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EpicFlare's Sprites(Taking trainer sprite and trainer card requests only!)

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Hey EpicFlare, do you think you can make a sprite and trainer card for my Rival for my powerpoint? (Note these do not need codes unless the codes appear automatically)

Name: Gem
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Clothing: Pink shirt with blue pokeball on it. Purple skirt with yellow trim and Poke ball x1 at waist. Black shoes.
Special Features: Ruby Red pony tail and hair.
Again, No guide. Choose your own beginning Template.

Trainer Card
Pokemon: 1. Blazicken. Female. 2. Mew. No gender. 3. Tentacruel. Female. 4. Slowking. Male. 5. Mareep. female. 6. Spoink. Male.
Sprite: Request above
Wi-Fi Friend Code: 0000-0000-0000 (Fiction Character)
Badges: All 8 from Hoenn
Card Template: Your choice.

Thank you for your sprites and help

Hey epicflare, can i give a request? It might be a little tricky, so here it is:
Can you make a trainer based off this attachment, without his hood up? He has red hair that covers over his right eye. (if you look at him, it's you're right). His eyes are purple.
Sorry its really complicated! Thnks though!


  • Team end leader.png
    932 bytes · Views: 373
Name: Blank
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Clothing: Black pants with white circles down the side, a black shirt, black shoes, a flowing red scarf, and a dark blue jacket.
Special Features: Pale skin, long white hair, and yellow eyes.
(optional)Guide Picture:
Been a few days since i requested from here : D well im back with a request if you would please do so it might be abit challenging.

Name: Torii
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Special Features:
*May i please request the blue to be black?
*Without that symbol and fishnet shirt
*Possibly have the (Black)shirt actually stretch down to jean length?
*May i ask for some(most) of the front hair to be green?
*No black nail polish please.
(optional)Guide Picture:
Clothing:black t-shirt black shorts black and white shoes (if possible squares) and cap like ashes first one but black
Special Features: a skateboard with 2 wheels red its called "the wave" (i think) and brown eyes


pokemonfreak387 said:
Hey iFlare, Um, do you think you could edit this card to have Sinnoh Badges and not Johto please?

I'm currently taking a break from spriting, as of now requests are closed.


When youare back with requests could you make this?

(Trainer Sprites)
Name: Alue
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Clothing: Anything gothic
Special Features: I would like her hair to swoop over one eye and have her hold a rose

Thanks in advance
erm.....well she has a new sprite thread now "the return of epic flare" or something like that. I don't think she takes requests on this thread anymore. You might want to re-post your request on her other thread now!
Sanae Kochiya said:
erm.....well she has a new sprite thread now "the return of epic flare" or something like that. I don't think she takes requests on this thread anymore. You might want to re-post your request on her other thread now!
Thanks for letting them know, and by the way, I'm a guy. -.-
Request from Anonymus:
Gender: Male
He is GYM Leader of Electric

Gender: Male
He is the GYM Leader of Fire
(his brother is Emelectric)


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Holy gravedigging Batman. Not only have you posted in a four-year-old sprite thread, you've posted in one where the artist has not only had a new thread since (see the posts above yours!), they haven't actually been around since 2011.

Please pay more attention when posting!
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