Hint: Beauty's shading comes from the right, slightly up from the bottom >_>;
The other two I forgot too XD I'd say Erika's comes from the upper left
Hint: Beauty's shading comes from the right, slightly up from the bottom >_>;
The other two I forgot too XD I'd say Erika's comes from the upper left
why not? by using photobucket you should be able too. all of mine are stored there anyway.Wow the trainer sprites are sooooooooooooo cool I have a few but I cant put them on the internet :'(
So theres still a chance!? YES! Btw Doctor Oak, Are my sprites any good?If people keep submitting trainers, they will continue to be added. Probably on a monthly basis.
*twitches and falls off chair*
Paint crashed 6 times while I was making this 6 times i'm now convinced my computer hates me T.T
they aren't very good considering i used MS paint to make them... But I hop you guys will like them.