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Private/Closed Don't tell mom the gym leader's dead (RP thread)

Welcome to the RP thread for “Don’t tell mom the gym leader’s dead”, a throw jokes at the wall and see what sticks comedy about wacky hijinks, fateful misadventures and everything going wrong. The discussion thread is chilling out over here, that thread has all the background info. EDIT: Signup is currently closed because I want to see how it runs with the current players. If you were already preparing a signup you are still welcome. This thread is launching into the story in 3, 2, 1…

It was late in the afternoon, and what a beautiful afternoon it was. The sun’s still warm rays were heating the thick yellow stones making up the walls around the small courtyard of the Chivalrise Gym. In it was a young man with a fancy hairdo fanatically running two Pokémon through a warm up exercise. “Jessica, Aerial Ace! Jamie, X-Scissor!” A slightly heavy set man in a blue suit and with the most glorious white mustache on his ace, gym leader Mortis Leto, was sitting inside, peering through a window and looking at the excise in amusement. “A Skarmory and a Scizor, what a surprise. Someone totally hasn’t been studying up on my 6th badge team and just completely accidentally brought these two. “Well I can do surprises too. Let’s gather up my students and put on a show.” Mortis wasn’t feeling his best today, he had been having a headache and a case of a vaguely nagging chest all day, but he was confident in his plan. As he walked off to collect his team he thought about his moves, the options his opponent had to counter, and the water stains on the walls of this hallway. He should really get that roof fixed. Old buildings…

Half an hour later, a friendly demonstration match between two of the gym trainers had just ended as the doors of the just slightly too dimly lit battle hall swung open. The man from the courtyard stepped in and announced to the leader, the gym trainers present and the three people that came in from the city, seemingly in the most cocky and overconfident voice he could manage: “I am Dansford of Hunt, and I am here for my sixth official Novum League badge!” “Your challenge is accepted,” leader Mortis stated in return, “this will be a two versus two double battle, the last trainer with a Pokémon standing wins. The match starts at Pokémon release.” The two men locked their gaze, reached for their Poké Balls, and sent out their picks. “Jessica! Jamie! You’re up!” The Skarmory and Scizor from the courtyard appeared. “Hugo, Hieronymus! Come out!” Opposite the two steel types a Rhydon and a Quagsire materialized.

The younger man suddenly looked a lot less cocky. “Wait, but that’s not…” he sputtered. “Smack Down, Mud Shot!” the gym leader bellowed. The Rhydon shot off like a basketball pro, pulled a rock out of the battle terrain and expertly nailed the Skarmory right in the face. This interrupted the bird taking off and sent it tumbling over its own feet. The Quagsire also moved forwards and belched a ball of mud at the Scizor. The obviously well trained Pokémon showed enough initiative to try and dodge, but was just barely too slow, and got some nice stains all over his side and wings for his trouble. “Drill Run! More mud!” Mortis shouted through the hall. The challenger was now recovering and yelled “Wait!” He quickly recovered some more and followed with “Steel Wing and Iron Head on the big one!” The Skarmory regained its composure and at blistering speed darted over the ground to the Rhydon. The two collided with extreme force, but it was the Skarmory that went flying across the room, smacking against the wall and dropping on the floor like a sack of potatoes, out cold. The Rhydon stood hurt but proud for a fraction of a second until the Scizor charged in throwing punches. The mighty muscled beast was smacked back with a roar and collapsed, almost in slow motion. The Scizor didn’t get to relish his victory though. He was hit with another ball of mud, sticking to his legs and feet. “Brick Break!”, the younger man yelled, seemingly regaining his confidence, while the leader let out a loud “Waterfall!” This time his Quagsire was faster. It came flying forwards in a spout of water, landed a punch right on the bug’s chin, and brought it down. Mortis had expected at least a modest applause, but instead the room fell silent.

The silence didn’t last long though, it never does. The challenger’s mouth ran faster than the color from his face just a minute ago: “That wasn’t your sixth badge team, that was your team for badge five! This is not in accordance to proper battle etiquette! You have to give me a rematch, you have to…” “First of all,” Mortis interrupted him in his booming voice, “thank you Hieronymus and Hugo, that was a great battle, you’ve done well. Secondly, I am a gym leader, I don’t have to anything.” “But it’s not fair, my team should have had the advantage, I…” “You did get an advantage,” Mortis countered ones more, “just not the advantage you were expecting. You got to battle the team I usually use for matches a full badge lower. The only thing a gym leader needs to do is provide an appropriate challenge. I used the team that gave you the most appropriate challenge. It’s you who failed to live up to that challenge.” “But I…” the sputtering tournament trainer tried, while Mortis went “Furthermore, I know for a fact that that is Jackie Smorten’s Scizor. Just because she hasn’t used it for any of the large tournaments yet doesn’t mean I don’t know about it. Does she know you’re borrowing it to cheat in a gym battle? If you can’t raise a strong enough Pokémon you have no place challenging me. Is that Skarmory even yours?” The words seemed to slowly sink in to the challenger, who looked more and more defeated. “In accordance to league regulations you can re-challenge this gym in three months’ time or after winning another badge elsewhere. It’s been a genuine pleasure. The door is behind you.”

Mortis savored the moment. As the challenger recalled his battlers and left, still stuttering excuses, Mortis turned to his audience of three plus his own trainers. He took care to keep his speech short so at least nobody would grow bored and he could leave the room a real winner. “Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed tonight’s battle. It was a bit brief, but it was quality entertainment, if I do say so myself. There are drinks in the lounge,” he said, already knowing nobody would stay to buy a drink. “Boys, will you take care of today’s heroes? I will now retire to my quarters.”

While a mildly hyperactive Hieronymus and a cranky from that last hit Hugo were giving the gym trainers a hard time Mortis let himself fall down on his bed. The battle hadn’t done his headache any favors. He didn’t feel like food, but surely a few hours of sleep would help, he figured. He was pretty tired, he could just… As he was about to go under Mortis suddenly felt a burst of pain in his chest. It took out his breath, so he couldn’t yell. Mortis struggled for a minute, and then the life started seeping out of his face.

By the time the first rays of light peeked in through the curtains the next morning gym leader Mortis Leto had already turned a nice shade of disgusting, and his mustache looked like it had started wilting. Nobody had found his now mildly unwashed-feet-smelly body yet, but down in the menagerie the Pokémon seemed to have decided Mortis should have fed them by now, and started raising a racket. If the neighbors hadn’t been used to having a gym next door someone would probably have called the police. Since they were used to living next to the gym they just cursed Mortis’ name while pulling a pillow over their ears as the ruckus echoed through the halls of the old gym building. Just as the noise gets loud enough to wake even a gym trainer the front door bell starts ringing. It keeps repeating, someone is impatient. If you look out of a window you can see a well-dressed and in a way familiar looking female figure standing there pressing the button with several young teenagers by her side.
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Cooper awoke to what he wakes up to almost every day, the sound of his alarm clock beeping. Still half-asleep, he turned over in bed. The alarm clock beeped louder and louder, until eventually Cooper gave in and turned the alarm off. He'd get dressed, make some toast, prepare lunch, pack his backpack, feed his Pokemon, etc. He then walked out the door of his apartment, and with Ray by his side, exited the building.

Cooper liked walking to work. He didn't get much exercise lately, due to having a full-time job, and this let him at least have an excuse not to. On his walk, he wondered who he'd see at the gym today. Maybe that guy with the fedora that reminded him of one of those detectives in a noir film. He seems okay, and his Ditto can probably do some cool stuff. Maybe the guy with the black jacket who lived at the gym. He's kind of an edgelord, but he really liked Mortis, so he probably has a good side. Maybe the guy with the goatee, who Cooper couldn't really figure out yet. He just doesn't seem to stand out much. Hopefully he wouldn't meet up with that girl. She's got this negative attitude towards everyone that really bothers him.

He looked down at his Flaaffy, about a third of his trainer's size. "Let's do good today, yeah?" Ray responded with an enthusiastic nod. "Flaaff!" Cooper continued on his walk, about 15 minutes before he arrives to work.
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Dylan tossed and turned in his bed, located just past the entrance to the gym, as the bright rays of the sun shone through the windows. He had been woken up suddenly by this incessant ringing noise at the door (the doorbell), but couldn’t be bothered to get up. It was warm inside his sheets, and, for some reason the gym’s heater had broken down again, so he really didn’t want to get up and freeze to death. “Usually, Mortis would get these doorbells,” Dylan thought, “What is taking him so long?”

After a good ten minutes of the racket, Dylan knew he couldn’t stand the noise any longer. He got up and got changed into his normal clothes. Grabbing his two pokeballs, he walked over towards the door. “Shut up! I’m coming!” Dylan shouted at the person behind the door, before saying softer under his breath, “stupid challengers...”

Groggily, as he was still quite tired, he opened the door and said, before even looking to see who it was, “What do you want? The gym isn’t open yet.”
Richard was annoyed, at least. He never got up this early and he didn't start today, but the ringing did NOT stop. He reached into his bag and let the Ditto out. "Prime... Go check out what's happening. Use me, use a Ledyba, use that pretty officer that almost arrested us, I don't care. I am not getting up."

The Ditto's eyes shifted to match Dick's(Ditto calls his master this for obvious reasons.) expression. He slowly morphed into an exact replica of his master and stretched out. "Dick. Dick dick dick. Bell. Dick Bell. I'm Dick Bell." It said, adjusting his memorized voice patterns and vocal chords. "I hate you and I'm and awful person. Please go away." It mocked him, but to it's dismay he was sleeping again. Prime walked out of his room in the gym and went to the door. It walked up to another one of the gym trainers standing at the open door, whose name it had forgotten.

"Hello. I'm Dick Bell." It mumbled, still adjusting to waking up so early.
Cooper arrived at the gym, noticing the group of people there. He was about to go and introduce himself when Ray stopped suddenly. Cooper turned to face his Pokemon and noticed the disgusted expression on his face. Cooper, knowing that Ray has a very keen sense of smell, questioned him. "Smell something bad?"
Ray nodded, and then pretended he was choking to death.
"Really bad?"
Ray nodded again, and pointed towards the gym.
"Coming from there?"
Ray nodded once more. Cooper tried to move towards the gym, but his Flaaffy wouldn't come along. "Fine," he sighed, pulling a Pokeball out of his bag. "Will this be better?" Ray bleated happily, and Cooper tapped the Pokeball on Ray's forehead, absorbing the Pokemon into it. He then approached what he thought was Richard.

To get his attention, Cooper tried to take "Richard's" fedora off, and was surprised when it seemed to be stuck to his body. "You put super-glue on this thing or what?" Cooper joked, still unaware of the copy's true identity.
The woman, well groomed and wearing a power suit, stared at the small group as if she thought they were crazy but she absolutely wasn't expecting any better. One of them wasn't even fully awake yet and seemed convinced that the rest of the world should be living by his schedule. Another one was at least washed up and dressed but was playing with another guys hat. Some sort of amateur mime player supposedly. So she turned to the only reasonable looking one and introduced herself: "Good morning Dick, you probably recognized me, I'm Inimica Fixam of the Lorem Ipsum gym. And these are Johnny, Travis and Nicky." She signaled to the two boys and the girl that were with her. They looked shy and about 11 or maybe 13 years old. "These young trainers are the latest addition to my gym team. I had them win my first badge as an entrance exam, and I was looking for something easy for them to do next, so why not go for a second badge at Mortis' place, I thought to myself?" She said it without even smiling evilly. "I don't suppose you could fetch Mr. Lito and we could get this over with, can you?" After a bit of a pause she looked over Prime's shoulder trying to see into the gym and added, "or is he too busy getting all his Pokémon to be as noisy as possible?"
Prime's face went from monotone to almost devilish before becoming friendly again. He hatched a plan. He knew his master wanted to be a gym leader one day, so if he could somehow take care of this one... "Yes, Li.. Lit... Lll... He is with his pokemon, come with me." The Ditto had not yet heard his master say Lito yet, as the gym leader had normally gone by his first name. Not to mention Richard and Prime didn't talk about the leader that often, and he wasn't around to hear it. His stuttering could have been enough to set someone off. "Anyway. Sorry, my voice is bad sometimes, I'll show you the way." He tried an attempt at a soft smile but possibly over exaggerated . He turned around and began walking to where Mortis kept his pokemon.
Tamara wasn't the type to get late, but even she wanted a day off every now and then. So waking up to Ferri licking her face was admittedly a new experience. "Hey, bebby Vix," She smiled, clumsily holding a hand against the Vulpix's face, allowing the affectionate baby to nuzzle. She was to reach the gym in 15 minutes; impossible. It would take atleast 30 for her to change, get ready and walk down. As a secretary, she kept herself to the standard of reaching first; the gym, the cubicle, the quarters, whatever. She had to be early, she had to consistently make a good impression. But today was...just an off day, she supposed. Lolling about for a while longer, she finally reached for her Gear and decided to ping Mortis himself (if you're making excuses, always make sure you reach the higher-up directly) about the delay and settled back in her pillows. Of course, she didn't know Mortis wasn't...alive enough to read said message.

Kai was predictably still fast asleep; an atomic bomb couldn't wake the heavy sleeper, but as soon as she put so much as a toe on the floor, the Larvitar snapped awake. Creepy. Maybe it was some kind of parent instinct he'd worked up; she herself had slept all of 2 hours a night when she first got a very sick Ferri home. Kai himself was about a decade younger than her father, so he hovered in the uncomfortable space between father figure and friend. Or maybe he was awake because he wanted food; who knew. Stretching lazily, she finally signalled her intentions of getting up by rolling her shoulders. Particularly slow day today. Ferri chirped, peppy as usual, and ran expectantly to her food bowl, looking hopefully at Tam's face across the small studio apartment. The girl smiled, rubbing her hair flat; an evil smile, Ferri realized too late, as the girl promptly hurled herself back in bed to the sound of indignant squeals.

So it took a little longer than 30 minutes, Tam was loathe to admit. There was feeding and brushing and poking awake to be done. Not to mention feeding, bathing and clothing herself. Sometimes she marvelled at how she managed to get three (3) creatures presentable and ready in the mornings. When given the slightest of slack, like today (when she gave herself the slack, really) she really went loose - she was reaching the Gym a whole hour later than she usually did. Terrible. The message to Mortis was still only at delivered; she hoped he wouldn't be mad at her. Did he even know she worked there? Of course he did; he was the one who approved her application, right? Not being a battler or a gym trainer, she saw much less of him than the other adolescents her age. Just as well, socialization was....not what she was here for. Not that she would resent a bit of banter over lunch...

Said lunch was clutched tightly in her hand, and one particular Ferri was balancing on her shoulder, presenting the perks of being a small quadruped. After a brief and wordless discussion, Kai had agreed to stay back today, and Tamara hadn't objected either. It wasn't the first time, and it was surprisingly low maintenance to take care of the Rock Skin pokemon. Well...he was...a rock. Did that mean she had a pet rock? Either way, said rock was fed, and if he felt like snacking, hopefully he would leave her potted plants alone. He'd upset a flowerpot the other day, looking for soil, and Tamara had been very upset. She had been even more upset when Ferri decided to go play in the spilt soil before she could clean it up. And then chaos erupted when Kai decided to grab the little brat and lick the soil off her. It was not a pleasant time. Quite unfairly, it was Tamara who came away with bite marks and scratch scars at the end of the tussle.

All efforts at making the prim little Vulpix exercise ended in miserable failure; Tammy had worn a crisp white shirt today, deciding to try and be presentable to hold up the good reputation, and trying to make the fox walk only to have her jump back on her shoulder was beginning to stain her shirt. So she decided to let them be and muttered under her breath about getting the pokeballs next time. Either way, she entered, exact hour late as she predicted. The pokemon were already up, and people were beginning to sift in the gym. It seemed like there was a visitor in the gym, and she briefly wondered who it could be, before discarding the thought as she settled into her spot. There were really only two 'spots', nestled away at the back of the gym. She, and a mentor of sorts, who worked with her in the same space. Consequently, they were even more of a shut-in than Tamara, and the guards recognized them at sight, while Tamara had to flash her ID at the back gate. She let the Vulpix jump off and go entertain herself in the corner with the dustbunnies, and reached for the closest file. It was regarding a trainer who had challenged the gym last evening. Lost, too. Well, losses were easier to document than wins; looked like light work today! While wins had Tamara pulling up the Trainer's history from the database and updating it manually and going through a lot of trouble in the background, losses were simply kept in a timed folder; 3 months, was it not? 3 long months, buddy boo. How did he lose with that team? A Scizor and a Skarmory. Look at me, speaking as though I know the B of Battle, she thought to herself, smiling around the candy she popped in her mouth, and began typing.

(EDIT: Left the NPC gender neutral, if it's convenient for you to flesh them out further o7 Do tell me if I wasn't supposed to make an NPC though ._.')
Cooper was surprised by Prime's ignorance. He expected someone to react after someone touches their hat and talks to them. He just assumed that he just didn't want to talk, so he awkwardly took a step back. He then noticed Mortis's Pokemon calling in the background. Cooper paid no mind to them and instead focused on the woman that just arrived.

After she talked with Prime (who Cooper still thought was Richard) for a bit, they began to move inside, and Cooper followed them. He was going inside the building regardless, and he wondered what Ray had smelled. Before heading in the building, he tried to talk to Dylan, who was just behind the door. "Hey, my Flaafy smelled something strange in there. Is there anything going on there, or...?"
Dylan had woken up a little and moved out of the way when the gym leader walked into the building. Another gym trainer, whom Dylan didn’t know much about, stopped before walking in and spoke to him about a strange smell in the gym. Dylan hadn’t noticed anything until now, but he immediately smelled a foul scent coming from the gym, and said, “You’re right... I do smell something. I’m not sure what it is; maybe someone should check it out.”

Both of Dylan’s Pokémon shook in their balls as if they sensed something. Dylan immediately knew this was a bad sign, as Sol’s was likely to warn of a disaster. Since this was the case, and he didn’t know whether Blade had bad news or good news, he took the the risk and let his Doublade out. It seemed excited about something, but Dylan couldn’t tell what it was.

Blade knew there was a soul around here somewhere, a ghost, a spirit yet to be brought to the spirit realm by Dusknoir. As a ghost type, he could just sense these things. He tried to tell his Dylan of this, but of course the human had no idea what was being said. So, logically, the ghost followed his gut and flew off towards where he sensed the spirit was. One quick look over his proverbial shoulder told Blade that Dylan was following him, just as he had hoped.
For the most part, Zoe was a heavy sleeper, and the gentle chiming of Lyric's scales weren't usually enough to rouse her. However the combination of the jangmo-o's jangles, the furious calls of various hungry pokemon, and the commotion at the front of the gym were more than enough to yank Zoe into the waking world. Rising from her twin-sized bed, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and made eye-contact with her noisy companion who was bouncing excitably at the room's door. Zoe clumsily staggered to the door and slightly opened it with a mumbled "Don't go too far," and began her mourning routine as Lyric slipped out into the rest of the building.

All the noise rushed Zoe through getting ready; haphazardly brushing her teeth, tugging a comb through her hair, putting on fresh clothes, grumbling to herself about how much of a mess this place was, the works. At some point as Zoe donned her glasses, her bagon Marble had silently positioned himself by her side. Zoe gave him a gentle pat on the head and left her quarters with the pokemon following at her heels. Assuming that her fellow gym trainers had everything handled at the front door, she went right to the kitchen. Even if Mortis wasn't responsible enough to feed his pokemon, Zoe decided that everyone in a two mile radius shouldn't suffer for it. After pouring herself a bowl of sugary cereal, she handed a bag of pokemon food to Marble, and the two made their way to the rioting pokemon.

Meanwhile Lyric was having a time of exploring. She poked her snout into every room she came across. One door seemed to lead to an office of sorts, and Lyric vaguely recognized Tamara siting at the desk. The jangmo-o's tail lashed in excitement, making a sound akin to battered wind chimes, and she lunged forward to headbutt Tamara's leg in greeting.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Lorenzo woke to the sounds, he rose from his bed, by choice he slept in a tiny, hidden room behind a bookcase. He woke up for dressed and turned to the small cubby where Ginger was sleeping, "Hey Ginger come on, let's go". The Eevee kept at Lorenzo and licked him, he chuckled and turned the wall behind him pushing a panel, he heard the bookcase slide to the side. He pushed on the wall and it swung open, he stepped out Ginger to behind him. He then turned closed the wall and the bookcase slide back in front of it.

Lorenzo walked towards the door to find most of the others there. He saw the woman and recognised her, so he strolled forward. "Excuse my tardiness, what's going on exactly", he asked trying but failing to suppress a yawn. Ginger kicked him as he yawned and Lorenzo looked down "out that hurt". Lorenzo clicked his back and turned back to the door, waiting to see what was going on.
Zoe arrived at the menagerie first. The common space is a mess. A couple of the smaller critters started tossing hay around, and Hieronymus the Quagsire had apparently decided that this was now some sort of pillow fight. This in itself created such a commotion that every last creature in the room plain forgets to rush towards Zoe for food. Only a single loud grumbling noise reminds the trained ear that it's feeding time, and it's coming from behind the large steel door marked with the number seven, a door that wouldn't be nearly as intimidating without the very oversized feeding tray slot near the bottom.

Gym leader Inimica followed the young gentleman down the hall. He spoke weirdly and his smile had been downright uncomfortable, but ones you pick someone to trust you stick by it. She noticed her protegés were walking very close behind her, mildly intimidated by the welcoming party. To lift the nerves, Inimica struck up the friendliest conversation she could muster: "You know, I do enjoy visiting Mortis' gym. The building itself is quite an example of practical 1800's retro-baroque. It's just a shame about the upkeep." As she waited for an answer another young man came down the hall, going straight for his friends to talk about her visit without even introducing himself to her first. The manners in this place...

Tamara looked up from her typing. Lorenzo was asking Richard (<-seemingly) questions in the hallway outside her office in the presence of a woman she thinks she recognizes and three kids.

Dylan and Cooper followed Blade (OOC: or maybe Cooper follows Prime, your choice). The Doublade soon slid through a little archway near the ceiling in one of the hallways. If you squint at it it seems like the light behind it is flickering a little, although that might be the mind playing tricks on you. After no more than a few minutes the Pokémon returned through the slot, having come to grips with the mobility limitations of humans. Instead, it leads Dylan and Cooper to a closed door.

EDIT: added in Tamara. Wasn't sure what to do with her at this point.
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Previously Shadow_Pup
Ginger strolled after Inimica, she was now at her ankles and watching her and her group with avid curiosity. Lorenzo suddenly noticed the lack of Ginger's presence and took off towards the most obvious option. He was just behind the group when he stopped, he surveyed the group but couldn't see past her protegés. He strained to get a look, hoping that he could spot her before she caused any problems, Mortis would have his head if he messed up a visit by a gym leader. So he stuck back, hopefully not bringing any attention onto himself.
(No problem, was waiting to move her anyways. Feel free to take control of the mentor NPC; not that I intend to make her a major one, but I thought it would make sense that new interns aren't immediately given the jobs of, say, balancing out Mortis' crippling debt)

Growing up with both a large and unwieldy pokemon as well as bringing up a small and troublesome one, Tamara was no stranger to noise. Closed doors and noise-cancelling headphones only went so far; you learnt to live with the crash, bang, thud. It was silence that was suspicious - Tam had found Ferri knee-deep in the stuffing she'd torn out of something after an hour's silence (an hour no doubt dedicated to ripping the poor stuffing into shreds). She recalled one particular bad exam season when there were constructions going on beside her house - affected her studies too, with the constant whirr of machinery. But while she could work around it, she couldn't ignore it. So the cacophonous jangle of Lyric's scales were a little more than a distraction. The clashing sound itself didn't startle her, but the teen still looked up from the keyboard, surprised for a fleeting moment before the pugnacious little Jangmo-o crashed into her leg.

"Owh! What the-" Biting her tongue at the last moment, she pretended like she hadn't just jumped from shock and glanced over around her legs for the culprit. Was it Ferri?! But what met her eyes was something...more scaley. A Jangmo-o? Was this a gym pokemon? Glaring woefully at her file, which was now marred by a mishmash of letters, likely from when she'd smashed her hands into the keyboard when she flinched from shock, she smoothed down her shirt. No point in being upset; it was just a file, and this was just a baby pokemon. The enthusiastic little critter reminded her of her own baby fox, and she smiled affectionately at the little dinosaur, ignoring her smarting leg. "Hello there, strong aren't you? Where's your trainer?" She looked up at the door, and when she saw the hints of movement near the door, she froze awkwardly for a second before returning to her typing position in a flash.

Not that she'd be reprimanded for....talking to someone else's pokemon, she just didn't want to initiate small talk, especially by someone who was likely coming to pick up their lost pokemon. Ferri herself was unbothered in the corner, pausing uncertainly when the Scaly pokemon arrived, and threateningly puffing up when it 'greeted' Tamara, and it was only the trainer's initiative at defusing the situation by talking to the Jangmo-o that stopped the Vulpix from growling out loud. Despite being a great hit amongst people, Ferri was cautious, even downright scared around other pokemon, including those from her own species. Not being a pack Pokemon, Tamara had heard that introducing them to other pokemon can result in them 'fighting it out' before making peace, but Tam's overprotective heart had yet to allow Ferri the opportunity. So while the little fox saw that it too was a baby, albeit older than her, she made no advances of approaching the reptile (?) in a friendly venture.

What appeared around the corner wasn't just one solitary trainer, but a whole fleet of them, it seemed. Awkward. Tamara pursed her lips and tried her best to be swallowed by the computer screen. Most of them looked vaguely familiar - atleast one of them was a trainer from the gym. Maybe that guy leading the pack? What was his name... And who was that lady? The only person who seemed to belong in this official atmosphere; groomed, prim and authoritative. I think I recognize her too... The lady was striking a more prominent bell in the girl's mind; as someone who read the newspapers very religiously, she could feel something ringing at the back of her head, drawing a connection between this lady and the recent Gym leader convention, complete with the ribbon cutting ceremony. Doing her best to eye them discreetly, and swiftly typing in the words 'gym leader list' in the search engine, it took her a couple of seconds to verify the identity of the lady. Madam Inimica!

Unique name aside (the gym was even called Lorem Ipsum) the lady herself looked every bit distinguished as Tamara envisioned her to be. Maintaining a surprised gaze for a moment longer than necessary, Tamara swept to her feet, determined to atleast make a good impression. In the corporate world, connections were everything. "Miss Fixam?" Trying to hide the awe in her voice, Tamara stepped closer, forcing out a smile through her trepidation. While Mortis was an easy-going leader, she had no idea what to expect from the visitor, and she was primed to be the perfect host.
THUD! The back entrance to the Chivalrise Gym shifted on its hinges from an outside impact. Mechanical bearings as old and poorly maintained as the building they were part of. THUD!! Another impact assaulting the door follow by the muffled sound of incessant scratching. Then, a moment of silence before the door creaked open slowly. Once the thin slit of an opening became wider a Pokémon forced her fuzzy face through the gap; pulling back her fur. It brought the slender face of a determined Furret into view. The creature snaked her entire body through the gap and stood proud at her accomplishment. Shaking out her fur to have it regain its naturally ‘poofiness’; increasing her width enough to match that of the nearly unhinged door-frame.

“Mornin’” A female voice called out into the building; unsure whether there was anyone close by enough to hear it. That voice belonged to the Furret’s trainer; and new employee. Brianna Enright. Who needed the door a bit further open before she could ‘force’ her way inside. Yet, in the time she took to take her first step into the building as an employee, her Pokémon had already sniffed out the presence of potential attention-givers, a.k.a. humans. Zooming off into the hallway like a fur coated freight train; targeting the nearest people with the full, unrestricted force of an excitable cannonball.

Bree watched mildly amused as her runaway behemoth of a Furret desperately tried to halt momentum, but to no avail. Accompanied with the pitter-patter of paws desperately trying to gain traction on the flooring the big fuzz ball collided with the well-groomed woman. Interrupting the ongoing conversation between the distinguished lady and one of the female staff members.

“A’body okay? She’s a playful one.” Bree didn’t seem like she was going to apologize for the disruption. Nobody got injured, right? The girl shrugged, calling the excitable creature to her side with a sharp whistle. Four years of training overruled the Furret’s desire to play the very second that sharp tone reached her pointy ears; urging her to promptly join her trainer’s side. “Good lass, Candy.” Bree praised her obedience without so much of a mention regarding tackling a group of people moments before being a ‘good girl’. Then, proceeded to have the boldness to step forward and reach out her hand to the more distinguished of the two females. “Name’s Bree. How’s a goin’?”

Mentions: @Paddler , @MegaAbsol
Seeing Dylan and his Doublade move ahead, Cooper decides to follow them. The Doublade seemed excited about something, which made Cooper feel uneasy. When the Pokemon guided them to a closed door, he remembered the smell that Ray noticed upon entering the gym.

He would send out Ray, who immediately recoiled away from the door and covered his nose. "Is it coming from there?" Cooper pointed towards the door, and Ray responded with a nod, and had an extremely disgusted look on his face. Cooper returned his Pokemon back into its ball and started fearing the worst. With slight panic, he turned to Dylan.

"Where's Mortis?"
As Tamara swept out of the room to go greet the visiting gym leader, Lyric galloped after her with a chirp, only taking a moment's pause to playfully bat at Ferri's head with her tail. The Jangmo-o's attention was promptly shifted to the larger group upon entering the hallway. She was about to jump into the middle of the trainers to make her presence known, but the thud - thUD - THUD of oncoming paws sent her scrambling out of the way as a massive Furret barreled into the group. Lyric dove between Cooper's legs to get out of the way, only for him to take off after another trainer she hadn't noticed before.

A split-second decision sent Lyric scampering after Cooper and Dylan, as the giant cat-snake was a bit more intimidating than the floating ghost sword. Despite her jubilation at being in the company of others, the jingling of her scales were brought to a halt as she picked up a sour scent. She crept up to the door in question and gave it a hesitant sniff. Yep, that's were it was coming from alright. While Cooper called out his Flaaffy, Lyric took a few steps back and crouched, a low snarl rumbling from her throat. The little dragon could recognize the scent of a corpse.


Zoe gawked at the utter mess that was the menagerie. She hadn't expected it to be that bad. Gulping down the rest of her cereal, Zoe quickly put down the bowl and grabbed the bag of food from Marble. "Breakfast!" she called out over the ruckus, giving the bag a firm shake. That was a mistake, as she was bodily tackled by several hungry pokemon. A few moments of struggling later, she managed to shove off a particularly rowdy Rockruff and cracked open the food bag. She scooped out cup-fulls of the freeze-dried kibble bits and began distributing them amongst the pokemon. Zoe wasn't particularly sure what portion sizes to give them all, so she hoped her guesswork would suffice.

Throughout the whole ordeal, Marble clung to Zoe's pant-leg and grumbled at the pokemon who tried to take more than their fair share. Hieronymus in particular caught the Bagon's ire, being the main instigator of the pseudo pillow fight and all. He was so busy glaring daggers at the Quagsire that he didn't notice Zoe start toward the ominous steel door, falling over as her leg moved from his grasp.

Zoe kneeled beside the door and gave it a hardy knock. "Hello?" she asked, lifting the feeding slot and peeking inside. "I know it's a bit late, but I've got some food for you!"
Upon reaching the door, Dylan returned Blade to his ball. He was quite tired out from chasing after Blade. Yet, Cooper’s words echoed through his head like icy knives, “Where’s Mortis?

Dylan knew this room. It was indeed Mortis’s bedroom, and the light wasn’t on yet, even so late in the day. Dylan began to panic. Mortis had been his mentor, friend, and rival for the last year, and he looked up to the gym leader more than anyone. He opened and walked through the doorway anyways. Dylan’s knees began to wobble and he collapsed onto the floor as the reality of what he saw dawned on him. He had seen something quite unexpected...

Mortis was dead.
The panic that Cooper had was instantly broken by the sudden arrival of a Jangamo-o. Recoiling, he steadied himself before studying the Pokemon. This belonged to that girl, the one with the Bagon? He wasn't sure. Anyways, Cooper started to notice the panic on Dylan's face and was brought back to reality. "Should we open it, or-"

Dylan opened the door. Seeing his panic become worse and worse, Cooper looked to the bed. Mortis was laying there with a sickly-colored face. He stared in horror for a second before dashing out of the room. He then headed right out the door of the gym. Anyone noticing Cooper running by may also have noticed his tears dripping down his face.
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Previously Shadow_Pup
After grabbing Ginger, Lorenzo reached Mortis' room, he stepped in and absorbing the situation, closed the door behind him, he turned to Dylan and said, "What do we do, if people find out they might close the gym." He stood for a second before adding "maybe we just keep this quiet set up a meeting, tell the gym trainers but no-one else." He looked to Dylan hoping he would think of something. Ginger had been hiding from the body, but she could no longer stomach it, she ran from the room, and ran on back the way they came, running straight into the leg of Inimica. Lorenzo decided he would look for Ginger after the issue had been sold, "I can move the body, I'll take it and bury it out back or something, I should be able to go undiscovered", he added in a hope to be useful.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” Dylan responded quietly and shortly. He couldn’t think of much else to say. “Maybe my absol can distract them somehow so that you can hide the body easier.”
Sol exited the ball before Dylan could even call it out. The Pokémon immmediately ran towards the other gym leader, Inimica, and acted like it sensed a disaster and was trying to warn them (it did sense a disaster, it just wasn’t trying to help them).
Blade’s Pokeball was still rattling frightfully on Dylan’s belt. The Doublade was more excited than it had ever been, because its original trainer’s soul was right there. It could see it. Suddenly, an invisible Dusknoir snatched it. It was gone. He began to calm down a little bit after that, but was still pretty excited about the event.
Although it seems as though Cooper ran away, he actually was just going for a walk around the block. It's his go-to coping mechanism when he feels stressed, and the sudden death of his boss was pretty stressful. Calming down, Cooper's mind began to clear, and he began to think of how to take action. As far as he knows, only he and Dylan knew about Mortis's death, and that Jangamo-o might be able to tell her trainer. Should he contact the authorities? That might be the best option. He was about to reach into his bag, but then stopped. I don't know enough to make any decisions, Cooper told himself, so he decided to focus on what only applies to him. What will he do with the Bronzor? He could keep it, but it belongs to Mortis, and anything he owns would go to his closest relative, at least that's what Cooper assumed.

Before he could finish his thought, he arrived at the gym once more. Somewhat calmed down but definitely shaken up, Cooper entered the doors, climbed up the stairs, and met up with Dylan near what once was Mortis. "I'm back, sorry for leaving." Cooper said, wiping his face. "What do we do?"


Previously Shadow_Pup
Lorenzo had was wrapping Mortis in sheets when Cooper entered, he glanced up, still wrapping and said "Dylan's Absol is distracting people, while I move the body and bury it somewhere, got any ideas where I should bury it" he looked at Cooper and finally finished wrapping, he picked up Mortis, struggling slightly, "could do with some help carrying him" he said to Dylan and Cooper. Ginger watched the Absol and eventually understood what was going on, giving Inimica little shoves in the opposite direction of Mortis' room.
"Got any ideas where I should bury it?" For a second, Cooper wondered why we would even be hiding it in the first place. They're smarter than you, they know more about this than you, Cooper told himself, and responded. "...I don't know." He would glance at Dylan for a second, then immediately look at Lorenzo once more. He didn't know much about Dylan, but he had noticed that he seemed to really like Mortis. When Lorenzo asked for help carrying Mortis, Cooper immediately stepped up. "I'll help. I don't want to put him under any more stress," he would say, nudging his head in Dylan's direction to show who he was referring to. Cooper was also under quite a bit of stress, seeing as how he's hiding the dead body of his boss. He felt confused more than anything, thinking of who will replace the gym leader, or what we'll do with his Pokemon. Cooper decided to go on autopilot, letting Lorenzo decide where to go and just following his lead.
Inimica gathered her thoughts and pulled herself together, not to mention the hairs out of her mouth. Why where there so many hairs? Was it Furret molting season? It was all over her clothes as well. Was there even a Furret under there, or was it just all fur? She stood up and grew a determined look in her eyes. The younger trainers who had been following her closely now scooted to the side of the hall, out of the way of what was coming.

"Enough!," the lady in the suit said, somehow sounding like she was shouting a command without actually shouting or losing her composition. "You, you," she pointed to the weirdly silent boy who had lead her down the hallway this far (Prime) and the young lady who had had the sense to try and greet her normally before she got attacked by the hairball of doom (Tamara), "I didn't come here to be toyed with, or to get an update on how much further this gym has sunk. I came here for a chat and a battle, but I'll settle for just the battle. Take us to the battle hall right now and get that worthless sack of excuses you call a leader down here!" ... "Well, what are you waiting for? Now please! AND SOMEBODY GET THIS FRIGGIN EEVEE TO STOP HUMPING MY LEG!" O, oh, it seemed she was done with not quite shouting now. That lady could get some volume.

As Inimica was not quite shouting the kids with her moved further and further out of the way, getting closer to the door Lorenzo was anxiously peeking out of. On the "down here!" one of the boys drew a Pokéball and quietly called out a Skitty, holding it to get comforted. The Skitty however didn't seem very happy. It acted a lot like Ray did earlier, so it probably noticed the smell. The boy didn't look like he grasped what was going on, but he did pick up on the direction of whatever Skitty was upset about, and turned his head straight towards the door.

The Pokémon in the menagerie had mostly stopped throwing things, but now they were bickering over whichever food bowls came out first. Zoe learned that a Quagsire trying to eat a mouthful of frozen ice-type food looks quite silly. A few of the smaller creatures got the short end of the stick for a while, sitting in a corner all sad making puppy eyes but Zoe eventually got to all of them.

Zoe kneeled beside the door and gave it a hardy knock. "Hello?" she asked, lifting the feeding slot and peeking inside. "I know it's a bit late, but I've got some food for you!"

A loud grunty noise, half breath half excited bellow, echoed out of the space behind the food slot, and then a large... was that a tongue? Whatever it was, it pulled the tray inside, and the general Pokémon vocalizations were replaced with eating sounds.

The Pokémon seemed satisfied, and set about getting active and playing around. The smaller ones seemed to have a good time climbing Rhydon Hugo, who was not a morning person.

(OOC: There were quite a lot of things happening, especially around Inimica. I probably missed a few that she should have logically reacted to trying to write a coherent story or her.)


Previously Shadow_Pup
Lorenzo ducked back into the room, "we won't get him out that way, so now what" he glanced at a nearby window, "Right, who here is the strongest, cause I'm gonna need them to stand bellow that window outside, the remaining two will then drop him to the catcher, before joining them outside" he kept an I on the door before making a near silent whistle for Ginger to come to him, Ginger slunk away and stood watch at the door of Mortis' room.
Dylan’s head slowly looked up at Lorenzo and he said, “I’ll do it.”
He climbed over to the window and jumped down from it. It hurt a little, but he knew he had to. Then, he prepared mentally to catch Mortis, an overweight dead gym leader, and his greatest mentor. He sighed, thinking back on all the times he spent with Mortis. Then, he sighed once more, thinking about all the times he had used he legs, which he was certain would break under mortis’s weight. Then, he finally yelled back up to them, “I’m ready!”
Cooper wasn't strong, and didn't consider himself strong at all. Which explains why he was relieved when Dylan took up the duty of catching Mortis. It must be hard for him to do this, Cooper thought to himself. He got into position and worked up the courage to speak. "Let's do this. 3, 2 , 1..."

"Go!" Holding the body with Lorenzo, Cooper tossed it out the window, hoping Dylan would be able to catch it.
If Inimica's angry tirade and the scared teenagers behind her wasn't bad enough, Tamara's stammered apologies and quickly rising rage at the girl with the Furret was interrupted by a loud 'whump' sound, coming presumably from outside. That was odd; was one of her trainers out there, doing something like defacing the premise? The resident pokemon had quietened down, presumably by someone feeding them, so the sound of Mortis' body falling and presumably making contact with the one ready to catch him was loud and clear in the relative silence of the morning. Her attention was immediately returned to Madam Fixam by the shouted order for somebody to control the Eevee, and trembling, Tam scooted closer to try and shoo away the Eevee that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, before practically tripping over herself to placate the angry woman and atleast hold things together as best as she could. "Right aw, right away, ma'am," And then firmly biting her tongue at having stuttered, she escaped.

Mortis lived on the second floor, she believed; she'd have to ask to be certain. So with a last glare at Bree and her monster of a Furret, and a motion for Ferri to stay where she was, she ran off towards the source of the sound. It was a slight detour; she could use the main entrance to go call Mortis that way, instead of surreptitiously taking the back. Ferri herself had taken great fright at the giant walking candy cane that had decided to make an appearance, and was now crouched in a corner, ears back and growling inwardly, the vibrations of which could be felt if someone wished to risk a burn and a bite and touch her. Nose as full of dust as it was, Ferri could only note the frightened behaviour of the Skitty before absolutely zero-ing in on Candy, watching her every move.
Dylan tried the best he could to catch the body. Long story short, he failed. It ended up knowcking him over, and he could barely push Mortis off of him to get back up. Mortis seemed intact, however, and Dylan called up to Lorenzo and Cooper, “I’m alright! So is Mortis, kind of?”

Then, Dylan heard it. Loud running had begun and it seemed to be getting closer. He wasn’t sure where to hide the body, but noticed a bush just in time. Releasing his Doublade, who he ordered to use its sheaths as to avoid cutting the body, dragged Mortis as quickly as they could into the bush. Then, they ran.
Bree pulled back her hand; letting it join up with the other to somewhat spitefully cross them over her chest. Muttering mild profanity to herself as the visiting gym leader was acting far less sophisticated than her initial impression suggested. “Dinnae flap, cheah. We’ll get ya tae leader.” She accusing her of getting unnecessarily worked up; in her own accent. It wasn't really worth the risk of getting this woman more upset, but saying it out loud did resolve some of Bree’s frustration. Which, in her eyes, made it worth the risk.

With that inner turmoil resolved, and the other girl already on the way to get Mortis, Bree settled for striking up conversation with Ms. Fixam’s following. Particularly the boy squishing a Skitty in his arms. “Aye,” Bree spoke in a poor attempt to relate to the boy as she approached him, “ya seem scared. Dinnae worry, she scares me too.” The words regarding Inimica came out without a hint of caution. She didn’t really care too much what the woman thought of her after that unnecessary outburst. “All barkin’, no bite if ya ask me.”

While Bree was attempting to ease the boy’s nerves with her ‘method’, Candy decided the command to join her trainer’s side had expired and she eagerly started to explore the area within Bree’s vicinity. Within moments the big fur coat’s ears perked up at the sight of the Pokémon occupying a corner. She approached carefully; taking slow, curious steps towards the cornered creature. Once she was within ‘playing range’ the pink-coated Pokémon laid down on the floor. Her chin flat against the flooring and ears perked up high. Every few seconds Candy would bounce up, hopping on her front paws a few times due to sheer excitement, and then lay back down in anticipation. Swaying her tail over the floor like a glorified dust sweeper awaiting acknowledgement from the red fox before her.

Mentions: @Paddler , @MegaAbsol
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Previously Shadow_Pup
Lorenzo had a thought, he turned to Cooper "stay here in case anyone comes in, I'm going to deal with Mortis", he pulled out his phone and messaged Dylan, <hey can you distract anyone who comes near Mortis and can you Doublade dig a hole quickly.> he placed his phone back in his pocket before turning to Cooper, "once he is buried, we should talk about what we're going to do".
Inimica set het face to 'cold as ice', stepped up to Bree and said "Stop bothering my students. Now, please just take me to the battle hall. We'll wait there." It seemed the leader had missed or ignored the thumping sound. The children with her may have noticed, but they were not checking things out, being too preoccupied with being scared. The boy with the Skitty looked a bit more relaxed when Bree talked to him, but his face found its way back to scared just fine when Inimica came over.

Tamara comes out of a door below Mortis' window. She's too late to see anything, but she can still hear Dylan's footsteps as he's running away around the corner. There are some slight scrapemarks around the landingside. Because of the time passed since dead there isn't a lot of blood, but Tamara could notice it if she calmy looks the place over.

Mortis' body was dragged pretty far into the bushes, but it did leave a bit of a hole and a scent trace that at this point sits just barely below the level where a human could follow it.

Lorenzo and Cooper upstairs ducked away from the window at the sound of Tamara's approaching footsteps, so they haven't seen that it's her yet. Their phonecall goes through though.

Dylan hears his phone ringing as Lorenzo calls him. He just turned another corner onto a busier street. This means he can't hear whether anyone (Tamara) is following him, but he does have a crowd to blend into and some shops and other places to hide if he wants to.

Richard could hear Inimica's outburst from his bedroom. So, how much trust does he have in the door answering abilities of his Ditto?

(Zoe hasn't acted since my last post, the player Pokémon seems to be doing fine interacting among themseleves for now. Although please do point out whenever I'm missing something.)
As Cooper noticed the sound of footsteps, he started to panic. He remembered the other people here. How would they react to the death of the gym leader they were here to battle? How would Prime (who Cooper still thought was Richard) react?

His thoughts were interrupted by Lorenzo. Thank god, he came up with something, Cooper thought, taking a liking to him and his focus in panic. His attitude changed when he was told he would be the one to handle the people coming up the stairs. He was about to complain, but he only managed to spit out a firm "Okay." Cooper calmed himself down a bit, and while Lorenzo was contacting Dylan, prepared himself mentally to distract the people soon to arrive, whoever they may be.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Lorenzo hung from the window, climbed his way across the building and dropped down out of sight from Tamara. He then walked around the corner of the building and said "Oh hi, can I help you, are you looking for something." he asked politely and as calm as he could, as he asked his eyes examined the area. He stood waiting for the response of this girl and hoping she would leave. He had sent Ginger to begin digging a hole nearby, now she had returned and casually brushed against his leg to tell him that she was done.
Unfortunately, stopping to smell the roses (or in this case, notice the blood) was not Tamara's strong trait. But on the bright side, she wasn't deaf! Just as she speed-walked around the corner to the gym, she heard footsteps quickly patter away and resisted the urge to follow. She wasn't here to catch any mischief makers, and certainly not to clean up after them. That was Mortis' job. Mortis. Right. She was going to get him. Mhm. As she paused to give the scene more than a quick glance-over, somebody rounded the same corner, coming straight up to her to greet her.

Strange, she hadn't seen or heard anyone come behind her. Maybe he just took a side lane. Who was he? Tam paused, not answering straight away, trying not to squint at him as she racked her brains for the answer. Must be one of the gym trainers - she vaguely remembered seeing him somewhere. "Ah, hello, yeah, I was looking for the...gym le..." She trailed off as a small Eevee appeared from behind her and crossed to rub against the boy's side. The pokemon itself looked too young to battle, even younger than Ferri, so she had to do a double take on her hypothesis of him being a trainer. Maybe he's just another intern? The little fox's paws were muddy, much like what Ferri came home with, which only served to sharpen Tamara's suspicions of the whole situation. The Eevee was clearly his - was he the one who did...whatever it was he was upto? Surely he couldn't have run around the whole gym and reached behind her in, like, seconds? Maybe he knew something about what's happening? "Also, hey, I heard something-"

Wait- was this the same Eevee who was 'humping' Inimica's leg?? Tilting her head, she looked closer; her opinion moving fluidly from 'innocent bystander' to 'something's definitely afoot'. Now openly frowning, she looked back up at the boy. "Sorry, I didn't quite catch your name." Despite her internalized paranoia, the boy himself had been nothing but polite so far, and diplomacy was her way.

Ferri on the other hand was having a bad time of it. Not only did the lumbering giant of a pokemon notice it, it decided to interact. Now actively pressing into the ground with ears folded back, Ferri watched with wide-eyed fear as the Furret rumbled on over, massive tail thumping heavily, strongly against the floor. The growl building in her throat released itself, and baring her front teeth, she hissed. Not many people knew Vulpixes could hiss, as the more common form of aggression in them was gekkering, but Ferri decided this was an appropriate situation to unleash a full-fledged hiss. Her tails lashed back and forth, and her panic peaked when the tame giant decided to leap up before landing with a earth-shaking thud. Finding no other way of escape, Ferri let out another yowling growl, hoping to call for either Tamara or Kai, someone, anyone! And finally, she spat out a smattering of smouldering embers onto the floor, as they sizzled and died rapidly. It wasn't enough to be a fire hazard, but continue antagonizing the small vulpine, and it could be.
Dylan paid attention to the directions given to him by Lorenzo. The street was very busy, and he was bumped into quite a bit, before he re-entered where he had came from to get out of the crowd. Digging wasn’t within Blade’s abilities, and Dylan didn’t have a shovel. He wasn’t!t sure how he would dig a grave for Mortis.

Suddenly, Sol came out of nowhere and bumped into him. It seemed the Absol had finished distracting Inimica, so Dylan set it to work immediately digging a hole. It was slow, but it would have to do. And it would certainly work too, as long as nobody noticed him or Sol. He still couldn’t believe that Mortis was dead. He had no reason to stay at the gym anymore, after this deed was done. Nobody here could teach him anything.
For as big as Candy was her brain certainly hadn’t grown with her; at least not enough to pick up on ‘social cues’. If only she’d realize her size was significantly lessening her chances at becoming friends with the frightened fuzzy before her. Neither the stance nor the hissing came across as a sign to leave the Vulpix alone, but when the small fox spat out sizzling embers something clicked. Yet, once again not the right thing. Though clearly a warning for anybody not as dense as Candy, it instead came across as an invitation to play fight.

But, hang on, this tiny creature had to be handled with care; even sentient fur balls knew this much. Candy gazed intently at the dying embers before promptly ‘surrendering’. Falling over onto her side with a thud. She gazed at the Vulpix as she laid there. Awaiting the victor’s response; until a sharp whistle reached her ears. Candy scampered to get back on her stubby feet so they could carry her to the source of the whistling; Bree, mildly frustrated Bree.

Bree’s irritation was somewhat justified; at least in her eyes. How was this woman before her in a leader position while she had no sense of leadership? “Cheah, sure thing, ya dictator.” Bree’s attention was momentarily diverted by Candy nearly knocking her off her feet in an attempt to brush against her leg. “There ye are, lassy. Ready tae show ‘em ‘round?” Candy’s ears perked up; a fair indication that the pokémon was eager. Needing nothing more Bree set off; heading down the hallways and glancing back after a few paces in the battle hall’s direction. Locking eyes with Inimica. “C’man, ya comin’?”

Mentions: @Paddler , @MegaAbsol
Cooper waited. At first, he felt tense, standing still without making a sound. But eventually the feeling faded, and he just felt... bored. He paced around the hall near Mortis's room and was about to sit on the floor when he heard a hiss. A hiss, in this building, where several teenagers and their Pokemon are awaiting Mortis.

Cooper came back to reality and stopped. He heard Bree, although he couldn't understand her too well considering the distance and her accent. They were coming. Cooper's boredom turned to anticipation as he continued to wait.

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