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Crush a wish!

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Granted, but they are sent away to an extremely remote area of the world on a mission that they cannot tell you about and have no way of communicating to you whatsoever and you are then sent to a foster home by them that they believe is a wonderful place that will watch over you, but really makes you do every chore that one can possibly think of and the people don't allow you to leave until your parents come back which is after your life ends, unfortunately.

I wish I had a pretty strawberry cake. That talks.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, you get viruses instead that desrtoy your computer

I wish for meat (I have such a strong meat craving right now)
Granted, but it will kill you and all of your band of evil crazed monkies will destroy the city out of confusion.

I wish I could go into another demension and rule it forever! ;D
Granted, but it was filled with your most hated item. And you were the only one. And you can't leave. Ever. There is also nothing to do there.

I wish I could finally catch that goshdarned Exeggcute.
Granted, but you still don't get your diploma (I actually half-believe the world will end on my graduation, that sucks)

I wish my science teacher wasn't so unfair (I ask a question she names 'obnoxious', and I get sent out of the classroom. Someone else throws a school book at someone, and they don't get any trouble. Seriously, that's just harsh)
Granted, but you are kicked out of the class because you were failing and you get an even worse teacher.

I wish I was able to see Billy Joel and Elton John in concert! =[
Granted, but to save the world you must sacrifice your physical body and lucario form and then must be sent into a black void of nothingness.

...On the bright side, you saved the world :D

I wish for...a dead puppy! An ugly dead puppy, that is.
Granted, but only for two seconds. Oak, El, and Stel are all in the fight for that position, and slaughter you when they realize you're a threat

I wish I could hypnotize people

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, you hypnotize me into telling you all my demented plans for world domination. Being the way you are, yu go ahead and use my plans to try and take over the world only to get arrested by the FBI, CIA, and other world police organizations. For your crimes you are swiftly executed. Looks like I need to tweek my plans before I use them.

I wish to live through global warming so I can take over the world while it is in a state of chaos.
(I'd do that? Usually, I find myself at the brink of arrest, then point towards Chuck Norris and shout 'it was him!')

Granted, but it's a pointless attempt as the world is screwed as soon as you take office as planetary emporer.

I wish it wasn't so hot today (My feet should have been on fire, but the sweat kept extinguishing it)
Granted. It will be hotter!

I wish I could spy on Psyco Monkey and find out enough to break up his band of evil monkeys before he finds and kills me.
Granted, but after a few years apart, they realize how empty their lives are without each other and they band together under Psycho Monkey once more.

After all the years away from his band of evil monkeys, Psycho's heart just isn't in the world domination plot anymore. He dismisses the monkeys and goes off to start a family and have a regular life.

Since such things are impossible, the paradox creates a vortex which destroys the very fabric of the space-time continuum.

The good news is, everybody lived happily ever after in nothingness. Except you, because you're the one who caused the destruction of the universe. everyone bands together and kills you.

I wish my wish crushing hadn't had to be so drawn out and retarded.
Granted, but you put it in the wrong lock. Friendship and Manipulation don't go together

I wish I could use someone as a snowboard (*Brendan has been near a Twinsane game recently*)
Granted but Psyco Monkey kills you for using him as a skateboard and leaves. You somehow respawn and use Stel as one. He armblades you and the cycle continues for eternity.

I wish all my crushes didn't include Psyco Monkey.
Granted. They all now include Psycho Monkey. :D Which is two totally different people in my book.

I wish that I will get a power hug!
Granted, but the money is my imaginary friendship money! Trade in three snogurells for a friendly reassurance, 6 for a pat on the back, and 9 for a hug!

I wish I had 9 kitties.
Granted, but your wish was so pervy your next wish is that you'd never wished it. Probably. Not really.

I wish that I was a genius! (Lol, I spelled it wrong first! XD)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but no one can understand you because you are too smart for them. Because no one wants to be around you, you begin to feel isolated so you try to use your intellegence to better mankind. People then start to fear your ideas so you feel even more alone because you are completely ignored. Even being a genius, your loneliness outways your ability to reason so you commit suicide. It is only after your death do people learn you were right, and the world becomes abetter place. Unfortunately it only lasts for a year before a war breaks out because people got in an arguement over what you really ment. Congradulations you destroyed the world.

I wish I didn't go on such a random tangent which turned that crush into a wall of text. Also... *shot before the wish becomes a wall of text*
Granted. Doing so creates an odd swirly black hole where your text use to be. The mods are mad about your spammy crush and since the realm is full they decide to beat your dead body with a hammer, and throw it into the hole. Your crazy decides to pollute charms and the internet. Soon the world is in chaos and ends up being destroyed. Congratulations! You have achieved your dream. Too bad you're not alive to enjoy it.

I kind of miss your walls of text though.

I wish all my crushed wishes could be crushed epically.
Granted, but they're so epically crushed that you kill yourself out of depression.

I wish my car was out of the shop so I could hear its sexy V8 engine roar.
Granted, but it gets mobbed by a bunch of random people with machine guns who are out to destroy anything in their path to get your car's engine. You stand there quietly at gunpoint wondering what the heck they're doing. They then start the process of removing the engine and you think two things:

These people are crazy! and You better not take that engine out of my car!

You then grab a conveniently placed sledge hammer and start swinging it around violently. You win, but in the confusion your car was turned into Swiss cheese and your engine was crushed beyond repair.

So now you have a crushed wish and a crushed car! :D

You pick up one of their machine guns and shoot yourself.

I wish My little sister would stop watching that crappy, annoying, Playhouse Disney show and watch something a lot less annoying.
Granted, although the show isn't annoying on it's own. She keeps rewinding a person saying the number 'six'. She then does this so much, it sounds like 'sick', and later '***'. Now that is annoying enough for you to take out a javelin (CoD4 bazooka weapon) and destroy your sister before she reaches the terror age of 6, isn't it?

I wish I could keep up my good grades (Got a chance to go to Cyprus and meet up with an old pal of mine if this wish is granted)
(Ooh, too bad then)

Granted, but you become so caught up in keeping up said grades that you become obsessed about it and so can't keep from studying, and stay locked up where you would be staying in Cyprus studying, and never getting to see your friend through this.

I wish that I caught a pretty looking shiny pokemon.
Granted, but I force it down your throat, choking you, and you die. Now it's mine!

I wish I knew what the value of good writing skills was. I need it for an essay!
Granted, but your writing skills are too great that your teacher can't understand it and you get an F. Since you worked so hard on it, but got a bad grade, you commit scuicide.

I wish I knew what to wish for.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but Stinky McStinklton and Harry Harrison are pissed that you used their names without permission and sue you.

I wish I had asprine to cure my headache
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