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Shadow came out of the bushes from looking for berries, and saw a few other pokemon. "Now, what's going on here?" said Shadow. He walked over to the Espeon, and the other pokemon that were there. He tried to keep his mouth shut, trying not to scare anyone, and shared the Sitrus Berries he found, and gave the Espeon a special Starf Berry. Then he just sat down and stayed quiet.
Twilight ran towards the den, not paying attention to where she was going. "Ouch!" Twilight yelped, when she tripped over a rock and faceplanted in the ground. "Ow..." Twilight groaned, slowly standing up. She brushed herself off, then looked around, hoping no one had seen her trip, before continuing to run to the den.
See, Jewel had kept silent for one reason and one alone. Fear. She didn't speak aside from the occasional helpless whimper. What were that gonna do to her? Yeah, they explicitly saidd they were neutral, but she just attacked them. It wasn't forgivable. Now, she had to fear where she was being taken.
"Is everything OK?" asked Shadow. He kinda worried about the Espeon next to him. Shadow offered the Espeon another Starf Berry. "Aren't you going to say something?" asked Shadow. He thought he saw someone trip, but he assumed it was probably just his own mind. He looked at the Espeon and said, "Look, I'm sorry if you got attacked." He ate a Sitrus berry while waiting for that Espeon to reply to him.
Jewel looked away, biting her lip. "Please don't hurt me..." She whispered, using her remaining strength to use protect, forming a barrier around herself as she hung her head, refusing to look in the direction of the other Pokémon.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, y'know." replied Shadow. The Sableye walked away, dropping all the berries in his hands onto the ground next to the Espeon, and just went towards the den. "Hello?" asked Shadow. He sat down.
Jewel blinked in surprise, dropping the barrier, and slowly shifting over to nibble on the berries, which was a strenuous task with her badly broken leg. She didn't understand why she was treated with that act of kindness. Then again, it could be poisoned... but she was too hungry not to take the risk.
Iciana was waking up in the leader's room, which looked fine with blue rose flowers with a big blue sticks with snow on the bed. She was the third-generation leader of Arcticfreeze, which included mainly Grass, Water, Ice and Ground types. The territory was marked with rocks.

She yawned and said to herself, "Maybe I should explore. It's been a long time with no exploring, well I'm not sure if I should go,"
Twilight ran into her's and Alpha's den. "Twilight! Where were you?!" Alpha growled almost immediately. Twilight sighed, then sat down. "I had to help an Umbreon named Issac. He got stuck on a rock in the river." Twilight said calmly. "Oh." Alpha said. Twilight looked around the den. "Hey, where's Moon? She stayed here last night because she was too tired to go back to her cave." Twilight asked. Alpha shrugged. "I don't know, and I don't care." Alpha said plainly.

Moon ran through the Dusk Forest, jumping over random logs. "Gotta run faster!" Moon growled, speeding up a bit, jumping over a log a bit bigger than the others. Ever since she lost in a battle against Twilight, therefore losing her position as leader of the Lunar Pack, she was determined to become stronger and faster, so she could one day battle Twilight and win back her position as leader.
Midnight soon dropped the three off at the den. "Issac, I need you to make sure neither of them start fighting, and Raven, please give our guest some food and water, I'll be right back, I think I heard something while we came here..." He walked off in the direction they came. He heard the sound of what sounded to be grunting, he walked through some bushes to see Moon jumping over fallen tree logs. "So that's where the noise was coming from..." Midnight smirked, he didn't interrupt her, instead, continuing to watch.

Issac smiled. "Bye Midnight!" He called after him, then turning to Jewel, running around him. "Hiya, Hiya! Are you hungry? Thirsty, do you want me to get you some food or Water?" He asked sincerely. Without hesitation, he quickly ran into the den and grabs some Oran Berries and placed them in front of Jewel happily, wagging his tail.
Jewel nearly smiled, but was still clearly confused. Didn't she try to hurt him earlier? Slowly, and a bit intimidated by his boundless energy, the Espeon nibbled on a few of the berries she was given. "Thank you." She gave a nod, looking around. The way she carried herself, even injured and laying down was quite stoic, and almost regal looking. Feeling slightly guilty about eating in front of him- as well as other things- Jewel batted a few of the berries toward him with her uninjured leg, offering them back to the Umbreon.
Moon jumped over another log, unaware of Midnight watching her. "I'll get stronger, and faster! I'll beat Twilight in a battle and win back my position as leader!" Moon said to herself, sounding very determined. She jumped over yet another log, but this time caught her hind paw, and faceplanted into the ground. "Ugh!" Moon growled angrily, slowly getting up. She glared over her shoulder at the tree log, annoyed.
Shadow sat in the den for awhile, and decided it would be a good idea to go out and explore. He went out towards the river and sat. He rinsed his hands, worried. He wanted to take something. Do something. Steal something. He sighed. But he wouldn't do that. He decided he'd explore the Dawn Forest soon. He went back to the den in Dusk Forest, where Jewel was. He thought he saw Moon run off, and Isaac and Raven were next to Jewel."Hey guys!" said Shadow. He sat on a small log next to Isaac.
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"You're welcome!" He smiled, finally sitting down, before collapsing. He was fast asleep in front of Jewel and Raven. He rolled onto his back for more comfort a smile plastered on his face as he continued to doze off.

Midnight smiled at the fellow Umbreon, smirking as she tripped over the log. He let out a sigh before walking over, jumping on top of the log. "You OK?" He asked, he lied down across the log, he rested one of his legs on the other, glancing at Moon. "That was quite a face plant if you don't mind me saying." He smirked.
Jewel smiled a bit more, watching Issac, snickering to herself when he dropped asleep so easily. Her eyes darted up to the Sableye. "Why hello there." She hummed, pushing herself up to a sitting position as best she could, which was both difficult and painful with her leg. She let out a soft grunt, closing her eyes as the jewel on her forehead started glowing. She was trying to use psychic powers to fix her leg.
((Moon is an Espeon, not an Umbreon, @Lucky Ace. XD))

Moon growled. "Shut up!" Moon growled, annoyed. "And I'm fine!" Moon said, before turning away, jumping onto a tree stump, and leaping from it onto a small boulder, then onto a tree branch. "Great, now I'm going to get made fun of for tripping and faceplanting..." Moon grumbled, sighing. She leaped down onto the tree stump.
"Hey." said Shadow. He tapped the gems on his back, mysteriously. Shadow said "So, you've got psychic powers? That's cool. I guess." Shadow automatically regretted saying that, as he knew that. He could've said it better. "I think I might go to Dawn Forest soon." said Shadow. He grabbed a few berries and handed them to Jewel. And he brought some water. "You want some?" asked Shadow.
Jewel accepted the water slowly, after inspecting that it wasn't tampered with. "Yes, I appreciate it greatly." She nodded, ears twitching as she overheard pieces of a nearby conversation. Someone tripped and fell or something. It wasn't any of her business. Her leg was still painful to stand on, but at least it wasn't broken anymore. "And yes, of course I have psychic abilities, what would you expect?" She shrugged, thinking it was the most obvious thing, which where she was from, it was. She never thought it made her special in the slightest.
((Dang It, again xD))

Midnight frowned. "Rude, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?!" Midnight growled at her, before let out a sigh and continuing to watch her. He sat up, turning his head in her direction. He saw her grumbling something, but he couldn't hear what she said exactly, so he let her be.
Moon was silent, staring at the ground, slowly wrapping her tail around herself. "...My mother is dead..." Moon said quietly, after a few moments. She shook her head, then hopped off the tree stump, before running towards a log and jumping over it, and then running towards a slightly larger log and jumping over it.
Midnight froze. "I-I'm s-sorry to hear that..." He looked down for a few seconds, only to look back at the stump to see she wasn't there. He quickly looked around, finally watched her jump over Logs again. He frowned, moving to the stump she was previously at so he wouldn't get in her way of training.
Moon grew tired of jumping over logs after a few minutes. "Okay, I need something else to do to train..." Moon mumbled to herself. She glanced at a tree, then smirked before running over to it and beginning to climb it, only to slide back down. "Learning to actually be able to climb trees could be helpful, especially when I'm hunting." Moon thought, attempting to climb up the tree again.
Midnight watched her up a tree, only to slide back down it. He then smirked, running to a different tree and climbing up it before jumping from one of it's tree branches over to the tree that Moon was currently trying to climb. He lied down on a tree branch, sturdy enough to support his weight, before looking to Moon, watching her try to climb up.
Shadow sighed. "I'm considering doing stuff soon. How about you guys?" asked Shadow, pointing the question towards Isaac, who was probably asleep, or gone, and also Raven, and Jewel. He tried to pull one of the gems out his back, again, but failed. "I'm going to go train, so see ya later!" said Shadow. He went into the forest, and climbed trees, jumping from tree to tree. "Woo! Yeah!" shouted Shadow, having fun. He dropped a trail of berries behind him.
Moon glared at Midnight. "Show off." Moon mumbled. She slide down the tree again. "Okay, this is impossible!" Moon said in annoyance, trying once again to climb the tree, this time jumping and latching her claws into the tree bark, and repeating. She forgot their was a pond beside the tree, and leaped onto a branch that was right above the pond, smirking. "Ha! Made it!" Moon said, seeming a bit happy.
Midnight smirked at Moon, sticking his tongue out a bit. "I heard that!" He smiled, continuing to watch the Espeon fail. "If it's impossible, how am I up here?" He teased her, lifting a paw up. He smiled as she finally made it up the tree. He looked to the branch she was on, which wasn't very Sturdy. "You may of made it, but you might wanna look down!" He smirked.
"Huh?" Moon asked. She started to look down, only for the branch to bend a little due to her weight, making her wrap her legs around it to avoid slidding off. "Frick!" Moon said in annoyance. She glanced down at the pond and seemed to pale a bit. "Please don't snap, please don't snap, please don't snap..." Moon whimpered slightly, slowly unwrapping her legs from around the branch.
Midnight turned to the freaking out Espeon. He jumped over to the same branch, closer to the tree, before the part where the branch bent. "I could help you if you wan't you know... So let me ask you this, Do you need help?" He held a paw out to her so it was easily grab able. He steadied himself, awaiting the Espeon to take hold of his paw.
Raven gave a small stare at Shadow. She didn't really like his act of kindness, even though Jewel had tried to drown Issac and some other Umbreon. The Umbreon watched as he left, grunting slightly. "Geezus," She scoffed.
"Y-yeah, maybe a little, because I can't swim, so if the branch snaps, I'm doomed..." Moon mumbled, taking hold of Midnight's paw. She glanced down at the pond and shivered, seeming to go a bit pale again.
Midnight smiled as she grabbed his paw, at the same moment the branch snapping, and Moon hanging by his paw. Midnight frowned, struggling to lift her up. "H-Hold On!" He growled, starting to lose his grip of the branch.
Moon whimpered, beginning to shake, showing she was scared. She held onto Midnight's paw a bit tighter. "Please don't fall, please don't fall, please don't fall..." Moon thought to herself, glancing down at the pond again.
Midnight frowned as he slipped and both of them fell into the lake. He quickly swam up to the surface, gasping for air, then looking around. "Espeon?! Espeon?!" He yelled, then taking a deep breath and diving back in, looking for Moon.
"H-help!" Moon whimpered, thrashing around in the water, trying her best to try to grab onto something, not caring at all what it was, just as long as it could help her get out of the water. She heard Midnight yell, and tried to swim in his direction, but failed, due to having no idea how to swim.
Midnight came back out of the water to see Moon, quickly swimming over to her and grabbing her paw. "Look, I'm gonna swim us to shore but you need to be calm, otherwise we're gonna be stuck here! Calm down, OK?" He frowned, then grabbing her other paw so she couldn't trash about.
Moon nodded, still whimpering. "O-okay..." Moon whimpered. She stopped thrashing around entirely, although it was a bit hard for her to do, since she normally thrashed around when in water, due to not knowing how to swim, and easily freaking out, and her freaking out in water normally forced her to thrash around.
Midnight sighed. "OK, good, now I'm going to let go of one of your paws, alright? I need you to not trash about as I swim us to shore, do you understand? And one last thing, please don't freak out and drown me... Please?" He frowned, slowly letting go of her right paw.
Raven sighed. "Okay, Issac, when will Midnight get back?" She grunted, looking at the other Umbreon. She sighed again, looking around.
Issac was still fast asleep next to Jewel, unable to notice what Raven was saying. He let out a yawn in response to her question, but continued to sleep next to Jewel.
Moon nodded, managing to stay calm. "Alright, I'll try..." Moon said. She glanced at the shore and let out a small whine. "Why did I have to be an idiot and try to climb a tree...? I wouldn't be in water right now if I had just continued jumping over logs, or found something else to do..." Moon thought.