As JayJay followed Claire, he couldn't shake the odd feeling in his spine. Something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what. He worked his way along the route, the endless battles leading to some close calls, but he had some potions with him and was able to heal his Pokemon with ease. His Pokemon were wearing Power Items, which made moving harder, but made them significantly stronger. Battling on the route, JayJay found many interesting Pokemon, but none he felt he should capture and add to his team. He kept working and training his Pokemon, his four man team was working well, but he knew a full team would be needed for the Indigo Plateau and Silver Conference. He knew, that despite how strong he was now, he wouldn't stand a chance against them yet. Yet was the Key Word. He knew that if he trained hard, he would surpass them. His confidence grew as he started to realize his potential. He had defeated two Gym Leaders, with Claire's help of course, but his Type Disadvantage should've rendered him useless, but because he trained hard, his Pokemon were able to overcome the adversity and win. He knew that if he trained hard enough, he would be able to defeat even his brother. By midday he and his Pokemon were psyched and there was almost no stopping them. They defeated all the trainers and took on all the wild Pokemon who challenged them. One trainer was able to knock out all of JayJay's Pokemon, except his Ivysaur the tank. The trainer had a full team of six. He had two Hypno, a Charmeleon, a Muk, a Pidgeot, and a Tauros. JayJay pulled then win and the two trainer sat down to talk about strategies and training tips. After a while, the two trainers parted ways and JayJay got back to work