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Open Enter A New Region: Hepplea!

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So this is my fanmade region Hepplea.

I will allow Mega Evolution

I will allow Psuedo Legendaries, just only one a team.

I won't allow romance.

I won't allow too over-powered pokemon, unless it's a psuedo legendary.

Gym Leaders:
Icey-Ice Type Gym Leader-Everfrost City-Frost Badge 1 Female
Biggs-Normal Type Gym Leader-Tsane City-Chubby Badge 2 Male
A-Zap-Electric Type Gym Leader-Lightnier City-Zap Badge 3 Male
Terra-Ground Type Gym Leader-Dornum City-Dig Badge 4 Female
Yix-Dragon Type Gym Leader-Miz'Se City-Wyvern Badge 5 Male
Eve-Dark Type Gym Leader-Ohorn City-Illusion Badge 6 Female
Pox-Poison Type Gym Leader-Kovan City-Disease Badge 7 Male
Zonnenn-Flying Type Gym Leader-Highup City-High Badge 8 Male

Professor Acacia, the professor. Working on a mega evolution for a certain pokemon..

Home Region:


Name: Sethy
Gender: Male
Home Region: Kalos
Personality: Sethy's a tough opponent, but with 3 pokemon and an egg, he learned there's only one thing that sparks his mind. Fight.
Pokemon: Chesnaught, Throh, Medicham, Egg

Sethy entered the odd region as he explored more and more places. He saw countless statues of legendaries such as Entei, Arceus, and more. He suddenly realized more people coming in. The professor was laying out three pokeballs. Totodile, Squirtle, and Mudkip.

"Odd." Sethy said as his Throh carried the egg.
Name: Blue Azure(aka Azure)
Home Region:Jhoto
Personality:She hates little children, she's mean, bossy, hateful, easily aggravated, Azure is good in fist-fights but doesn't like to fight, she likes to shop and is a bit girly
Pokemon: see card
Jewel: Female Persian
Iceberg: Male Lapras
Sight: Male Xatu
Bulking: Female Volcalorna
Hive: Female Vespiquen
Sethy saw as Azure entered the region. He waved, but didn't really expect a wave back. However, he saw the next city was nearby. Determined to beat it, he walked along, trying to go to Everfrost City.
Azure walked in, with her bag over her shoulder and saw the prof. With Sethy and decided to walk over
Sethy looked over at Azure. "Hello. I'm just...making my way to Everfrost City......wait a minute......would you mind if we could fight.....or have a battle, there's a battlefield not too far from here! Let's go!"
Azure looked him confused
"I....um..ahh..okay..let's go then.."
She pulled up her purse and whisper ed to herself "it'll be quick though, Challenger"
"Alright, FIGHT, CHESNAUGHT!" Sethy held a pokeball, soon sending out Chesnaught. "This will be one on one match!" Sethy looked determined. He was ready. Unknown what Azure was gonna send out next, he waited. Eager to win. Eager to be sharp. It was kind of like....a gym battle.

Name: Kayla
Gender: Female
Home Region: Hoenn
Personality: Kind, loyal, lovable, exited
Evelyn: Female Eevee
Artly: Male Smeargle
Marina: Female Primarina
Ribbon: Female Ribombee
Pluttle: Male Plusle

Kayla arrived in the region. "How strange, isn't it Evelyn?" The Eevee nodded. " Come on let's explore." She said. Evelyn followed Kayla as they went on.
Sethy noticed Kayla while battling. He looked at the Eevee. He thought Azure took too long and decided to move on. Sethy walked to Kayla. "Hello, i'm Sethy. I'm about to head my way to Everfrost City...wanna come?" A Throh to Sethy's side held a myserious egg.
"It's an egg I found while coming here, it's about to hatch I think......Anyway, let's go. We have to go past Route 1, which I heard is a really snowy area." Sethy adventured along. Throh suddenly stopped to see something, the egg glowing yellow. The egg was hatching.
It hatched, and there stood a Riolu in Throh's arms. The Riolu got scared and ran behind a snowy tree. Sethy couldn't believe his eyes. "IT'S A FIGHTING TYPE! A FIGHTING TYPE! I have to catch it!" He got out a Luxury Ball and threw it. Shake....shake....caught! "I caught Riolu! Yes! Woohoo! Come out, Riolu!" Riolu came out a hopped on Throh's back. "With all these fighting types, I can beat the Everfrost Gym."

Continuing on, Sethy reached Everfrost City. "We're here." Riolu looked all over the place. "Ri, riolu!"
"I can take out the gym with my Charizard." Kayla said. Evelyn looked at the Riolu and ran behind Kayla. "I think Evelyn is scared of Riolu because it's a fighting type." She laughed.
"Evolve your Eevee into Sylveon then it'll have the advantage." A blue haired woman entered the gym carrying ice pillars. "That must be the gym leader!"

Sethy walked in the gym, and Icey saw him. "Two young challengers coming to face me? Heh. Who's goin' first?" Sethy pointed to Kayla. "Go ahead and go first, i'll think of my strategy."
Icey chuckled. "Alright, Bergmite, GO!" Icey sent out Bergmite and made the first move. "Use Aurora Beam!" Bergmite sent a beam out of her mouth and hit Kayla's pokemon.
Icey smiled. "Tough. Dodge, now! Now use Bite!" Bergmite jumped up from the Flamethrower, and went to Charizard, biting it hard. "Berg, Berg!" Icey smirked. "Now try that on for size."
Bergmite fell back. Icey groaned. "Come on! Use Ice Shard!" Bergmite used Ice Shard on Cherry, not very effective.... "Now, attack with Slam!" Bergmite used Slam.
"Cherry don't let it hit," Kayla said, "With the power of Evolution, Mega Evolve!" She said. Chery Mega Evolved into Mega Charizard X. "Now, seismic toss!" Cherry grabbed Bergmite and spun around and threw it on the floor.
Bergmite fainted! Icey frowned. "You beat the cutest in my team....now for the strongest....GO, LAPRAS!" Lapras came out looking elegant. Icey yelled, "USE WATER GUN!" Lapras uses Water Gun, a direct hit.

Byleth Main

Previously LycanUmbreon

Name: Omega
Gender: Male
From: Kalos
Personality: Doesn't talk much, tense and usually mumbles
Fennekin: shiny, named Fem, replacing silvally as its banned (my bad)
Lycanroc: named Willow
Decidueye: named Deci
Talonflame: no nickname, used temporarily to hatch egg
Egg: ...
MLucario: named Omega, holds Lucarionite
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"A critical hit," Kayla gasped. Cherry fainted. "Now, return Cherry. You did good. Now Evelyn, go!" She said, "Okay, now Evelyn." She winked. She used her Z-Ring. "Now baton pass!" She aunt out Primarina.

Byleth Main

Previously LycanUmbreon
Omega arrived at the gym and looked inside. "Huh, a battle is going on, best not to interrupt it then." He walked inside and sat down and watched the battle as it commenced. Talonflame sat next to him, rested on the egg. "So this is an ice type gym huh, better use OmegaL then." Omega held the luxuury ball OmegaL was in.

Sorry for any confusion, I'll put OmegaL for Lucario

Byleth Main

Previously LycanUmbreon
"Hmm... status effects..." Omega thought of possible ways he could escape status effects, but his mind was blank. "Just something I'll have to beware..."
(OOC: Yawn is a move that only attacks when user is asleep.

Lapras has fainted! Icey walked over to Kayla. "Nice job, i'll reward you with this as a victory for beating it, the Frost Badge." Icey handed over the badge.

Byleth Main

Previously LycanUmbreon
(OOC isn't it sleeptalk and snore that works only while sleeping?)
Omega memorises where the moonblast hit so he can get a hit there too. "Hey, can I battle next?" Omega asks Icey.
(OOC It is only sleep talk)

Kayla smiled. "Thanks. " She said Accepting the badge. She put it in her badge case. "One done, seven more to go." Evelyn smiled. "Vee, Eevee!"

Byleth Main

Previously LycanUmbreon
(OOC bulbapedia knows all I guess)
Omega looks at the egg that slightly twitched every now and then, "Ok, I've got this," Omega sends out OmegaL.


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(OOC: I'm lazy so i'm gonna put the gym fight in one whole post.)

Sethy got up. He walked over to the tundra-like battlefield. It was cold, but he was fired up. Icey bowed, "I think I know you...you're the son of the third gym leader of Kalos, Korrina." Sethy smiled, "Well let's fight." Icey smirked, "With pleasure." Sethy sent out his first pokemon. "Go, Medicham!" Medicham made her way out. "Med, Medicham!" Sethy glared at Icey. "I see through you," Icey said. "Okay, now go Bergmite!" Sethy chuckled. "This'll be easy...ice is weak to fighting types." Icey smiled. "Don't underestimate me. Slam!" Bergmite jumped up and grabbed Medicham, slamming her down. Seth yelled. "Shake it off and use Karate Chop!" Medicham jumped up and karate chopped Bergmite to the ground. It's super effective! "Bergmite, BITE!" Bergmite jumped up and bit Medicham. Sethy gritted his teeth. "Force Palm!" It's super effective! "Alright, Bergmite. BIDE!" Bergmite waited for Medicham's next move. "...Ready Medicham? Karate Chop!" It's super effective! Bergmite's still up! Icey chuckled. "Aurora Beam." Sethy yelled. "Dodge it and use High Jump Kick!" Icey whimpered in surprise. It's super effective! Bergmite fainted. Sethy laughed! "Yes! Good job Medicham!" Icey looked a little angry. She sent out Lapras, who was smiling. Medicham was breathing heavily. Sethy returned her. "Return, Medicham, take a good rest. You were awesome." Sethy walked over to his Throh. "Okay Throh, I need Riolu." Riolu's eyes glimmered as Throh put her off and set her down. "Go, Riolu!" Riolu ran on the battlefield. "Okay Riolu, use Rock Smash!" Icey chuckled. "Lapras, Protect!" Lapras protected itself from the Rock Smash! Sethy frowned. "Rock Smash, one more time." Icey smiled. "Protect!" But it failed! Riolu hit Lapras in a millisecond. It's super effective! Riolu cooed. "Riolu!" Icey glanced at the Riolu then at Lapras. "Aqua Jet!" Riolu fell back. "Get up, Riolu!" She did. "Now...KARATE CHOP!" It's super effective! Lapras fainted! Icey gave him the Frost Badge too. "There. Try Tsane City next." Sethy nodded. "Let's go."
Name: lucas
Gender: male
Home: johto
Personality: Lucas might be a new trainer but he is strong.
Pokemon: chespin, pidgeotto, beedrill
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