I like Shocari's best, probably, but they're all so prettyyyy~
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Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D


Hi, everyone, sorry for the delays, but RX has been working on another non-Charms-related project as well. In any case, I'm here to present the winner of the Hope Coloring Contest! And so...the winner for the Hope coloring contest is....


Miss RainIzabel! Everyone please give her a hand! Congratulations to our dear friend, Miss Rain! She has won a limited edition commission from RX! This commission includes character artwork and sprites for a character of her choice! One could say it's a rare and exclusive Pokecharms Prize!

Now then, whose ready to see what Hope looks like with her new color scheme? I sure am! Although its not finished, RX has allowed me to present you with a preview of Hope's new look! Here it is!

Fantastic, isn't it? I really love how Hope's clothes are the same color as a Natu! Very clever and creative, and I guess that's why Miss Rain is our grand winner! To all those who took part in the contest, we thank your for participating. And do not worry, there are more contests to come. So please tune in to RX's art thread and you might be a winner next time! Until then, this is Minnow, signing off...

Sir Red

Charms' Caped Crusader
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

Congrats Rain~! -^^- Your color choice and just overall quality of coloring was amazing.

And I love the way you did the hair in the official artwork RX. It looks absolutely gorgeous. The color of the sweater/skirt is so insanely awesome. I just love it and kinda wanna steal it. >> And the Natu color scheme is a cool idea. :3

I can't wait to see your drawings and sprites for Rain. Congrats again, Rain.

And the second Minnow gif is even cuter. :3
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

Yay, congrats Rain! I thought yours was awesome! And it looks good on Hope. RX, you did good making Hope look good with Rain's coloring. Hope to see more!
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

Congrats, Rain ^^

Also, RX, your coloring for Hope thus far is incredible. I really like how the hair came out ^^
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

Oh wow Rain, gratz. Your colors look great on Hope.

And that was some fantastic coloring of Hope, RX! Purty! I also like the Minnow gifs too.
Re: ~We're baaaaacccckkk~ 8D

Colored Hope is so wonderful. I want to put on a pair of rollerskates and join her in her fun ♥

Rain's color choices are nice, I like all of the greeeeens.

I'm so looking forward to the picture being finished, because that Mijumaru is already so adorable that when I see it colored I'm probably going to explode. Pieces of me will be all over your thread in the shape of hearts.
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