Bearded Trout Warrior
Breloom @ Choice Scarf
Jolly Nature
Poison Heal
-Seed Bomb
-Stone Edge
4 HP
252 Atk
252 Spd
Rhyperior @ Leftovers / Passho Berry
Impish Nature
Solid Rock
-Stealth Rock
252 HP
56 Def
200 Sp. Def
Claydol @ Light Clay
Careful Nature
-Rapid Spin
-Light Screen
-Stealth Rock / Reflect
-Explosion / Reflect
252 HP
252 Sp. Def
Froslass @ Lum Berry
Timid Nature
Snow Cloak
-Ice Beam
-Confuse Ray
252 Sp. Atk
252 Spd
Snorlax @ Leftovers
Careful Nature
Thick Fat
-Sleep Talk
252 Def
252 S. Def
Yanma @ Focus Sash
Jolly nature
Compound Eyes
4 Def
252 Atk
252 Spd
Breloom is independant of the team, for the most part. I just needed a good lead pokemon, and spore helps the set up of Stealth Rock in some cases
Rhyperior is a heavy duty PHazer capable of taking hits from just about anything, including non-STAB physical grass attacks [seed bomb is quite popular nowadays I've learned]. I swap leftovers for a Passho berry when I can't have two leftovers on the team, since Dusknoir can't really work with anything else.
Claydol is my main set-up pokemon, and reliable guardian against special attackers. He doesn't use Stealth rock as much as Rhyperior since I reserve it to come out on a special attacker, but it seems I get more use out of having it available on two pokemon than I do with reflect.
Froslass Primary usage is blocking users of Rapid Spin from being of any use at all. When successful, I'm often given ample time to set up spikes. Seems to be very good at wrapping up the battle when all of my opponent's pokemon are weakened as well - The residual damage from SR and possibly spikes makes up for Froslass' low special attack base. Ice STAB isn't a bad thing either.
Dusknoir wasn't of much use during my testing, but I don't doubt it's power. A second option to block rapid spinners, and also a solution to pokemon who rely on attacks with only five PP who might otherwise be able to sweep through my team. It doesn't fit very well with my team overall, and I'm consdering swapping it out for a different ghost.
Snorlax See post below.
Yanma The flagship and inspiration for building this team. Hypnosis at 90% accuracy after compoundeyes, Screech or whirlwind on the next turn, depending on what I know about the opponent's team. Screech if I know there's nothing particularly weak to stealth rock and/or I think my opponent might switch to something slower than Yanma after putting their pokemon to sleep with Hypnosis. Whirlwind if I don't know much about my opponent's team, or I know of a pokemon particularly weak to stealth rock. U-turn will deal decent damage after screech, or just provide a light damage on something slower than me if I opt to whirlwind.
Jolly Nature
Poison Heal
-Seed Bomb
-Stone Edge
4 HP
252 Atk
252 Spd
Rhyperior @ Leftovers / Passho Berry
Impish Nature
Solid Rock
-Stealth Rock
252 HP
56 Def
200 Sp. Def
Claydol @ Light Clay
Careful Nature
-Rapid Spin
-Light Screen
-Stealth Rock / Reflect
-Explosion / Reflect
252 HP
252 Sp. Def
Froslass @ Lum Berry
Timid Nature
Snow Cloak
-Ice Beam
-Confuse Ray
252 Sp. Atk
252 Spd
Snorlax @ Leftovers
Careful Nature
Thick Fat
-Sleep Talk
252 Def
252 S. Def
Yanma @ Focus Sash
Jolly nature
Compound Eyes
4 Def
252 Atk
252 Spd
Breloom is independant of the team, for the most part. I just needed a good lead pokemon, and spore helps the set up of Stealth Rock in some cases
Rhyperior is a heavy duty PHazer capable of taking hits from just about anything, including non-STAB physical grass attacks [seed bomb is quite popular nowadays I've learned]. I swap leftovers for a Passho berry when I can't have two leftovers on the team, since Dusknoir can't really work with anything else.
Claydol is my main set-up pokemon, and reliable guardian against special attackers. He doesn't use Stealth rock as much as Rhyperior since I reserve it to come out on a special attacker, but it seems I get more use out of having it available on two pokemon than I do with reflect.
Froslass Primary usage is blocking users of Rapid Spin from being of any use at all. When successful, I'm often given ample time to set up spikes. Seems to be very good at wrapping up the battle when all of my opponent's pokemon are weakened as well - The residual damage from SR and possibly spikes makes up for Froslass' low special attack base. Ice STAB isn't a bad thing either.
Snorlax See post below.
Yanma The flagship and inspiration for building this team. Hypnosis at 90% accuracy after compoundeyes, Screech or whirlwind on the next turn, depending on what I know about the opponent's team. Screech if I know there's nothing particularly weak to stealth rock and/or I think my opponent might switch to something slower than Yanma after putting their pokemon to sleep with Hypnosis. Whirlwind if I don't know much about my opponent's team, or I know of a pokemon particularly weak to stealth rock. U-turn will deal decent damage after screech, or just provide a light damage on something slower than me if I opt to whirlwind.