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Ask to Join Explore the Bloka region! (Anime style)

Arriving at the laboratory, she paid her respects and got Pokeballs and such. She then ran towards route 1, examining Pokemon and battling them until she got into route 2. By now, her Skitty was getting impatient and Nike hadn't seen any signs of human in the routes.

"Ahh," Nike sighed. "I haven't seen any trainer yet." She looked over the place. "But maybe it's a good sign."

Her Skitty agreed and Nike sat down on a tree stump to pet her Pokemon. "Shall we eat first?"
A Timburr was walking around surveying the local area as he strolled down Route 2. He was alerted as he noticed a girl sitting on a tree stump stroking a Skitty. Timburr was suspicious as to why she was in his territory. He noticed a bag that she was holding over her shoulder. Timburr thought of a plan and carefully placed its squared log behind the bush he was hiding and sneaked up to the girl by climbing up a tree and moving from tree to tree. Timburr then ambushed the girl by jumping down from the tree branch and snatching the girl's bag and sprinting off in a direction with the bag in his possession. "Tim-Timburr," Timburr said as he fled.
Def turned to listen to the announcement being made outside and noticed Marin heard this too.
"Good luck, Alan, catch up with you soon," He said as he hurried to the door, also spotting the Sylveon and the familiar Oshawott.
"Huh, I wonder if it escaped..." Def said in regards to the Oshawott, "You can keep watching the fight if you want, Alan looks like a great person to take notes from. I'll hurry to get Blitzle," He said and would hurry on to the pokecenter.

"Nurse Joy," He said eagerly as he got to the counter, "Blitzle made a full recovery? Do I need to give her any specific after-care?"
"Okay, I'll see you in a bit Def," Marin said to Def as he walked past him and refocused on the Sylveon and the Oshawott.

"Blitzle is as good as she's ever been, look," Nurse Joy gestured to Blitzle walking out from behind the counter. Blitzle spotted Def and became overjoyed and ran to him, jumping on to her hind two legs and resting her two front ones on Def. "Bli!" Blitzle cheered.
Def couldn't help but give a big smile when Blitzle seemed so happy to see him, "Hey, girl!" He said, chuckling when she put her legs up on him and gave her a hug, "It's so nice to see you all better, thank you so much, Joy," He said, feeling much gratitude to Joy's dedication.

"So, I heard you don't have a trainer," Def said as he crouched down a bit to Blitzle's eye-level, "Would you like to join me and my pokemon? We'll all take good care of you so you don't end up as sick as that again," He said, digging in his pouch for an ultra ball -- thinking it suited her colouring best -- and held it for her to decide to make it her own or not. The Blitzle made a happy noise and bucked her legs a little and pressed the button of the pokeball with her nose to go inside it, it giving three faint glows before finalising the capture.

Def would leave the pokecenter with Blitzle safely in her pokeball, figuring she deserved a good rest and he would let her out to roam around later when he got home so they could get to know each other better. For now, it was back to the gym to see how Alan was doing with his fight.
Yolie answered her phone in no hurry.
"Yolie speaking."

"How are you girlfriend! How's that journey of yours going?"

Yolie froze at the voice speaking. It was one of her friends. Not just any friend, but Angeline, the essential leader of her group of friends.


Yolie hung up the call after giving the most feminine Homer Simpson scream possible, whoever that was. She was not ready to tell her friends about her devastating loss. She immediately called her Father's number, needing to vocalise her issues.

"Yes, hello Darling. How are you?"
"I want to come home Dad. This isn't as fun as I thought it'd be." Yolie gritted her teeth.

"Now now honey, you have to give it a proper chance."
"I did give it a chance. I lost against the gym, and apparently I don't have the mindset of a trainer" Yolie poorly quoted Marin, running out of excuses to give her Dad.
"Yolie, I promise you the world of pokemon will unfold. As long as you open your eyes that is. Every experience you find joy in, leaves more moments to come."

"Sounds like and endless cycle" huffed Yolie. She felt her Pokegear vibrate as she received a text. She started to open the message, it was from Def.
"Honey, if you truly wish to come back, then call your mom. And just know, the experience is endless. That's the point. But you get to experience a little more than you can normally, by bonding with others. And seeing their experiences, while sharing yours. That is the whole point of this."

Yolie listened closely too her Dad as she read the image Def sent her. It seemed Alan truly was kicking the gym leaders ass. She giggled to herself, and couldn't help but smile. Her Fathers words finally struck a cord in her.

"OK Father. You bark a strong word. I'll give Mother a call, but I think I'll just check in on her. Thank you, and I love you." Yolie kissed her Pokegear so that her Dad would hear the notion.

"I love you too sweety. Take care."

The two hung up. She checked her Map App and found a pokemart hoping to buy icecream for her Pokemon. They deserved something sweet for trying so hard. It was Yolie's inexperience that fainted them after all. She found time to reply to Def's message as well.

"My hero Alan and my knight in pudgy armor!!!! Send him my regards. Thanks Def."
Alan chuckled and shook his head.

"Munch, use Power-Up Punch once again."

The Pokemon responded by charging at Sandile with its fist glowing. It was Lenox's turn to smirk and command his Pokemon. "Sandile, use Torment!" Sandile stomped on the ground and yelled at Munchlax. This caused Munchlax to come to a halt, the glow from his fist fading. "Now use Crunch!" Sandile's teeth glowed white as it charged at Munchlax. Before Munchlax could react, Sandile chomped down on Munchlax's arm, causing the Pokemon to cry out and stumble back.

Alan gritted his teeth as the battle was slowly turning, but Alan was determined to win with just Munchlax. His Pokemon did have three attack boosts and a powerful STAB move, so might as well use it. "Munch, use Body Slam!" Munchlax recovered from its fall back and charged at Sandile, but Sandile wasn't going to just stand still.

"Sandile, Dig!" The lizard-like Pokemon quickly burrowed its way under the ground, making it untargetable. Or so Lenox thought.

"Jump into the air, Munch, and redirect your attack on the ground!" Munchlax continued running and jumped into the air. With a quick flip, the Pokemon's belly was facing the ground and Munchlax used its weight and gravity to plummet to the ground. Munchlax slammed into the ground causing a rather big shock wave. There was a loud explosion which could be heard well outside the gym and the surrounding blocks. The ground shattered and broke apart, revealing Sandile. Both Sandile and its trainer were surprised by the tactic, not sure what to do next. But Alan was already in motion to end the battle. "Finish this with Power-Up Punch. Give it everything you got!"

Munchlax got to its feet and charged at Sandile, its fist glowing white. It jumped from rock to rock until it reached its opponent. It pulled back its fist and landed an uppercut to Sandile's jaw. It sent the Ground/Dark flying through the air, landing at its trainer's feet, unconcious. Munchlax was quite excited that it won, but Alan kept a stoic face. He would congratulate Munch later, but right now, he had to deal with the gym leader

He returned Munch to its ball and walked around the destroyed battlefield. Lenox looked upset at the defeat as he returned his Sandile. The gym leader looked at Alan and reached into his pocket, pulling out a gym badge. "Here is the badge for beating-"

"I don't want your damn badge!" Alan cut off Lenox. He was visibily angry, despite his victory. "You don't deserve to be a gym leader. You're supposed to help trainers get stronger, encourage them, support them, not tear them down and insult them. If it was up to me, I'd take that title from you."

With those last words, Alan turned around and left the gym. Now he would look for his friends. Hopefully they were still in town.
"Come on guys, after that adventure, the gym will be no problem!" Will said to his Pokemon "We just have to try hard!"

At that moment, Will heard the explosion, which sent him stumbling backwards. "What was that?" he asked himself "It sounds like it came from the gym"

Quickly, he hurried to the gym with Squirtle and Pidgey, running inside just in time to see Alan storm out, he looked at the gym leader, Lenox, who had a shocked look on his face (You aren't the only one who can control him right?) He looked at the battlefield, which was in ruins, "What happened?" he said to himself as he looked at the destruction and the unconscious Sandile. "Seems like there was quite the battle here..."

"Squirtle Squirt (Definitely)" Squirtle said "Squirt (That kid who just left didnt take his badge...)"

Will also noticed this and was confused, why wouldn't someone take a badge? He remembered what he heard the trainer shout right before he exited, "You don't deserve to be a gym leader. You're supposed to help trainers get stronger, encourage them, support them, not tear them down and insult them. If it was up to me, I'd take that title from you." Obviously something here had happened, the gym leader had done something that the trainer didn't agree with, but Will didnt know what, and there was only one way to find out

"Gym Leader Lenox!" he shouted "I, William Whitman, Challenge you to a battle for your badge!"

(Meanwhile, somewhere in the forest)
A Kadabra, as well as two men and a woman, appeared in the forest near the mouth of a cave. "It seems that one of the trainers was here" One of the men said "Which means" he pointed at Grioru City's lights in the distance "They are there"

"Revenge will be sweet" The other man said

"It will be" the woman agreed

The two laughed maniacally, until the lead Rocket shushed them "This is about more than revenge on those kids" he said "That Gym Leader... we are after him"
Def's jaw about dropped at how Alan had Munchlax counter dig, it was such an impressive move from Munchlax to unearth the Sandile like that. Usually, himself included, trainers would be a sitting psyduck when a pokemon used dig.

The lecture he gave Lenox was equally impressive and he remained not too far from the gym for Alan to emerge.
"Hey, Alan," He said when he spotted him from a bench he was sitting on, having his Growlithe with him. "Good job in there, Lenox was getting too big for his boots. You sure about not taking that badge? You sure earned it."

Growlithe meanwhile was just happy to see someone that might give her attention do she jumped down from the bench and put her front paws up on Alan's leg with a few barks as she wagged her tail.

"Well, all Growlithe cares about is having someone pet her," He said with a soft chuckle.
Yolie released her Pokemon while outside of the Mart. Eve looked a little angry. Knope was happy to to be back on the ground. It went up to Yolie and hugged her, having not seen her since the battle.
"Trubbiiiish!" Knope yelled with enthusiasm.

"Hey guys. You two battled beautifully today. I'm the one that lost the battle for you. We didn't get a badge, but you two deserve something for your efforts. So here!"

Yolie handed the two Pokemon tiny Pokemon Italian Ice. Eve ate hers, which had a sour taste that she seemed to love. She was absolutely delighted. Knope tried to share it with Yolie before she shrugged and said no thanks. He scarfed it downs quick as possible.

"I got you a sour one Eve. I felt like you might like sour things. And Knope, I figured you would eat just about anything! In any case, we won't be slacking for very long! After this, we shall check into an inn and rent a room for at least today and tmrw. Then..."

Yolie had a flashback to her archery lessons. When she first began, she was quite pathetic as an archer. But quickly became the best in her school. Why? Because she decided to focus purely on that. Her grades dropped, her friends saw less of her, until she deemed herself good enough. Her Mother would tell her that if she truly wanted something, she only need to grasp it and it's hers. She decides that she would focus her all on becoming a better trainer.

"And then, we go to the Pokémon's School here in Grioru City tonight. My Map App says a lot of good things about the one school in this city, and we are going to learn up! But first, let's check back into the gym and see how our friends are doing. I think I'm ready to see them"

The Pokemon agreed, and followed Yolie as she headed for the gym. Eve playfully tried to get Knope to play a friendly game of tag as they moved.
Almost as soon as the angry trainer named Alan left another trainer came and challenged the gym.Soras decided to try to battle the angry trainer for training goomy.He went out and followed the angry trainer and said"uh,hi,can I battle you to help train one of my pokemon,you see we are going battle the gym and I think I need more training.""goomy(is that okay mister)."
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As Yolie headed back to Grioru City Gym, Alan seemed to be exiting and another trainer followed, asking to battle him. He seemed angry. Did he lose? She didn't want Alan to be upset, so she approached him while her pokemon continued their playful within the vicinity.

"Hi, Alan! I'm sorry, I did not properly say bye to you. I was caught up in, well, crying. You probably saw that. Did your gym battle go well? Def filled me in." Yolie spoke as sincerely as possible, finding it hard to erase her naturally snobby speach patterns. She only hoped her friend understood that she meant well.
Soras was pretty interested in this trainer who just appeared "perhaps this"alan"guy was angry about something that the gym leader did to her
...I guess if someone was mean to my friend I would be mad too"thought Soras before asking for a battle again.
"Well I accept your challenge" Lenox said "the battle will be 2v2, when both Pokémon on one side are unable to battle, the match will be over. Send out your first Pokémon"

"Pidgey, it's your turn, go!" Will shouted, and Pidgey flew onto the arena from behind Will

"Ryhorn" Lenox said casually "Finish this quickly...Drill Rush"

"Dodge!" Will shouted, and Pidgey flew right over Ryhorn "how quick attack, and again, and again!"

Pidgey kept hitting Ryhorn, but she wasn't doing much damage, eventually, until It got off a lucky stone edge

"No" Will shouted "Pidgey!"

Lenox smirked "Now use stone edge again!"

"No!" Will shouted "Pidgey is unable to battle, there is no need for you to keep attacking it"

"Yes there is" Replied Lenox "Ryhorn, do it"

Ryhorn hesitated, obviously it was thinking about whether to do the morally right thing of obey his trainer, eventually Lenox's command won, and he launched a massive stone towards Pidgey, one which never reached its target

Squirtle leapt in front of the rock and grabbed Pidgey, pulling her out of the way, without any commands from Will, he proceeded to run towards the Ryhorn, leap onto its back and fire water gun right at it repeatedly

"Squirtle Squirtle squirt (this is what you get!)" he shouted "Squirt Squirtle squir squirt (for hurting my friend!)"

Lenox's smirk was wiped right off of his face "Sandile go!"

Sandile, still weak from Alan and Munchlax's battle, slowly and uneasily stumbled onto the arena. Will noticed that

"No" Will said "He is still weak, you couldn't possibly have him fight in this condition"

"You are right" Lenox said "I will be happy to rematch you In the near futur"

And with that, Will turned away and walked out of the gym
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When Soras looked back at the doors, He was very surprised to see the trainer already leaving the gym"perhaps he lost...or maybe the gym leader forgot to heal his pokemon,the dummy."he then decided to(after finishing his training with goomy and raising it's confidence levels.) battle the gym leader(after telling his pokemon to heal).
After that battle, adrenaline was still pumping through his veins. He was trying to calm down for when he encountered his friends, but it wasn't quite working. The first person he ran into was Def, right outside the gym.

"I don't need the gym badge. I don't plan on entering the Pokemon League. I was hoping to have a fun time battling, but that wasn't the case."

Alan pet Growlithe on the head, still in a sour mood. When someone asked him to battle, Alan turned to the new trainer. "Sorry, I'm not in the mindset for another battle right now. Maybe some other time."

When Yolie showed, Alan smiled. "The gym battle went great. Munch soloed both of Lenox's Pokemon easily. And hopefully, he humbled up after that fight."
Growlithe barked happily that he pet her and licked at his hand. She could sense he was in a foul mood and she didn't like seeing anyone upset.

"Understandable, you can be proud of yourself at least," He said and looked at Yoli when she came over. "Yeah, don't think Lenox will be judging people he knows for five minute's anymore. Don't give up, Yolie, especially not because of people like him," He said and signaled Growlithe back to his side so she wouldn't be bothering Alan.

"Really though, I never understand that logic. It's never easy starting out, you have to work hard, as a gym leader he should be encouraging aspiring trainers," Def said with an exasperated sigh.

"I think you need to clear your head after such a battle, Alan. How about we take a walk? The scenery around here is perfect to unwind if you know the best places to view it," Def offered and hoped he would take him up on it. There are many heavy stresses on the jurney of a trainer, so he wanted to help him put this one behind him.
"Ay!" Nike was surprised as her bag was taken. "My food!" She stood quickly and chased after the Timburr. As she ran, she took out Draco's ball and said to Skitty, "Take a headstart, Skitty! Go, Draco! Chase down that Pokemon!"

A Dragonair came out of the ball and slithered quickly in the direction of the Timburr. Skitty, seperated from her trainer and Draco, took another side to run.
Yolie saw Def and smiled. She realised how quickly she had grown fond of these few trainers she just met. They were so kind!

"Of course I won't give up, there is no class in failure! Hmph! But I came by to see how Alan would do against the gym leader. I want to personally see someone win, just for a few pointers. Just so I know what to study. Oh, and Hi Growlie! How rude of me to not address you."

Yolie's Pokémon caught up. Knope seemed very tires, and was huffing heavily. It looked like he had his hands on his knees, if he even had knees. Eve began floating on top of Yolie like a hat.
Charles had woken up a lot later than usual in his room, while he was still in the Inn. Scanner turned its nozzle towards him and said, "Come in sleepyhead, wake up now! Did you like drink something that made you fall asleep?"
Charles replied while he stretched out his arms, "Well... I suppose that I might have forgotten to wake up, man I overslept quite a bit. I think that we should head over to that Gym in Grioru City... I heard that the others are coming there too."

Charles got off the bed, and picked up the baby Dragonite that was still asleep, as Minun stood alongside him and giggled. He carried Dragonite, while he placed Scanner on his holister, as he grabbed his bag and went out of his room.

He went over to a cab that was nearby, as he went inside the cab with his Pokémon and belongings, and told the driver, "Alright, can you take me over to the Gym in Grioru City?"
The driver replied as she smiled, "Sure buddy, so you're already wanting to challenge the leader?"
Charles replied as he noticed her driving to the destination after he closed the door, "Well, not yet. I have to go to my other friends here."

Meanwhile, the poor Oshawott was crying in the gym, as the Sylveon tried to calm him. She knew that he had escaped from the Pokémon Center, judging from his emotions and from his left arm that was still bleeding. She gently lifted him up using her ribbons, as she said to him, "Sylveon... Sylve."
The Oshawott replied to her, as he squirmed and cried, "Oshawott... Oshawott!"

The Sylveon took him over to the Pokémon Center while she kept a slightly tight grip on the squirming Oshawott. She tried her best to maintain a steady speed while holding the frightened Oshawott, as she said to him calmly, "Sylveon... Sylve." She had impulsively used attract on the Oshawott, as the hearts launched towards him!

The Oshawott had instantly fallen in love with the Sylveon the moment the first heart had struck his tiny body, as he said to her while hugging her gently, "Oshawott..." The Sylveon chuckled, as she thought to herself while she continued to walk towards the Pokémon Center, "Man that works everytime on little kids, I wish that it would work on girls though..."
Yolie shushed Eve off of her head, and looked right at Alan.

"Wow Alan! Munchlax is a very strong Pokemon then. I mean, that is just incredible."

Yolie struggles to comprehend how Alan could so easily defeat the gym leader. She had a lit to learn she assumed, and wanted to hurry up and get on his level.

"So, if you guys do go for a walk, do you mind accompanying me to the Pokémon School he...."

Yolie's sentence trailed off as she witnessed a Pink Pokemon holding a red on on its back. The two Pokemon appeared to be handed for the Pokémon Center. That was quite a bizarre sight to see. She re-visites her train of thought as the wild Pokemon left her sight.

"Uhm, where was I? Oh yeah, the Grioru city Pokémon School. I'm gonna head that way. Hmph! I'd rather avoid that gym unless I'm watching one of you guys, or am challenging him myself."
Draco caught sight of the Timburr and gained speed. He wasn't going to disobey his trainer. 'Now', he thought, 'I'm so close, should I trap it?'
He went closer; almost close that he could catch the Pokemon.
Alan sighed and took off his hat, running a hand through his hair. It would be a while before he would be able to settle down, so a walk wouldn't hurt.

"Yeah, I guess a walk wouldn't hurt. And you can come along if you want Yolie."

If Alan wanted to be part of the International Police, he would definitely need to learn how to manage his anger better. Getting angry so easily and holding on to that anger wouldn't help him in the field and could end up hurting him in the end.
"Sigh,okay let's battle! Just saying it won't Be a walk in the park!Go!Sandile!"said the gym leader
"Lets go dunsparce!"said Soras
"Okay, this will be a 2v..."started Lenox before getting interrupted by Soras
"Yeah,yeah I already know can we get on with this?"
"Fine please sandile, use crunch!"
"Use drill run dunsparce!"
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The Timburr continued to sprint down a the forest carrying the bag. "That will show them, showing up on my turf," Timburr thought to himself chuckling. He glanced behind himself and noticed the in coming Dragonair. "Damn," Timburr thought. Timburr threw the bag to the side and leaped in the air, he turned 180 degrees in the air and kicked his log at the Dragonair. Launching it st them st high speed.

Marin had a confused face as he watched Alan leave the gym leader. "Oh I guess I missed the last of the battle. How come Alan looks more angry than happy?" Marin asked himself. Asura and Rory stood next to Marin, unsure of what to do next. "Lets go guys, lets go explore the town," Marin said to his Pokemon as he exited and gestured them to follow him. Asura and Rory looked at each and then followed Marin. Marin looked around after opening the door. Marin then noticed a camera man standing by the side of the street with a sign saying. "Get your photo taken," "Hey guys lets go get a photo taken," Marin cheered and jogged towards the camera man. Asura and Rory looked at each other and sighed before running after Marin.
Def smiled at how Yolie had her determination back. "Good, that's what I like to hear," He said and looked at Growlithe. "Oh, this is Growlithe, this is how tiny Growlie use to be when I first got him. She's actually one of Growlie's pups," He said, the Growlithe looking between him and Yolie.

"You can go say hellp," Def said, to which Growlithe bounced happily and trotted on over to Yolie. "Growl!" She yipped happily.

"Of course we'll walk you there, we'll be passing that way to get to one of the nature trails," He said, glad to hear Alan agreed to come along. "This way then," He said and lead the way, Growlithe trotting along next to Yolie happily. "I've challenged the gym already but like Alan I didn't take a badge, not planning to join thw league either. Though, it'd be over before you blinked anyway with Growlie thw Arcanjne," He said playfully with a smirk.

Def quickly text Marin as they left: 'Going a walk with Alan, he's still riled up cause of Lenox. Yolie is all better, she's heading to the pokemon school.'
After a bit of time, Dunsparce made sandile go flying into the air
"Right dunsparce, finish this with ice beam!
"Oh no, sandile!
"Sandile return, say, you're strong for someone who uses a dunsparce.But that won't happen again!Go Ryhorn!
"Alright,dunsparce use drill run!"
"Oh no you don't Ryhorn use horn attack!"
"Oh no dunsparce!
"Ugh"said Soras as he went and picked dunsparce off the wall"alright, your all I have left to count on, So go goomy!"
"Ryhorn use stone edge!"
"Goomy use bide!"
As goomy was constantly getting hit, He hung in easily.
"Now, unleash your energy!"shouted Soras"and then use dragon breath!"
"Goom!"said goomy as he unleashed 2 beams at once!but then...
"Ryhorn use stone edge!"
" Oh no goomy!"suddenly,goomy started to glow!
"Goo,sligoo!"shouted sligoo.Then sligoo's attacks broke through
"Oh no!"shouted Lenox"fine you can have my badge."
"Alright thanks, and don't forget to heal your pokemon!"said Soras as he left the gym.
Yolie looked at the Growlithe. Now that Def mentioned it, it couldn't have been Growlie. It was waaaay shorter! Now, Yolie wanted a cute Growlithe herself. But, she did not want to appear desperate, so she bit her lip.

After listening to Def explain how he had battled the gym before, Yolie wondered what other adventures he and his Pokemon have had. Alan had some experience with him as well, and she just had to know a little more about her new friends. While the group walked, she folded her arms and tapped her index finger on her her chin, playfully curious.

"So, you guys have been trainers for a lot longer than I. What would you say was the hardest thing you have ever had to do?" Yolie asked this question in a playful manner. She was curious about Alan and Def's hardships.

Her Knope followed close to Yolie's leg, looking for litter where ever he could find it. Eve was bored and pleaded to go back into her Pokeball, so Yolie followed through.
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As Soras left the gym, He saw a group of trainers,including the girl he saw earlier before his gym battle,So he decided to follow them but got bored after healing his team so he decided to talk to them"hey guys wait for me!"he shouted.His team shouted"sligo!""brav!""ches!""dun!"(Wait for us!"
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Def was caught pretty off guard at the question about any difficult times. There were too many to list but also too many he couldn't tell due to it not exactly putting him in a good light.

"Hmm... Man, trying to think of one," He said, it being a legit enough reason to stall for some time. Ok, you must have at least one that doesn't involve Team Rocket. "Oh! There's one on how I got my first Eevee. I was heading through a forest, there was a bridge in the middle of it that was a short-cut to the town I was heading back to. When I got to the bridge there was a crowd of people there and they were all panicking. It was a rope bridge and it had snapped somehow, so it was hanging down the cliff. When... I went over to see what was going on, they told me there was an Eevee clinging on to the bridge for dear life." He took a deep breath as he remembered it all, "The bridge didn't look like it'd be hanging from the cliff much longer... and neither did the Eevee. There was a rescue team on the way, but the state the bridge was in it looked like it could give way at any second and the Eevee would end up in that river... Now unless that Eevee was an insanely good swimmer, it wasn't making it out alive."

"Despite everyone around me objecting, I insisted since I was the youngest and therefore smallest that it was a better chance for me to climb down there, try to get the Eevee and climb back up. I know, it was a death wish, but I wasn't watching the Eevee struggle while we waited for a rescue team. They held the ropes keeping what was left of the bridge together and I climbed down to the Eevee. It was exhausting climbing down, so climbing up wasn't going to be fun. But... I didn't even get to try that. As soon as I managed to help the Eevee get in to my arms, the bridge snapped and the last thing I remember is the sound of the rushing water when I landed in the river. I woke up and was in a hospital bed hooked up to all sorts of machines, the doctors wouldn't stop saying how I was lucky to have survived that fall and I was lucky to have washed up not too far down the river, had I been carried further I'd have been a goner."

"But..." He paused and smiled, "I asked them what about the Eevee, and they said one of the witnesses saw me grab a pokeball at the last second and got the Eevee inside it. Surely enough, I dig through my pokeballs in my backpack by my bed and they were all accounted for. There was an extra one though and... It was the Eevee." Def sighed in relief, much like he did that day to wake up and find himself and the Eevee alive, "I don't remember using a pokeball on it at all, I guess in a crisis you just end up on auto-pilot."
Marin walked up to the cameraman. "Hey we would like to get our picture taken please," Marin asked with a pleasant smile. "It'll be my pleasure, go right there for me please," The cameraman said politely. Marin walked over to the spot that the cameraman gestured towards and Asura and Rory followed him. Marin couches down and picked up his tow pals and hugged them tightly on his chest under his face. "Say cheese!" Cheered the cameraman. "Cheese!" "Bun!" "Chi!" They all cheered as the flash in his camera went of and made a clicking sound. The camera made some buzzing sounds and the photo printed out of the cameraman. "Here you go," the cameraman said with a smile. "Thank you...is it possible to have two copies? Mr um...cameraman" Marin asked. "Of course, and call me Joel," the cameraman replied. Joel pressed the buttons a couple of buttons and it started to make another buzzing sound. Another copy of the picture printed out. "Thank you," Marin said after taking the copy of the photo. Marin then crouched down to Asura. "Here you go, I want you to have the second copy Asura," Marin said. Asura opened her mouth and looked at the photo, caught off guard from being given the photo. "Chikor?" Asura asked. "Whenever your feeling nervous or anxious and I'm not around to comfort you. I want you to have this photo, to mean that Rory and I will always be with you regardless," Marin said as he folded up the photo and handed it to Asura. Asura smiled and her watered a bit as she really appreciated Marin's offer. "Chi," Asura chirped as she took the folded up photo and placed it in her pouch that's on her side.

Marin then felt his Pokegear vibrate and he opened it to see what the reason was. Marin read the message he had received from Def. "Wow, didn't realise that Alan was that pumped from the battle. That's awesome that Yolie's feeling better," Marin thought aloud. Marin stood up and looked at the Gym. "Should we go to the gym? We could talk to Lenox and possibly challenge him," Asura temporarily had a nervous look on her face but as she turned to Rory and saw his determined reaction to Marin. This influenced her and made her hyped. "Buneary!" Rory said confidently as he raised his fist. "Chikor!" Asura said confidently as well. "That's what I like to hear, lets go," Marin said as he headed back to the gym.
Yolie's covered her mouth and gasped. She even pulled on her hair at points while Def told his story. She couldn't imagine herself risking her life like that. But then again, she has changed a lot in just two days. She would do it for Knope after all. Yolie's curiosity remained insatiable, probably because Def was a great story teller. The group was nearing the school at this point.

"No way Def! You could have seriously hurt yourself! Where is that Eevee now?"
As Yolie asked her question, she heard a strange growling. It was coming from her leg. Looking down, Knope was giving off what might have been crying. He was so touched and moved by Def's kindness as a child, he couldn't help but cry. Yolie giggled quietly at her partner's empathy.

"It had a happy ending Knope, cheer up! I've cried enough for the two of us today, Mon Ami."
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Nike gasped as the log went straight to Draco. "Draco, get away!" she yelled but it was too late. The log fell on Draco but he tried to block it with his tail. He crunched over in pain as the log trapped down his tail.

"Drago," he moaned in pain as Nike ran to him and tried to remove the wood from his tail. She removed it gently. Fear was in her eyes as she saw scratches and a bit of blood flowing down. She took her handkerchief, tied it around Draco's tail, then stood up.

"Iron Tail, Skitty!" Nike then yelled as Skitty appeared behind Timburr and used Iron Tail on the Pokemon, bringing it down to ground.
As Soras walked along and followed the group, He noticed Marin heading back to the gym and decided to talk to him again."Hey, Marin! Over here!"Shouted Soras, following Marin into the gym"Look what I have!!"Going inside the gym with marin.
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The Timburr got knocked back as the iron tail made contact. The bag that Timburr knicked got thrown up onto the tree as he flailed his arms around and fell to the ground. "I guess I've been busted," Timburr thought as he heard ringing and had a major headache. Timburr stumbled around in the floor as he tried to stand up and flee but he just fell over every time he tried.
"Skitty," Skitty looked at Nike as she went over to the Timburr. Draco had slithered up the tree and had gotten her bag.

Nike kneeled in front of the Timburr and gave it a Sitrus/Sirius Berry. "I'm sorry for having to battle you," she apologized.
Def appreciated how much Yolie was enjoying the story, he did remember the whole thing like it happened yesterday. Man, that really was a big part of his life. He gave a wave to Soras as he headed to the gym and looked at Knope when he heard the noise he was making.

"Haha! Awww, I'm glad you liked the story Knope," He said, how sweet.

"Oh, the eevee is right here," Def said and took out a blue coloured pokeball and let out the pokemon inside. A healthy Vaporeon appeared and it eveb glistened slightly in the sun, looking around at Yolie and Alan. "Vaaa!" She chirped happily and jumped up to curl around the back of Def's neck and over his shoulders.

"Funnily enough, she wanted to become a Vaporeon," Def said with a smile, "I gave her the choice to evolve or not, but I think she wanted to be sure water wouldn't be a danger anymore. She's very special to me."

"Vaaaaporeon!" The vaporeon responded, hoping back down on the ground to meet Yolie and Knope.
As Soras entered the gym, He saw Def waving in his direction, so He waved back to him. After wards he saw Marin challenge the gym."Oh so Marin is going to challenge the gym, Let's cheer him on guys!""sliii!""brav!""ches!""dunspa!"("Go Marin!")they all said while going to sit down.
Alan listened to Def tell his story, a bit impressed. When Def let out his Vaporeon, Alan decided to let out his Eevee. The Pokemon stretched and shook itself as if it was just waking up. Ee looked up at Alan happily before noticing Vaporeon and bounding over to it to say hello.

"I honestly don't have a story that could match up to Def's," Alan chuckled. "I'm sure I'll face some challenges in the future." Especially if he was able to achieve his goals. There would be plenty of stories on his journeys to come.
Vaporeon perked up more when she saw the Eevee, making a happy noise and would lightly bump heads with the Eevee if it wasn't seeming nervous or anything. She made a sort of chiming noise, pretty excited to see another pokemon from the same species line.

Def laughed softly at Alan's comment, "Yeah, sorry, guess that was one from a movie or something with a near-death experience and all," He said. Guess you could call it a near-Def experience, haha, no don't say that out loud. "I was a bit... too reckless back then, you could say, so I always ended up getting myself in to trouble. Though, I don't think I was ever as terrified as that time," He explained, rubbing a hand through his hair briefly.
"What are your goals then, Alan? It's not often I meet a trainer not aiming for the league."