...This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
Aperture Science.
We do what me must because we can.
For the good of all of us...
Except the ones who are DEAD.
Okay, enough of the lyricspam. The Summer holidays gives me and my Mum loads of time to arrange stuff, so she decided to arrange a bake - off in her back garden. I decided to bake something myself, and what better than the infamous cake from Portal? I'm really happy with the results, and it got me wondering...
Have you guys ever baked, or cooked anything quite fancy for a party e.t.c.? Do you do it much? Has there been anything you've whipped up that received positive feedback, or generally came out well? Cooking for me has been quite a hobby, and I've been starting to do much more of it, especially if family are over and such, and I wondered if any other Charmsians were into it as well. Don't get me wrong - I don't think anyone here can't cook or anything, The thread is genrally more focused on cooking something a bit special - like a fancy dinner for several people, or a appealing dessert.
So yeah, fire away I guess.