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Embarrassing stories or close calls.

Since the other "Embarrassing stories" topic is more tha two years old (and dead.) I decided to start up a new one. Except you can put stories (real ones) or tell about a time you came close to being publicly embarrassed.

Here are the stories of the close calls I've had. They only happened a few weeks apart from each other. (Both during the summer break after I finished 5th grade.) :

First story: I was on a field trip to the local pool with A-OK (a summer program) and I was wearing loose swimming trunks. They weren't falling when I was walking around, so I thought it was safe to go off the diving board. I got up there and did a dive. when I was half way to the bottom, I felt my trunks go down to my ankles. I pulled 'em up underwater, and came up out of the water and got out of the pool.. I'm so glad I noticed.

2nd Story: A few weeks later I was on a trip to the beach in Cali with my grandparents and little brother. I still had the trunks I had almost lost at the pool. My brother and I were on boogey boards. We didn't know it, but we were out where the surfers were. I saw my grandma trying to tell my bro and I something. I go to yell "What?!" but before I could get the "Wha-" outta my mouth, I feel myself lifting up. I hear my brother yellin' "Oh crud!!" I look back and see this huge wave coming over me. I go under. I come up gasping and spitting (cause I got water in my mouth) I open my eyes and see my boogey board is detached from my wrist. I swim back to get. I grab the string thats attached to the board and velcro strap that goes on my wrist. As soon as I grab it, however, another huge-a** wave wipes me out. I was holding the string with all my might. the board was above water, I was being dragged below the water by the wave and board (stomach on the floor...or water you wanna call the dirt uner the water.) As I said my stomach was being dragged along...so was everything down. I felt my trunks go all the way down, almost completely off. I had one foot holding on to the trunks so they wouldn't be washed away. I only brought my head up when I was able (I had almost drowned during the 2nd wipeout.) I kinda sat-squatted and pulled my trunks back on. I don't know what I would've done if the tide stripped me completley.
(Hhmmm, any that I had are more personnal, but I do remeber a funny "close" call)

Relatively short, but I was putting the dirty dishes in the sink into our dishwasher. Right next to the sink was a frozen-trying-to-thaw-out pork loin. As I'm washing the dishes, my mom comes up and picks up the pork loin. It slipped out of her hands (I think they were wet) and landed, like, literally two inches away from my foot. I was just kinda like "Huh?" and my mom looked up and said that if that had actually landed on my foot then it would have broken my foot. Then my dad, being himself, just had to make a joke about going to the hospital for a broken foot that had a frozen pork loin dropped on it. We lol'd for a few minutes. But would have been embarrased at going to the hospital for something like that.
Hmm, one happened to me last Thursday...
I was riding the bus and it was my stop. I was really hyper/happy/what ever so I was skipping off. I missed a step off the bus and almost fell off! Luckily there's a padded thing above the door that I slapped to slow me down and I got off safely, a little shaken, but alright.
But this other time when I was in 7th grade I actually did fall off the bus and got my nose all scraped up. It was weird and all slow-mo, I was very confused that day... I'm probably going to catch my death on a bus.XP​
I sometimes randomly sing songs with a little dance. And I was doing the 'Why? Why? Why Delilah?' song last week. Then someone came in and stared at me akwardly, and as I went to the 'And she betrayed me I watched, and went out of my mind' part, I noticed that I was being watched and changed the line to 'And you're staring at me, like I'm out of my mind'
I was at the Pointe South Mountain Resort and theres this high slide that looks like it goes straight down. Well, I went down and got the biggest weggie (spelling..?) of my life, plus ontop of that, my top flew up. Not to mention there was a guy lifeguard down below.
Midnight-chan...I'm sure you had nothing to be ashamed of. (with the top thing).. (I don't really know since the only pic I've seen of you is you wearing a sweatshirt...) Now in those stories of mine I was er....small... So I did have something to be ashamed of... now a don't give hoot...I'm er...average...Nevermind...but the wedgie musta hurt (the wedgie...) I know I don't like wedgies.
Did you really? Thats cool :D And thank you lol

In that pic im wearing a black and red tank top..but with something over it :p

which reminds me i need to post a couple more ^^'

haha actually it didn't that much, eben though the slide was extremely fast..o.O although i had killer scrathes on my back from the slide
Yeah.. it looked like a sweatshirt. Trust me, Dani-chan, I've been to waterworld, I've had red maks on my back...(both sunburn and slide marks..ow) It really hurt in the morning.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I sometimes randomly sing songs with a little dance.

I do that a lot too. I also sometimes talk things over with myself, if I'm walking alone or driving. If I don't realise someone is there I get very funny looks. The worst is when I randomly make weird noises, like an exaggerated sigh. They get very funny looks XD I realise this statement might make me sound a little insane, but seriously, talking to yourself is quite productive ^^

I was at the Pointe South Mountain Resort and theres this high slide that looks like it goes straight down. Well, I went down and got the biggest weggie (spelling..?) of my life, plus ontop of that, my top flew up. Not to mention there was a guy lifeguard down below.

I had a similar experience on one of those slides in Florida. I get sunburn really easy, so in Waterparks I keep my bra and shirt on. The guy at the top of the slide said I couldn't go down the slide with a shirt on for safety reasons, so I had to go down in just my bra. Not impressed. And then I too got a wedgie. Bad experience all round really XD
I was reminded of a close call that happened like, a week ago at lunch in my school.

Okay, so I was was sitting near all my friends, and crazy things happen when I'm around my friends. It all started when Stephanie had a container of Jello, she flipped it upside down and all the Jello fell out and we were all like: "OMG ew! It's so wobbly!!" (They put something in the lunches I swear) and Stephanie began flicking it at people. One landed on my shirt and I ate it (hey, food's food!) and stole some off her plate and got smacked for it. Then we still started flicking it at each other. Then, I got occupied with something else, and didn't know that Stephanie was filling her spoon with the Jello and bending it back like a catapault. (Dun dun dunnnnn) Then I bent down to do something, at that moment she released it. The glob of Jello flew high and went over my head and hit the wall behind us (we sit on the table along the walls) and Stephanie was like : "Oh my god!" She explained to us what happened, and we all turned to see a lot of red spots on the walls and we all started laughing. Then she started yelling at us for staring at it because she thought someone would look at it too and tell a teacher. No one ever did though.

I was only reminded of it today when Stephanie was eating her lunch and said: "Hey look! The Jello's still there!" And we all looked to see, indeed, there was still a red speck on the wall. Shows how clean our cafeteria is. :p
LOL. That would be funnier than hell. Speaking of food being where its spilt, A few weeks ago, my friend Ashlei spilt a bunch of yogurt on the ground outside (we have the choice of were we wanna eat/ hang out in the morning and at lunch) by the end of the day, it was hardened up. Everyone who knew what happened were laughing like crazy.
ok this just happened today, me and my girlfriend and some other of our mates where in the drama room, so she is standing on the stage, which is about a foot tall, so we start hugging while she is on the stage and i'm below her, so she start leaning on me and i didn't realise, so we both almost fell on the floor. XD priceless moments
I have a close call for a REALLY bad situation, which could have been embarrassing in a way, although I know it was embarrassing for two of my friends.

My three friends and I were at the mall, looking around a clothes and such. Before that trip, we had a nasty habit of shoplifting from other stores, but never the mall. My friend and I had stopped stealing, and we thought our other two friends were done, but we were wrong. When we left one of the stores, one of my friends reached into her shirt and pulled out a pair of underwear she had stolen. I stared at her in shock, because I thought she was done with that stuff. It only got worse when my other friend showed us a bra she had grabbed. My friend and I were disappointed, but we kept walking. Halfway down that wing of the mall, two plain-clothed men and mall security walked up to the two friends that had stolen things, and the conversation went like this:
Man: "Where are our panties?"
Friend: "What are you talking about?"
Man: "Come with us."
Friend: "No, we didn't take anything."
Man: "We have you on camera, come on."

They then started taking my friends away, and I naturally tried to follow, but they shouted at me to get out. Of course, neither my friend or I had stolen anything, so I refused to leave, and waited for my friends.

I thought it was pretty damn embarrassing for my friends to get caught stealing underwear from the mall.
The situation would have been far worse if I had stolen something, of course, so I'm glad I had gotten over that.
Man: "Where are our panties?"
XD Totally hilarious! I wish everyday was like that! XD

Oops, I did it again. I have been randomly singing songs in public. This time, I was singing 'living la vida loca' and when I got to the chorus, I suddenly realized that all my friends have lost their shirts. :-\
That is why I NEVER shop with my friends. I don't want to get in trouble for something they did. I shop with my mom and stay close to her so the sales people don't follow me. I don't go in the store by myself because I don't want the sales people to watch what I pick out. If I pick out a cute shirt, and have to put it back, someone else will get that shirt. I don't like having sales people follow me in the store. That's why I stay with my mom.

Close call situation:

I almost went into the boys bathroom in fifth grade. If I didn't take a double look at the door, I would have went in.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
I think the worst thing to happen to me was when I walked into a low-hanging tree branch several years ago. Luckily no-one was watching at the time, because the thing clobbered me right in the face. Fortunately, I wasn't hurt in any way either. Got off very lucky there.

Usually (and as evil as this may sound) I'm the one who ends up embarrassing everyone else, since I like to play practical jokes on people and stuff. In my high school, during a Chemistry class, I wedgied one of my mates whilst everyone was watching, but I accidentally wedgied her harder than I had intended to, and I almost tore her panties. I think I broke the school record that day for "fastest anyone has ever sprinted out of a classroom," because she wanted to kill me so bad afterwards. It didn't take long for her to forgive me for it afterwards, which was lucky for me - I don't think she'd have been quite so forgiving if I had actually torn her panties. ;D
Well, this doesn't have to do with pj's but in fifth grade I walked into a door divider thing. It was one of those double doors that lead into the lunch room and I wasn't paying attention. If you want to think of what it looks like, Jack Skellington does a good one in "What's This?" at the end of the song.​
Well, today was pretty embarrassing for me.

I got dress coded for having a sword on the back of my shirt that you can hardly see because of my hair..-_______-'''

Anyways, so, I had to wear this shirt that read "DRESS CODED" in maroon letters and on the back it said Freshmen

Though Im a Sophomore..x.x

So I had to walk around school getting pointed and laughed at by not only everyone in my grade, but by upper classmen as well...
Durring my Freshman Math finals last year, i was finished with like half an hour left (we get 2 hours...) and i decided to take a nap. Next thing i know Mr. Q(the math teacher) wakes me up, and says i was snoreing. I said i wouldnt do it again. Guess what. I do it again. So he said to go and wait in the coridor, and because i was still alseep, i mistook coridor for corner. I stand up, and go in the cornoer. Hes like "No, i said in the hall way!!!" and i left, with laughter eminateing from the room.

Another one was 2 weeks ago. So i got on the bus at about 6:40 AM, and i get to school at 7:30-7:40ish I take a nap again, witch i do every day. Only this time, my friends were absent that day, and i slept all through school. At 2:40, 6 minutes before we get out, the bus driver wakes me up and procedes to yell at me. I was suspended for "ditching" the rest of the week.
Maybe a week ago, I was having a sleep-over with my friends. I had just put the dog out, and went back out to get him, and I totally forgot about the Screen Door and ran rigt into it and knocked it down! My friends and I spent an hour trying to fix it before my parents woke up.
At work we have a set of escalators that infrequently get turned off (most likely from kids going 'Oooh, red button'). It's surprising how much you compensate wieght when walking up a moving flight of stairs. So far I think I've tripped up a stationary escalator twice.