Edwind scratched his head in embarrasment, "Again, sorry for doing all of that, hopefully by the time he returns, I'l be ready" He said as he walked to his bedroom to get some rest. As he sat down he heard Dark Edwind speak in his mind, "Okay, I know I said I'd return later but I'll be watching you to know when you are ready to take me on and declare dominance of this body." Edwind asked, "So how does that work, do we just split up when you think the time has come?" Dark Edwind laughed, "That is how it works but for now I'll cut my power in half so I can give you a weaker, less controlling version of me. That will be called Umbra Mode so I can remain Dark Edwind does that sound good?" The good version of himself nodded, "Ok and since your Dark Edwind does that make me Light Edwind?" Dark Edwind mentally shrugged, "I dunno let's call you Windy Edwind since when we fight, I'll only have the Dark element and you'll only have wind." Edwind nodded, "Alright but only you can call me that." Then Edwind went to sleep.