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DPPt/HGSS Competitive Team Assistance Required!

...Hope the title caught your eye.

Yup, its ol' AL. ...You've no idea who the hell I am, do you? Well, I joined a few years back, but recently ceased action on 'Charms. I, this summer, began to go through that occasional 'Do I really like Pokemon' state. Welp, I'll spare you the speech and move on.

I have recently been focusing on my competitive team, which will be used... whenever I get Wi-Fi. Anyways, I definitely figured out what Pokemon I'm to use (Hopefully) and a bit of the movesets. I also have a few backups in mind.

Infernape- F/Lv63
- Flamethrower
- Grass Knot
- Focus Blast
- Calm Mind
Item: ??
Nature: Bold
EV's: ?? ?? ??

--My own moveset, and I definitely wish to stay with this. However, having some judgment would be good.

Lucario- M/Lv52
- Calm Mind
- Aura Sphere
- Dark Pulse
- Psychic
Item: ??
Nature: Serious
EV's: ?? ?? ??

Kinda Calm Mind Sweeper. Covers his basic weaknesses and a few annoying factors.

--The Whole Shebang
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Thunderbolt
- Substitute
Item- Petaya Berry
Nature: Modest
EV's: 4 HP/ 252 SAtk/ 252 Spd

Nothing accomplished. Thanks to King of Lucario, I have discovered a decent moveset.

Gallade- M/31
- Close Combat
- Psycho Cut
- Night Slash
- Thunder Wave
Item- Leftovers
Nature: Serious
236 HP/252 Atk/ 20 Def

A basic attacker, along with a disruptor move to help Lucario Sweep.

Scizor- M/Lv--
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- X-Scissor
- Aerial Ace
Item- Life Orb
Nature: Modest
252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Def

Bullet Punch with STAB and Life Orb can, hopefully, become a VERY good choice. Also, Swords Dance to help out, X-Scissor for more STAB, and Aerial Ace for a filler.

Blaziken- M/--
--Moveset Assistance/Item
- Bulk Up
- Sky Uppercut
- Overheat
- Mega Punch
Item: ??
Nature: Rash
No EV's possible...

My very first Pokemon EVER, I MUST use him. This is the moveset I have for him now, and the EV's are NOT an option at his level....

Darkrai- G
- Dark Pulse/Dream Eater
- Dark Void
- Calm Mind
- Spacial Rend
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Quiet
4 HP/ 252 Spd/ 252 SAtk

I know using an Uber is not liked, but I got this thing for a reason! >:( So, a basic Special Sweeper, but I was thinking of maybe adding Dream Eater somewhere in there....

Palkia- G
- Spacial Rend
- Earth Power
- Rock Slide
- Thunderbolt
Item: Scope Lens/??
Nature: Bashful
80 Atk/ 176 Spd/ 252 SAtk

Another Uber I will not use at the same time as Darkrai. Palkia will know Spacial Rend, obviously, for STAB, and I need him to cover some loose ends of my team, like Type-Coverage.

Yup, I tried.

AL has Spoken!


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
This is my Gengar's moveset:

Gengar @ Petaya Berry
6 HP/252 SP.ATK/252 SPEED

- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast
- Substitute

Gengar is quick enough to Sub before (almost) anything can hit him, and 3-4 Subs = Sp.Atk boost from Petaya Berry. Shadow Ball has STAB, and that plus Focus Blast means neutral damage on every Pokemon in the game. Thunderbolt grants more coverage to this set than any other of Gengar's special moves in my opinion, so it gets the third slot. I've tested this set a lot, and I can safely say it is deadly - I swept a whole OU team with it once without taking a hit.

For your Infernape, either Life Orb (to activate Blaze) or Salac Berry (to hopefully give you a Speed boost if you take a hard hit on your Calm Mind turn) would probably be best. Bold Nature is not really that good for it though - Modest Nature would work best for it. Also, Chimchar can learn Nasty Plot, which is in my opinion far more useful on a sweeper than Calm Mind is, and consider Close Combat instead of Focus Blast to take out Special Walls such as Blissey, Snorlax and Regice (note that Mild/Rash or Hasty/Naive nature would be better if you ran Close Combat than Modest or Timid.)
That Gengar looks REALLY good.

However, I wish to keep my already trained Infernape rather than train a brand new one. But, I will consider the Salac Berry on Infernape. The nature is not beneficial very much, I understand, but I do get a boost in SAtk, right? If not, I do think it was somewhat helpful of a Nature,

Oh, and how do I get Salac and Petaya Berries?

AL has Spoken!


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
However, I wish to keep my already trained Infernape rather than train a brand new one. But, I will consider the Salac Berry on Infernape. The nature is not beneficial very much, I understand, but I do get a boost in SAtk, right? If not, I do think it was somewhat helpful of a Nature.

Bold Nature boosts your Defense and drops your Attack - it doesn't boost your Sp.Atk at all, making it generally a poor Nature for Infernape.
Modest or Timid is best on a pure Special Sweeper Infernape, and Mild/Rash or Hasty/Naive if you run Close Combat in the set.

Oh, and how do I get Salac and Petaya Berries?

Best way to get Salac and Petaya Berries is via Battle Revolution's Mystery Gift function. Pokemon Colosseum's Mystery Gift function will also provide both of these berries.
Here is my competitive team so far i'm kinda still working out the twinks of them and lvling some of them still

Lucario- F/Lv95
--Item-Lax Incense
- Aura Sphere
- Dragon Pulse
- Dark Pulse
- Blaze Kick
Nature: Lonely
Stats- Atk: 281 Def: 155 Sp.Atk:260 Sp.Def:167 Speed:212

Pretty much she's All force "beat up now and ask questions later"

Jolteon- M/Lv100
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Wish
- Charge Beam
Stats- Atk: 136 Def: 144 Sp.Atk:296 Sp.Def:259 Speed:310

Latias- F/Lv100
--Item-Dragon Fang
- Psychic
- Mist Ball
- Dragon Pulse
- Recover
Nature: Modest
Stats- Atk: 174 Def: 210 Sp.Atk:255 Sp.Def:290 Speed:250

Staraptor- M/Lv100
--Item-Sharp Beak
- Brave Bird
- Close Combat
- Steel Wing
- Fly
Bold Nature boosts your Defense and drops your Attack - it doesn't boost your Sp.Atk at all, making it generally a poor Nature for Infernape.
Modest or Timid is best on a pure Special Sweeper Infernape, and Mild/Rash or Hasty/Naive if you run Close Combat in the set.

Best way to get Salac and Petaya Berries is via Battle Revolution's Mystery Gift function. Pokemon Colosseum's Mystery Gift function will also provide both of these berries.

Okay, maybe I can breed a new Chimchar, which will be easy since Infernape is Female. I'll adjust the beginning post for this, and get back on how it's going...

Should I breed a brand new Riolu, too?



Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Should I breed a brand new Riolu, too?

That would help, since Serious Nature does absolutely nothing at all to your stats if I remember correctly. For Special Sweeping, go for either Modest (Sp.Atk increase) or Timid (Speed increase.) Both of these will drop your Attack stat, but since you aren't using that stat it will make no difference to your overall effectiveness.
That would help, since Serious Nature does absolutely nothing at all to your stats if I remember correctly. For Special Sweeping, go for either Modest (Sp.Atk increase) or Timid (Speed increase.) Both of these will drop your Attack stat, but since you aren't using that stat it will make no difference to your overall effectiveness.

your right about the serious nature also you can go to http://www.pokecharms.com/forums/index.php?topic=4070.0 which also shows the natures posted by Ruko