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Ask to Join Explore the Bloka region! (Anime style)

Marin couldn't help but smile as he observed the charming Trubbish offer the berry and place it back. "Battling, with your Pokemon. As in you command it to attack and weaken the wild Pokemon," Marin said. He wasn't sure how basic he needed to get so he just went as simple as he could. Marin kind of forgot about the urgency of the situation that he was in. He wanted to help out this trainer since it wasn't too long ago where he was clueless as well.

Asura and Rory hugged as Nurse Joy got her tools ready. "Buneary, I'm not sure you know this but little Asura has a condition where her body lacks any Riboflavin in her body," She paused as she realised that the Buneary wouldn't know what that means. "Vitamin B3, which is important for vision and her skin health, I could tell because her scented leaf didn't have its usual sweet scent and it had a little hint of stew I'm pretty sure instead," Nurse Joy turned back to Asura and Rory with a large needle. Rory's eyes open wide as she knew that Asura would freak out and leg it just seeing it. Asura was fortunately still sobbing and hugging Rory, so she was unaware of Nurse Joy's intention. Rory hugged Asura even tighter in an attempt to make Asura unable to turn around and see the needle. Nurse joy then slowly injected the needle into her neck. Asura let out a loud cry as it entered, but it was muffled as her head was in Rory's fur. Asura started to resist but Rory tried his best to restrict Asura.

Nurse Joy then took out the needle after injecting Asura's medication. Asura broke free of Rory's restriction and she let out a loud cry once again with her eyes letting streams of tears. Asura in pain, flicked her leaf that's on her head and unleashed a Razor Leaf at Rory. "Bun!" Rory exclaimed as he got launched off the table from Asura's attack.
Alan turned to the new person and nodded in agreement.

"That's what makes catching Pokemon easier. Like this." He looked to Ee and nodded his head slightly towards the dizzy Pokemon. "First thing is knowing what Pokemon you're fighting. That is a Spinda, a normal type, immune to ghost and weak to fighting. However, Ee knows a special move. Ee, use Synchronoise."

Eevee shouted and a rainbow shockwave emitted from the Pokemon. The attack was headed towards the wild Pokemon, but it was also headed towards Trubbish. Spinda was knocked back and tumbled head over heals. However, when the attack reached the Poison-type Pokemon, it mearly passed through without any affect.

"Now, use Trump Card." Five red tiles appeared around Eevee as the Pokemon jumped into the air. The red tiles spun around Eevee before they flew towards Spinda. They impacted the normal type, but it seemed like they did very little damage. "Now, you throw a Pokeball at it once it's weak enough."

Alan pulled a red and white sphere from inside his jacket and threw it at the weakened Spinda. Upon hitting the Pokemon, the ball opened and the Spinda turned into red energy, going inside the ball as it closed. The ball wiggled once. Twice. Three times before become still. Alan walked over and picked up the ball and turned to Yolie.

"And that's how it's done."
Yolie's eyes widened as the sounds was caught. As obvious as it was, it had never occurred to her to use her own Pokémon to fight. Now, she understood some of the challenge behind becoming a trainer.

"Wow! You guys must be very good as trainers!" She marveled. She proceeded to turn towards Marin in awe while pointing at Alan and Ee. "Did you see that? Alan caught that Spinda flawlessly!"

Yolie was amazed at the moves Ee was able to do. It seemed like magic almost. So that was a Pokémon battle. Sort of. How did Ee learn how to fight like that? And apparently, the Spinda was a normal type Pokémon with an immunity to ghost and an aversion to fighting. She wondered if she would have to remember that. There was a lot more Yolie wanted to learn now. She assumed she might have to study a little bit, maybe at the next inn or when she had down time.

"OK. So there are a ton of different Pokémon. Which means there are a bunch of different moves. How do I know what my Pokemon can do? Can I just look it up on my Dex?"
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"Woah, slow down. One question at a time," Marin chuckled as he was overwhelmed with questions from Yolie. "Well, if you pull out your Pokedex and scan your Pokemon, it should tell you everything you need to know, its typing, it's moves etc. There's also a trainer school I saw up at Grioru City, I'm just assuming you're heading that way," Marin explained to the trainer. "There's no need to worry about being uneducated about Pokemon, you'll learn it across the way," Marin smiled.

"I'm not sure we've met before, my names Marin," Marin said before putting his hand out for a handshake.
Alan followed Yolie over to the other trainer and chuckled at her fast-paced questions. He stuck out his hand and shook Marin's.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Marin. I'm Alan. And you know, not everyone has a Pokedex."

He reached into his jacket and pulled out a couple small cards, just slightly bigger than playing cards. On one side, a Pokeball logo on a blue background; the other side was a picture of a Pokemon, its name, type, and effectiveness against other types.

"These prove quite effective for not having a Pokedex. Sometimes simplicity is fun."
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Marin looked at Alan's cards that he got showed. "Those are pretty useful if you don't have a Pokedex I guess, but you're gone need somewhere to put that though. That's the only issue," Marin said.

Marin then noticed the Eevee that stood beside Alan. "Aw, that's so cute," Marin crouched down and stroked the normal type Pokemon. Marin pulled out his Pokedex and scanned the Eevee. "Eevee, the Evolution Pokémon. Eevee is rarely seen, and can adapt to severe habitats by evolving, changing its capabilities and form."

"Woah I've never seen an Eevee before... and now I want one," Marin chuckled while he admired the Eevee's cuteness.
"How rude of me, I am Yolie. Pleasure to meet you Marin! And I apologize for being so obnoxious."

Her cheeks grew red as Alan gave a friendly chuckle.

"It's rude to laugh at another's misfortune you know!" Yolie sounded quite annoyed. But she smiled playfully, displaying a sense of humor. "But Interesting choice; the cards work like index notes. Do they have all of the Pokémon? To my understanding, you have to fill up a Pokédex yourself. So you might have an advantage." Yolie hunched and stretched out a little, and proceeded to rest her hands on her peach-colored legs.
Marin looked back and forth between Alan and Yolie, and witnessed their banter. "So...Are you two travelling together? Are you two a thing?" Marin said jokingly as he slightly tilted his head, interested in how the two would respond to his question. Marin looked back down to Eevee. "Okay, I cannot deal with Eevee's cuteness. It's making me want to freak out," Marin said jokingly.
Yolie looked at Marin when he asked the question. Were she and Alan a 'thing'? She looked up at Alan and gave a ghostly stare. She quickly rose up and waved her hands back and forth while blushing. She almost shed a few tears.

"N-n-n-no! We are NOT a... THING! I mean... Eww, we have just met! I am not some sleaze! I don't even know how old he is... I'm heading to Grioru City to take my first gym badge."

She pointed at Ee, as Knope came by with its berries now gone.

"I noticed his Pokemon, Ee, and thought it looked cute. So I decided to stop by and chat. The Trubbish is mine, his name is Knope."

Yolie walked up to Marin with the ferver of a runway model. She smirked with her hands on her hips. She got really close to him, before stopping, and placing a finger on his chest.

"And what brings you to the Bloka region, 'Mr. I-enjoy-building-preconcieved-rumors?" Yolie scowled, but showed general interest in Marin's purpose as a trainer. Knope followed by, imitating the catwalk and pointed up at Marin. Yolie acted like she didn't notice him and nudged him to the side with her leg.
Marin got stopped paying attention to Eevee and got distracted by Knope. Marin couldn't hold resist to smile as he was amused by Knope's behavior. "You know, I really like you Knope," Marin said as he shook Knope's hand, mistaking his point for a handshake. Marin looked back up to Yolie. "S-sorry, I was just asking," Marin felt awkward that Yolie took it that way, but was thankful that she changed the topic of the conversation. "I came here to Bloka because the egg I was looking after at the time hatched into a Chikorita and we became the best of friends. So we traveled here to grow and become strong together... I would introduce you to her but she's at Grioru's Pokemon Center at the moment," Marin scratched his head as he realised how bad his sentence just sounded. "I um, I'm actually going to challenge the Grioru's gym as well," Marin smiled. Marin paused, "In fact, all of my Pokemon are at the Grioru's Pokemon center, because he didn't want to leave Asura, my Chikorita alone," Marin explained.
A large flock of birds Pokemon flew by above the group. They all seemed to be heading away from Grioru City. Yolie did not absorb the image that literally was flying right past her, she was more concerned with Marin's situation.

Knope smiled that Marin was pleased with his presence. He rubbed the back of his head to support a short series of giggles. Yolie dropped her finger and her expression.

"I'm sorry to hear about your Pokémon. You know, I hope it isn't sick or anything." Yolie expressed sympathetically.
"What gave it away?" Def said playfully when it was confirmed they were indeed new trainers. Well, the girl trainer anyway.
He smiled when the Trubbish came over to offer Marin a berry, what a helpful little guy.

"Yeah, I'm full too. You can stop now, Ivysaur," He said, to which Ivysaur obeyed and withdrew her vines back under the flower on her back and went to gnaw any of the burst berries that landed on the ground.

"Well, at least those ones won't go to waste," Def said, picking up one to take it to Growlie who happily ate it from his hand with a happy bark.

"Hey guys, I'm Defaeco but people just call me Def," He said, introducing himself, "And this big fluff ball is Growlie, my Arcanine."
Def couldn't help but laugh a bit at how flustered Yollie got to Marin's question, it was pretty blunt. He couldn't deny Alan was quite the good looking guy, though. Ahem, anyway.

"Nice catch with the Spinda, guess you really did your homework before coming out here, Alan," Def said.
"The Dex will really help a lot, saves time too when you need to act fast to catch a wild pokemon. Sometimes you need those extra seconds," He explained. "Well, his pokemon are fine but we're actually here because a sick Blitzle stumbled in to us and collapsed, Nurse Joy said it is badly poisoned and needs these berries, so we came here to gather lots so they are stocked up for other pokemon that may need them too."

Ivysaur came over to sit by Def's feet once done eating what was left of the berries on the ground.
"Quite full now, Ivysaur?" Def asked, to which she replied with a big satisfied smile. Delicious!
Marin stood up, he kept opening and closing his mouth, hesitating and trying to think of a way to word Asura's condition. "Um...well...Asura's fine, it's just...she's been better. Let's just say that," Marin explained as he fiddled with his fingers since he settled to word the situation like that. "I Appreciate your concern, though," Marin said. Marin hearing Def talking reminded him of the urgency of the situation he was in. "Oh yeah! Def, we need to hurry, it was great talking to you Yolie and Alan. We'll meet up again at Grioru City, yeah?" Marin said as he walked backwards towards Growlie since he was preparing to ride back to Grioru City to complete his mission. Marin stood next to Growlie and scratched under his chin. "You ready to go, Def?" Marin asked.
Alan placed a hand over her chest, gasped and feigned being hurt by Yolie words.

"You hurt me so, Yolie. And I'll have you know, I'm not that old."

Chuckling, he put his newly captured Pokémon onto his belt loop next to his Munchlax's ball. Ee was quite happy with being the center of attention. It sat down and wagged its tail happily.

"As for the cards, they stow rather easily inside my jacket." Alan turned to the third person to show up. "It helps when both your parents were Pokémon trainers as well. Mine tought me quite a bit, and even gave Ee to me as my first Pokemon. And if you guys are in a hurry, you better get going. We'll probably meet up again."

Alan could sense the urgency that Marin had to get the move on to the next town. Alan was perfectly fine taking his time and spending it with his Pokemon.
"when Def began to speak, Yolie felt a sense of relaxation. Being within the spirit of three other trainers created a very accepting vibe, and she could tell Def was quite the experienced trainer.

"Hello Def, I will call you that. My name is Yolie. Aren't you a little... Old to be a Pokémon trainer? Pardon my rudeness."

Knope tugged on Yolie's sock. It seemed he was ready to return to his pokeball. Yolie obliged, and searched her satchel for the correct ball. A moment later, Knope was returned safely into his portable home

At this point, Alan spoke and Yolie giggled at his sense of humor. She suddenly realised, perhaps she would like to make it to Grioru City and challenge the gym ahead of schedule. She may need the assistance of being early after all, she knew very little about Pokemon and perhaps needed to study up on her own Pokémon's moves.

However, she was enjoying this meeting. She had never really just talked to anybody before. Most of her conversations were just congested babble heard by many Lass Trainers about homework or outfits. But this felt... Just right. She did not want to pass it up, so decided to not let this be the last time.

"I think I'm going to travel ahead towards Grioru City, if Def or Marin are going ahead, I'll be heading in the same direction. But I truly enjoyed this moment so... Would you all like to register numbers? We just met, but it feels so natural, and I would love to keep in touch if we are in the same town again in the future!"

Yolie hastily pulled out her Pokegear, unaware if all the trainers had one or not. She also wasn't sure if this breached their level of trust for one another yet, but refused to pass the opportunity.
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Def also laughed at Alan's fake offended behaviour, at least he didn't take offence.

Though, then the question of age came to him and he seemed a bit surprised and put a hand to his chest with a fake gasp, like Alan did.

"Guess we both don't age well, Alan," He joked with a chuckle. "Nah, not offended at all, but how old do I look?" He asked curiously, "I moved here from Kanto, wanted a change of scenery," He explained. That's... One way to nicely put running away from Team Rocket and Giovanni.

"You're free to tag along, Yolie. Though we'll be going back on Growlie since we need to be fast, if you don't mind a ride on a big fluffy dog," Def offered, there'd certainly be room for all three of them. "Sure, that's fine with me," Def replied and took out his own gear to share his number.
"Should probably warn you guys if you didn't already hear, but Team Rocket have made an appearance here a few days ago..." He explained with a soft grumble of annoyance, "So be extra careful and feel free to call me if you're cornered by them. They have it out for me already since i ruined their plan when we ran in to each other, but I don't mind letting them hate me more," He said light-heartedly.

"You're more than welcome to join us, Alan, no pressure of course," Def said, not wanting him to feel ditched.
Yolie exchanged numbers with Def, along with any other trainer willing to submit to the exchange. Yolie placed her hand on her chin and sized Def up. How old did he look? He just didn't appear to be a kid. Maybe he was a young adult, around 21? Yeah, that must be it.

"You look.. Old enough to party, Mr. Def! And I guess we are region neighboors. Im from the Johto region. I remember a few years ago, a Team Rocket attacked our radio station. Or i remember seeing anniversary dates of it at least." She smirked, wondering if the Mr. would sound catchy. It did to her. She looked at the big fluffball names Growlie. She felt a warm air and could not resist a ride on a giant dog and walked over, hoping to pet its head.

"Hi Boy! Such a good looking Pokémon! Yes you are! Well guys, I'm ready when you are. If we get to town, just drop me off at the gym. I want to experience it first hand."

I'll be gone till later tonight. Don't be afraid to leave me somewhere in town, sorry for the burden of absence!
Marin didn't have a Pokegear at the time, but he was planning on getting one sooner or later. He decided to take note of Yolie's number. "When I get a Pokegear, I'll be sure to message you," Marin said. Marin turned back to Def. "Okay Def, we can't dilly dally any longer, we need to get a move on and deliver the berries for Blitzle," Marin said as he edged closer to Growlie, implying that they should head off soon.

Rory hit against the wall and slid down it. Landing on his butt. Rory rubbed the back of his head as he hit it pretty hard against the wall. "Bun...eary..." Rory said. Asura started to let out loud screams and cries since Asura was trying to endure the unbaring pain that she was going through from her injection. Asura then started to sprint around the room, stressed and scared about what Nurse Joy will do next. Nurse Joy chased Asura around the room for a few minutes but ended up running around in circles without any success. However, Chansey opened the door and closed it behind herself so Asura couldn't escape. Chansey inhaled deeply and then started to sing. Asura started to slow down her running and then started to slowly walk around the room. "Chi...kor," Asura said before falling to the floor, falling asleep from Chansey's sing. Rory covered his ears so he was unaffected by Chansey's move. "Thank You Chansey," Nurse Joy said as she carefully picked up the sleeping Chikorita and softly placed her back on the table. Rory looked up at Asura on the table with an upset look. "Bun," Rory said under his breath.
(OOC: No worries, @Fortre !)

Def smiled as Yolie mentioned an age, "Heh, close enough," He said. She thought twenty-one was too old? What a silly kid, though it probably was hard to think way in to your future and still see yourself so dedicated to being a trainer.

"Yeah, the tower take-over, I saw that go down," He said casually, thinking maybe he shouldn't have mentioned seeing it. Oh well, not like they'll link that to his dark secret. Moving on!

Growlie's ears perked up when Yolie came to pet him and he wagged his tail happily at the attention, leaning his head in to her hand as she pet him and he gave happy grumbles at how she cooed at him.

"He'll be your best friend at this rate, he loves getting attention," Def said. "Right, let's get going then," He said as he got up on Growlie after returning Ivysaur, helping Marin and Yolie up if needed -- Alan too, if he decided to come along with them. "Let's go, Growlie!" He commanded, to which Growlie barked and took off in long strides to get them quickly back to the Pokecenter -- stopping to quickly drop Yolie off at the Gym and wishing her luck.

"Nurse Joy, we're back," Def said as he hurried up to the counter, "Blitzle is still hanging in there, right?" He asked in a deeply worried tone, "Has... Has a trainer showed up or anything..?"
Ghost over heard Def "wait did you say blitzel?" She asked looking between the two of them "and did you by chance see a riolu and a ranger come by" she said hopefully her father and partner having been missing for some time now
Nurse Joy walked out of the room Asura was sleeping in and left her there to rest. Rory walked beside her still rubbing his head as she exited the room. A red light that was placed above a door that was down the hallway started to flash. "Oh no, Blitzle," Nurse Joy said out loud. Nurse Joy rushed into the room and saw the screens beside Blitzle flashing red. "This is bad," Nurse joy said as she frantically and desperately tried to help the Blitzle stay that little bit longer. Chansey slammed open the door and gestured to Nurse Joy to come to the counter. "Chansey," "They're here? Thank Arceus," Nurse Joy as she rushed to the counter to meet with Def and Marin.

Rory watched Nurse Joy and Chansey run in and out of the room in a frantic pace. He knew that something was wrong, but felt he couldn't help, so he jumped up onto the window sill for Asura's room, sat down and watched Asura sleep, with a blank face as he was having mixed emotions at that moment.

Nurse Joy went up to her counter and saw Def and Marin on the other side of it. "Blitzle's still hanging in there but it's not looking good," Nurse Joy said in a stressed tone. "Please tell me that you got th-" "Here you go," Marin cut off Nurse Joy by dumping his large sack of Pecha berries on the counter between them, as it got thrown down, it made a thud and a couple of berries rolled out of the overflowing bag. Her jaw dropped as she looked at the bag. Nurse Joy cracked out a smile and sighed in relief. "Th-thank you, I'll attend to Blitzle now," she grabbed a couple of berries from Marin's bag and rushed into Blitzle's room. She closed the curtain for the room's window so no one could look through. "She took two berries...I think we just got enough," Marin said sarcastically trying to make light of the situation. "We did it, Def," Marin said.

Rory's ears twitched as he heard Marin at the counter. "Bun!" Rory cheered as he ran past Nurse Joy, jumped up on the counter and jumped into Marin's arms. "Oh hey, Rory...Is Asura all right?" Marin smiled. Rory sighed and rolled his eyes after Marin mentioned Asura. Marin squinted his eyes atRory as he was confused at Rory's reaction.
Def looked at Ghost -- another trainer he was meeting for the first time, "No I haven't, I'm sorry," He replied.

He nodded to Joy when she took the berries and went out of sight, giving a soft sigh as half the battle seemed to be over.
"Yeah, maybe just enough," He said to go along with the sarcastic joke, "I think there was about one left on that tree."

"I hope we weren't too late..." He said quietly as he went to take a seat, rubbing a hand through his hair anxiously as he tried to remain calm while they waited. Growlie went over to him and lay down with his head in his lap, sensing his trainer nerves.
"It's ok, Growlie," He said as he began to stroke his head.
Tell me does the blitzle happen to have a thunder blot shaped make on it right cheek if so then I know that blitzle i-i-is my dad's oh arceus where is he and where is orin" she said as tears started to fall the young ranger/breeder broke down crying
The stranger's words caught Marin's attention. "Woah, slow down. Who's Orin? and I'm not sure if it had a thunderbolt on its cheek. Even if it does, there's nothing to worry about. It wasn't attacked or anything, it got poisoned by walking into poisonous thorns," Marin said as he tried to think of what he's getting out of what this person's saying. "Wait...Is your dad missing as well?" Marin crouched down and tried to comfort the stranger as best he could. Marin was curious about this boy's situation and whether he could help or not.
Def was about to get up to try comfort the trainer also but he stayed in his seat when Marin beat him too it.
"I'm pretty certain it didn't have a marking like that," He said as he thought about it, "I was watching it pretty closely while bringing it here."
Maybe it was wild... but it wasn't afraid to come to them, so it was certainly not very afraid of humans.
Nurse Joy walked out behind the counter again. Marin stood back up and ran to the counter leaning his body over it. "So?...sorry," Marin apologised as he realised that his face was right up against hers. "Well...Blitzle will survive, it's just resting. I never had a case like this where a Pokemon got poisoned this badly and was slipping away this quickly if you were a minute later..." Nurse Joy said as she took deep breaths as she spoke, so it seemed that she was quite stressed. "That's good to hear," Marin said as he smacked his head on the counter in relief. "Ow...I don't know why I did that," "Bun, Bun," Rory was pointing and laughing at Marin. "Oh yeah, it seems Asura has a condition where her body lacks Vitamin B3 in her body. It's not a big deal, you just need to make sure that Asura's levels don't get too low," Nurse Joy said before walking off to retrieve Asura. Marin looked at Nurse joy as she explained and walked off with his mouth open. "I had no idea," Marin said to himself. Nurse Joy came back with Asura in her arms. she was holding a milk bottle that Asura was drinking out of. Asura's eyes were half open as if she was on the verge of sleeping.

Marin carefully took Asura from Nurse Joy and cradled her in his arms. "A way of knowing her levels are low is when instead of her leaf smelling aromatherapeutic, it smells like whatever she had to eat," "Okay thank you," Marin said as he walked over to Def. Rory followed Marin but sat on the table opposing Marin and Asura. "Blitzle's fine, it's resting at the moment," Marin said to Def. Asura looked up at Rory, squinted her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him. "Chi!" Asura said. Rory squinted back, "Bun!" Rory yelled at Asura before crossing arms and facing the other way. "What's the deal guys? why are you acting like this?" Marin exclaimed confused as to what was happening and why they were acting like this.
Def became very attentative when Nurse Joy appeared, time feeling like it had been standing still while he waited for news. Thankfully the news was good and he let out a sigh of relief, "Thank God..." He said, watching as Marin went to retrieve Asura. He looked down at Growlie noticing he had fallen asleep with his head in his lap and smiled, guess he was tired from all the running back and forth.

"You've earned a good rest, Growlie," He said and returned him to his pokeball so he wouldn't be disturbed.

"Ha, did you two have a tif while we were gone?" Def asked, slightly amused at how they were behaving. He got up to go to the counter, "Nurse Joy, was there any way to tell if Blitzle has a trainer or not?" He asked, "If not then... I'd take care of him when he's well again."
"Actually there is a way to find out if it has a trainer," Nurse Joy said before opening a drawer and pulling out some sort of tablet. "This scans a Pokemon aura and reads if there's a Pokeball that it belongs too, I'll be sure to check now," Nurse Joy then walked into Blitzle's room and opened the curtain so people could look through the window. Blitzle was unconscious on a hospital bed sleeping. Nurse Joy pointed the tablet at Blitzle and started to scan Blitzle.

Marin placed Asura beside Rory and crossed his arms. "Right, what is going on? Explain?" Marin said in a serious tone. Rory and Asura looked at Marin with an annoyed look and started to both complain to Marin at the same time. "Bun-Bun Buneary!" "Chi-Chikor-Chi!" Marin was a bit overwhelmed by Asura's and Rory's response. "Woah, slow down. One at a time," Marin said trying to make sense out of what they're saying. "Chikor!" Asura said pointing at the small bandage that was for her injection and then pointed at Rory. Rory crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Bun..." Rory said under his breath. "So...He helped with your injection and your cheesed off with him because of that," Marin asked. "Chi!" Asura nodded. Rory then turned looked at Marin eager to have his say. "Why are you mad Rory?" Marin asked Rory. "Buneary!" Rory yelled as he flicked Asura's leaf on her head. Asura got agitated as Rory flicked her leaf. Asura retaliated by pushing Rory with her foot. "Chikor!" Rory turned to Asura with a furious look and Asura copied hat look back at Rory. Their foreheads touched as they considered to attack each other. "Stop that!" Marin exclaimed as he put his hands between them and pushed them away from each other.
Alan gave Yolie his gear number and said his good byes. He planned on getting to know his Spinda before heading into the next town. Maybe he might take on the gym himself if his Pokémon were up to it. He left the other trainers to their own vices as he headed deeper into the forest, Ee right behind him.

After a few minutes of walking, he found a small clearing. There, he let out his newly caught Pokemon. The panda-like Pokemon stumbled a bit as it appeared out of its ball and looked at Alan. The trainer smiled at Spinda, taking off his hat, and squatting down so he wouldn't come off as too intimidating.

"Hi there, Spinda. I'm Alan, and I want to be your trainer. You want to travel with me?"

Eevee walked over to Spinda and spoke it happily. Spinda looked between Ee and Alan before responding positively. Alan smiled and stood up, taking out Munchlax's ball and letting it out. Munchlax let out a yawn before it noticed the new Pokemon. He walked over to Spinda and said hi to it. Alan was quite happy that his Pokemon were all getting along.
A man emerges from the trees and finds himself at an opening at a forest. He looked around nd saw a man with an Eevee, a Spinda and a Munchlax. The man sighs in relief as he approaches the trainer. The man dresses in a large, green, raggy, piece of cloth covering his torso and ripped purple trousers, bare footed, had long, black hair, a beard and was covered in dirt. "Excuse me, do you know where we are?" The man asked the stranger.
An Oshawott stood outside the Pokémon Center, as he thought to himself while he rubbed on his red fur that was on his body, "Well, I'm not so sure on what I should do. I should probably go inside this orange building here, I briefly heard from that Professor that it's a place where the hurt and sick are treated. Oh what the heck, I should probably go..."
A voice in his head quickly replied to him, "No, you shouldn't go Omega!"
Omega replied in his thoughts to the voice, "Well what am I supposed to do then?! I can't just let this slide, there's some red stuff that's been dripping on my left arm!"
The voice replied again, "Well okay then, but if you're crying, don't cry to me Omega." His thoughts were conflicting with each other, as he had a rather hard time on making the decision.

He decided to go into the Pokémon Center anyway, knowing that it might have been the right thing to do. He quietly ran inside, while he bumped into a boy that had pushed his Chikorita and Buneary away from each other! Sweat rushed down his face, as he quickly reached for his scalchop, knowing that a fight could go off from what the Chikorita and Buneary did to each other. He looked up at the boy, while he turned his head towards the two Pokémon that he pushed apart. He quickly got into a battle stance, as he grabbed his red scalchop from his belly, while he said to the boy, "Oshawott..." A pinkish blade appeared from his scalchop, as he was ready to defend himself, in case if the two were to fight each other. He kept his right arm on his left arm still, as he tried to hide the red stuff that slowly dripped. He knew that someone was going to find out anyway, as he attempted to ignore the stinging pain that went on.
Marin was attempting to stop Asura and Rory charging at each other as they resisted Marin. "Guys, cut it out!" Marin exclaimed as he let out a stronger push at both of them pushing them away and stumbling over. "Is this little childish fight fini-?" Marin interrupted himself as something hit his leg. Marin looked and saw an oddly coloured Oshawott, who seemingly was on edge at the sight of Asura's and Rory's hostility towards each other. Marin watched in awe as the Oshawott took a battle stance and armed itself with a strange purple blade coming from its scallop. "Woah, now that's a first," Marin said to himself as he pulled out and pointed his Pokedex at the Pokemon. "No data available," The Pokedex said after scanning the Oshawott. Marin was very curious as to what this Pokemon was about. He returned Rory into his Pokeball and placed Asura to the other side of him as he crouched down to the Pokemon. "Hi, my name's Marin. Don't worry I'm friendly," Marin said softly as he cautiously waved at the foreign Pokemon.
The Oshawott looked over at Marin, who had cautiously waved at him, as he thought to himself while he sheathed the energy blade on his scalchop, "Ugh... I still feel weird, I practically don't have much energy left to use, and healing doesn't work on wounds like these. I think that it might be time to just reveal it out."
The voice replied to him as he placed his scalchop back on his belly, "Yeah, I would finally agree on that. I don't want you fainting on me constantly, I'd rather have the thoughts still from you that I can at least talk to."

He continued to look over at Marin, while he lifted up his right arm and waved back at him in tiny motions. He didn't seem to realize that the red stuff on his left arm was clearly noticeable now, as he said to him while he took in deep breaths, "Osha, Oshawott." He attempted to ignore the stinging pain that continued to get worse, as his tail shook around. He knew that he would have to eventually go to the nurse, as he thought to himself while he tried to rub his left arm to soothe the pain, "Ow this hurts! I'd rather just go to her right now, I don't even care about the needles anymore! This is a hundred times worse, it's like someone using that one lightning attack on me!"
Marin stared at the Pokemon who seem to be inside of its own head and talking forward and back with its own thoughts. Asura poked her head around Marin and looked down at the strange Pokemon. Asura nudged Marin and pointed down at the Pokemon's wounds. Marin looked at Asura who sat beside him on his seat. Marin noticed Asura's pointing and looked at what Asura was gesturing at. He also noticed the Pokemon's wounds and the Pokemon's facial expressions. it looks like it's in severe pain. "I'm taking you to Nurse Joy to sort out those wounds okay," Marin slowly moved his hands forwards towards the Pokemon, making sure that it wouldn't freak out at Marin trying to help it.
Def nodded as Nurse Joy did have a way to tell if the Blitzle was without and owner or not. While he waited, he couldn't help but overhear the escalating fight between Asura and Rory.

"Well... That escalated quickly," He said and walked back over to them as an Oshawott ran in to Marin's leg. "Wh--... Why is it red? Oshawotts are supposed to be blue..." He said in an outloud thought.
Omega looked over at Def, while he noticed that Marin's hands were slowly moving towards him. He heard what he said to him, as he gulped, while sweat rushed down his face. He looked over at the Chikorita that was with him, as he had breathed rather heavily, while he tried to ignore the pain that was worsening now.

He attempted to heal himself while his scalchop slightly glew, as he pounded the ground! Several beams of blue pillars appeared around his body, as the energy rapidly flowed into him! Unfortunately, it had stopped after a brief second, as he was out of power already. He didn't seem to realize that the move had no effect, as it couldn't even heal wounds that were significant.

He knew that he had to go to Nurse Joy eventually, as he cried quietly, while tears rained from his eyes. He went over to Marin, while he tried to not look embarrassing in front of his Chikorita, as he said to him in a nervous tone, "Oshawott..."
"Oshawott, huh," Marin said aloud after hearing Def exclaiming his confusion and sayin the Pokemon's species name. marin looked back at the funky coloured Oshawott and noticed that it was getting weaker and weaker with every second. "Right, I'm sorry if you don't want to, but I'm taking you to the Pokemon Center," Marin said confidently as he picked up the Oshawott. Asura eyes widened and she stepped back in shock as Marin attempted to pick up the Oshawott because she was worried for Marin in case it was a hostile Oshawott and it would hurt him. "Chi," Asura whimpered as she stepped back.
Def was quite taken a back when the Oshawott gave such a light display, he was not surprised it took a lot out of the little guy.

"Yeah, we're friends," He said, "Aren't we, Asura? I bet you can reassure him. Nurse Joy is currently caring for a very sick pokemon, she can help you too, Oshawott."
Asura looked back and forth between the Oshawott and Def. She had a confused and worries face as she looked at Def agagin and shook her head. Asura hid behind Mari a bit more but kept slowly poking her head round to get a peek at Oshawott.

Nurse Joy came back reading the tablet and walked over to Def. "Okay Def, it seems that there's no sign of Blitzle belonging to anyone or ever for that fact. So it seems you can befriend Blitzle if you want," Nurse Joy said with a large smile. Nurse Joy looked over at Oshawott and Marin, then looked back at Def. Her eyes widened and she double taked back to the Oshawott. "That's a...interesting Oshawott," Nurse Joy said. Marin turned to Nurse Joy and spoke with a somewhat desperate tone. "Nurse Joy please, this Oshawott is severley injured.
Omega looked up at Marin, who was now carrying him, as he looked at Nurse Joy and gulped. Sweat started to rush down his face again, as he thought to himself, "Oh why can't it just be like in those fairytales where it's easy to do stuff?"
The voice chuckled briefly and replied to him, "Well Omega, I see that you might have to grasp reality slowly first. This isn't really like how the kids stories are, this is the real life, it's a lot more complex than you think."

He kept his hand on his scalchop, as he was prepared to flee in case. He tried to keep his cool, as he took in rather heavy breaths, while his body shook like a rattle. He had a frightened look across his face, as his eyes looked rather teary now. He looked over at Asura and said to her as he was about to cry, "Osha... Oshawott..."