The title is self explanatory. What do you think the English romanizations of the pokemon will be? I think some of them will go like this:
Pokabu: Pignite/ Burnoink/ Pigreflare
Chaobu: Hogreflare
Emboar: Boareflare/ Flaroink/ Emboar (good name).
Mijumaru: Wotter (lol)/ Otterqua (make it roll off the toungue)
Futachimaru: Samurotter/ Shinotter/Shinoqua
Daikenki: Poseidotter/ Tritorai (Like Triton and Samurai)
Monozu: Chagon (Pronounced Kay-gon)/ Draoss
Jiheddo: Necrodos (like Dos (2) and necro (dark))/ Abygon (like abyss and dragon)
Sazando: Hydrark/ Wyvergro (like Wyvern and negro (Spanish for black).
Okay, your turn. Now remember, these are only guesses, so don't flame others if you don't like their ideas.
Pokabu: Pignite/ Burnoink/ Pigreflare
Chaobu: Hogreflare
Emboar: Boareflare/ Flaroink/ Emboar (good name).
Mijumaru: Wotter (lol)/ Otterqua (make it roll off the toungue)
Futachimaru: Samurotter/ Shinotter/Shinoqua
Daikenki: Poseidotter/ Tritorai (Like Triton and Samurai)
Monozu: Chagon (Pronounced Kay-gon)/ Draoss
Jiheddo: Necrodos (like Dos (2) and necro (dark))/ Abygon (like abyss and dragon)
Sazando: Hydrark/ Wyvergro (like Wyvern and negro (Spanish for black).
Okay, your turn. Now remember, these are only guesses, so don't flame others if you don't like their ideas.