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Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

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oh. hey uh do you just get ideas from other people and make them? or do you just think up random stuff when your bored?

it's a little of both.... most of my work comes from someone saying or doing something that gives me an idea and inspires me, and i form a new work from that, along with the ability to think up ideas on the fly.... but not mostly out of boredom, mostly, it's when i'm supposed to be doing something else (like homework XD... that might be why my grades are so atrocious) but i don't steal peoples ideas.... that's one thing you'll never catch me doing... i hate when people steal someone else's work and claim it as their own... it's so... stingy, for lack of a better word...

so.... anyone got an idea for a cosplay?... i'm turning in for tonight, but i'll be back tomorrow to read, so post away on requests, ja ne mina ^^
I agree about the sprite theft thing, Myouki. It's just mean, nasty, and any other things that can be thrown as insults at art thieves.

..... I have perfect grades.... I love being homeschooled... How atrocious ARE you're grades, anyhow?
so.... anyone got an idea for a cosplay?... i'm turning in for tonight, but i'll be back tomorrow to read, so post away on requests, ja ne mina ^^

I have noticed the severe lack of Human shaped POkemon cosplays...I wanna see a Jynx and Mr Mime couple, and a smmochum and Jr. Mime couple....
A squishy card that's not ugly!

It's simple, compact, and pleasing to see. I like it a lot!

Glad you like it! I made some alternate color versions while waiting for dinner:



[quote author=Ozzybeans link=topic=1379.msg26004#msg26004 date=1183163703]
Although I must say, you're an intimidating Trainer to fight...You aren't even human! It's those Missingno. battles all over again! Aaaaah! XD[/quote]

Sure, I'm intimidating, but I usually lose by default, since I don't have any way to throw my Pokeballs...
You mean you aren't telekinetic? You can't blow me up with your mind?



Anywho, the new ones. I see a nice Sapphire/Ruby/Emerald theme, with a fourth one added in a nice set of melancholy colors. Your card template is really, really neat! I like the fade on the right hand side because of the alternating colors. It's a really nice effect.

You should make more!

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
it's not just you, some posts do occasionally disappear (the first time i saw this, i thought i was going mental @.@)

ok, here are the two eevolutions i did....now, i had to do these purely from memory (must have packed the original pics i drew in storage when we moved to italy ;_; and did these about a year and a half ago) so there might be some things inaccurate about them....


name: Bladeon (blae DEE on) the noble pokemon
type: steel
stats: A pokemon known for it's likeness to a knights steed and fair nature. Generally gentle in demeanor, it will not attack unless severely provoked. It never takes the armor it wears off, even when sleeping. Their armor defends it from physical assault,while it uses it's ears and tail to slice through opponents; making it very versatile. This pokemon is treasured for it's regal look and calm presence. They are often seen helping others. A trainer who owns one will have an ever loyal ally who will protect them with their life.


name: Floraeon (floor EE on) the poison vine pokemon
type: poison
stats: A sly pokemon, it can easily outsmart even the most difficult of opponents. It uses it's vines for binding enemies. The buds on it's tail and the tips of it's vines emit a powerful poison, as well as being used for projectiles. Curious by nature, it may stray from it's trainer if not watched. It spends it's time alone most of the time, but will socialize. This pokemon is a vegetarian, mainly eating poisonous plants to strengthen it's toxins, and will become angry if given meat of any kind.
Heh heh... Kinda late on this, but I had this Friday Fun thing... anyways, I think Floraeon looks too much like an Espeon. Just My oppinion (sp?) . But Bladeon is AWESOME!!! Go Eevees and evolutions of Eevees, real or not!

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
This thread is for Trainer sprites intended to be used in the trainer card maker ONLY, Myouki. Any other sprites should be posted in the sprite forum, in your own thread. In other words, these Eeveelutions are irrelevant to the topic.

You're getting warned.

Also, enough with the bloody OOC banter, people. STICK TO TRAINER SPRITES, people.


I have atrainer I'd like to submit ^^ Her name's Aisha ((aka, my charrie I use for pokemon)) I have two versions of her

version 1:

Version 2:


I want to register but it says error, u cant register now, or something like that. anyway here are my time-skip naruto and sasuke as pokemon trainers.

I agree about the sprite theft thing, Myouki. It's just mean, nasty, and any other things that can be thrown as insults at art thieves.

..... I have perfect grades.... I love being homeschooled... How atrocious ARE you're grades, anyhow?
well, i'm taking college classes right now, so i guess they weren't that bad >.>... though i had to take summer school for math almost every year in high school (one wasn't my fault, the teacher was crap -_-)

[quote author=Rocket X link=topic=1379.msg26028#msg26028 date=1183168673]
I have noticed the severe lack of Human shaped POkemon cosplays...I wanna see a Jynx and Mr Mime couple, and a smmochum and Jr. Mime couple....

hmm, not really big with the couples thing, but i'll see what i can do...

[quote author=StellarWind Elsydeon link=topic=1379.msg26055#msg26055 date=1183179455]
This thread is for Trainer sprites intended to be used in the trainer card maker ONLY, Myouki. Any other sprites should be posted in the sprite forum, in your own thread. In other words, these Eeveelutions are irrelevant to the topic.

You're getting warned.

Also, enough with the bloody OOC banter, people. STICK TO TRAINER SPRITES, people.

woops, hehehe ^^;..... well, i guess i can't say i didn't deserve it.... who would've guessed that slip up would get me a warning (i look like such a bad girl right now >_


I am confused by post disappeared but only part of it

I posted a cosplayer of Hitmontop and that disappeared and it said I edited my post but I didn't...

I think someone is messing with us


S_E I reposted after I saw it had disappeared

surroy forgot to mention that :p :-[
Umbridge, from Harry Potter? Dang. Teach musta been bad if you compared him to her...

Myouki, Did you know I made a sprite and art thread? I made one of each, btw.

Shiny_Eevee, you spelled it right, I think.

AAAAND to stay on-topic,
A Pikachu cosplayer. 80x80, transparent.
what about my naruto ones? can they get exepted?
Sorry, but if I remember correctly, Doctor Oak said that anime characters or characters form other games are unlikely to get accepted. They still could get accepted, it's just unlikely with all of the anime sprites floating about.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Just a random thing. I also have a friend named Rebecca, but I just call her Becca, too! Anyways, do you, Myouki, think you can do a Raichu cosplayer? Nothing special, but I just want to see what a Raichu cosplayer looks like. Oh, and Artiste, that Pika cosplayer looks great!
AAAAAH, I thought you meant the idiot from Harry Potter. I didn't know you liked Naruto.

Thank you, Shiny_Eevee! I worked for a long time on it. A VERY long time.
It's pretty nice. You caught Misty's both emotion and stance perfectly. Good going as always, Myouki. ;)

(Though, It'd be nice if we were to have some more Kanto Gym Leaders. ^_^)

Daytime Umbreon


Daytime Umbreon, if you would be so kind. ;)

Here you go.

"Hey myouki can u make some more of those girls in the uniforms and make some boy one 2."

Who the hell wrote that?! >:(
Who ever did doesn't notice that I never would put Myouki's name with a lower case first letter. And, as much as I love your work, Myouki, I only care for your cosplays mainly and your Eeveelution creations.
I put together another forum-signature-proportioned card template with the same layout but a different background:


Example card:


The background comes from http://www.bengals.com/fans/junglezone.asp. This one relies heavily on gradients, so I couldn't save it as indexed without it looking funny. So, it's less likely you'll be able to use it. Incidentally, if you think the custom trainer sprite is worth your time, here she is:


Thank you for providing this service.
It's pretty nice. You caught Misty's both emotion and stance perfectly. Good going as always, Myouki. ;)

(Though, It'd be nice if we were to have some more Kanto Gym Leaders. ^_^)
yay, thanks ^^... it took forever to get the hair just right, and even now some of the bangs bother me a bit.... but i'm slowly getting over it ^^

[quote author=Daytime Umbreon link=topic=1379.msg26121#msg26121 date=1183234792]

Here you go.

"Hey myouki can u make some more of those girls in the uniforms and make some boy one 2."

Who the hell wrote that?! >:(
Who ever did doesn't notice that I never would put Myouki's name with a lower case first letter. And, as much as I love your work, Myouki, I only care for your cosplays mainly and your Eeveelution creations.

hehe, i think the cosplays are easier to do than the anime characters, actually ^^.... and whoever impersonated daytime umbreon, if you'd just asked with an original username instead of stealing daytime umbreon's post, i would've been happy to oblige.... so for that stunt, i think i'll save that project for last.... i think that's fair ^^

[quote author=Nachoman link=topic=1379.msg26127#msg26127 date=1183237593]
how about a cubone/marowak cosplayer

ask and i you shall receive ^^
(the skull is being used for a helmet of sorts...)

and shiny_eevee, here's the raichu cosplay you wanted
(i love how it came out ^^)

well, night everyone... it's that time once again... until tomorrow
I love how it came out too, Myouki. Marowak is sweet. Ha ha, BIIIIG helmet. Raichu cosplayer is amazing, actually. Though I figured out the bases in a second. You should try to do something to make them less noticable.
I love how it came out too, Myouki. Marowak is sweet. Ha ha, BIIIIG helmet. Raichu cosplayer is amazing, actually. Though I figured out the bases in a second. You should try to do something to make them less noticable.
ok, so which BASES are they, then? i used more than one for raichu, so hehehe to you ^^
i think it was pretty inventive to use the arms so it looks like she's holding the tail -_-...

[quote author=Orangen link=topic=1379.msg26156#msg26156 date=1183256103]
I have one of those, not sure what page it's on now though... Somewhere between 30 and 52, I think... I remember first posting my Marowak cosplay around page 30 or so, but I think I reposted my sprites later when I put up a few more on page 50-something.

try looking on your latest posts (it's a link near the bottom of your profile screen) it'll quickly take you to every post you've done


Here, 2 key characters in my fake region, Cynthia's supposed sisters, both train Dark pokemon and one other type


She's the evil younger sister (21), leader of the evil team and Gym Leader of the last gym, she gives out the abyss badge and plans to harness the power of the Legendary Pokemon in my fake region. She really trains Dark and Fire pokemon, but in her gym, she has Dark and Water pokemon.Like Cynthia has a Garchomp, she has a Salamence. (her name literally means "dark")


She's the older sister (23) and she's brave, strong-willed, practically Melanie's opposite. Like Cynthia who has a Garchomp and Melanie who has a Salamence, she has a Tyranitar. she emerges as the champion later on, and she trains Water and Dark pokemon. (her name means "pearl", which is related to water and the last part of her name may come from "goth")
can someone help me wbg these?
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