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Ask to Join Explore the Bloka region! (Anime style)

As Marin handed Oshawott to Nurse Joy. Asura looked at Oshawott with a curious look as Oshawott seemed to cry out to her. Asura ponderd in thought as she had no clue as to what to do. Marin noticed the nervous body language and shaking of Oshawott. "Please be careful, this poor thing seems to be terrified of Pokemon Centers," Marin said worringly. "Don't worry, it's quite common for Pokemon to be nervous here so I'm used to it," Nurse Joy said as she started to walk off behind the counter and into a patient room with Oshawott. "Don't worry Oshawott, you'll be fine!" Marin yelled as Oshawott got carried away. Marin turned to Asura and noticed her concerned look. "You okay asura? Are you worried?" Marin asked. Asura took a second to respond. Asura looked up at Marin and simply nodded.
Def felt glad to hear that he could have Blitzle but also a little sad that this could have had a whole different ending if not him Marin and himself. "Yeah, thank you Nurse Joy, I will give him a home when he is well," Def responded.

While Marin dealt with the Oshawott he decided to go sit on the seat next to Asura to hopefully keep her a bit calmer, "Busy day girl, huh?" Def said and lightly stroked her head.
Asura snuggled into Def's hand. "Chi," She then paused and yawned and curled up against Def as she started to doze off. Asura started to quietly snore as her Leaf started to fit around her head. Marin looked at Nurse Joy take away the Oshawott, he turned back and saw Asura getting comfortable. "Asura will be fine with Def for now," Marin pulled out Rory's pokeball and sent him out as he walked just outside of the Pokemon Center. Rory briefly looked around in edge, due to almost clashing heads with Asura. "Don't worry, she's not here," Marin said. Rory looked up at Marin and removed the tense was from his body and smiled at Marin. "You didn't finish explaining why you got cheesed off with Asura," Marin said this as he crossed his arms giving an impression that he wasn't messing around.

Rory removed his smile and sighed. He made his ears into the shape of Asura's leaf and started to impersonate her. "Bun-Bun!" Rory pretended to cry, as he started to shake his leaf shaped like ears. "Okay, I understand what happened. She retaliated after you helping with the injection," Marin said as he looked up. Rory nodded with an annoyed look on his face since he got reminded of Asura's attaching him. "Bun-Bun-Bunear-" "Enough Rory," Marin said assertively as he crouched down. "I don't think you understand how childish you are being. I'm going to tell Asura the same thing when she wakes up. You're the grown up here, you shouldn't be starting fights," Marin said as he stroked Rory's ear. Rory blinked a couple of times and looked down to the floor as he heard every word of Marin's scolding. "When we go back in there I want you to apologise okay," Marin said softly. Rory quickly looked back up and was about to start complaining, but stopped himself after seeing Marin's face which said, don't you dare. Rory sighed and nodded his head. "Bun..." Marin smiled and picked up Rory. "I'm so proud of you," Marin then carried Rory back inside and sat next to Def once again.
Yolie waved goodbye to Growlie, Def and Marin. She glanced at her Pokegear and was proud to register two new numbers. The young trainer shuddered as she felt a cold breeze from behind her. She turned around and saw a automatic sliding door open, with proud trainer coming out. He grinned while holding a small badge. It seemed this was the gym, and this passing trainer just won a badge. She wanted that same feeling, badly.

With un-containable levels of excitement, she grabbed out her pokedex and skimmed through her Pokemon's current moves. She noted her pokedex did not have many Pokémon, and also noted that she never used her pokedex on Knope, yet she did find a spot for Trubbish. She realised that Pokémon she caught might be automatically registered into her dex.

Afterwards, she put away her Pokedex and took out her Pokegear to take a selfie in front of the gym. She figures this would make her friends so jealous! She couldnt wait to get this gym badge already and show it off to her peers back at home. Yolie proceeded to walk into the gym. The inside was quite basic, with burgundy colored walls. Two statues welcomed trainers at the entrance, each with what looked like a tablet. After yolie read the tablet, she found the names of numerous trainers. It was a list of trainers who had collected this gym badge. There was a field made up entirely of dirt and ground, and there were white markings that drew rectangular boundary points, with a pokeball drawn directly in the middle. Across the field was a young man wearing a blazer and a red button up underneath. His brown hair and brown pants matched the gyms general aesthetic accordingly, and Yolie was quite impressed with the monotype decor. The opposing trainer approached Yolie and waved his hand.

"We have another aspiring trainer for the day. Welcome to Grioru City Gym. I am it's leader, Lenox and I specialize in ground-type Pokémon. A lot of trainers generally choose me as their first gym to challenge, and a few of them have proven quite capable. However, I have also brought a short end to many trainers goals and dreams. Due to this, my colleagues tagged me with the moniker... The Make-or-Break trainer."

Yolie continued looking around while only half- listening. She felt too impressed by how official things felt, and the difference in energy between her and Lenox's adamancy.

"That's a fitting moniker since this gym is a ground-type gym, which is very rough and cold, and you call yourself a ground specialist. So when do I get my badge?" Yolie exclaimed.

Lenox gave Yolie a blank stare. He sized her up, and sighed empathetically.
"I take it this is your first gym battle, correct?"

Yolie nodded. "Yes! So do we battle or something now?"

Lenox went back to the end of the gym, where a pedestool rose from the ground. He picked out two pokeballs, and the pedestool slowly descended to its original state.

"Yes. Let us commence your test. I will be using two Pokémon. Are you ready?"

Yolie walked to the opposite end of the gym, and stood within a small rectangle at the end. She realised this is the spot where the trainer stands. But why was the field so large? It continued to baffle her as she replied.

"Sha, let's get this show on the road please."

Lenox closed his eyes and gripped the bridge of his nose with his fingers. He mumbled under his breath, but Yolie couldn't hear it. He gave a sharp look back at Yolie, and threw his pokeball into the middle of the field.

"Go! Sandile!"

Out burst his pokemon, in a battle ready position. It grinned with a confident smirk.
Yolie fiddled in her satchel for up to two minutes, searching for her pokeball. When she found one, she threw it unto the field, but nothing came out. She smiled nervously and spoke.

"Oops! Wrong one! There's nothing in that one!"

She began walking into the middle of the field when Lenox barked at her.

"What are you doing! Walking into the arena in the middle of a fight? You don't even have your selected pokemon prepared! Is this a joke?"

Yolie flinched, Speechless. She was caught off guard. She hesitantly walked on the field and grabbed the pokeball. She made her way back to her designated spot, and began searching her satchel once again. This time, she felt a warm pokeball, and decided to release the Pokémon next to her instead, just in case. Out of the pokeball came Eve, her shuppet.

Eve was kind of surprised by the scenario, and wasn't sure what was going on. Instinctively, she looked at Yolie, and then at Sandile, and entered the arena.

"That's right Eve. We are gonna have a battle. Oh my gosh, this is our first battle! Let's get pumped up buddy!"

Eve was excited to rumble, and bashfully twirled around on the battlefield. It gave another look at Sandile, but froze. It began to shudder. Yolie became concerned.

"What's wrong with my Pokemon?"

"It is being intimidated by my Sandile. Some pokemon have innate abilities. Naturally, Sandile looks pretty scary to some of his foes. I guess that isn't basic knowledge. Are you ready?"

"Y-yes!" Yolie replied. She sounded unsure of herself; she fidgeted as she accessed her pokedex to prepare for the battle.
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Alan was quite surprised to see than man in his ragged outfit. It took him a moment to overcome his small shock.

"Um, yeah. This is Route 2 for Bloka region. Are you okay, sir?"

Alan's Pokémon stopped what they were doing and looked at the strange man. They were confused, but didn't approach the man. They waited for their trainer to do so before they did.
When a new boat arrived, Soras and his dunsparce were the first ones off. He was very excited to explore this new region, of course, he had a tradition not to catch any new pokemon before the first gym."Come on dunsparce we are finally here, the Bloka Region!""dun-spar!"said dunsparce. "your right"said Soras as he got off the boat"we should get every one else out!" "Come on out everyone!" and out came Chespin, Braviary, and Goomy. They all started to head towards the lab.1hour later Soras and his team went on to route 1
Def smiled at how instantly calm Asura seemed, even trusting him enough to curl up and try to get some sleep. It was a good step for her in general to be able to accept him, hopefully this is a step to eventually coming to accept others easier. He leaned back and put his free arm along the back of the chairs and kept the other lightly stroking Asura's head with a few fingers, having many times where he has sat in a pokecenter for hours so it wasn't new for him.

He looked at Marin when he came back in and gestured to Asura with eyes, not wanting to acknowledge Rory at the moment with words in case she woke up and another bicker started from seeing him.

"You ever had to sit it out at a pokecenter before?" Def asked for the sake of conversation. It was at this moment he wondered how Yolie was getting on at the gym, of course the fact she was having a bit of an... uneventful time wouldn't have crossed his mind.
The guy in ragged clothes had a shocked look in response of what Alan said. "Bloka region?! But how?!" The strange person exclaimed and fled back into the forest not saying another word to Alan.

Marin placed Rory on the table and he sat down and crossed his arms with an annoyed look. Marin noticed Def's eys and looked at Asura. He smiled at the sight of Asura feeling comfortable with people other than him and Rory. Marin briefly looked at Rory to see what he was up to and he seemed to be blankly looking at Asura. "I talked to Rory and he's going to apologise. I'll talk to Asura when she wakes up again. She needs a nap with all that has happened today," Marin whispered trying to not interrupt Asura's nap. "No, this is only the second Pokemon Center I've been to, let alone the first I had to wait at," Marin said quietly. "Should we explore town for a bit since it's going to be a while 'till Blitzle or that red Oshawott is back to full health, well Blitzle will be better in half an hour I think Nurse Joy said," Marin suggested still in a quiet tone.
"Ok Eve, use uhm, Night Shade!"

Eve shook off her jitters, and evoked a dark shadow from under Sandile. Sandile looked below itself, as the shade turned everything it covered into pure darkness, and then dissappeared. The Sandile seemed hindered.

"Alright Sandile! Return the favor, use Crunch!" Yelled out Lenox, forcefully.

Sandile rushed forward, and enveloped a dark mist in between its jaws before lunging and biting through Eve. The move left a dark imprint as Eve instantly fell to the ground and fainted.

"What's wrong? Get up Eve and use night shade again!" Yolie squeaked, however to no avail. The ghost type remained motionless.

"Don't you see your pokemon has had enough?" Lenox scolded in dissapointment. "You have to switch Pokémon now. My move was super effective on your Pokemon, and it fainted after one hit. Either take it to the center, or stock up on revives and try again."

Yolie's hands shook as she returned Eve into her Pokeball. She was sure to look for Knope's ball during the battle, so as not to waste the gym leader's time.

"Alright Knope... Don't let me down." Yolie whispered nervously as she let her Trubbish onto the field. Trubbish looked battle ready, as if it was prepared for this moment all its life. Lenox looked surprised, even he was able to see this Trubbish was born from strong parents.

"Interesting. I have the type advantage, but you seem to know enough about Pokémon to breed one with great potential."

Yolie looked baffled, and her glasses slowly drooped in surprise.
"What? No, my father gave this to me instead of a really strong Pokémon. But... He is really nice. So he has that going for him."

Lenox scoffed, dissapointed at himself. He shouldn't have given this trainer credit.
"Fine. We'll see how far your incompetence gets him. I'll let you make the first move."
"Alright Knope! Let's start this out with a poison gas?" Yolie asked, unsure of her Pokémon.

Knope inhaled, and then exhaled a purple smoke towards Sandile. The Sandile seemed to escape it just in time to avoid its harmful effects.

"Let's not make this easy for you now. Torment!"

The Sandile inhaled and exhaled jokingly, urging Knope to show what else he had in store. Knope puffed its cheeks and looked back at its trainer awaiting its next order. She was confused.

"What are you looking at me for? Use Poison gas again!"

"It can't." Lenox spoke up. He folded his arms, and perked his brow. "It may seem like a simple gesture, but my move torment has a little bit of mind game-magic to it. It prevents your Trubbish from using the same move twice in a row."

"Oh." Yolie replied. She rapidly searched through her pokedex to find another move her trubbish knew. Unfortunately, she took too long and the Sandile whipped up the sand in the ground until it made a tomb. The Sand Tomb held Knope in place, along with Sandile. Harsh winds smacked against Knopes body. Yolie finally found a move Knope could use.

"OK Knope, use pound instead."

Knope obliged his trainers orders, and rushed towards sandile, collecting his fists and pounding it into Sandile's body. The opponent was also shoved a few feet to the side, and then smirked as its body sunk within the sand. Knope was caught off guard.

"What the? Where did it go? Uhm... Knope, use pou-i mean poison gas!"

Knope sent its gas in a random direction, but it dissipated after some time. The Sand Tomb gritted into his body and dealt more damage.

"Unfortunately, its over. Sandile! Finish it off-use Dig!"

Before Knope could blink, the floor beneath him gave in and Sandile arose, dealing a crushing blow from below. As the attack connected, Knope seemed to rip open, as all of its contents gushed out and toppled Sandile. The opposing Sandile couldnt withstand the Aftermath of the ordeal, and fainted. The Sand Tomb quickly subsided, and Knope slid across the arena. It layed on its back, struggling to get up. He gave one look as if to say sorry to Yolie, and fainted.

"Knope... Oh no!"

"Wow. Didn't think you would actually be able to take one out. Well? Bring out your next one."

"I don't have anymore, stupid!"

Yolie ran to the middle of the arena again, violating the rules. Lenox let it go, assuming the battle was now over. Yolie sat down on the ground to attend to her fainted Pokemon. It looked sort of deflated, with a hole in it's garbage cover. She returned him to its Pokeball, and stayed on the ground, motionless-discouraged. Lenox decided now to approach her after returning Sandile to its pokeball.
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Alan was a bit confused to say the least. He looked at his Pokémon before shrugging off the encounter.

"Oh well, nothing to worry about now," Alan told his companions. "Let's get moving onto the next town."

With his Pokémon by his side, Alan made his way from the clearing and back onto the path. It took him a moment before he was able to figure out which way to go, with the help of his Pokémon. They continued along the path until they reached the next city, Grioru City. The first place Alan visited was the Pokémon Center to heal up his Pokémon. It was a rather quick visit, and once his Pokémon were healed, he headed to the Pokémon gym to take on the gym leader.
Marin noticed Alan that guy he ran into at Route 2 earlier entering and leaving the Pokemon Center. Marin was interested as to what he was up to, so he got up. "I'll be back in a bit, find me if Asura wakes up," Marin said before leaving the Pokemon Center. Rory looked at Marin as he rushed out of the building. "Bun!" Rory said jumping after following Marin out the Pokemon Center. Marin caught up with Alan. "Hey Alan, where you heading off to now?" Marin asked slightly out of breath since he jogged after Alan. "Buneary," Rory said as he caught up to Marin and stood beside him. "You alright? Sorry for ditching you," Marin said to Rory.

Asura started to move around slightly as she slowly opened her eyes. She stretched out her body and let out a cute "Chi," as she did it. Asura flicked her leaf up and looked at Def. She smiled and then looked around for Marin with her drowsy eyes.
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Def also noticed Alan come to the pokecenter then leave just as quick, also remembering him from earlier. He looked at Marin wondering if he noticed him too and, with how he hurried out after him, he was pretty sure he did.

Thankfully, since he also wanted to go see if anything with it -- what with the Rockets on the loose and all -- he was glad Asura woke up from her nap. "Hey, sleepy girl," Def said affectionately and scratched under her chin, "Marin went to catch up with a new friend we made earlier, let's go see what's up, yeah?" He said and would scoop her up carefully if she allowed.

"Hop on, Rory," He said as he patted a shoulder and would wait for the Buneary to climb on before he headed outside, not taking long to notice Marin and Alan. "Hey, Alan. Nice to see you made it here safely, you thinking of taking on the gym too?" He asked, referring to Yolie whom they dropped at the gym earlier, "I wonder how Yolie is doing, actually. We dropped her off there."
As Yolie craddled her two pokeballs in her arms, Lenox came up to her, and handed her a diamond shaped item.

"This is a revive. Take it and use it on your Trubbish. Afterwards, head to the pokemon center to heal your Pokémon."

"Th-thanks..." Yolie hesitantly grabbed the item Lenox handed her, without looking up at him. She was trying to hold back tears.

Lenox stood up, and began walking away. He stopped, as if he forgot something important.
"Also, just quit."

Yolie looked back up at him. She thought she misheard him.
"What? What was that?"

"You hear me," Lenox clarified. He looked back at Yolie this time. "You don't have what it takes. So either get serious about your journey of becoming a trainer, or get real, and just go home."

Yolie's eyes widened as tears habitually streamed down her face. Mucous began to build up on her nose as she uncontrollably sobbed and grabbed a tissue to clean herself with. She couldn't think of what to say.

"I'm sorry..." She murmured, the words struggled to escape her mouth. At that moment, she couldn't take it anymore and ran through the gyms entrance, crying furiously. She didnt know where she was headed as she left the gym, she just knew she was getting away.

Lenox felt bad, but he was used to it. He had only hoped this was a trainer that took his advice to heart.

"I hope she proves me wrong. Time to prepare for the next trainer."
Lenox approached the rising pedestool/podium and placed his pokeballs there. The machine jingled, implying that it rejuvenated his Pokémon.
Asura looked up at Def, in autopilot as she was still in the process of waking up. She was rather discombobulated as to what was happening as she was carried by Def. Asura saw Marin and Rory next to someone she recognised but was worried at the sight of Marin running off. Asura looked up at Def with an

Marin looked past Alan and saw a large, eye-catching building in the distance and spotted Yolie sprinting out of the building with her head in her hands. "Yolie!" Marin yelled in an attempt to catch her attention. "Excuse me," Marin said to Def and Alan before Rory climbed up to his shoulder and him running after Yolie to see if she was alright. He managed to catch enough to see where she was running off to.

Asura saw Marin and Rory next to someone she recognised but was worried at the sight of Marin running off. Asura looked up at Def with an upset look. "Chikor," She whimpered as she was confused as to where Marin was going without her.
As Yolie ran off towards Route 2, she heard her name being called in the distance. She turned around and spotted Marin catching up to her. She didn't want to be seen like this! But, Marin was coming from the direction of the Pokemon center. And that was where she was supposed to go. She stopped running and continued to wipe her eyes with her arms. After a moment of collecting her emotions, Yolie continued to sob as she walked towards Marin, covering her eyes.

"M-m...Marin. I l-lost. I'm... A disgrace..."
She couldn't say her words clearly, but managed to get them through. Yolie never liked to cry in front of anyone. But she felt comfortable enough to cry in front of Marin.
"Is that... Yolie?" Def asked as he saw her flee the gym, also very concerned how she seemed so upset. "Right, try bring her over here, Marin," He said to him as he headed her way, thinking it'd not be a good idea for her to be on her own right now. He really hoped she wouldn't let this dampen her dreams of being a pokemon trainer. Well, if she does come join them, he better start thinking on some advice from experience during his own early gym days. Hm hm!

Hearing Asura, Def looked at her and smiled, "It's ok, Marin will be back. He's just wondering why our other new friend is so upset. If he brings her over, I bet seeing you would make her smile," Def said as he pet her, starting to fall in love with the lttle Chikorita himself.

"Lenox is a tough leader, especially for a first choice," Def would say to Alan in general xhit-chat, "But he's good to learn from at the same time."
"Hey, what's up?" Marin said as Yolie started to walk up to Marin. Marin was caught off guard by Yolie's words as she walked past him. Marin squinted his eyes in confusion as he turned around to face Yolie. "Okay, so you lost, fair enough. Explain to me why you're upset," Marin said putting his arms beside him. "As far as I'm aware, losing is just a way to teach on how you'll win next time," Marin said in a somewhat serious tone. Marin paused as he realised how assertive he's being to an upset girl. "Or...you're just not mentally ready to be a trainer," Marin said. Marin eyes opened wide as he immediately regretted saying what he just said. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that...I uh-um... The other guys are just over there by the Pokemon Center...Let's just go get your Pokemon to Nurse Joy," Marin said softly hoping to not seem rude anymore.

Asura's upset emotion on her face minimised to the point of it was a rather subtle face she was pulling. She looked over to Marin talking to the girl she recognised. She then spotted Rory on his shoulder, Asura stared and got a bit teary eyed and sniffed her nose. "Chi," Rory looked back at Asura as well from Marin's shoulder. He and Asura made eye contact and smiled subtly. Asura smiled back as she was happy that there was no hatred left between them.
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Yolie stopped to let Marin speak with her. His words made her head flare and burn. She did not want to hear such harsh truths this early on. He was definitely not good at talking to girls. But, he wasn't speaking to a crybaby. He was talking to a trainer.

Yolie found the strength to stop crying. She still sobbed at random moments, and her cheeks were wet and red, giving company to her wet eyes.

"I know. H-he was just doing his job." Yolie folded her arms and looked at the ground. Her eyes rose, but she couldn't look Marin in the face. Instead, she looked at Rory, who stood upon Marin's shoulder. The bunny's cute appearance made her smile a little. She also noted Alan and Def's presence behind Marin. Along with a tiny pokemon with a leaf on its head.

"I didn't just lose. I was like, utterly defeated, and treated like a joke. There is no way I'm gonna get 8 badges. I can't go home like this. And my poor Pokemon. I let them down too."
"Hey guys."

Alan was mildly surprised to actually meet up with these guys so quickly. He knew it was inevitable that they would meet up.

"It's all right," Alan responded to Marin about ditching him. "I'm actually thinking about challenging the gym. Seems like fun, and would help me get stronger with my Pokémon. Spinda can observe Munchlax and Eevee fighting."

He was going to continue speaking about how it would help Spinda trust him more and see what was in store for traveling with him, but he was cut off when he spotted Yolie running past. Alan could've sworn he heard Yolie crying. This caused Alan to frown. He immediately walked over to the gym and threw open the doors.

"I'm looking for the gym leader!"

Lenox turned around after grabbing his Pokéballs, a little surprised too see another challenger so soon.

"All right," Lenox said. "As long as you can provide a more entertaining fight than the other trainer that was just in here."

Alan glared at the gym leader and gritted his teeth. "She's my friend, and I don't know what you said to her, but if it caused her to run off crying, then you don't deserve to be a gym leader."

This must've struck a nerve with the gym leader because he glared right back at Alan. "Looks like I'm going to have to put you in the dirt as well." Both trainers grabbed one Pokéball and tossed it in front of them, beginning the battle.
Marin smiled as he related and sympathised with Yolie and her predicament. "I'm sure your Pokemon feel the same, the moment you realise that it's not all about becoming strong, is the moment you do...Or at least that's what I'm telling myself. That might be baloni but I follow by it," Marin bit his lip as he tried to be witty and make light of the situation. He always did this when he felt uncomfortable and were in an awkward situation. However, he couldn't treat this like an awkward situation. "also a factor of your loss, is the fact that it was your fist ever battle. Well that's my theory anyway," Marin smiled once again and he looked at Rory beside his head. Marin gestured at Yolie with his eyes and Rory understood what Marin was implying. Rory jumped down and jumped towards Yolie and hugged her leg. "Buneary..." Rory said as he hugged tighter on to Yolie's leg. "Rory just wants you to feel better. He's pretty good at that," Marin chuckled.
Yolie noticed Marin bit his lip in nervous response, and she thought it was kind of cute. In that moment, Rory left the shoulder pads of Marin's black parka, and gave Yolie a hug on the leg. She giggled in surprise, as she understood Marin's words.

"Your right. It was my first battle. But I still have a lot to learn. I think... I'm gonna take a break, recollect my thoughts. I can't, like, th-think clearly."

It appeared Alan dissapeared from the group behind Marin. She figured Alan went in to challenge the gym. She wanted to cheer him on so badly, but she wasn't ready to see Lenox face to face so soon.

"I am gonna go to the Pokémon Center. I should be alone for a while. I think you should cheer on Alan though, Marin."
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"FAir enough, no doubt that there's a quite a bit to think about. We'll catch up later yeah," Marin said as he started to walk back. He stopped and turned back to Yolie. "Rory you can stop gripping on to her limb now," Marin said. Rory looked at Marin and realised that this was his cue to leave. Rory let go and stumbled back slightly, he looks up at Yolie, smiled and did a small wave with his hand. "Bun-Bun," Rory said before hopping after Marin.

Marin walked up to Def. "Yolie took her lost quite badly, so I would give her minute for her to...recover I guess," Marin said to Def. Rory hopped up to Marin's leg and leaned on to it. Rory then hesitantly looked up at Asura and did a slight smile to imply that he had no intention in continuing this argument.
"Finally we got out of that stupid route" Will Whitman grumbled as he exited Route Two "How long were we there"
"Squirtle Squirt (You suggested that Shortcut!)" Squirtle complained "Squirt squirt squirt (If Pidgey didn't fly up and see the city, we would still be lost!)"
"Pid (thank you)" Pidgey said modestly "Pidgey (But honestly you did most of the work getting us there)"

"Geez" Will said, noticing Squirtle's angry tone "The map showed a perfectly good path, there was nothing there about a massive chasm full of Zubats"
"Squirt (or the fact that the bridge was going to break)" squirtle sighed "Squirtle (or the fact that the cave exit placed us somewhere in the middle of the forest)"

"Come on guys!" Will Whitman shouted to his Pokemon "we are almost there!"
He stopped right in front of the chasm, when he heard the flapping of wings, then, suddenly, a massive flock of zubat flew up into the air, and began to dive towards him
"Prepare yourselves guys!" Will said as he, Squirtle, Pidgey and Wynaut leapt into battle against the Zubat

Will rubbed a cut on one cheek where a Zubat had hit him, "Are we ok now guys?" he asked
They began to walk onto the bridge, and were halfway over when they felt shaking, as if an earthquake had hit. Without warning, the bridge collapsed, causing Will to fall into the darkness

Will, Squirtle, Pidgey and Wynaut finally found a way out of the cave "Freedom!" Will shouted "where are we?"
They kept trecking through the forest for a while before Pidgey, who had been sent out to find the city, returned
"You found the city?" will asked, and Pidgey nodded
Excited, Will quickly ran all the way to the city
(Flashback End)

Will rubbed the cut on his face, and the bruises on his legs from the fall and Zubat attack.
"Well now we are here" Will said "Lets go challenge the gym! But first we need to heal up and get something to eat!"
Will entered the Pokemon centre
"What happened to you?" The nurse joy asked "its like you were hit by a hurricane!"
"You don't know the half of it" Will replied as he watched the nurse heal all of his Pokemon "thank you"

Afterwards, Will went to eat, he had spent most of his money on supplies, so he just ate a sandwich, and then decided to try and find the guys that had helped him battle Team Rocket

(Sorry about me not posting for a while, i realised that i had like 2 pages to catch up on...)
"Yes, we shall talk in a while."
Yolie gave a weak wave to Marin and Def, before going towards the Pokémon center. She awkwardly avoided the trainers and their Pokémon, but she was happy to see them sooner than later.

Entering the Pokemon center, she was greetes to a warm welcome by the nurse. Yolie handed her pokeballs to the nurse and learned about what the healing process would entail.

"Will my Pokémon be alright? They were hurt pretty badly." Yolie stammered, her sobs finally coming to a halt.

The nurse looked up, confused at the question. Then came to realise this was the trainers first time using a center.
"Yes! They will be more than fine! The service is free, and they are already patched up!"

Yolie was shocked the service would be free. The economy for the expences necessary made no sense. As she was handed the Pokeballs, she was thinking of calling her Mother to consider leaving home, before the nurse decided to speak up.

"You must have fought a pretty good trainer. Sorry for your loss!"

Yolie fave an annoyed look back. "How did you know I list to a trainer?" She quipped. "I did but. This could've been from any wild encounter as well."

"These wounds, while enough to make your Pokémon faint, were in easily patcheable areas," the nurse pointed out. "Only an experienced trainer, whole truly cares about your Pokémon's wellbeing, would aim for these areas. I assume it was Lenox. He may seem harsh but trust me, you were in good hands."

Caught off guard, Yolie was baffled yet again. Lenox was that good. Not only did he beat Yolie's Pokémon to a pulp, he did it as gently as he could manage. His personality certainly broke her spirits but perhaps... It wasn't meant to. Yolie grabbed the Nurse's hand and shook it furiously while taking a bow.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! Your kindness and knowledge has not only healed my Pokémon, but it has healed my heart. Have a lovely day Lady!"

The nurse smiled and blushed "But of course darling! Hope to see you again!"

Yolie's face switched from glee to malice. Why would the nurse hope to see her again? That would require that her Pokemon would be hurt again. Maybe it was an awkward social quip, Yolie thought, as she dropped the thought. She began to leave the center, as she received a call from her Pokegear. Before answering, she couldn't help but wonder how Alan was doing in his battle.
(@SMRPG64 Good to see you back!)

Def also felt a twinge on annoyance towards Lenox, but he knew the gym leaders fairly well on the island. Still, he should encourage trainers instead of trying to do some weird reverse psych. At least, he thinks thats what his end game is.

"Alan!" Def called in concern and surprise when he took off to the gym, hoping his anger wouldn't make him lose also. He believed in his strength, however.

Def returned the wave to Yolie and was glad she seemed to be doing a bit better, figuring he could catch up to her later.
"Hey, looks like she's hanging on, good work," He said to Marin, "Alan took off to the gym though, I think we should head there," He said. He looked down and noticed the two friend's seemed to be on speaking terms, crouching down slowly and carefully put Asura down in front of Rory, "All friend's fight, all that matters is they remember they're friends after it. Maybe you owe each other a big hug?" He suggested with a smile. He'd not seen a bond like these two, it was quite something.

"I'm a bit worried about Alan, I'm going to head to the gym. You coming?" Def asked Marin and would hurry on to the gym whatever his response may be.
"Alan!" He called as he stopped a short distance behind him, realising he and the gym leader were engaging in battle. "You can do this... Try to be calm though, concentration is everything," He said quietly to Alan, knowing all of them were a bit ticked off after seeing Yolie so upset.
A blue-haired girl had just came out of the ship. Awed by the new region, she took out a camera and snapped a photo of the landscape and smiled. "I guess we should go to the laboratory first," she stated and picked up Skitty, who was nibbling her map of the region.

Nike, the girl with the blue hair, started to run towards the laboratory, excited to pay her respects and start the adventure.
"Yeah, all right," Marin said before following Def, he had one last look at Yolie walking back to the Pokemon Center and then entered. Asura and Rory remained outside as the others went inside. Asura and Rory stood there awkwardly as the looked at each other. Nothing happened for a few seconds. However, they both couldn't hold it back much longer and jumped into each other hugging. "Chikor-Chi," "Bun-Buneary," They both said to each other on the verge of tears as they tightly hugged each other. They both stepped back, wiped their eyes and brushed themselves down. They both nodded to each other, both slightly embarrassed. They both silently walked into the gym and followed Marin inside.

As Marin entered and looked around the gym and admired the cool design of the gym. "Woah, this is...legit," Marin said aloud. Asura and Rory both mimicked Marin's reaction and admired the design. They noticed Alan on the battlefield opposing a serious looking guy on the other side of the battlefield. "I guess that guy is the Gym Leader," Marin thought. "Come on Alan! You can do this!" Marin yelled to Alan. Marin walked over to the side of the gym which looked over the battlefield, Marin gestured to Asura and Rory to follow him. He got to side stands and sat down. Rory jumped onto the seat beside Marin, but Asura struggled to climb on to the seat. She jumped up and got her upper body on the seat but her legs were dangling off the edge. Rory spotted Asura struggling and helped her up. "Bun," "Chikor," "Okay guys, I want you to play close attention to this fight. We're planning on challenging this gym as well so try and pick up a few pointers from Alan or the gym leader himself. Got it?" They both looked at Marin confidently and nodded.
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In route 2(which took ages because braviary had suggested a shortcut where they encountered a team rocket member) Soras decided to train for the first gym a bit in fact his goomy was feeling weak after his battle with team rocket because he nearly fainted
Suddenly,goomy learned dragon breath!
At Gronk town Soras first went to the Pokemon centre and then went to the gym, there he saw that there was someone battling the gym leader and someone else watching he decided to talk to this person"hi"Soras said"what's your name?"
"Hey, I'm Marin. This is Asura and Rory," Marin said as he gestured towards his Pokemon. Asura and Rory both cautiously looked at the stranger. "What's yours?" Marin asked. Asura looked at Marin with a concerned and look and Rory suspiciously continued to stare at the stranger.
"My name is Soras and This is my partner, Dunsparce."Soras had a thought "Wanna meet my other pokemon?""also you have some awesome Pokemon!""By the way mind if I mind watch this battle with you and your pokemon?"He then realised that his Pokemon were very suspicious"Don't worry you guys I am not going to hurt you guys after all I hate it when people hurt pokemon for no reason!"
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"Nice to meet you Sora, yeah sure man, and thank you," Marin looked down at Asura and Rory and they seem rather cautious and suspicious around this person they just met. "Don't worry guys, I'm sure he's not that bad," Marin eyes rolled back up to Sora and stared at him as if he was saying. "You better not be bad,"
Soras easily read Marin's eyes and said"don't worry Marin I ain't bad. Hang on a second,"Soras said"Come out everyone!""goom""braviary""ches!""Lets learn something from this battle"soras said as he started to sit down and fell on the floor with a bong"ow!""oops. Heh""I really need to be more careful""right guys?" He said.
Alan's Munchlax took the field, opposing Lenox's Rhyhorn. Munchlax yawned, covering its mouth with its hand, which caused Lenox to chuckle.

"Looks like your Pokémon would rather sleep than fight," Lenox commented. "I can make that happen. Rhyhorn, use Horn Attack!"

Rhyhorn roared and charged at Munchlax, its horn glowing with power. Alan and Munchlax did respond and just watched the spike Pokémon approach. As it got closer, Alan finally gave a command. "Munch, use Power-Up Punch." Munchlax's right fist glowed white, and as Rhyhorn was right in front of Munchlax, the Pokémon swung its fist. The two attacks collided, causing a small blast wave to emanate from the two attacks. Munchlax glowed with red energy temporarily as its attack power was increased. The two Pokémon separated and waited for their trainer's to give a command.

"You're just full of surprises, aren't ya? Rhyhorn, use Stone Edge!" Blue rings of energy formed around Rhyhorn that eventually formed into jagged pieces of rock. The rocks flew at Munchlax and connected with the sleepy Pokémon. Munchlax took the attack well, not even moving from its spot.

"Attack back with continuous Power-Up punches!" Munchlax wasn't that quick on its feet, but it did manage to approach Rhyhorn rather quickly. Both its fists glowed white as it swung at Rhyhorn. A protective barrier went up around Rhyhorn as its trainer commanded it to use Protect. The fists collided with the shield, doing absolutely nothing.

"Can't Protect forever," Alan pointed out to the gym leader. "Wait out the Protect and keep up the attacks."

Munchlax stood in front of Rhyhorn, both its fists still glowing. As soon as the barrier fell, Munchlax swung its fists.

"Use Horn Attack!" Lenox called out to its Pokémon. The horn on the Pokémon glowed white and it went to connect with Munchlax's fist. However, instead of cancelling each other out, Munchlax's attack overpowerd Rhyhonr and sent the Spike Pokémon stumbling back. Once again, Munchlax glowed red for a moment, signalling an increase in attack power. The Big Eater Pokémon moved close to Rhyhorn and connected again with a Power-Up Punch, finally knocking out Rhyhorn and gaining a third attack increase.

Lenox gritted his teeth and returned his first Pokémon. "Clearly I underestimated you, but that won't happen again!" The gym leader pulled out his second Pokéball and let out his Sandile.
"Wow!This is sooooo exciting!wooo!Hey do you know this trainer who is battling?!"asked soras"and have you challenged the gym as well?""goom?"asked goomy(he said "can I battle the gym leader as well?")"yeah sure goomy!I know just the team of 2!"said Soras.
"Dun!"("yay yay yay!")"dunsparce and goomy, you'll be battling!"said Soras.
Def looked to the stands and gave a small wave when he saw Marin and his pokemon, along with another new trainer. Good, they can all learn well, especially with how Alan seemed to be handling the match well.

He stayed a safe distance behind Alan and couldn't help but grin when Munchlax sent the Rhyhorn flying, that oughta teach Lenox not to be so cocky. Handsome and a great trainer... I'm impressed, Def thought. Wait, stop thinking things like that! Get your head in the game.

He'd get out his pokegear to quickly send a text to Yolie: Lenox is getting his ass handed to him by Alan, you should come watch!
Asura and Rory watched Alan battle in admiration. spectating this battle was only going to improve their wits when battling and fuel them to want to battle even more than before. Both their mouths was open as they witnessed this intense battle between the two trainers. "You watching this gu-" Marin said before seeing them watching the battle in mesmerisation. "I guess you are," Marin chuckled.
The Oshawott cried, as he kicked Nurse Joy and quickly ran out of the Pokémon Center! He had already lost it, since he didn't like to even be at the Pokémon Center, due to his abnormal fear of needles and medicine. He quickly ran away from Nurse Joy, as she chased him and said, "Hey, get back here you little otter!"

He quickly ran inside the gym, while he continued to ignore the pain that went on in his left arm, as he thought to himself, "Oh no, it's that trainer from before with that Chikorita! Ahh, what do I do?!"
The voice replied, "Uhh, sorry Omega, but you might be on your own for this one... and also, I told ya so! You should have stayed in the Pokémon Center like a good boy!"

The Oshawott quickly ran to Dev, while he saw him texting on some sort of machine, as he panted in exhaustion and cried next to him. He quickly pounded the ground again, as four blue beams emerged from the ground like pillars! He attempted to heal himself as much as he could, though it still seemed to have no effect, since he was badly hurt.

Meanwhile, a Sylveon was outside the gym, as she thought to herself while she briefly saw an Oshawott that ran into the gym, "Huh, is that an Oshawott, that went into a gym alone? That's kinda odd, especially since his color is strange... I'd better go check this out."

She went inside the gym, and followed the Oshawott, who was next to Dev, as she noticed him using a rather unusual move that she had never seen before. She went over to the Oshawott, as she kept her hand on her pouch and calmly asked him, "S- Sylveon?" She smiled at him, while her ribbons calmly stroked him, as she tried her best to not startle him.
Marin was focusing so much on the battle that he was on the edge of his seat. Marin snapped out of his faze as he heard a loud ding that came from outside. "Ding Dong, Def can you come to the counter and retrieve Blitzle as she is now back to full health. I repeat, please may Def come to the Pokemon Center and retrieve Blitzle, as she is back to full health. Thank you," Marin's face reflected his emotion which was emotion as to hear the great news. "Hey Def, let's go get Blitzle," Marin said as he started to run towards the door. He then stopped himself at the sight of the Oshawott he encountered earlier and a Sylveon accompanying him.

"What's going on here?" Marin asked aloud as he pulled out his Pokedex and scanned the pink, graceful looking Pokemon. "Sylveon, the Intertwining Pokémon and an evolved form of Eevee. Sylveon affectionately wraps its ribbon-like feelers around its Trainer's arms as they walk together," Marin looked at Sylveon's details with a large amount of interest. "Woah, a fairy type Pokemon, now that's a first as well," Marin said to himself. Marin crouched down to he Oshawott. "I thought I left you with Nurse Joy, why did you run away. You're seriously hurt, you need to get that sorted out," Marin said softly. Asura and Rory jogged after Marin and came to a halt as well at the sight of the two Pokemon. Rory blankly looked at them not knowing what to think, but Asura cautiously walked up to the Oshawott. "Chikor," Asura chirped before slightly wiggling her leaf located on her head. A sweet smelling aroma started to emerge from Asura's leaf, she attempted to relief Oshawott's stress as she tried to calm it with her aroma.
During the climax of the gym battle, Soras noticed Marin leaving so he said"okay bye!"but then he saw 2 pokemon enter the building, a red oshawot and a slyveon."hey I know those kinds of Pokemon!"said Soras.
"Awesome!" He said after using his pokedex on them."but why is that oshawot red, I just don't get it..."