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Crush a wish!

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Granted but it hates you and claws your eyes out. (Such a tame little kitty ^_^)

I wish I would finally post my fanfic.
Granted but then the bacteria you sneeze out infects your body and you die.

I wish my Shift key would work. (This has become a growing problem)
[size=8pt]Granted, but then you get overly excited and use it until it falls off completely.

I wish I could visit my friends in America because they love me.[/size]
Granted, but then you lose all data for your games that aren't Poke-XD

I wish I could spend more time with my gf this summer instead of twice a week at the least.
[size=8pt]Granted, but then your parents start insisting that you get married so you do and it's awkward when you go to school. Because you're married and all. Yeah.

I wish I was better at HTML coding.[/size]
Granted, but your excellent coding skills attract unwanted hackers, who post Yiffi under your name, causing you to be banned from every forum that you go to. Sucks for you!

I wish for stupid, yet strong body-guards.
Granted, but someone who was invincible and had the power to kill invincible people came and killed you.

I wish that my internet upgrade would finally work.
Granted, but then your computer won't work.

I wish I could be a Peregrine Shifter. (Read ShadowsMyst's comic Shifters)
[size=8pt]Granted, but an unattractive old fogey-man jumps out of the cake to wish you happy birthday/holiday of your choice.

I wish I could turn inspiration on and off so I could draw and write whenever I wanted to.[/size]
Granted but nobody likes your pictures.

I wish I would stop laughing at this certain video on YouTube. (It's creepy, but effing hilarious)
Granted, but you start laughing at sad videos. (would it happen to be Happy Tree Friends?)

I wish I had a pet Zergling.
(would it happen to be Happy Tree Friends?)

No, Galvatron is Taken to the Funny Farm. I LMAO every time I watch it.

Granted but it goes beserrk and eats you. (even I don't know what a Zerling is. -.-')

I wish I was a kitty.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Granted, but someone takes you as a pet, and she doesn't know how to take care of a kitty. So, therefore, you either starve to death, die of dehydration, or both. Or something else.

I wish that I knew how to work my tablet.
[size=8pt]Granted, but then your tablet pen breaks and when you go to get a new one, the store person tell you that the company doesn't make that particular pen anymore. Also, the only other pens compatible with your tablet don't come on their own, and the tablet they come with costs $2000.

I wish my biology teacher would realize how very insignificant prac-writing is, especially on bean-growing pracs which we've done two of.[/size]
Granted, but then you biology teacher is fired and a new one is put in and he doesn't realize it and refuses to listen to reason.

I wish my blood was silver.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Granted, but because it's silver, you die because it can't carry enough oxygen around for your body

I wish that I had a kitty
Granted but then Earth shrinks to the size of Pluto and nobody can live here anymore. XD

I wish I wasn't allergic to silver.
granted but you are allergic to every other metal known to man and several known to dolphins

i wish i had a pizza
[size=8pt]Granted, but you choke on it.

I wish my American Playstation would play Australian games. And no, it doesn't break. Ever.[/size]
Wish granted, but now all Australian games have been recalled due to explosion hazard.

I wish that my arm stops itching.
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