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Create your own Smash Bros. Move set!

Character: Dynamite Anton

Size: Wario's Height
Speed: Pikachu's Speed (Since Anton Blast is a Fast-Paced Game)
Weight: Wario's Weight
Strength: Kinda like Pikachu

Jab: Swings his Hammer Left and Right on his POV, and a Slam to the Ground
Up tilt: Swings his Hammer Upwards
Down tilt: A Roll
Forward tilt: Swings his Hammer Left to his POV
Forward aerial: A Kick
Neutral aerial: Does a Frontflip Along with his Hammer
Back aerial: A Backwards Punch
Down aerial: Goes to the Ground and Slams his Hammer to the Ground
Forward Smash: Slide
Down Smash: He Slams his Hammer to the Ground
Up Smash: He Swings his Head
Dash attack: Shoulder Bash
B: Explode Block Connected to his Down B (When Kirby Inhales him, his Down B will become his Neutral B)
Side B: Ball (Can Clutch With his Jab, Side and Up tilt, Down Smash, and his Neutral and Down Aerial)
Up B: Concrete Launch (Can find on Bolier City while preparing in happy hour)
Down B: Explotion Time (When he doesn't place a Explode Block, a Exploding radius will activate)
                        Stuff (I'm Tired to do this)
Up Taunt:
Down Taunt:
Side Taunt:
Victory Screen 1:
Victory Screen 2:
Victory Screen 3:
Kirby hat:
dynamite anton.jpg
Aight everyone knows this is never gonna happen but I'ma do it anyway

Character: Son Goku (Dragon Ball)
Size: Almost as tall as Terry
Speed: Almost as fast as Captain Falcon
Weight: Less than Mythra
Strength: Slightly more than Shulk with Buster Art (yes, I'm making Goku a class cannon, don't question my methods-)
Jab: Goku's light autocombo in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Up tilt: Flip kick
Down tilt: Goku uppercuts anyone in range (yes, his down tilt is an anti-air)
Forward tilt: Goku dashes forward before delivering a punch
Forward aerial: Double axe hand (spike) just like DK, only much faster
Neutral aerial: Goku shoots a fast-moving Ki blast diagonally downwards
Back aerial: Same as Marth/Lucina/Roy (I think that's it)
Down aerial: Goku slams into the ground (if any) at high speed
Forward Smash: Just a straight heavy punch
Down Smash: Creates stationary Ki blasts on both sides
Up Smash: A 2-hit uppercut
Dash attack: A mini-Kamehameha diagonally downwards stopping on platforms and platforms only (don't question my methods-)
B: Kamehameha (a projectile that can be charged and launches further at higher levels of charge)
Side B: Super God Fist (a dashing punch that travels a moderate distance)
Up B: Instant Transmission (teleport)
Down B: Universal Counter
Final Smash: Super Kamehameha (a powerful Final Smash involving a targeting recital)
Entrance: Teleports onto the stage with Instant Transmission and stretches. His quote depends on the enemy he's facing.
Against 3-7 others: "I got a feeling this is gonna take a while..."
Against Link and/or Mario: "Show me everything you got!"
Against Ganondorf, Bowser, Sephiroth, Dark Samus, King K. Rool and/or Kazuya: "It's too late for you to apologize now."
Against Luigi: "How 'bout I start this one?"
Against Shulk: "This guy's not gonna be easy to take down."
Against Ryu, Ken or Terry: "I'll put some effort into this one."
Against Hero: "You look kinda familiar!"
Against anyone else: "This'll be a good match."
Up Taunt: Goku stretches and says out loud that he's "ready to fight" (he's not lying)
Down Taunt: Goku looks like he's going to perform a Kamehameha, but instead confetti appears from his hands
Side Taunt: Goku spins his Power Pole (this deals damage)
Stage: World Tournament Arena
Victory Screen 1: Super Saiyan Goku's victory screen from Dragon Ball FighterZ (Quote depends on the enemy)
Victory Screen 2: Goku's victory screen from Dragon Ball FighterZ (Quote depends on the enemy)
Victory Screen 3: Super Saiyan Blue Goku's victory screen from Dragon Ball FighterZ (Quote depends on the enemy)
Against Sonic, Bayonetta, Rosalina, Ness, Pit, Mewtwo or Cloud: "Phew!"
Against Kirby: "Heh heh... I got you this time!"
Against Meta Knight, Zelda, Link or Mario: "You're really good. I'm impressed."
Against Shulk: "What, you're not gonna fight me at your best?"
Against Samus, Hero, Simon or Richter: "I came out on top this time!"
Against Mega Man: "Did someone bring you back to life?"
Against King Dedede, Donkey Kong, Luigi, Lucas, Wario, Ike or Joker: "Wow, you really are something..."
Against Young Link, Corrin, Yoshi, Toon Link, Ryu/Ken, Terry, Dark Pit or Lucario: "Quit playing around and hit me with all you got!"
Against Pac-Man, Zero Suit Samus, Pokémon Trainer, Greninja, Banjo-Kazooie, Incineroar or Diddy Kong: "I know you can do better than this."
Against Byleth, Mii Fighters, Pikachu, Fox, Falco, Wolf, Little Mac, Inkling or Snake: "Look at that, guess I win this time!"
Against Ganondorf, Bowser, Dark Samus, King K. Rool, Sephiroth or Kazuya: "Never hurt anyone ever again."
Against anyone else: "Low-ranker, elite, whatever. You can beat anyone... it's called hard work!"
Kirby hat: Goku's hair as a wig

That's all I got. Most of the inspiration was from DBFZ, so uhhhh yeah. I'm a bit of a DBFZ fan. Don't worry, I'm not obsessed. XD
Character: Lr. Ferroe & Super Bros

Size: Scribbles and circles
Speed: A bit faster than mario
Weight: Villager
Strength: the same as luigi and donkey kong

Jab: the same as luigi and donkey kong and ??? means nobody
Up tilt: ???
Down tilt: ???
Forward tilt: ???
Forward aerial: ???
Neutral aerial: ???
Back aerial: ???
Down aerial: ???
Forward Smash: ???
Down Smash: ???
Up Smash: ???
Dash attack: ???
B: ???
Side B: ???
Up B: ???
Down B: ???
Final Smash: a big and a lot of punches before a big metorite explodes
Entrance: scribbles in air become bigger and turn into Lr. Ferroe & Super Bros
Up Taunt: ???
Down Taunt: ???
Side Taunt: ???
Stage: Scribbledy Doppy Dot Oh-Oh
Victory Screen 1: Jumping and moving
Victory Screen 2: Jumping and moving
Victory Screen 3: Jumping and moving
Alternate's: ???
Kirby hat: no just no
Picture: https://imgur.com/YpK783i (imgur.com)

I would love this to be on melee
Character: Captain Mega

Size: Same size as Link
Speed: Same speed as Byleth
Weight: Same weight as Robin
Strength: weaker than Pyra but a bit stronger than Mythra

Jab: Punch (3 hit combo is punch, kick then an axe swing)
Up tilt: An upward axe swing
Down tilt: low kick
Forward tilt: Single axe swing
Forward aerial: Axe jab
Neutral aerial: Same as Mario's
Back aerial: Same as Mii Brawler's
Down aerial: Same as Byleth's
Forward Smash: Axe slam
Down Smash: Same as Byleth's
Up Smash: Upward axe jab using the blue part on the top of his axe
Dash attack: Same as Link's
B: Watery axe (Works same as Mythra's neutral B)
Side B: Surprising axe (works same as Ike's)
Up B: Whale buddy (Transforms into Ocean Conqueror Mega and uses a whale to swim upwards. Anyone close enough gets caught in the whale's path and damaged until the attack ends. When the attack ends, Mega transforms back into his regular self)
Down B: Calm mind (Basically a counter)
Final Smash: Sea King's wake (Mega swings his axe and anyone caught in the swing gets launched into the air and Mega transforms into Ocean Conqueror Mega. He then unleashes a 21-hit combo on anyone who got hit by the first swing)
Entrance: Mega enters as Ocean Conqueror Mega riding a whale and then transforms back into his regular self
Up Taunt: Mega spins his axe and points it in front of him in a stance.
Down Taunt: Mega laughs while facing upwards
Side Taunt: Mega points forwards and says "Bring it, Punk!
Stage: Egor Snowfield
Victory Screen 1: Mega Spins his axe and points it upward while cheering
Victory Screen 2: Mega swings his axe three times. The third swing is toward the screen. Mega then looks at the screen and smirks
Victory Screen 3: Mega bursts out of the ground as Ocean Conqueror Mega on a whale, points and says "Onward!"
Alternate's: Red outfit, Yellow outfit, purple outfit, white outfit, Green outfit, Black outfit, Orange outfit
Kirby hat: Mega's hat and eyepatch
Picture: (Captain Mega is this picture and Ocean Conqueror Mega is the picture at the bottom underneath this one)
Character: Master Chief (Halo Franchise)
Tall, about 7ft, Taller than Samus
Relatively fast for his size, Capt. Falcon speed while sprinting
Heavy, Kazuya or Gannon weight
Strong, Reference: Kazuya

Move List


Mele, punching forward while holding weapon, inspired directly from source games. Single hit that doesn't launch opponent very far, but does a decent amount of damage, great set up for jab locks into combos. Reference: Roy
Up tilt:
Upward aimed Mele while holding weapon, single hit, comes out quickly, doesn't launch at low percent, great for juggling and combo set ups, less damage than jab. Reference: Little Mack
Down tilt:
Energy sword downward jab. Chief puts his weapon away and pulls out an energy sword, crouching and jabbing downward, this move has the farthest range of any of Chief's Mele moves. Reference: Marth
Forward tilt:
Forward stomp, followed by a Mele and an additional stomp that buries if the attack button is pressed multiple times. Comes out quickly, up to 3 hits if attack button is held or pressed repeatedly. 3rd hit will burry. Reference: Snake/Wii Fit
Forward aerial:
While holding weapon, Chief will lean backwards and kick both feet out towards his opponent, doing decent damage and launching his opponent at higher percent. Slower to come out than his other aerials. If Chief fast falls while doing this move he will land on his back and do a kip up to get back into neutral. Reference: Similar to Snake Back Air
Neutral aerial:
Mele, punching forward while holding weapon, swinging slightly upward to cover more area than his jab. Comes out very quickly but doesn't do much damage, great out of shield option to create a little distance
Back aerial:
Backwards kick while holding weapon, comes out relatively quickly. Reference: DK or Samus
Down aerial:
Downward tether, inspired directly from source games. Chief aims his tether directly beneath him. If it directly connects with an opponent, Chief will tether towards them, jumping off of their head and spiking them downwards. If it's not a direct hit, the tether will make the opponent flinch, but not do much damage. Reference: Similar to Joker/Byleth tether options
Up aerial:
Upward tether, similar to his down aerial. Chief aims his tether directly above him. If it directly connects with an opponent, Chief will tether towards them, jumping off of their head and spiking them downwards. If it's not a direct hit, the tether will make the opponent flinch, but not do much damage. Reference: Similar to Joker/Byleth tether options
Forward Smash:
Energy sword uppercut. Chief puts his weapon away and pulls out an energy sword, underhand swing, slashing up and out.
Down Smash:
Grav Hammer downward smash. Chief puts his weapon away and pull out a gravity hammer, swinging it over his head and slamming it into the ground in front of him. The shockwave covers both sides of him, hitting any opponent that gets too close. A direct hit has a chance of being a critical hit, dealing massive damage. Chief's slowest smash to come out, and be punished easily, especially from behind or above. If an opponent is in the air or vulnerable on a ledge when hit with the shock wave of this attack, they will be spiked downwards. Shockwave range and damage increase the longer the move is held. Reference: similar to Byleth down B
Up Smash:
Chief fires hit assault rifle into the air above him, relatively short range, explosive finish. Reference: Mii Gunner
Dash attack:
Chief leans forward slamming into his opponent with his shoulder. The longer he has been sprinting, the more damage this move does and the further it will launch his opponent. Reference: Samus, Capt. Falcon, Gannon
Chief crouches down on one knee, striking the classic "tea-bag" pose. He can walk back and forth while crouching.
Standard spot dodge
Evade. Inspired directly from source games, Chief will dive forwards or backward out of harm's way and rolling to his feet, taking him slightly further than most character's roll.
Air Dodge:
Standard air dodge
Tether, inspired directly from source games. Can be used to pick up items, grab ledges while in aerial, or grab opponents form a distance. If the opponent is heavier than Chief, Chief will be pulled to them! If the opponent is the same weight, they will meet in the middle. Reference: Samus, Lucas, Young Link, other tether characters.
Holding his opponent by the collar with one hand, Chief will pummel them over the head with his pistol.
Forward Throw:
Spartan kick to the chest, launching his opponent far.
Backward Throw:
CQC Back throw, rolling opponent over his knee and throwing them behind him. Reference: Snake
Down Throw:
Back Breaker. Chief raises his opponent over his head and brings them down over his knee, leaving them to rest on the ground next to him. Great set up for additional combos. Reference: Incineroar?
Up Throw:
Grenade stick. Chief pulls out a covenant sticky grenade and sticks it to his opponent before launching them in the air above him and detonating the grenade with a blast from his assault rifle. If this move is interrupted the grenade will stay attached to the opponent and will detonate in 2.5 seconds, but can be transferred to another opponent by passing by them.



Switches Weapon. Chief carries 5 different weapons to choose from: Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Assault Riffle, Sniper Riffle, or Rocket Launcher. Holding B will allow Chief to rotate which weapon he is using, beginning with his standard pistol, release B to make the selection. The longer you hold B, the stronger the weapon that Chief will switch to, ending with the Rocket Launcher which takes the longest. Chief is vulnerable while switching weapons, and tapping B will return him to his default pistol. Tapping B repeatedly while the pistol is selected will fire the pistol. After a selection is made, Chief will continue to wield the selected weapon until a new selection is made, or until the weapon is out of ammo, at which point he will return to his default pistol. Reference: Similar to Pac-man.
Side B:
Fires Weapon. Each weapon has a set amount of ammo, or number of shots, and each weapon does more damage than the weapon before it:
Pistol has 8 shots, each shot doing exactly 2% damage for a max of 16% if every shot hits, providing zero knock back or flinch. Reference: Joker or Fox.
Plasma Pistol has 5 shots, each shot doing a base of 5%. Holding Side B with the plasma pistol equipped will charge the plasma pistol, which will automatically release when it's fully charged. Releasing a fully charged blast will damage Chief slightly. A charged blast will stun his opponent momentarily. The more charged the blast is, the longer the opponent will stay stunned. Releasing a fully charged blast will automatically use up all of the remaining shots, regardless of how many shots are remaining. Reference: Similar to Samus and Corrin.
Assault Riffle has 64 shots, fired incredibly rapidly, each shot doing only 0.5% damage for a max of 32% if every shot hits, providing very little knock back or flinch. Reference: Joker w/Arsène or Bayonetta.
Sniper Riffle has 4 shots, each doing 20% damage with a direct hit/headshot. Must be incredibly precise, to get a direct hit, otherwise each shot will only do 10%, with only 5% damage if the opponent is adjacent to Chief. This is great for long distance targets, firing in a straight line. The farther away the opponent, the more likely a direct hit will be. Reference: Similar to Byleth Neutral B.
Rocket Launcher has 2 shots and is Chief's strongest move, but also has the potential to damage himself. Each shot does a max of 45% with a direct hit, this is explosive and has a lot of knockback/launching power. Fires in a direct line, and if Chief is too close he will also take damage from the explosion and knockback.
Up B:
Jetpack, inspired directly from source games. Chief can still use attacks, specials and air dodge during and after use of his jetpack, however using it for too long will make it run out of fuel and Chief will fall out of the air. Fuel will have to recover before Chief can use the jetpack again. Reference: R.O.B.
Down B:
Armor Lock. Inspired directly from source games, while Chief is on the ground he will punch the ground, locking his armor in place and granting him invulnerability for up to 5 seconds or until the button is released. While in this state Chief is vulnerable to being grabbed. 5 seconds is the longest his armor can be locked and it takes the same amount of time for his armor lock to recharge to preform this move again. It takes Chief a little while to get out of end lag for this move, however if the armor lock is held to the full duration, the armor will create a little bit of a shock wave that is released, causing nearby opponents to flinch and giving Chief a chance to safely move out of range (Similar to DDD landing from his Up B). If this move is done in the air, Chief's thruster will send him straight down in an attempt to get him to the ground as fast as possible. This has the ability to spike opponents if hit directly, but Chief will drop very quickly, so be careful not to self destruct if not over a platform or solid ground. Reference: Hero performing Clank
Final Smash:
Target Locator. Inspired directly from source games, Chief uses a target locator to call in a spontaneous and powerful air strike on an opponent that has been locked on target. When B is pressed, the camera will zoom in on Chief's visor as he says "Thought I'd try shooting my way out, mix things up a bit." Chief then has a few seconds to lock onto his desired target before the air strike commences. If a target is not successfully located, the air strike will still commence, aiming directly at the last spot the target was hovering over. Any and all opponents nearby the locked on target are at risk of also taking significant damage from the explosions. Reference: Similar to Snake final smash.



Chief drops in from an ODST drop pod, and as he clambers out he says his famous line of "you need a weapon?"
Up Taunt:
Chief brandishes his weapon toward the camera, saying his line "what are you looking at?"
Down Taunt:
Chief activates "active cammo" turning temporarily invisible.
Side Taunt:
Chief holsters his weapon, standing at attention and giving a military solute.
Blood Gulch, inspired by the source games, large map complete with cliff faces, base structure near the cliff that can teleport you to the middle of the map, and a beach on the opposite end of the map. Map hazards include covenant forces driving/flying by in various vehicles, firing upon players.
Victory Screen 1:
Chief pulls Cortana hologram from the back of his helmet, as she appears and looks back at Chief she says "I do know how to pick 'em"
Victory Screen 2:
Chief holsters his weapon and radio's to HQ "This is Master Chief, hostiles have been naturalized"
Victory Screen 3:
Zoom in on Chief's visor as he reloads his rifle and stands at attention.
Default Classic Chief Army Green, Red (RvB), Blue (RvB), Yellow or Gold, Pink, Orange, Black, White.
Kirby hat:
Kirby wears Chief's helmet
Master Chief (Smashified)
Game Icon:
Halo Logo
Stock Icon:
Chief's helmet simplified.
Character: Master Chief (Halo Franchise)
Tall, about 7ft, Taller than Samus
Relatively fast for his size, Capt. Falcon speed while sprinting
Heavy, Kazuya or Gannon weight
Strong, Reference: Kazuya

Move List


Mele, punching forward while holding weapon, inspired directly from source games. Single hit that doesn't launch opponent very far, but does a decent amount of damage, great set up for jab locks into combos. Reference: Roy
Up tilt:
Upward aimed Mele while holding weapon, single hit, comes out quickly, doesn't launch at low percent, great for juggling and combo set ups, less damage than jab. Reference: Little Mack
Down tilt:
Energy sword downward jab. Chief puts his weapon away and pulls out an energy sword, crouching and jabbing downward, this move has the farthest range of any of Chief's Mele moves. Reference: Marth
Forward tilt:
Forward stomp, followed by a Mele and an additional stomp that buries if the attack button is pressed multiple times. Comes out quickly, up to 3 hits if attack button is held or pressed repeatedly. 3rd hit will burry. Reference: Snake/Wii Fit
Forward aerial:
While holding weapon, Chief will lean backwards and kick both feet out towards his opponent, doing decent damage and launching his opponent at higher percent. Slower to come out than his other aerials. If Chief fast falls while doing this move he will land on his back and do a kip up to get back into neutral. Reference: Similar to Snake Back Air
Neutral aerial:
Mele, punching forward while holding weapon, swinging slightly upward to cover more area than his jab. Comes out very quickly but doesn't do much damage, great out of shield option to create a little distance
Back aerial:
Backwards kick while holding weapon, comes out relatively quickly. Reference: DK or Samus
Down aerial:
Downward tether, inspired directly from source games. Chief aims his tether directly beneath him. If it directly connects with an opponent, Chief will tether towards them, jumping off of their head and spiking them downwards. If it's not a direct hit, the tether will make the opponent flinch, but not do much damage. Reference: Similar to Joker/Byleth tether options
Up aerial:
Upward tether, similar to his down aerial. Chief aims his tether directly above him. If it directly connects with an opponent, Chief will tether towards them, jumping off of their head and spiking them downwards. If it's not a direct hit, the tether will make the opponent flinch, but not do much damage. Reference: Similar to Joker/Byleth tether options
Forward Smash:
Energy sword uppercut. Chief puts his weapon away and pulls out an energy sword, underhand swing, slashing up and out.
Down Smash:
Grav Hammer downward smash. Chief puts his weapon away and pull out a gravity hammer, swinging it over his head and slamming it into the ground in front of him. The shockwave covers both sides of him, hitting any opponent that gets too close. A direct hit has a chance of being a critical hit, dealing massive damage. Chief's slowest smash to come out, and be punished easily, especially from behind or above. If an opponent is in the air or vulnerable on a ledge when hit with the shock wave of this attack, they will be spiked downwards. Shockwave range and damage increase the longer the move is held. Reference: similar to Byleth down B
Up Smash:
Chief fires hit assault rifle into the air above him, relatively short range, explosive finish. Reference: Mii Gunner
Dash attack:
Chief leans forward slamming into his opponent with his shoulder. The longer he has been sprinting, the more damage this move does and the further it will launch his opponent. Reference: Samus, Capt. Falcon, Gannon
Chief crouches down on one knee, striking the classic "tea-bag" pose. He can walk back and forth while crouching.
Standard spot dodge
Evade. Inspired directly from source games, Chief will dive forwards or backward out of harm's way and rolling to his feet, taking him slightly further than most character's roll.
Air Dodge:
Standard air dodge
Tether, inspired directly from source games. Can be used to pick up items, grab ledges while in aerial, or grab opponents form a distance. If the opponent is heavier than Chief, Chief will be pulled to them! If the opponent is the same weight, they will meet in the middle. Reference: Samus, Lucas, Young Link, other tether characters.
Holding his opponent by the collar with one hand, Chief will pummel them over the head with his pistol.
Forward Throw:
Spartan kick to the chest, launching his opponent far.
Backward Throw:
CQC Back throw, rolling opponent over his knee and throwing them behind him. Reference: Snake
Down Throw:
Back Breaker. Chief raises his opponent over his head and brings them down over his knee, leaving them to rest on the ground next to him. Great set up for additional combos. Reference: Incineroar?
Up Throw:
Grenade stick. Chief pulls out a covenant sticky grenade and sticks it to his opponent before launching them in the air above him and detonating the grenade with a blast from his assault rifle. If this move is interrupted the grenade will stay attached to the opponent and will detonate in 2.5 seconds, but can be transferred to another opponent by passing by them.



Switches Weapon. Chief carries 5 different weapons to choose from: Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Assault Riffle, Sniper Riffle, or Rocket Launcher. Holding B will allow Chief to rotate which weapon he is using, beginning with his standard pistol, release B to make the selection. The longer you hold B, the stronger the weapon that Chief will switch to, ending with the Rocket Launcher which takes the longest. Chief is vulnerable while switching weapons, and tapping B will return him to his default pistol. Tapping B repeatedly while the pistol is selected will fire the pistol. After a selection is made, Chief will continue to wield the selected weapon until a new selection is made, or until the weapon is out of ammo, at which point he will return to his default pistol. Reference: Similar to Pac-man.
Side B:
Fires Weapon. Each weapon has a set amount of ammo, or number of shots, and each weapon does more damage than the weapon before it:
Pistol has 8 shots, each shot doing exactly 2% damage for a max of 16% if every shot hits, providing zero knock back or flinch. Reference: Joker or Fox.
Plasma Pistol has 5 shots, each shot doing a base of 5%. Holding Side B with the plasma pistol equipped will charge the plasma pistol, which will automatically release when it's fully charged. Releasing a fully charged blast will damage Chief slightly. A charged blast will stun his opponent momentarily. The more charged the blast is, the longer the opponent will stay stunned. Releasing a fully charged blast will automatically use up all of the remaining shots, regardless of how many shots are remaining. Reference: Similar to Samus and Corrin.
Assault Riffle has 64 shots, fired incredibly rapidly, each shot doing only 0.5% damage for a max of 32% if every shot hits, providing very little knock back or flinch. Reference: Joker w/Arsène or Bayonetta.
Sniper Riffle has 4 shots, each doing 20% damage with a direct hit/headshot. Must be incredibly precise, to get a direct hit, otherwise each shot will only do 10%, with only 5% damage if the opponent is adjacent to Chief. This is great for long distance targets, firing in a straight line. The farther away the opponent, the more likely a direct hit will be. Reference: Similar to Byleth Neutral B.
Rocket Launcher has 2 shots and is Chief's strongest move, but also has the potential to damage himself. Each shot does a max of 45% with a direct hit, this is explosive and has a lot of knockback/launching power. Fires in a direct line, and if Chief is too close he will also take damage from the explosion and knockback.
Up B:
Jetpack, inspired directly from source games. Chief can still use attacks, specials and air dodge during and after use of his jetpack, however using it for too long will make it run out of fuel and Chief will fall out of the air. Fuel will have to recover before Chief can use the jetpack again. Reference: R.O.B.
Down B:
Armor Lock. Inspired directly from source games, while Chief is on the ground he will punch the ground, locking his armor in place and granting him invulnerability for up to 5 seconds or until the button is released. While in this state Chief is vulnerable to being grabbed. 5 seconds is the longest his armor can be locked and it takes the same amount of time for his armor lock to recharge to preform this move again. It takes Chief a little while to get out of end lag for this move, however if the armor lock is held to the full duration, the armor will create a little bit of a shock wave that is released, causing nearby opponents to flinch and giving Chief a chance to safely move out of range (Similar to DDD landing from his Up B). If this move is done in the air, Chief's thruster will send him straight down in an attempt to get him to the ground as fast as possible. This has the ability to spike opponents if hit directly, but Chief will drop very quickly, so be careful not to self destruct if not over a platform or solid ground. Reference: Hero performing Clank
Final Smash:
Target Locator. Inspired directly from source games, Chief uses a target locator to call in a spontaneous and powerful air strike on an opponent that has been locked on target. When B is pressed, the camera will zoom in on Chief's visor as he says "Thought I'd try shooting my way out, mix things up a bit." Chief then has a few seconds to lock onto his desired target before the air strike commences. If a target is not successfully located, the air strike will still commence, aiming directly at the last spot the target was hovering over. Any and all opponents nearby the locked on target are at risk of also taking significant damage from the explosions. Reference: Similar to Snake final smash.



Chief drops in from an ODST drop pod, and as he clambers out he says his famous line of "you need a weapon?"
Up Taunt:
Chief brandishes his weapon toward the camera, saying his line "what are you looking at?"
Down Taunt:
Chief activates "active cammo" turning temporarily invisible.
Side Taunt:
Chief holsters his weapon, standing at attention and giving a military solute.
Blood Gulch, inspired by the source games, large map complete with cliff faces, base structure near the cliff that can teleport you to the middle of the map, and a beach on the opposite end of the map. Map hazards include covenant forces driving/flying by in various vehicles, firing upon players.
Victory Screen 1:
Chief pulls Cortana hologram from the back of his helmet, as she appears and looks back at Chief she says "I do know how to pick 'em"
Victory Screen 2:
Chief holsters his weapon and radio's to HQ "This is Master Chief, hostiles have been naturalized"
Victory Screen 3:
Zoom in on Chief's visor as he reloads his rifle and stands at attention.
Default Classic Chief Army Green, Red (RvB), Blue (RvB), Yellow or Gold, Pink, Orange, Black, White.
Kirby hat:
Kirby wears Chief's helmet
Master Chief (Smashified)
Game Icon:
Halo Logo
Stock Icon:
Chief's helmet simplified.
View attachment 947538
I've wanted them to put Chief into smash for AGES! I know they'll never do it, probably because his moves would be too violent...

I wanted to design him in a way that wouldn't be too OP, although he's still pretty strong the way I have him designed. I tried to balance that out by making some of his most powerful moves very punishable; It takes a long time to switch to the most powerful weapons, and he also has a chance to damage himself with some of his most powerful attacks. The jetpack would give him good air mobility, but also keep recovery options limited if he runs out of fuel so it has to be used wisely, as his other specials will do little, if anything, to help him recover.
Character: Myself (im not revealing my name)
Size: about the same as Incineroar
Weight: Around the same as Roy(fire emblem)
Attack Strengh: Depends on the attack, i would be stronger on my legs (i would have some swift and deadly attacks, and also some tools at my disposal)
Jab: (3 hit jab that can turn into rapid jab) Punch with Right Arm , Kick with left leg, and a knee jab with my right leg
Rapid Jab, Arm Wiggle, rapid attack that racks up damage repeatedly, but has pitiful knockback, unless the foes were at high damage percents
Dash Attack: a flying kick forwards, my leg acts like a hitbox until the attack ends (my legs can deal some powerful blows)(this attack can be avoided if the opponent is very low or crouches) 
Side Tilt, a very strong Knee jab(has some endlag)
Up Tilt: Uses a phone charger as a whip that attacks upwards
Down Tilt: A little headbutt that does some small flinching damage, but its REALLY spammable
Side Smash: Basically the same as ryu's side smash (endlag included)
Up Smash: Handclap upwards, has a sweet spot when i clap
Down Smash, A quick Spin with both my legs in the middle, with my arms sticking out in the bottom
Neutral Aerial, Swing both of my legs from downward to the sides and punch with both arms upwards, the legs can bring the foes upwards, like ivysaur's neutral special
Forward Aerial: punch both my arms forward together twice in the air (basically the running men dance move, but without the legs, just to balance the moveset, since my legs are more powerful than my arms)
Back Aerial: Stick one of my legs out backwards and hit it with one of my arms, has a sweet spot, pulls me a little bit forward
Up Aerial: Do a Triumphant Punch Upward, Has Amazing Knockback, does the least damage out of my aerials
Down Aerial: Stab My Legs Together Twice, it can Spike
Gimmick: Exhaustion: i would have a meter next to my icon that indicates my exhaustion, as it gets higher, my speed, attack damage and attack speed would decrease, and if it gets 7/8 full or higher, i will take 2 percent of damage every 3 seconds, if i stand still, the meter decreases, but if would increase by 1/16 when i used my Jab, Dash Attack, Side Smash, Down Smash, and all of the aerials, speaking of the air, it would gradually fill if i was in the air, and if it gets full, i would be forced to stop to breathe, while the meter quickly decreases
Grab: two arms (very slowly fills up the exhaustion meter if i stay grabbing)
Pummel: Headbutt(i am really smart, so a big brain makes my head bigger to do more damage, i guess)
Forward throw: A Rolling Chair would appear and slide forward, i would avoid it and the opponent would get slided off, the chair would stay there, but dissapear in 5 seconds
Back Throw, I would walk under the foe's legs and get up, sliding the foe backwards and burying them (fills 1/16 of the exhaustion meter)
Up Throw, i would place a plug adaptor and start charging my phone, that would electrocute the foe and send them upwards
Down Throw, i would simply drop the foe, then do a C R E E P Y face, making them lie down, taking 2 percent of damage every 2 seconds
Neutral Special: I would pick up my Microphone and start singing, i would produce soundwaves, that can stun foes, similar effect to Corrin's Neutral Special, this also reflects items and projectiles, this also fills 1/16 of the exhaustion meter
Side Special, I would start to mash button on a gamepad (object madness), and it would fire a laser shock that goes about the same speed as ROB's laser, speaking of ROB's laser, it works similar to it, but there will be a meter next to my character icon right next to the exhaustion meter which indicates the laser's Power
Up Special: I would type a command on my laptop (start lag) i would be vulnerable, then, i would suddenly go upwards a bit, with 3 bursts, the 3rd one being higher, this doesn't put me onto free fall
Down Special: I would start charging a ball of ice cream by holding down the b button while im crouching, and then i would fore a giant ball of ice cream,, that can freeze the foes, but if it falls into the ground, it will fall in the ground, and acts as a food item, but if you eat 5 of my ice creams, you will freeze, but if i just press instead of charge, i will throw a popsicle, that auto freezes, but can't be edible, also, the higher i charge, the more the chance to freeze is
Final Smash: It would be a cinematic Final Smash where the caught foes would be trapped, with the closest foe being trapped with silver tape, next to a vent, and from that vent, my C R E E P Y face, but now even C R E E P I E R, and if the damage of that foe goes over 100 percent, thats an automatic KO, the other foes would just be launched away, but would still take some damage
Crawl: Yes
Wall Jump: No
Wall Clang: No
Alternate Colors
Number 1(normal): Pink Shirt, Jeans and brown shoes
Number 2: White Shirt with Yellow Elements, Black Shorts and gray Shoes
Number 3: Yellow Shirt with Orange Elements, Orange Shorts, and orange/pink like shoes
Number 4: Shirt with red and black stripes, Black Shorts, And Black Shoes
Number 5: Cyan Shirt, Jeans and Gray Shoes
Number 6:White Shirt, Black Shorts And Black Shoes with Yellow Elements
Number 7:Yellow Shirt With Green Elements, Blue Shorts, and Orange Shoes
Number 8, Check this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4nTLF5JQxM&t=9s (Friend Like Me by Tom Moyano)

Stage Introduction:Run and Stop to get ready for the fight (don't worry this is just an entrance, no exhaustion thing or whatever)
Side Taunt: Arm Wiggle
Up Taunt: Stretch the arms Upward (no damage)
Down Taunt: Do a quick dance

Victory Animation
1: Play a Fake Clarinet, then throw it away and put arms on hips
2: Repeatedly Do the Running Man and end with a fake wink
3: Play a random game, win and shout LETTTTSSSS GOOOOOOOOO

01 Tom.png
Paper Mario & Luigi (Paper Luigi is his echo fighter)

Up + A: Fist up

Down + A: Hammer down

Left/Right + A: Side Punch

Up + B: Paper Airplane

Left/Right + B: Paper Bullet Bill

Down + B: His Bom - omb Friend from origami king

B: Paper Fire Ball

A: Punch

Final Smash: All of the elementals from origami king beating up the opponet

Gimmick: Cards. Only can use certian moves based on what cards he has.

Pricing on Eshop: 4.00$

Grab: Big Hat.
Character: Catnap (Monster version)

Game: Poppy Playtime

Size: A bit bigger than King K. Rool
Weight: Weighs the same as Ridley
Speed: Same speed as Ganondorf
Strength: Has Bowser’s strength

Jab: Same as Bowser
Rapid jab: Swings his claws multiple times
Dash attack: Catnap lunges toward the foe

Side tilt: A single swipe forward
Up tilt: He’ll do an uppercut
Down tilt: Catnap uses his tail, it will also trip

Neutral air: He’ll spread all his limbs out while spinning
Foward air: Same as DK
Back air: Same as Mewtwo
Up air: His fur rises up as if he got scared (his fur is the hitbox)
Down air: Catnap stomps both of his feet down, it can also spike

Side smash: Same as DK
Up smash: He’ll swing both of his claws upward one at a time
Down smash: He stomps down on the ground

Grab, pummel and throws

Grab & Pummel: Catnap grabs the foe with his tail and pummel by squeezing them

Forward throw: Throws the foe away forward
Back throw: A spinning toss backwards
Up throw: He’ll send the foe upwards by punching them
Down throw: He’ll slam the foe into the ground, it‘ll also bury them


B: Same as Olimar’s side B, but instead it’s one of the smiling critters
Side B: Same effect as Piranha Plant’s side B, but instead of poison, it’s sleeping gas
Up B: He’ll use the player’s grab pack (how does he use this when he’s big? idk)
Down B: Catnap’s moon pendant will shine, and once fully charged. Releases a bright laser, blinding the foe for a few seconds (kinda like ROB’s neutral B)

Final Smash

FS: Catnap breathes out sleeping gas all over the stage and if anyone touches it, they’ll fall asleep. And since they did this also counts as a cinematic which starts with the foe in a dark room, we then see Catnap emerge from the darkness. The foe looks at Catnap terrified, Catnap then reveals his nightmare form and does a jumpscare, dealing a LOT of damage to the foe. Ending the final smash (only 1 person can be affected, will also get ko’d if damage was over 100%)


Alternates: (Dogday can be his alt) Catnap‘s color can be red, refrencing bobby bearhug, while Dogday’s color can be yellow, refrencing kickin chicken, next can have both of them in blue and pink, refrencing bubba bubbaphant & picky piggy, and the last one can be green and white, refrencing hoppy hopscotch & craftycorn

Entrance: A door slowly opens up revealing Catnap in his smaller version before changing to his monster form, this refrences the smiling critters cartoon

Taunt 1: He’ll just simply meow
Taunt 2: Catnap plays with one of the smiling critters
Taunt 3: He‘ll say “Leave playcare, or i’m coming for you..”

Victory Screen 1: Catnap looks at his shrine before standing up and admires it
Victory Screen 2: It starts with nothing but gas on the screen, then the camera suddenly falls before Catnap shows up in front of us
Victory Screen 3: He sits on a chair with the other critters, this refrences the end of the cartoon

Losing Screen: The prototype kills him

Kirby hat: Cat ears, tail and moon pendant

Stage: Playcare
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Hey Guys im here for another concept and it will be a better one this time

Character: Sara from Just Dance 2023

Size: Snake's Size
Speed: See the scorebar gimmick
Weight: Wii Fit Trainer Weight
Attack Strengh: See the score bar gimmick
Gimmick: Score Bar
Next to Sara's character icon, there will be a score bar that can go from 1 to 13333 points, it hits 1 star at 2000 points, 2 stars at 4000 points, 3 stars at 6000 points, 4 stars at 8000 points, 5 stars at 10000 points, superstar at 11000 points and megastar at 12000 points, you can see how many points you have through a cloud from Just Dance 2 next to a score feedback machine from the same game, that rates your attacks, it can rate in X(no points), OK(50 points), GOOD(65), SUPER(80) and PERFECT(125), and if the move that the dancer does is a Special Gold Move, the feddback will be YEAH!!, that gives 200 points, but if the player misses the yeah, it will be a GOLD X, while the bar increases, the dancer's attack and speed slowly increase along with a few buffs after each star, 1 star gives a speed buff, 2 star gives an attack buff, 3 star gives both of those and a back shield, 4 stars can give you a screw attack along with the speed and attack buffs, 5 stars gives the speed and attack buff and a tanooki tail, superstar gives alll of the previous star things and a temporary super mushroom, and megastar will give all of those things and invincibility.

Jab: Two quick spammable punches(comes from the song Kung Fu fighting)
Dash Attack: Jump Forward for some high damage and knockbck, and when it lands, Sara will do a pose(comes from the song livin la vida loca)
Side Tilt: Extend arm forward to try to push opponents, deals great knockback (comes from the song can't tame her)
Up Tilt: Snake up tilt(comes from song body movin)
Down Tilt: quickly turns around and does a horsekick(beep beep im a sheep)

Smash Attacks:
Side Smash(Gold Move): Swings a fake baseball bat that can reflect projectiles(but takes damage if it reflects)(if it reflects, YEAH!! gives 300 points instead of 200 (Kung Fu Fighting)
Up SmashGold Move): Do a few punches upward(Apache (Jump On It))
Down Smash(Gold Move): Stab one hand to the right, and then stab the other to the left, also activates two lights , one for each hand, that stuns the opponent, and this reflects projectiles(Its Not Unusual)

Neutral Aerial(Gold Move): The Splitz (Flashdance... What a Feeling)
Forward Aerial: Swipe hands forwards very quickly(brawl meta knight and steve up air that can do 3 times in 1 short hop)(can't stop the feeling)
Back Air: Swing their arm form low to high backwards(party rock anthem)
Up Air(Gold Move): Clap upwards (I was made for Lovin you Sweat Version)
Down Air: Hop downward while stabbing both legs downward(i don't feel like dancin)

Grabs and Throws:
Grab: Long Range Grab that can work as a tether grap, by making the hand go through a Danceverse portal to grap the opponent
Pummel: Step on the foe's feet
Forward, Back and Up Throw: Push the opponent into a danceverse portal into the respective direction
Down Throw:Hold the foe like a love couple would, but just drop the foe and leave(Kiss you VS Pound the Alarm Battle)

Neutral Special: Throw a Disc forwards that goes twice the speed of sanic the hedgehog himself, does great damage and its highly spammable(Rockafeller Skank)
Side Special(Gold Move): Uses a Bow and Arrow to fire a long ranged arrow projectile that is slower but stronger than the disc(Apache(Jump On It))
Up Special: Goes through a Danceverse Portal and ends up Upwards
Down Special: Charges up some power while doing a pose, this enhances their specials and after a full charge, The Down Special is replaced by shooting a ball of energy tht ricochets of walls and platforms(pose and charge is from The Power and ball of energy is from #thatPower extreme version)

Final Smash: Summons a giant pictogram bar and random pictograms slide by until a yellow pictogram(yeah) comes to life and attacks the opponent (walking on sunshine)

Crawl: Yes
Wall Jump: Yes
Wall Clang: No
Costumes(all of the are different just dance characters)
1: Sara
2: Wanderlust
3: Brezziana
4: Mihaly
5: Jack Rose
6: The Bride
7: Rasputin
8: Agent D

Up Taunt: Swing a fake lasso upwards( A Little Less Conversation)
Side Taunt: Play a fake Violin(Rasputin)
Down Taunt: Take some sweat off face(Mashed Potato Time)

Entrance: Comes out of a Danceverse Portal, each alt comes out of a different background
Sara: The Real World
Wanderlust: The Traveler:s Mansion
Brezziana: The Beach from Stronger(What doesn't kill you)
Mihaly: Master Panda's Temple
Jack Rose: The Nightswan Tower
The Bride: The Background from Hot n Cold
Rasputin: The Background of Rasputin
Agent D: Her Lair from Gimme More

Victory Screen 1: The Dancer winks and shows the collection of stars and points they got in a bag
Victory Screen 2: It first shows Nightswan through a Danceverse Portal, but the portal closes and it was just the dancer pranking you
Victory Screen 3 The Dancer Celebrates their victory while the disco ball teleports them away
Victory Screen 4(only if you got 13333 points in the scorebar): the dancer will be revealed inside the discoball partying with perfect and yeah words flying across
Character: Sceptile

Size: a little shorter than Mewtwo

Speed: barely beat by greninja

Weight: equal to Greninja

Strength: Similar to Fox

Jab: two claw swipes ending in a kick that can combo into fast moves

Up tilt: a quick overhead claw swipe that reaches back slightly

Down tilt: a slide that sends enemies up, passes shields

Forward tilt: a horizontal blade swipe, sweet spot near end

Forward aerial: extends a blade in an arc sending enemies hit forward

Neutral aerial: Spins with leaves around them pulling enemies towards them

Back aerial: Sceptile bursts the seeds on their back dealing large knock back and pushing Sceptile forward

Down aerial: the user flips before slamming their tail downward with a large but slow hit box

Up aerial: Kicks up ward keeping enemies in place as their tail whips up to launch enemies

Forward Smash: A quick extended blade slice with a sweet spot near the end

Down Smash: A low swirl of leaves that launch enemies to the other side of where they were hit

Up Smash: Uses a Tree root to launch themselves upward entering the air afterward, more charge the more height

Dash attack: A quick charging uppercut with a weak launch, good for starting combos

Grab: extends vines as a tether grab

Pummel: Tightens the vine’s grip

Forward Throw: spins around before chucking the target forward

Back Throw: forms a twister of leaves to carry Sceptile and the target backwards into the air turning Sceptile in the process

Down Throw: Throws up the target before grabbing them with vines and slamming them into the ground burying at higher percents

Up Throw: Throws the target up as Sceptile throws a seed bomb stunning them




B: Seed Bomb: Sceptile grabs and aims a seed from any direction , when it hits an enemy the seed explodes putting the enemy in a extended hitstun that scales with percent sends upward with a set distance if no follow up is made

Side B: Leaf Blade: Sceptile charges a dash (like Ike), but as they dash pointing in a direction changes the attack direction, up does an upward slash, side goes to the side sending them horizontally, down slices downwards launching at diagonally downward with a weak launch

Up B: Leaf Storm: Sceptile charges a storm of leaves that send them upwards if an enemy is in Sceptiles path they are grabbed before gaining a second boost before Izuna dropping down with a slam (Sceptile can slightly adjust where they land)

Down B: Dragon Tail: Sceptile takes a defensive stance (armored) before swinging their tail in one of the cardinal directions, the move comes out faster and launches further if Sceptile was hit while prepping the move, upwards is an overhead tail whip, side is a side ways swing, and down wards is a low sweep

Final Smash: Sceptile mega evolves before extending their blade and launching enemies forward, before being snatched by roots that hold them in place letting Sceptile perform repeated slashes at the enemy before launching them to the center of stage via fixed knockback firing off there tail to finish the move




Entrance: A substitute appears from a pokeball before Sceptile dashes in it’s place

Up Taunt: Sceptile kicks up a log before cutting (log has hurt box)

Down Taunt: Sceptile crouches down going briefly invisible as flowers grow before disappearing

Side Taunt: Sceptile hones their claws before sneering at the opponent

Stage: Fortree City, a battle held between tree houses and bridges, wild Pokémon occasionally appearing in the air as hazards

Victory Screen 1: The user leaps from tree to tree before briefly centering on Sceptile before it leaps off screen

Victory Screen 2: The screen is obscured by a large log before the goes black a slash is heard and Sceptile is revealed behind the split remains

Victory Screen 3: a field of flowers is shown before a camouflaged Sceptile reveals themselves before lying back down camouflaging back

Alternate's: Original, red, indigo, pink, purple, yellow, orange, shiny

Kirby hat: a Sceptile head with its orbs present

Character: Mimikyu

Height: Same as Pikachu
Speed: Slow
Weight: 1.5 lbs
Strength: 3 Dmg

Jab: Claw Which can stretch out
Up Tilt: Clap
Down Tilt: Claw Sweep
Forward Tilt: Same as Pikachu
Neutral Aerial: Smacks any Players nearby away
Back Aerial: Pushes a character away
Down Aerial: Slams a character down
Forward Smash: Smacks player with Claw
Down Smash: Slams player
Up Smash: Claw swipes player up
Dash attack: Drop kicks player with claw

B: Copycat (Can grab player copy thier identity)
Side B: Shadow Claw (Smacks player with Claw, Can also grab ledge)
Up B: Play Rough (grabs player and slams them up or down [Ledge: You can grab the ledge]
Down B: Grabs player and burns them for about 4 secs.
Final Smash: Let's Snuggle Forever The player falls into a dark mist as Mimikyu runs around before jumpscaring the player with Claws everywhere as they see what's under Mimikyu before getting hugged by Mimikyu getting burned in the process and gets tossed away

Entrance: Appears out of a Pokeball
Up Taunt: Two Claws rise
Down Taunt: Mimikyu slows deflates on the ground
Side Taunt: Head sulks
Stage: Dark Misty Forest
Victory Screen 1: Mimikyu turns around and crushes the camera with claw
Victory Screen 2: Mimikyu rises up with multiple claws everywhere
Victory Screen 3: Hugs Pikachu ditto, Gengar, and Pikachu
Alternates: 1. Default Mimikyu 2. Shiny Mimikyu 3. Unmasked Mimikyu 4. Mimikyu disguising as Pikachu 5. Burning Mimikyu 6. 3D Mimikyu 7. Grayish Yellow Mimikyu 8. Rainbow Mimikyu
Kirby's Hat: Mimikyu's head hanging
Picture: Mimikyu head Hanging backwards sideways
Name: ★Cool Peep★
Size: About the size of Kirby or Jigglypuff
Speed: (Goes side to side to move) Like about Mr. Game and watch
Weight: Very light so like Jigglypuff
Strength: like Mr. Game and Watch

Jab: Hit With beak 3 times, the 3rd time puts the fighter in the ground
Up tilt: Kicks upward
Down tilt: squats
Forward tilt: kick
Forward aerial: hits with behind, kinda like peach's side B.
Neutral aerial: Spins in air like kirby's Neutral aeriel
Back aerial: shades get thrown behind him and then come back like a boomerang
Down aerial: Stomps downward
Forward Smash: Swings an Ice cube
Down Smash: places 2 Ice cubes on each side of him, like pac-man's Down smash
Up Smash: Spins while going upward a little
Dash attack: jumps a stomps onto the ground
B: Ice particles come from his body which can freeze Fighters caught in it, like ice climbers B
Side B: runs forward jumps with shades as a sword and slams down on to the ground
Up B: Jumps really high with his shades raised so any fighter above him will get hit
Down B: uses a hocky stick to hit an ice cube across the stage, if it hits a Fighter it will knock them back a bit and the ice cube will be destroyed, if it falls off the stage nothing happens
Final Smash: A huge Ice cube sweeps the stages ( people who are above the ice cube are safe) the ice cube is as tall as the first 2 platforms on the Battlefield stage, Fighters that are hit will get sent to the top of stage and will get chopped up by ★Cool Peep★ using his Shades as a sword, it would kind of be like triforce Slash but more epic.
Entrance: Falls down riding an ice cube and on impact will shatter
Up Taunt: Spins with shades and when done will hold the shades in the air
Down Taunt: Sits on the ground and pulls out a Gameboy color and starts mashing some buttons, when done he will look around and jumps up and put the Gameboy back
Side Taunt: Spins but halfway through spinning he will freeze, after like 2 or 3 seconds he will go back to normal
Stage: Peep Box
Victory Screen 1: Plays Tetris with blocks of ice and after the 4th or 5th block he appears on a block of Ice
Victory Screen 2: Slides on to the screen leaving an ice trail behind him
Victory Screen 3: an axe gets thrown onto the screen hitting a block of ice after a few seconds it shatters and ★Cool Peep★ comes out
Christmas ☆Cool Peep☆.png
Black History Month ☆Cool Peep☆.png
April Fools ☆Cool Peep☆.png
Halloween ☆Cool Peep☆.png
Birthday ☆Cool Peep☆.png
Easter ☆Cool Peep☆.png
Veteran's Day ☆Cool Peep☆.png

Kirby hat: Kirby will where some shades and will have 3 ice cubes next to him
☆Cool Peep☆.png

Grab: bends forward to grab
Pummel: takes an block of ice and slaps the fighter
Down Throw: Spins in the air and throws fighter on to the ground then stomps on them
Forward throw: bends backwards and slams fighters on to the ground
Up throw: throws fighter into the air and slashes them again with his shades
Back throw: Kicks fighter backwards freezing them
KO Sound 1: can't talk
KO Sound 2: can't talk
Star KO: Spins while progressively gets smaller
Screen KO: he just, flies onto the screen but his shades fly off
Character Icon:
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Character: Charging Chuck

Size: He's a bit taller than Wario.
Speed: Walk=Bowser Speed Run=Kirby Speed
Weight: A bout as much as King Dedede
Strength: Decent amount 1-10 would be 7.5

Jab: Punch, Punch, Kick
Up tilt: Elbow Hit
Down tilt: Quick Hand Slice
Forward tilt: Soccer Kick (NO BALL)
Forward aerial: Hockey Clock
Neutral aerial: Spin
Back aerial: Back Kick
Up aerial: Clap
Down aerial: Feet Slam
Forward Smash: Glove Slap
Down Smash: Body Slam
Up Smash: Headbutt
Dash attack:
Chargin' Chuck - Super Mario Wiki, the ...

B: Baseball Throw
Side B: Football Kick
Up B: Upclap
Down B: Dig
Final Smash: Boulder Break
(The baseball he throws is the baseball item)
Entrance: Runs in from background
Up Taunt: Raises arm up to celebrate
Down Taunt: Charges speed (Like Fox's Taunt)
Side Taunt: Spins Football on finger
Stage: Football field
Victory Screen 1: Kicks a football in the air then flexes muscles
Victory Screen 2: Throws off hat then jumps up and down
Victory Screen 3: Runs in, then proceeds to run in circles
Alternate's: Color alterations, wont get into detail
Kirby hat: Football Helmet

Chargin' Chuck Plush - PlushtoyKingdom.com

Grab: swings his arm to grab
Pummel: Punches player in the gut
Down Throw: Throws fighter on ground like a football
Forward throw: pins fighter on ground, then kicks them
Up throw: (like in basketball) granny throw
Back throw: holds fighter still, than hits fighter with shovel backwards
Character Icon:
Chargin' Chuck by Lwiis64 on DeviantArt
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character is jevil jab is hiim slashing with the scyth
Up tilt is also him slashing with the scyth special is him doing the pony thing dash attack is him riding a pony
air attacks is him doing the lance move and says gulp or whatever he says when he does that attack side smash is him licking you up smash is him slashing you with a buzzsaw and saying ha up air is him turning into a jack in the box neck thing up taunt is him dancing and saying I CAN DO ANYTHING!!! final smash is him throwing the sun and saying BYE BYE victory animaton 1 is him humming the world revolving hes faster than sonic taller than pichum3injuj600k31.jpggrab 1 is him stabing the devilsknite in you and yeeting it level is the rounda bout kirby hat looks like this
zxpicc9ogtx21 (1).jpg
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