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Dwayna's Drawings and Doodles

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Okay. I noticed that my old thread has been lost to the ages, so I figured I wanted to start a new one.

So, without further ado. Let the new wave of art begin!

If you'd like something from me, please feel free to ask.


I did this over a year ago. It's my pride and joy.


Created when I came up with the idea of Dwayna being a cyborg type thing. First display of my logo (on the cape).


I decided to dress Dwayna up. My attempt at her carrying a gun.


When I decided that she would be a Queen of an entire planet, actually.


My most recent drawing of Dwayna. She is proudly showing that she is half dragon here.

Also, check out my DA page: http://dwaynadragonfire.deviantart.com
I like the half-dragon one. Dragons are one of the sweetest mythological creatures around. I like your style. From what I can tell, you use clean, rounded lines with earthy tones. Very nice.


That first one has really good shading. I agree with Secad on your style, its good. Keep it up, I want to see more! 8)

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
@Secad: Thank you very much. Dragons are my favourite mythical beast, so I thought what better way to express that then to make my character half of one? :p

@Midnight: Yes. FOR QUEEN AND... PLANET! XD

@Absollean: Thank you also. I will be sure to add more art as I go.

Anyway, I'm currently working on something for Stel, so hopefully I will have that up soon.
very good ^ ^

the only thing I would recommend is working on your eye size so they dont look so "buggy" but other than that its really good ^ ^

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
@Anon: I'm glad you think so. I'm always trying to improve. ^^

@Stel: You're very welcome. It was my pleasure to draw and colour that, really.

Okay guys. Right now I'm going to work on something more for Anon and myself, because I haven't done that sort of thing in a while. However, I'd be glad to take any requests you may have for me, as I will be sure to draw them afterwards. ^^

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Okay. I can't come up with anything for me and Anon. So I decided to do my character and her Infernape from the PRP Biorhythm!

First, the Infernape.


And now, the trainer!


Aria Terra, hot-headed and ... well, read the description for the picture in the link below.

See the full version here!

And please, feel free to ask me to draw you something. ^^
It looks very ninja-ish. Ninjas rule!

I like the coloring technique. Very stippled. Did you use colored pencils?

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion

This picture right here, I think, warrants the resurrection of this thread.


Honestly, this is probably one of the best things I've ever done. A ceiling tile with an epic green dragon. I traced the outline from a black dragon that somebody else did... I dunno who, but the outline isn't mine. However, I did freehand paint it, all of it, to look that way with all the shading.

Also in the art department...


Dwayna, with her robotic limbs! =D
Obviously, you can see both of these on my deviantart account, but I wanted to share them with you all. :3
Dragon is very nice Dwayna. It looks very awesome, and the shading looks awesome. The painting it self I can imangine being very tedious, so great job for getting it done.

Totally swicked.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion


I decided to doodle and write random things.

So here we see a few characters. There's me in the middle, Aria in the upper right, Spike (the boss of Ayx) in the lower left, and above him the scientist from Beginning of the End.

In the lower right is Stel, of course. saying something he says frequently, and it's fitting. Other then that, just random doodles and poetry.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion

A birthday present that is also partly a thank-you for Reynald's lovely art of Dwayna. Also sort of an excuse to get me doing art again. XD


I'm getting much better at people in general. This was mainly inspired from the picture that Reynald made of his main character. I assure you, no tracing was involved, I did this all by eye, and in my own style. Enjoy.
This picture of Reynald is awesome, Dwayna! The shading is excellent, and it looks like you used colored pencils this time.

As a note, the eyes are rather large. Was that intended?

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Secad, when I color things, I always use pencil crayons. Also, that's just they way my eyes are. I didn't intend for them to seem large.

How ironic that I bring my thread back to life with someone who is essentially a Death based character.


Soul Stealer Dwayna. I've been meaning to draw her for a while, and for some reason, I was really inspired. I guess I was just in a gloomy sort of mood.

Hope you like it.
I like the simpleness of the outfit, very befitting for someone who sneaks around and steals souls. :3

Great job!
Stunning work, Dway. One can certainly see a lovely evolution in your art. The anatomy is great, and the outfits are fabulous. And ooh, Character sheet! I love those. ^^

Clearly thou art quite skilled with ye olde pencil. You should try lining them with a pen one of these days. What's nice about inked work is that the lines are crisp and clean. You should try it to bring out the detail in your work.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
I'm glad you like my art, guys. ^^
RX, an inking pen sounds like a great idea. I'll definitely have to get one when I have the time... and money, if I manage to spend it all again XD

Also, if people would like for me to do art for them, please ask! Give me an excuse to draw or something, because I really want to get back into art.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion

As some of you know, I have this adventure going on outside this forum. From time to time I will be sharing the doodles that I make for it.

So without further ado, let me introduce you to Violet.


I had a bad experience once, and since then I decided to say that my darkness personified was this character. Violet is a calculating, cynical, conniving person who is bent on destroying you from the inside out. Which means emotionally, and she hopes to bring you over the edge. She will seek out the perfect things to say just to bring you down.

In the comic, she plays my Arch Nemesis.
Heh, she at least looks evil. In addition, she looks like she twitches a lot.

I like how edgy this character is, in contrast to your normal, more rounded style.

Violet looks like the 'crazy villian' type. Sweet.
Your art shall not die >=O I love the first piece of art SOOOOOOOO MUCH. I wanna hug it so much. Dx I really like the tooth. I always like sharp teeth. :3 The Soul Stealer was beautiful too.
Hey hey Dwayna! Nice art you got there, I really like the people you draw!

Could I possibly have a request?

Its a guy, with a purple hoody, a white T-shirt and black jeans. He has blue eyes, peachy coloured skin and brown hair that goes just above his eyes and to the middle of his neck.

Only do it if you want to and if you have the time. Thanks if you do!