The most epic battle that comes to my mind at the moment was when I cleared the PokeCup Master Ball round in Pokemon Stadium 1 for the first time. The fourth battle was for me always the hardest one to get past, rounds 5-7 were tough but still manageable, and the only time I ever made it to the finals I had miraculously racked up five continues from perfect matches but lost every single time. I almost through my controller at the TV from rage.
Anyway, battles 1-3 go by with ease like they always do netting me three continues. Come round 4, I lead with Nidoking and the Beauty Bitch sends out Starmie. By what ever miracle I had going for me, her Hydro Pump missed allowing me to use Toxic on Starmie. Clearly she wised up to my gambit and OHKOed Nidoking with Psychic next turn, but the damage was done. Next I send out Articuno, she uses Thunder, its a hit, takes out a little less than half my HP, I use Agility to get faster than Starmie. I then use Fly, she uses another Thunder and it misses of course all the while suffering from Toxic. Again, she has the intelligence to switch Stamie out for her Rhydon who receives minimal damage from my Fly. No matter, I use Ice Beam.
Clearly she predicted I would and gets Rhydon out of harms way for Gyarados. Articuno's Ice Beam is not only a critical hit but also freezes Gyara making that threat go away. Got to love the first Gen when the Pokemon can't thaw out on their own

Anyway, Starmie comes back, and finishes Articuno but is down to about half its health. Out comes my Blastoise who must now defeat three opponents. I finally take out Starmie, but Blastoise only has 16 HP left. No matter, it's faster than Rhydon so I OHKO that with Surf. Gyarados is still frozen so I take my time with that one because I can afford to. And so I win the fourth Battle.
There isn't much to say about rounds 5-7 except I was very lucky on more than one occasion and survived with only one Pokemon each time with medium to low HP. Then came round 8 against the Old Man. Having come up with a few contingency plans for this guy after five straight loses last time, I decided to lead with Nidoking. Old Man led with Jolteon, so after taking a five hit Pin Missle to the face at the cost of half my HP, I OHKO it with Earthquake. His next Pokemon was Moltres, Nidoking was faster, I OHKO that with Rock Slide. I was expecting his last Pokemon to be Lapras like it had been every other time. Had that been the case, I would have used Rock Slide and hoped for the best. Not this time, it was his Dragonite! I start laughing maniacally as I allow Nidoking to be taken out with Dragonite's Surf and send out Articuno. All it took was one Ice Beam to grant me total victory! I was adrenaline high for hours after. My throat also hurt from screaming vicory at the TV so many times XD