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Ask to Join Explore the Bloka region! (Anime style)

Yolie hesitatated as the large bird pokemon came towards her. As Soras explained the innocence behind it, Yolie grinned and folded her arms. Looking to the side, she giggled while covering her mouth with her hand.

"Yes. I tend to have that affect on people. But it looks like a strong pokemon... Surprised you lost with someone like this on your side!"

Yolie nearly forgot the importance of her pokedex. She wanted to be more consistent and scan every Pokémon she did not know in order to gain more knowledge as a trainer. She whipped out her Dex and scanned Braviary. Yolie meticulously read the entry aloud.

"For the sake of its friends, this brave warrior of the sky will not stop battling, even if injured. Wow, that's quite the Brave Bird!"

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Kane arrived at Lopya city. The first thing he did was heal up his pokemon in the Pokemon Centre. Then, he headed immediately for the gym. Harry, on the other hand, had not reached the very end of the dense forest. He saw the end in sight, then ran to it. The forest creeped him out.
"Fletchinder, use fly." Findlay said to the bird beside him.
'Mom's probably worried sick.' He thought. 'Better get back to Wuye soon.
Wonder how Ailie's doing.'
"No wonder that you are surprised that I lost with braviary, you see, Blaze had a very powerful Charizard with Blast Burn!"said Soras"I think he wants to be with you."
"Bravi!"said Braviary as he nodded in agreement and gave Yolie the pokeball that was his...

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Suddenly, out of the bushes, appeared a man in a black hood. A Gastly appeared next to him. "Watch where you're going kid." He whispered to Harry.
"Excuse me?" Harry replied.
"You made a grave mistake coming to this forest. I advise you do not to go beyond here."
Harry continued to walk.
"I said...Leave!!!" He roared. "Gastly use lick!" The Gastly attacked Harry but Harry's Pichu Sparky appeared.
"Quick, thundershock!" The electricity made the Gastly faint and so did the man. Harry checked the man's pulse. No reply. "Um..." It was very awkward as Harry sighed. Harry looked through the man's belongings in his bag. There were some notes. On the notes, was a plan of a building and a large weapon. "What's this?!" Cried Harry. "He seems to be from one of these evil teams...maybe we could find out if there are any more of them...because that weapon looks dangerous..." Then he noticed the objective:
'Kill all life.'
"Okay now we really need answers!" Harry had never been to this region before and he only just settled in, challenging the first gym leader, yet he had already found signs of an evil team.
Yolie blinked rapidly while staring at Soras. Then to Braviary. She reached out for the pokeball in the Pokemon's grasp.

"Wow, are you serious??? With a Pokemon like this, I can certainly keep up with Lenox using a flying type! Don't joke around like this Braviary!"

Yolie gave the pokeball back to Braviary. She began to realise how quickly she was ready to dump her studies and run through Bloka with a strong Pokémon she never trained.

"You know, as much as I'd love to have you... I just must do this journey the right way. I need to prove that I can get 8 badges through my skill. Most importantly, I need to prove it to myself. Braviary, if you still feel this way in a few badges, I'll gladly accept you on my team though!"

Yolie giggled and her hand glided over Braviary's head to ruffle its feathers.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Kane was walking casually around the pokemon centre. It had taken ages for his pokemon to heal. A black hooded man stood in the pokemon centre. He had exactly the same clothes as the other one had in Lopya forest. Kane took Frost out, showing him off to the other people. Kane was battling a bunch of young boys who all lost to Kane's Snover.
"Ha! You can't beat me! I'm going to become the champion!"

"Don't be so cocky." A voice said. Kane looked up. In front of him were two of the hooded men. A third joined them, who wore a white mask.
"Who are you guys?" Kane asked.
"That is...classifed..." The masked hooded man said.
"Ha! I'm so scared!" Kane yelled sarcasticly. "What are you going to do to me, choke me using your mask!!?"
"You shall pay for your ignorant and quite frankly, rude comments. Get him!" The two grunts sent out two Zubats.
"Ice beam Frost!" The icy beam made the room colder as it took out the two Zubats which flew towards Frost. "Those attacks did nothing!" The two grunts ran away, frightened of Kane's battling abilities.
"That Snover is interesting...where did you get it from?"
"Sinnoh, but it followed me here. You really should see my Honchkrow, he is better."
"No, give me that Snover!" The man insisted. He grabbed Frost but Kane pushed him away.
"You'll have to battle for it!" Kane roared.
"Very well! Go Torkoal!" Lava dripped from the beast. "Fire spin!" Flames came towards Frost.
"Dodge it!" Frost jumped and the flames tore apart part of the pokemon centre. Many trainers decieded to flee after this. Nurse Joy was infuriated. She shouted to try and make the two stop battling, but it didn't work.
"Smokescreen!" Smoke filled the room. Only Kane and the man were left now. They started coughing.
"What are you trying to play at? Who are you?"
The man opened his mask. He was actually a woman. Kane pulled a face. "Voice changer. They call me Pele. I am from Team Explosion, or Team Disaster as they are often called. We haven't decieded the name. But the most important idea is that all those who control pokemon and wish them to do their bidding must die as one!" Pele said. "More smokescreen!" More smoke appeared. "You would do well in Team Explosion." She walked away.
Kane was coughing like mad. Then he heard one final call. "Explosion." The Torkoal exploded and tore the room to pieces. Kane awoke amongst the rubble. A group of firemen lifted him out.
"You okay?" One asked.
"What does it matter..."
"Hello sir, we'd like to ask you some questions." A police officer said, walking up to him. They asked him some questions about the attack and Kane answered them, as discretly as possible. Then he looked at his pokemon and to his horror, Frost, one of his strongest pokemon was gone.

"They've stolen him!" He shouted.
Alan wouldn't bother running after his opponents. They were dealt with and they wouldn't be a problem right now. He turned around and looked at Def. It took him a minute to figure out what Vaporeon was telling him, that Def was put to sleep. He tapped his chin trying to figure out how to solve the problem. Spinda, who had been watching, tugged on Alan's pant leg. Alan looked down at Spinda who motioned to himself.

"Spinda, you can solve our problem?" The panda-like pokemon nodded. "Alright, it's your show."

Spinda took a couple of wobbly steps before standing firmly. It took a deep breath before letting out a loud roar. Munchlax, who had been sleeping next to Eevee, was jolted awake and looked around, quite surprise by the sudden Uproar attack.
Finally arriving in Grioru City, Cheri stretched her arms above her head.

"Well, we're finally here guys. We don't have a moment to lose."

Cheri and her ghost Pokémon walked throughout the city, looking for the gym. She heard that the leader used ground type Pokémon, and with both her Pokémon with Levitate, those moves would be useless. It took her some time, a few wrongs turns and having to ask for directions before she was able to find the gym. Once she did however, Cheri stepped inside, her Pokémon behind her.
Will stared at Alan and Def, he had been watching them fight the Team Flare (I'm assuming its them, its not my Team Rocket) people, he was about to help when he saw them utterly destroy the grunts, and decided that obviously they did not need his help anyways.

He decided to leave for Lopya city, and was about to leave when a thought came to him, he needed to train. He could tell that some of the other trainers were much more powerful than he, and in the midsts of a forest, Squirtle and Wynaut would have trouble keeping up, Pidgey though, she was quite powerful and could possibly power though the forest by herself. He decided that the best course of action would be to stay in the forest for a while and train his Pokemon, instead of storming through straight to Lopya, where he would most likely get destroyed by stronger trainers, plus he had heard on the news that the Pokemon Centre had exploded

He entered the forest, Pidgey on his shoulder and his other two Pokemon walking behind him. As soon as he entered, he noticed a massive swarm of Weedle, Caterpie, Wurmple and Sewaddle, all moving in the same direction. Curious, he followed them.

Meanwhile, also in Lopya forest, was Team Rocket. The male grunt smiled "There is that little runt who interrupted our plans last time, all alone, lets rob him"

“No” the Leader whispered “we need to keep a low profile, we don’t want anyone to know we are still here. We must continue to carry out the plan, forget your little revenge scheme for now!”

“Fine” the grunt said “but i still think taking him out is a good idea”

“Until the other runts inevitably follow the sound of our battle with him to us, and take us out again, therefor ruining our plan” retaliated the Lead grunt “I am not, however saying, that in the course of putting our plan into motion”

The three broke out into evil laughter, before the lead grunt shushed them “Do you want us to be revealed?” he asked angrily

“Sorry sir!” the two other grunts said quickly
Yolie realised how late it was geetting, and was afraid she wouldn't meet her premade goal of studying before the next day. It was late after all, and she selfishly wanted to get into her large, comfy hotel bed.

"Hey Soras, Braviary. Its been nice chatting it up with you two. But I have goals to accomplish, and heads to be turning. So I'm going into my room. Goodnight! Knock if you need anything."

Yolie rushed into her room and closed the door, locking it behind her. She released her pokemon, threw her satchel across the room and began to change out of her cloths, tossing them everywhere. A PJ onesy became her outfit of the night after a shower. Eve decided to join in in Yolie's bathroom time. As Knope came in, he was briefly scooted out by Eve, who grinned and stuck her tongue out.

"Nope-Knope! Sorry buddy, but...this is girl time. It is inappropriate to get dressed in front of a boy."

Knope's face drooped down in dismay, before he found Yolie's school books in her satchel and began placing them on the hotel room's desk.

Yolie left the bathroom, letting steam from the bathroom trail throughout the room. She yawned, and placed herself firmly in front of her books. Knope walked towards her, looking for recognition and was appropriately given a hug and a thank you from Yolie. Eve sat on the bed and floated the T.V. controller towards her, while turning the television on. A news station was the first to pop up.

"-turn of events, is unsettling. We do not have enough details on the damages to the Pokemon Center in Lopya City, but what we do know, is how to get your attent-"

The T.V. turned off, through Yolie's hand of unplugging it.

"Sorry Eve. It's a little distracting."

Eve grumbled and floated out of the hotel room.

"Uhm... Come back by midnight? OK. Let's get back to studying. Now, I can read up on how to properly battle with Pokemon. Shouldn't be too hard, right?"

Yolie looked towards Knope who was already digging in the trash can. He looked up to her with kleenix in his mouth.

"Trubbish!" He replied, and continued his banquet of recyclables. Yolie smiled and sighed, and began her readings.
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Rory walked up to the Cyndaquil and put his hand on Cyndaquil's back. Rory then realised the faint smoke oozing out of Cyndaquil's back. "Bun-Buneary," Bunneary said to Marin with a concerned look before hopping towards a bush with a variety of berries on. "It seems Rory is worried about you Cyndaquil, there's no need to worry. We're here to help," Marin said softly. Marin then noticed Cyndaquil's tears stream down its face. "Aw, you poor thing," Marin said as he wiped Cyndaquil's eyes and tried to pick it up if it would let him and tried to comfort the poorly Cyndaquil.

Asura and Ralts reached to an opening of the forest, which seemed to be smack bang in the middle of the forest. Ralts turned to Asura and smiled as Ralts gestured towards a group of Pokemon surrounding something as if they were protecting something. Asura was quite unsure of what to do in this moment and stood there staring curiously. Ralts waddled up to the group of Pokemon. "Ra-Ralts!" Ralts said to the group. The group of Pokemon which was featured, a Simipour, Honchkrow, Granbull and Quilladin. Asura felt uneasy at the powerful Pokemon that was in front of her. Asura slowly and hesitantly went followed behind Ralts as they talked to each other. The group of Pokemon looked down at Ralts and looked at Asura. Asura nervously and awkwardly smiled back at the Pokemon. They all looked back at Ralts with unimpressed faces. Ralts seemed pretty determined to put her point across and not back down. "ratls-Ra-Ralts!" Ralts yelled confidently. The Pokemon looked at each other and huddled round to have a small chat between themselves.

Asura stood there awkwardly as she had no idea what was happening. Ralts looked back at Asura and smiled since they were both waiting. Asura awkwardly smiled back but then started to feel anxious again as she started to ponder on what they're talking about. Asura then started to discreetly look around for an exit if worse comes to worse.
After Yolie went into her room to study, Soras sighed.
"Sigh, she certainly is busy now, isn't she?"Soras asked Braviary.
"Bravv!"said Braviary, disappointed.
"Don't worry,she will be your trainer later."said Soras, noticing Braviary's sadness"hey, what was that noise!"when an unexpected noise was heard, and it was a siss, when Soras went outside, and looked in the bushes where the noise came from, he found a spinarak
The spinarak had always been afraid of humans, so she nearly ran away before Soras picked him up and examined her broken legs(all of them broke on a cliff, being chased by team rocket, who were trying to steal bug pokemon)
"Oh, you okay buddy, I better get you to pokemon centre,"he said while picking up spinarak"I wonder what happened to you?"he said.
The Cyndaquil looked over at Marin who picked him up, as he attempted to get himself together. He couldn't move as fast as he usually could, as he looked at the Buneary who was concerned. He felt an unknown presence nearby, as he kept his guard up, while he couldn't flare up his back due to his extreme fatigue.

Meanwhile, a rather odd looking Oshawott had been up on a tree, watching a boy with a Buneary while she noticed him carrying a Cyndaquil. Her orchid fur gleamed along with the sun, as she quietly went down, using the branches for support. She quietly landed on the ground next to the boy, while quietly saying to the Cyndaquil, "Oshawott."
Eve the shuppet floated above Grioru City. She enjoyed nights like this-where the moon was so large and the glow if the stars reflected off of the tops of buildings. It was complete bliss, as she analyzed the surrounding town. She could see that even in the dead of night, the town of Grioru was very much still alive. Pokemon trainers were quite active, someone would always be awake, treading forward with their journey. Just the thought of finally growing with someone made her gleeful. She decided to float on back to her hotel room, where she found Yolie deep in research and Knope snoring loudly, near the trash can. Eve decided to lay on the bed and fall asleep.

Meanwhile, Yolie seemed to blaze through her studies, and was excited for the next day to come. As she closed her book on proper battle etiquette and strategies, she noticed one last book to her left. It was not a Pokémon Book necessarily, but a book titled 'Past-Present-Future: the ancient studies of Bloka'. Yolie opened the book to a portion in the middle and began reading a random passage.

"Every Region is notable for it's Legen-drias Pokémon. Bloka manages to have Pokemon of all regions, forming a suitable melting pot of cultures. Although a legendary may be more commonly noted in certain regions, an example being The Sinnoh Region's Eternal City harboring exquisite statues of Palkia and Dialga. These Pokémon are the avatar's of both Space and Time respectively, yet no other region places the same amount of emphasis on these legendaries.

Bloka itself harbors legends of its own. There is evidence that supports claims of a Powerful Pokémon that resided here thousands of years ago, in our very beautiful Bloka region. This Pokémon was said to have been more powerful than any of it's kind. Lastly, it was said to have protected the region from threats that nearly destroyed our region. Both the Pokemon and the threats themselves, are a mystery. What our historians do know, is that Our Legen-drias protector sought the friendship and help of a Latios and a Latias."

Yolie closed the book shut, tired of reading.

"I'll probably return this book. It doesn't really help me with raising Pokémon. Alright Eve! Make some room!"

Yolie stood up and ran to pick up her sleeping Trubbish and jumped on the bed, making Eve bounce upwards, crankily. The trainer and her Pokémon fell sound asleep, together.
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Cheri stepped out of the gym, disappointed. The gym leader was out and wouldn't be back till the next day. She grumbled as she walked away. She and her Pokémon were fully prepared for the battle and now they had to wait longer. Cheri wandered through the city until she found a hotel. After hitting up the front desk, she was able to get herself a cheap room for the night.

Once inside her room, she let out her Pokemon and tossed her bag on the single bed. Roto and Spirit zipped around the room, quite happy to be out of their pokéballs.

"Now, you two behave while I shower," Cheri told her Pokemon. "Stay in the room and no possessing the electronics, Roto."

Roto snickered but nodded. The two ghost Pokemon began chasing each other when Cheri closed the door and started the shower. She didn't take too long in the shower, but the water felt too good to take a quick shower.

When she eventually exited the bathroom, towel wrapped around her, Roto and Spirit were fast asleep at the foot of the bed, tired from traveling and chasing each other. Cheri chuckled and changed into her pjs before slipping under the covers into a peaceful sleep.
Yolie woke up with a heavy yawn, morning had arrived! Giving a alarming stretch, she shook Eve to wake her up. It seemed Knope was already out of bed, and had packed Yolie's belongings together. Even her outfit was folded neatly on a chair. She slowly quickly rushed to the bathroom to brush her teeth while unzipping her Onesy in the same process. Afterwards, she reentered the bedroom.

"Fair morning my beautiful Pokémon! Thank you so much Knope! We can get out of here quickly!"

Eve peered at Knope jealously with one eye open, and acted like she did not care. Yolie grabbed a few protein bars from her bag and handed them to her Pokémon and herself. She opened her bar and held it in her mouth while putting on one if her socks.

"Hurry up Eve, we dint have all day! I think I want to catch a Pokémon before the class later today! The early bird catches the worm!"

Knope continued to Munch on his bar, wrapper included. Eve puffed her cheeks and floated, rushing through of the hotel room door. Yolie spit out her protein bar and ran after Eve, her outfit missing shoes and a sock. Knope grabbed Yolie's belongings and followed after.

Eve managed to pass through the maze-like hallways of the hotel. She sensed a safe presence in a certain room. It reeked of ghosts type pokemon. She entered through the door herself, as Yolie noticed her ghost Pokémon slip into someone else's room. Eve entered and noticed a trainer with a Ghastly and a Rotom, sleeping soundly on a bed. Eve did not truly want to bother the trainer, so it peacefully hid in the bathroom.

"No!" Yolie whispered. "How rude! They could be asleep, or changing or... Other things. Knope, go knock on that door!"

As yolie looked behind her, Knope seemed totally exasperated, carrying Yolie's satchel with her books. Yolie fiddled with her fingers.

"I guess I'll do it myself..."

Yolie trudged over to the hotel guests room, and knocked on the door discreetly.

"Hello? Sorry to disturb, but I think my ghost-type pokemon is in there!"
Arcanine and Vaporeon perked their ears up with much interest when Spinda seemed to have the solution, though neither of them expected it to use the move Roar and at such a high volume.

"Vay?!" The vaporeon squeaked and covered her ears. Growlie also having a pretty shocked expression and shook his head a bit to rid of the ringing in his ears.

Thankfully, it worked like a charm and Def made a gasp as he woke up, sitting up somewhat clumsily as he felt in such a daze; hypnosis is quite effective when it works on a pokemon should it be a successful hit, can only imagine how an attack must be on a human.

"Hrrr.. what... who... Growlie? Growlie!" Def suddenly yelled, to which Growlie moved behind the bench and put his head over it and gave a bark. Def looked at him and gave a heavy sigh in relief before noticing Alan was also there with his pokemon.
"Alan?" He muttered, rubbing his temples a little from feeling pretty groggy, "How... what? Some morons turned up out of no where and had their pokemon attack me and Growlie... That's all I can remember," He said, pretty bewildered with it all.

Vaporeon gave a happy chime before jumping up on him and rubbing her head against him, to which Def smiled and hugged her, "Hey you, what you doing out?"
"Huh, I have been here for so long, it is morning!Is spinarak okay Nurse Joy?"he said when he looked outside
"Yes, but there appears to be a tracking device on it belonging to team rocket! We better warn Officer jenny!"said nurse joy
"Okay, I'll go and get her, wait a minute, I think I know someone else who could help!"said Soras with concern for spinarak
"Then go and get them!"said Nurse joy.
Charles knew that the Gym might have been closed yesterday, since the Gym Leader wasn't inside. He had been asleep in the same hotel, and in a different room for the night, while he had been woken up to the sound of something that rustled near the nightstand. The sun looked down at him, while the Minun walked towards the Pokémon that had a rather angered look on his face, as he quickly used growl at him! The Minun looked at him with a rather concerned look, as he went towards him, while he hopped towards Charles.

The Froakie attempted to take off his bonnet he had on, as he seemed to hate it. He looked at the baby Dragonite who gave a slight chuckle at him, as he glared at him for a split second. Charles picked him up while he placed the baby Dragonite on the bed next to him, as he said to him, "Froakie, what seems to be the problem? You look pretty upset here."
The Froakie replied while he growled angrily at Dragonite, "Fro, Froakie."
[ @Defaeco It's actually the move Uproar, not roar. Uproar wakes up Pokémon while Roar just makes them run away.]

Alan smiled when Def woke up and squatted down next to Spinda. He gave it a warm smile and rubbed its head. Spinda smiled back and fidgeted happily. Alan stood up and walked over to Def.

"Hey, Def. You all right? Vaporeon found me and brought me out here."

Ee and Munch walked over to Alan and stood next to Spinda.
Cheri was deep in sleep, but Roto wasn't. It was wide awake and watching TV, using its electricity capabilities to change the channel. It was quite surprised to see a Shuppet phase through the wall and then into the bathroom. It was about to follow the pokemon into the bathroom but stopped when there was a knock on the door. It hesitated for a moment before disappearing into the socket on the wall. Roto traveled through the electrical grid until it appeared in the light on the ceiling outside of Cheri's door. It took note of who was outside before going back through the grid and into the room.

Roto approached Cheri and gave her a small shock, its attempt to wake Cheri up. Cheri stat up rather quickly, still a bit drowsy. Roto made some noises and motioned to the door. Cheri looked at the door before making the connection. Still dressed in her purple pjs and her hair a bit messy, she got out of bed and trudged over to the door. She opened the door.

"Hello?" she said a bit groggily.
( @Torchwick Aha! You know, I was thinking that too but then thought well guess Roar is loud. That makes more sense! )

"She did?" Def said and smiled at his Vaporeon, "Not the first time you've saved my ass, huh?" He said, to which Vaporeon gave a happy squeak, "And you, Growlie," He said and ruffled the mane on top of his Arcanine's head.

"I'm fine, thank you for coming to my rescue," Def said and moved to face-forward on the bench with his feet lightly on the ground, "Mmn... feeling a bit dizzy though. Those guys are nuts, how can they teach their pokemon to use attacks on trainers?" He said with a grumble and rubbed his head, "Hate to think what else they command their pokemon to do..."
Following the bugs to a clearing in the forest, Will looked around, astonished, to his left were a Beedrill and Dustox, to his right were a Buterfree and Beautifly. The four winged bugs seemed to be watching the other ones as they filtered into the clearing. Straight in front of him, in the middle of the clearing, was two Leavanny standing on either sides of what appeared to be a wall made of Combee.

The Combee dispersed, flying in all directions until they were out of sight, revealing a Vespaqueen behind them. All the bugs turned to look at her.
"Vespaqueen (This has gone on long enough!)" the queen announced, "Vespaqueen (We will not allow, can not allow, this to continue!)"
Will could not understand the Queen, but the looks on the faces of the bugs told him that whatever was happening was important, quickly, he hid in a bush. The queen contined her speech "Vespa (We shall not hide anymore!)" she shouted "Vespaqueen (We will drive the enemy back where they came from!)"

The entire clearing erupted with cheers as the Bug Pokemon all sang out their agreement to what the Queen was saying. Will waited as the cheers died down, and were replaced with screams as a massive Fearow swooped down onto the gathering. "Vespa (Attack!)" Vespaqueen ordered, and the four winged bugs and the Leavanny began firing string towards the Fearow, trapping it. The Fearow broke free and flew away.

Will was still quite confused, he turned to Squirtle who gave him a shrug, which didn't help their situation. The Vespaqueen raised her arm and a second wall of Combee behind her dissolved, and the bugs began crawling through "Vespaqueen (to battle!)" she cried, and all of the bugs exited the clearing, making it empty and eerily quiet

Meanwhile, Team Rocket were watching from another bush "Yes…" the first grunt said "bringing the Fearow into the forest was a perfect distraction, now we can go about our plan unnoticed"
The second one smiled "Yea" she said "and if those trainers from earlier come, they will be distracted by the bugs and birds"
"Be quiet would you?" the lead grunt asked "What if someone is listening? Or watching?"
The three turned to the fourth wall, curious, before dismissing it as a silly thought and continuing their plan
Yolie apologetically bowed, and spoke clearly, with her hair perhaps as bedridden as the trainer in front of her.

"I apologize for my rudeness. But I have a naughty Shuppet named Eve, and I think I saw her enter your room."

Yolie raised herself up to finally take a look at the trainer. She had a pretty hair color, and wondered if it was natural. Yolie then attempted to eye behind the trainer, hoping to see her own Shuppet in the vicinity.

At that moment, her Trubbish finally caught up to Yolie, dropping her things on the floor and panting for a few seconds. He then held a bright smile and waved at the trainer behind the hotel door.
After Hearing loud noises Jack ran back into the Forest and noticed Will and Bug Pokemon "WOW! SO MANY BUG TYPES!" Jack yelled as he ran to Will, Torrent and Ignis behind him "Will Why are there so many Bug Types?" Jack asked as Torrent jumped onto his Shoulder and Ignis Stopped in front of Jack "And why are all the Bugs fighting?" Jack added
"They are actually leaving now" Will pointed out "But there were fighting before, some Fearow came into the clearing and attacked them."
"Apparently their leader is a Vespaqueen, and they are gathering for, something" he said "to be honest I have no idea either"

He walked into the clearing as all of the bugs disappeared along the forest path "We should follow them" he said as he walked towards the path "find out what is happening"
"How do we follow them? we can't ride any of our Pokemon unless.... Do you know what Ride Pokemon are?" Jack asked as he Took a Poke Flute out of his Bag "This is a cool Upgraded thing that my Father gave me" Jack said as a Menu popped up on the Flute, The Word "Searching" Appeared on the Black menu, The searching Disappeared as three Pokemon appeared "Pidgeot.... Talonflame and Staraptor, Which one do you want to ride?" Jack asked as he Pointed at the Three Pokemon on the Menu
Cheri blinked slowly multiple times while trying to understand what the girl in front of her was saying. Roto on the other hand knew what she was saying. He zipped around Cheri's head, grabbing her attention, and then pointed towards the bathroom. Raising an eyebrow, Cheri followed Roto, leaving the door open for the girl to come in.

Roto phased through the bathroom door before Cheri could open it. Cheri was quite surprised to see the ghost Pokemon floating in the bathroom.

"Hello there."
Yolie noticed a floating ghost pokemon that communicated with the PJ-wearing trainer. Unfortunately, it wasn't her Eve, but it did confirm the girl to be a pokemon trainer. She whipped out her pokedex to scan the pokemon, but she placed it on mute to read the entry later. She did not wish to disturb any one else that might be sleeping.

The purple-clad trainer and her ghost Pokémon left further into their hotel room, leaving the door open. Yolie hesitated as to not seem rude, and then decided to follow them along with her Knope. She looked around the room, hoping to see her Shuppet. What she did see, was a gaseous dark-orb laying on the trainers bed. It was starting to creep Yolie out-did she just meet a witch?

Yolie caught up to the trainer, when she finally uttered words. She looked passed the trainer and saw her Shuppet.

Eve stuck out its tongue at the Rotom, jokingly upset as if it were a killjoy. It began snickering afterwards, and seemed to enjoy the presence of ghost types.

"Eve! Why would you invade another person's personal space like this? You are stressing me out!" Yolie yelled at her Pokémon in a parental manner. "I know you feed off of negative energy, but don't let it bother others."

Eve flew next to Knope, who greeted Eve with a hug. Yolie looked at the trainer and pushed up her glasses to get a better view of her. Was this trainer near her age? Yolie nearly forgot she was bothering the trainer on an early morning as she walked towards the gaseous orb on the trainers bed.

"I'm sorry, but what is that?" Yolie asked, in able to shrug off the disposition of the gaseous shape. "It looks so cool and menacing! Oh, actually, I apologize for bothering you this morning. Would you mind if I made it up to you with a cup of tea? I would offer breakfast, but I'm planning on catching a bug pokemon early this morning, in Lopya Forest. Need a specific one to help me beat the gym."

Yolie gave a big breath, and stopped talking. She was nervous that she might be annoying the girl already.
"Seems like a really elaborate hoax to me" Will said, but he pressed Talonflame and to his surprise, a massive Smogon Bird, I mean Talonflame slammed down on the ground in front of him, from somewhere above. "Wow..." he said, surprised "But nah, i'll walk, the path seems straight enough"

He began to walk down the dark, narrow road, and soon found that the path was in fact not “Straight enough”, with twists and turns, crossroads and detours, he only found his way in the end because of the footprints of thousands of bugs in the dirt, forming almost lines pointing where he needed to go

Eventually, he came upon a place with many, many pieces of string lying everywhere. Fainted Caterpie, Weedle, Wurmple and Sewaddle everywhere, and the surrounding forest destroyed in what seemed to be an epic struggle. In the middle of it all was a crater the size and shape of the Fearow from earlier. From that point onwards, the footprints seemed to face away slowly

He came upon another point of a struggle, but this time there were survivors, a group of Caterpie, led by the Buterfree from earlier were tying a Fearow to a tree with string, and when they finished, they left, carrying the injured with them and giving them berries to heal. Will turned to look at the Fearow, but the strings had been broken and the Fearow was but a dot in the sky

Meanwhile, elsewhere, the three rocket grunts were spying on the Vespaqueen, whom was currently somewhere in front of her army, marching forwards. “Where are those Combee?” wondered one of the grunts “It’s like they all disappeared”
The lead grunt smiled “our… upgrades to the Fearow should prove more than enough to threaten the Queen, and when she is in danger, her minions will be drawn to her too”
After jumping on the Talonflame Jack followed Will from the Skies, He looked at the Butterfree and Caterpie and the Fearow "Will! ill get the Fearow!" Jack yelled as he Pinted at the Dot "Talonflame go!" Jack yelled as Talonflame started to fly up, The Fearow getting Closer and Closer "ALRIGHT! USE BRAVE BIRD!" Jack yelled as Talonflame dashed forward and hit the Fearow "OH NO!" Jack yelled as Talonflame started to Dive Fearow Down, Sending the Fearow flying down and Jack falling off "TORRENT! THROW A LOT OF COTTON ON THE GROUND!" Jack yelled as Torrent started throwing Cotton on the Ground, Making Jack fall on it and not die, Fearow hit the Ground with a Loud bang at Talonflame looked at Jack "Alright Talonflame, You can leave" Jack said as Talonflame started to fly away "Torrent, Stick the Fearow to the Wall" Jack said as Torrent took Cotton off his neck and sticking it to the Fearow and Placing it on the Wall "Alright, Will, Whats next?" Jack asked, Torrent jumping on his Shoulder
Seeing Jack crash to the ground in a similar manner to the Smogon Bird, i mean Talonflame from earlier, Will took a step back. "now I think we do not alert everyone from between here and Lopya to our presence, I mean a massive fiery midair explosion? Really?"

He waited for everything to become quiet, when suddenly string started being fired at him from every direction. Instantly he was covered in the sticky substance. "Jack, a little help getting me out of this- oh wait I used that pun last time"

Caterpie started filtering out of the trees, surrounding Will, it seemed that the Butterfree from earlier was not content with just leaving the Fearow there after all

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Behind the Team Rocket grunts, stood a hooded man with a mask. "Oh i'm afraid we're all out of gas!" He roared at them. Three hooded men in similar uniforms marched up to the three Rocket grunts.
"What must we do to them?" Asked one of the grunts.
"Take them...they're pesky and they're getting in our way!" The masked man walked away, very casually.

The masked man bumped into Harry, who had just noticed the plethora of bug type pokemon.
"Watch where you're going!" The man shouted, before running away. Harry was heading towards the exit when he turned round and saw the grunts.
"What are they up to?" He whispered to himself. He had to take a look at this suspicious activity. Harry marched over to where he could see all the grunts hiding. The three hooded grunts were about to go and grab the Rocket grunts.

"What are you doing?!" Harry shouted over to the hooded grunts. They saw him.
"Dammit we've been spotted!" One grunt said. "Go Voltorb!" A Voltorb appeared.
"Go Koffing!" Said another grunt.
"Go Geodude!" Yelled the final grunt.
"We're under attack! Go my friends!" Sparky, Rex and Captain, all appeared to defeat them.
Jack looked at all the Bug Pokemon and the 7 people trying to be Hidden "Alright! Torrent get all the String off Will and Ignis use Fire Spin!" Jack yelled as Ignis made a Circle of Fire, Restricting the Bugs from attacking, Torrent scratched off all of the String and looked at a Leavanny that jumped over the Fire circle "TORRENT! DODGE AND USE BOUNCE!" Jack yelled as Torrent dodged and Body Slammed the Leavanny, Torrent glowed for a Second and then became Normal "Wow.... Torrent has the Hidden Ability Protean!" Jack yelled as Torrent used Bounce again, Making it even more Weak, The Leavanny jumped out of the Circle and yelled to the other Bug Pokemon "Uh oh... Will i think something is wrong..." Jack said as he heard something Louder walking closer
When Soras went looking for some friends, he decided to take the spinarak with him.
"Spinn?"(what is going on, are you with them?)She Said
"No, I am not with team Rocket, but I can help you, I know people who could help..."said Soras, and then he saw Alan, one of the 3 people he thought could help"Alan, I might need some help!"The other people he felt could help were Marin and Yolie.
The Lead Rocket Grunt, realising he had been spotted, raised a strange beacon into the air, as if it had been called by the pulsing device, five Fearow flew into the clearing, and began attacking the bugs and trainers alike. Meanwhile, the Vespaqueen used Attack order and an army of Combee appeared, flying from a massive hive nearby. "We found the hive, no reason to bee, if you don't mind the pun, here anymore" the Lead Grunt said.

The three grunts ran towards the hidden hive, and fired a net gun over it, dragging away many Combee and a lot of Honey too. The three climbed into their Medium-Sized-Automobile they had parked nearby, and drove off into the darkness

Meanwhile, Will was hard pressed to fend of the attack on three fronts, in the confusion, Pidgey has broken him free of his string prison, but now he was stuck in the midsts of a battle of Birds, Bugs and trainers. His three Pokémon had formed a triangle around him, all three protecting Will and warding off attackers.

Scyther, Heracross and Pinsir rushed in from the trees, answering the cries of the queen, while a flock of Spearow flew in from the sky to aid the Fearow in their relentless assault.
"Ignis, I hope you ready for this, PUNCH EM OUT OF THE SKY!" Jack yelled as Ignis looked at Torrent, Torrent threw Ignis up into the air, Ignis Jumping on Fearow and Spearow and Actually Punching them out of the Sky "So i guess we are Helping the Vespiqueen?" Jack said as he Sent out Fang and Wraith, Fang attacked Spearow on the Ground while Wraith Surprisingly was Flailing so high that he was Actually hitting Fearow and Spearow "Alright Will! what are you gonna do?" Jack asked as he Took the Ride Flute out of his Bag, He opened it and three Pokemon showed up "Pyroar.... Pidgeot and Lapras... Im am going with Pidgeot" Jack said as he Presses the Pidgeot button and Played a Small song, A Pidgeot landed in front of Jack with a Nice Saddle on and was waiting for Jack to Jump on "This Flute is soooooo convenient!" Jack yelled as he Jumped up to Help his Pokemon, The sad thing was that The Ride pokemon would only attack if needed so.... Jack could not really help his Pokemon, He noticed the Pinsir Scyther and Heracross and Pointe =d to the Spearow and Fearow "WILL, YOU NEED TO GET UP HERE! DO YOU NEED ME TO CALL A RIDE POKEMON?! JUST SAYING, I CAN CONVENIENTLY CAN ONLY USE THIS 3 TIMES A DAY SOOOOOO.... CAN'T USE IT FOR 24 HOURS, STILL NO STRESS, DO YOU WANT ONE?!" Jack yell-asked, Totally not Breaking the Fourth wall

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
"Voltorb use sonicboom!" An arrowed appeared and came for Sparky.
"Geodude use rollout!" Geodude rolled towards Rex.
"Koffing use smog!" A gas cloud move closer to Captain.
"Everyone dodge!" They all jumped, dodging the attacks.
"Now, Rex use headbutt on voltorb, Captain use Bubblebeam on Geodude and Sparky thundershock on Koffing." Rex bashed into the Voltorb, making it faint. Bubbles came from Captain's claws and made Geodude faint. Electricity fired from the sky finished the Koffing. The three grunts looked frightened. They were about to make a run for it when a large pack of Kricketunes and Kricketots appeared and chased the grunts into the bushes.
"They seem very...afraid..." Harry commented.
Spirit, who had been sleeping through the commotion, finally stirred awake. He floated up off the bed and let out a yawn before turning around and facing who had come in. Spirit looked at the strangers for a few moments before spotting Eve. He floated over to the Shuppet, intrigued by the other ghost type, its blue gas swirling behind it.

"That's Spirit," Cheri said, motioning to the gas ball Pokemon. "I could use a cup of tea." She covered her mouth as she yawned. "Just, let me get changed. Anywhere you want to meet?"