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Open Eevee School

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Midnight looked at Zenix and smiled. "Zenix look this is my brother Eclipse!" She exclaimed and Eclipse looked Zenix and smiled. "Hello I'm Eclipse" he said and stared at Zenix. 'Something about Zenix and Midnight being friends bugs me' he thought.
"I don't even get this."Mia whispered to herself,hoping no one would here.(And if your wondering who Mia's sitting next to its Midnight.)
Zenix smiled and waved hi Eclipse. "Hi there, nice to meet you Eclipse," he said to him. He noticed Eclipse was staring at him but didn't say anything.
Name: Eclipse
Age: 14
Fur color: Red with black tip of the tail and a black socks
Eye color: Silver
Other: Is Midnight's brother

Eclipse stopped staring at Zenix and scooted a little close to Midnight protectively. Midnight looked at him confused. "You ok?" She asked him. Eclipse looked at her and smiled. "Ya I'm fine" he said.
Name: Violea
Fur color: violet blue
Age: 14
Personality: shy, good friend and loves everybody
Eye color: red
Others: Shadow's best friend since birth

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
What part of paragraphs do you people fail to get?

Also, what part of OOC Blather and character bios with no other RP content do not belong in the RP forum but the discussion board do you fail to get?

Thread locked. Read the rules.
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