Slice went back to his dorm, laying on his bed. He never saw Scorch like he was supposed to. What would he do? At that moment, his buzzer in his Power Band buzzed. "Slice! Where were you?!" Scorch's voice echoed through his band. "I was busy with some business. If you want, I can come now." He said through the buzzer. Scorch told him to come, so he did. Once he got to the alpha room, the giant Typhlosion was there. "How long are you going to take?" Scorch said. "I made it here when I could. What did you need me for?" Slice replied. "I meant to tell you," He said. "That you are no longer welcome here!! Leave now or face my wrath!" The giant Typhlosion yelled, fire coming out of his back. "But- why?!?! I can't leave here! I have nowhere to stay!" Slice shouted back. With a response, Scorch blew a powerful Flamethrower at him, burning his side.