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Private/Closed [Closed] Survivors RP- Bonds And Heart Break

London and Sly waited, talking about future plans. A while later, the wolf came back with about four half-wolves, half-dogs Sly's age, and one Czhech. Wolfdog with Sly's eyes.
Mouse was still sitting shyly behind one of Londons paws. It seemed as if he was trying to blend in with the foliage of the forest floor. The Half wolves seemed to frighten him a little by how big they were.
London pinned her ears back, sitting down, nudging Mouse close to her belly and wrapping her tail around him protectively. The half-wolves ran to Sly, sniffing him, licking him, wagging their tails, and yipping excitedly. They missed him dearly.
Aero came back, dragging a small deer with him. Small was just an understatement; this thing was quite small even though it was a 'young adult'. Aero sighed. "First thing I saw. Apparently these things are rather rare around here, and not usually small." Aero barked. He stared at the sky silently.
London nodded, wagging her tail and barking thankfully. Sly's siblings soon split, two going over to sniff London and Mouse, the other two to Aero. Sky's mother slowly padded over to him. They locked eyes. Like Sly's father had said, they did indeed have the same eyes.
Mouse soon became a little less scared of Slys bigger brothers and sisters, and was staying a little farther away from London, but still remained close.
Aero looked at Sky's siblings and barked a hello. "So, I see you're one of Sky's siblings, yes?" Aero barked, ears twitching. His unusually long tail curled around his paws as he sat down. His bright blue eyes focused on the siblings.
They nodded. "Ylvis was the smallest pup!" Barked his oldest brother, the second oldest sibling. The oldest, his oldest sister, barked, "But he grew to be the biggest, even though he was youngest!" Sly wagged his tail, nuzzling his mother-dog. He looked at his site from over his mother-dog's shoulder, smiling at him.