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Creative Flash Challenge: Starters


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Hey everyone, it's Flash Challenge time! This time, the occasion is the announcement of the Sun and Moon starter Pokémon.

The Challenge

Create a written work, artwork, or trainer card about starter Pokémon. Your work doesn't have to be about Popplio, Rowlet, or Litten – you can use any of the starters!

Full details are below the cut as always - click "Continue Reading" to read more! :)[prebreak][/prebreak]


  • You must have an active Pokécharms account to enter. "Active" means an account that is not restricted by read-only status, and has not been banned.
  • You may submit as many entries as you like.
  • Entries do not necessarily have to be original - creators can upload works that they've made previously. That said, we'd love to see what new works you come up with!
  • Entries do not necessarily have to feature Pokémon characters or locations, or be set in a Pokémon universe. We observe that most works here do feature one or more of these, however.
  • There will be no declared winner and no prizes - this is just for fun :)
  • The theme is up to interpretation if you wish - follow it strictly, or use it as a bouncing-off point for something more diverse, or even subvert it entirely - it's up to you!
  • Due to the lack of judging or prizes, Pokécharms staff are permitted to submit works for the challenge.
  • The rules for the Creative Corner must be observed when taking this challenge.
  • The challenge will end on the 10th of June.

How to Enter

The process is slightly different for different kinds of entries:

Artworks and written works (artwork, stories, articles)
Most works will be submitted via the Creative Corner in the usual manner. In order to mark your entry as a Flash Challenge entry, you should tag your work with the tags flash challenge and starters. If you want, you can also tag the work with the names of the Pokémon it contains. It's also helpful to post a link to the work in the comments for this article.

Trainer Cards
To submit trainer cards, just link to them in the comments for this article. If you're not sure how to do this, there is a guide here.

Good luck, everyone!


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
I was really hoping for the prize to be custom titles
But I'll give it a try anyway ^^
Flash Challenges don't have winners, so that's why they don't have prizes. That said, we do have proper competitions occasionally – watch this space for one fairly soon!
The little turtwig always gets forgotten when I play with my friends. Their like " I love chimchar and piplup." And I look at them and say." Who's the grass starter then?" And their like " I don't know." And I face palm and say." Turtwig you numbskull."

I cry.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member

I felt that a nice way to represent this Flash Challenge was to make a card featuring the six Pokémon that I first chose and raised throughout each new generation. ^^

It's blindingly obvious but I've always had a soft spot for the Grass-type starters. Despite loving Charizard at first sight, I couldn't resist choosing the adorable critter that is Bulbasaur way back when on Pokémon Red. From there I went on to choose Chikorita as my first generation II starter on Pokémon Silver, Treecko for gen III on Pokémon Ruby, and Turtwig for gen IV on Pokémon Diamond. :)

The only time that I've ever broken my Grass starter tradition was for gen V with Oshawott, on Pokémon White, because for the first time I'd heavily favoured the Water-type starter line over the other two. I love Tepig and appreciate Snivy and Serperior, but Oshawott and Dewott were on a different level. There was no contest. :angel:

Chespin was a return to form with me on Pokemon Y, even though I really liked all three of the Kalos starter lines, and as of my writing this it's looking like generation VII will be following a similar route. While I already like all three of the new starters, unless Rowlet's final evolution is vastly inferior to Litten or Popplio's it's almost certain that I'll be choosing the bowtie owl as my first Alola starter. :3
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These are the starter that I got traded first and gotten first

I know eevee is not actually starter but I love him a lot


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I have Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander, Froakie, Totodile and Pikachu.

Pikachu was the starter in Pokemon Yellow so I'm counting him. I love the three Kanto starters as well. With Totodile he was my starter on Pokemon Heart Gold - and I love how he sounds like Donald Duck in the English dub.
And Froakie was my starter when I returned to Pokemon after my mom bought me Pokemon Y for Christmas.

I'll probably write a flash fiction story this weekend, I actually have some time on Saturday.
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And here I am, with a NSFW fanfiction I wrote featuring Delphox...
Just kidding. That's not my submission, even if I did actually write it (which I did...).