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Private/Closed Dragon Ball RP: Dragon Ball Final Blow

It already has. Though I'm not sure of I Never would want me to put a link to it or would rather do it personally. But it is up. Hope it helps :)


Previously Sarah316
It already has. Though I'm not sure of I Never would want me to put a link to it or would rather do it personally. But it is up. Hope it helps :)

Oh, I see. I should check the RP Index more often and not rely solely on notifications. Thanks.

Anyway SS-I Never I aim to introduce my character via ship travel. Should I just have her arrive on Earth? Or bump into your character who is also in a ship from what I read?
Wow.....guys are you serious?
Also https://pokecharms.com/threads/dragon-ball-final-blow.18558/ Here's the RP thread for anybody who's ready to get started.
I posted a link of the RP on Page 3.

But if you need it again. https://pokecharms.com/threads/dragon-ball-final-blow.18558/

Anyway SS-I Never I aim to introduce my character via ship travel. Should I just have her arrive on Earth? Or bump into your character who is also in a ship from what I read?
It really depends on what you want. If you want to meet the Earthlings first, then go ahead, but if you want to meet Antarchy first, then you can also go ahead. The possibilities are endless my friend!
Yeah, no offense Sarah, but you should go to the corner of shame.

I mean, you just skimmed right through the posts, and didn't bother to read them. Shame, shame, shame.


Previously Sarah316
Probably gonna have her bumping into your ship. I would have finished my post by now but my STUPID FATHER KEEPS CALLING ME AWAY FOR STUPID FAVORS!!!


Anyway, I should have it up in a minute. Is there just one major portal or "gate" between universes or could I just say what I have is one of several?
Well, there are multiple portal-gates scattered across the universe, so you're character can just take one of those. Each portal-gate is unique as it can send anyone to whichever part of a galaxy from either universe. So yeah, stuff.
Alright, I want everyone to post before I do, so the only people who haven't (that have liable characters) are @Eeveechu151 and @Gamefreak1996.

But for the meantime, Sarah. How do you plan the Acrosian and the Saiyan's meeting? Is there anything special you have planned?


Previously Sarah316
I was gonna have Sallot ask general information about Universe 7 and then ask where your Acrosian was going. Then I would tail it thinking it would help with Sallot's "quest."

If you have any suggestions to spice this up I am all ears. And yeah I agree, letting everyone post once first is the right call :)
Hmm...I don't know how to spice it up, though? Hmm....

ANTARCHY'S FRIEZA INSTINCTS KICK IN, and now he wants to murder Sallot because she's a Saiyan!

Haha, jk....maybe.
Well, I'm thinking of keeping my characters to the side until something happens.
Also FYI, Rirobo is going to look up to Krillin and Master Talon.
You can do that, but I'm hoping that you can at least post an introduction for them. They don't have to be interacting with other characters yet.
So, what do you guys think mixing this RP with Burst (the other Dragon Ball RP)?

It might be too much of a stretch, but I thought it might be interesting. idk
Character Sheet:
Name: Cornela
Gender: Female
Species: Half-Saiyan

Personality: overly energetic, really excitable and jolly
Signature Attacks: Perfect Kamehameha, Big Bang Attack, Gigantic Meteor
Transformations (Optional): Super Saiyan(Later on)
I honestly don't know HOW to scale Khan's power level. His techniques aren't really meant to be measured in raw power, rather in their utility and his mastery of these techniques. I'll post again later tonight when I'm on my laptop and have had time to mull it over.
Whoops! I almost forgot my other character.

Name: Lucinda
Gender: Female
Species: Humanoid Bunny (like Sorrel from Universe 9)
Appearance: She is a light grey humanoid bunny and has short length hair on her head. She wears a navy blue shirt, a black leather vest, blue jean shorts, brown gloves and brown boots.
Personality: Lucinda is a positive bunny and cares those who are close to her. When it comes to training and fighting with her friends for fun, she has a blast. However, when she's fighting evil, she gets serious.
Signature Attacks: Deadly Dance, Burst Rush, Galick Gun, Destructo Disk
Transformations (Optional): None
Do you see Khan's species being generally weaker than Earthlings, or stronger? Cause that could help with your power-level.
Well, given they're based on predatory large cats like lions or tigers, physically, yes. Also, meditation and ki training is common among the fighting members of the tribes, and diversity and unique skill development is encouraged...so I guess yes, they would be stronger. Also, as mentioned earlier, a Roarakan is capable of weaponizing their very voice, so I guess his power level would be... somewhere around 105-ish for a start?

I'll be honest, I'm not really a fan of assigning a number to my characters, so I'm very unpracticed at this sort of thing.
Well, the main characters are starting from 50-70, so your character can have a power level of 55-60.

It's fine, if you like I can pick your characters power level if you like.

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