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Ask to Join Explore the Bloka region! (Anime style)

Yolie knodded in agreement with Alan.
"I suppose hardships are yet to come for us. But I refuse to look forward to them."

Knope couldn't help but feel like he was staring at a legend as Vaporeon gleamed with beauty. He welcomed Eevee and Vaporeon while sizing the two up for differences.

Yolie sighed at the joke Def made. It reminded her of her Father's humor, which she entirely lacked tolerance for... Which is what she would say, but deep down, she knew there would always be a place for corny jokes.

"Ugh, you are such a 'Dad' Def. I didn't think you were that old." Yolie sarcastically commented.
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"Vaaa!" Vaporeon chirped, bouncing around Knope and Eevee a few times in excitement to meet new pokemon. At least that experience in her young Eevee days didn't 'dampen' her spirits.

Def laughed at Yolie's comment, "Yeah, I lied before, I'm actually fifty... Being a dad though, sounds more terrifying than my story," He chuckled, going along with the joke. "Think I'll stick to being a pokemon dad."
Yolie's eyes widened as Def joked about his age. As soon as he chuckled, she understood he was still joking. She rolled her eyes and smirked. She truly wanted to hear Alan's aspirations, but realized that her new friends wouldn't be going anywhere. This probably won't be the last time they see each other.

"Anyways fellas, I should probably get to studying IF I plan to beat that gym leader. Otherwise, I'll never leave Grioru City with my dignity intact. I'll see you both later."

Yolie pointed towards the trainer school, which the group was now soon upon.

Knope smacked his hands together. It made a pretty loud pitch and then he gave another. Soon, he began a slow build up to an applause as he paraded Vaporeon's agility and speed. he waved bye to Eevee and Vaporeon afterwards. "Bish! Biiiish!"
Timburr was rather worried when he was stopped in his tracks by a small Skitty. He attempted to crawl away but didn't get very far since his leg was injured. Timburr flinched and closed his eyes afraid of what the trainer was going to do to him. However, his guard went away as he got offered the Sitrus berry. He looked back forth between the berry and the trainer. Unsure if this was a trick or a gift. Timburr hesitantly reached out to retrieve the berry.

Marin entered the gym and walked up to Lenox with his Pokemon beside him. Lenox seemed to be paying attention to healing his Pokemon in his podium as the pokeballs were shaking in the podium. "Hey Lenox, those have been some pretty intense battles haven't they?" Marin said trying to make conversation. Lenox was sighed. "Yeah, but it seems that people can't handle the truth. Just because somebody got upset with me being blunt, I've seen as the villain. It shows how weak willed trainers are now a days," Lenox said as his Pokemon healed. "To be fair, I got what you were saying and the first trainer was rather sensitive and no one else knew what you said. That's probably why," Marin suggested.
The Oshawott fought against the Sylveon, trying to resist her love, as he had snapped out of it now. He quickly kicked her, and launched a small energy wave with his scalchop at point blank range! The energy quickly exploded on contact, as the two were sent flying apart from each other! The Sylveon quickly got up while she rubbed off her slightly injured leg, as the poor Oshawott cried and attempted to get back up, while the sharp, stinging pain surged throughout his body.

The Sylveon chuckled at him, as she thought to herself while she quickly went over to the Oshawott, "Well, looks like the little otter had a taste of his own medicine. Maybe now he can see why using power to settle problems isn't the best solution now." She quickly pulled out a potion from her bag, while she also pulled out a small bottle of berry paste, as the Oshawott quickly caught on and ran away from her!

He quickly ran into the gym again, while the Sylveon chased him like a hawk, as he bumped into Marin! He gulped, while he hid behind his leg, as he didn't really have a lot of options left to evade the Sylveon. He kept his hand on his scalchop, ready to defend himself, in case if anything went wrong.
Marin looked down to his legs as he felt something brush against it. He assumed it was Rory or Asura trying to get his attention but to his surprise, it was the red Oshawott that he encountered from before. "What the? What are you doing here?" Marin exclaimed in confusion. Marin looked at the Oshawott's scared face and noticed it was hiding from something. Marin followed Oshawott's line of sight with his eyes and saw a Sylveon which seemed to be in pursuit of the Oshawott. Asura was quick to react as the troubled Oshawott fled to Marin and Stood in front of Marin and squinted her eyes at the Sylveon since Asura was seeing it as a hostile at that moment. Asura then went into a battle stance and prepared to counter whatever the Sylveon does.

"Woah, chill out Asura. We don't know if the Sylveon is hostile," Marin said panicky to Asura. Rory suspiciously looked at the Oshawot, unsure of what to think. Marin crouched down to Oshawott and noticed the wounds that hadn't been healed yet. "Oshawott...We need to do something with those wounds before they become even more severe or even fatal," Marin said with a worried tone. Marin pondered in thought. "Oshawott seems to flee every time it goes near the Pokemon Center...but how can we help it?"
"Good luck, I know you'll do great," Def said in farewell to Yolie, admiring her dedication to become better.

Vaporeon tilted her head and then applauded along with Knope cheerfully, also waving goodbye to him and Yolie as they left for the school.

Def would wait until Alan had said whatever he had to say to Yolie before giving him a soft smile. "So, the start of one of the nature trails is just ahead of us, I go there a lot if I'm having a stressful day. It honestly makes you feel as if there isn't even a soul around on the island," He said. He loved spending time with any and all of the new trainers, but it was nice to get some one-on-one with someone closer to his age.
"It's not 'if' you're going to beat the gym leader, it's 'when' you're going to beat him. Good luck, Yolie."

Alan gave Yolie a smile before she left for the school. Ee was quite happy to play with Vaporeon, jumping and running around the water evolution.

"That sounds like a good place to start. Lead the way."
Def nodded and would head towards the trail, it only taking a minute or two to get there. Once they did, it didn't take long for the traces of the town behind them to vanish, there being trees and greenery all around them and now and then there was enough of a gap in the trees to one side to see out over the island and sometimes even as far as the ocean on the horizon.

Vaporeon chimed happily and joined in with jumping around with Ee, playfully batting at them now and then with her paw.

"I came here a lot when I first came to the island just to try adapt a bit more, entirely different way of living and all," Def said, "So, what's your goals as a pokemon trainer?"
Yolie couldn't help but smile back at Alan as the three trainers went their separate ways. Indeed, she will be leaving that gym with a badge next time! Before she walked into the school, she decided to take out her phone and send Alan a message.

'BTW, thanks for sticking it to Lenox. I don't think I've ever had a group of friends as sympathetic as you all. Toodle-oo '

She decided to finally leave the school's courtyard and enter the lobby. The lobby in itself was a pleasant size, with marble pillars touching the walls. The pillars all carried a different Pokémon, but they all seemed like intelligent idols. Yolie noticed several signs and or so large double doors. No one was attending the counter, but one sign explained that there would be no clerk after a certain time. Another sign read 'Welcoming all new trainers! Head up to our Introduction to Pokémon class!'

Apparently the class met 3 times a week, and was free. In fact, it was going on right now. Knope began to grow tired and bored, walking through the lobby's hallway. Yolie released Eve and had the two Pokemon huddle up.

"OK Knope, Eve. We may not learn everything in a day. Which means we might fall behind the group. But we shall catch up posthaste! I will require you AND Eve to pick up my slack, and study as well! Now who is with me?"

Knope saluted Yolie, while Eve seemed uninterested for a few seconds before finally kidding in aggreement.

"Tre Magnifique! Now, let our studies commence!" Yolie exclaimed proudly, opening the double doors to the Beginners class.
Before Alan could respond to Def, his Pokégear vibrated. He pulled out the device and looked for the reason of the notification. Alan couldn't help but smile before sending a message back.

'NP, good luck studying'

He stored the device back into his pocket.

"Yolie messaged me. She said thanks for supporting her. As for my goal..." Alan looked out over the landscape. "I want to work for the International Police. I want to travel and help people around the world."
OOC: Since @Charlespark is ill and so won't be tht active atm. I'll just continue.

BIC: "Anyway, I want to challenge you," Marin said trying to get back on topic with Lenox. "So be it. My Pokemon has just finished healing so it was perfect timing," Lenox said as he turned towards his Pokeballs. He picked up his two Pokeballs and walked over to the battlefield. "Whenever you're ready," Lenox said sternly. Marin took a deep breath and crouched down to Asura and Rory. "You guys ready?" Marin asked. Rory nodded confidently and Asura nervously smiled back. "Don't worry Asura, you've got this," Marin said softly. Asura took a deep breath and nodded. Marin walked over to the battlefield opposing Lenox. Marin pulled out his Pokegear and quickly messaged Yolie, Alan and Def. "I thought screw it and chalenged the gym leader XD. Wish me luck," Marin placed his Pokegear in his pocket and looked up at Lenox trying to keep his nerv. "All riht then, it will be 2 on 2 battle. The first to have no Pokemon standing loses. Let's begin. Go Rhyhorn!" Lenox said before throwing his Pokeball into the air and sending out Rhyhorn. Rhyhorn kicked the floor back sending mini dust clouds behind him. "RHY!" Rhyhorn roared. Marin looked down to Rory. "I'm sending you out first, Rory. You've got this," Marin said. "Bun!" Rory replied before hopping in front of Marin. "Pay attention and take notes Asura," Marin said assertively. Asura nodded and stepped back. "Chikor,"
"Oh, well that's always a given," He said positive in regards to supporting Yolie, it was always good to support other trainers.

"Really? That's very noble," Def replied, honestly impressed by the answer. Heh, for a brief second he wondered if that means Alan will eventually discover his link with Team Rocket. To be fair all he would care about was if he believed his side of the story or not. "Bloka is a good place to start. Maybe you'll be able to capture the new Team Rocket and kick-start that career with a bang," He said playfully. It really would though. "You should talk to Officer Jenny here actually, maybe she can help you with an apprenticeship or something like that. She's pretty helpful."

He quickly checked his Pokegear when iy vibrated, not wanting to be on it long and seem rude to Alan. "Ooh, Marin is taking on Lenox. Hope he wins, he'll have an advantage if Lenox is still recovering from the tongue-lashing you gave him earlier," He said with a smirk.
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"Go, Marin!You can do it"shouted Soras as his new friend started his battle with Lenox, the gym leader."Watch out for Ryhorn's speed!It was able to out speed Dunsparce going at MAX SPEED!"he shouted when Lenox sent out Ryhorn"dun!""sligo!"(be careful of stone edge and horn attack!)shouted Dunsparce and Sligoo."Lets hope Marin wins, after all, Asura the chicorita has the type advantage over both Lenox's Pokemon, Sandile and ryhorn."He hesitated before shouting(He hesitated because he realized that Asura might not be the best choice)"Go Marin!You can do it!"Soras shouted this as his badge shone brightly from the sun off his jacket.
Yolie entered the class, which had several rows of rising seats. At the bottom of the class, stood the professor. It seems he was just about to begin his class. Yolie, Knope and Eve quickly found a seat when her Pokegear vibrated and rung. She had forgot to put it on silent! She quickly mutedher phone, and hoped no one was disturbed. It appeared the professor was in the middle of a joke.

"Hahahah! But's that's how I found myself teaching Mime to a Mr. Mime! In any case, allow me to reiterate what I hope you all learn from my lectures."

Yolie found paper and pencils placed in her deck. She passed one to Knope and Eve began snoring quietly. Both Knope and Yolie were ready for furious note taking. She figured that she will buy a notebook later and rewrite the notes. The professor moved through the aisles while speaking.

"Whether you are aspiring Pokemon Trainers, Pokebreeders, or even hope to be a teacher like me, you all have a little bit of 'I want to save the world' in you. That's why you are here, sitting down wanting to learn more about Pokémon. I want you to know that it's OK if you only save one person. and it is OK if that person is you."

Yolie's pencil came to a halt, as the Professor's words struck a chord to her. She didn't think she wanted to save anyone. She came to Bloka just to impress some friends of hers. But she felt at peace, finally being away from her toxic friends, and surrounding herself with a positive air. She recalled Def's story, and how he nearly sacrificed himself to try and save an Eevee. he did it when no one else could rise to the oppurtunity. She decided in this instance, that she did want to save someone. One day. As she froze, she stared at Knope, who was seemed studious, but was just drawing a picture of himself, Yolie and Eve smiling on a sunny day. He then looked back at Yolie and smiled before resuming his drawing.

The professor began to type on a device and words appeared on the smart board Infront of the classroom.

"OK, so today, we are going to learn about Pokémon types. I want you all to memorize effectiveness and immunities by our next meeting tmrw. Lets move on. Who can name our 18 different Pokémon types? We have Grass, Fire..."
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The Oshawott ignored Asura and quickly ran out of the gym, dashing past the Sylveon, as he cried like a baby! The Sylveon quickly chased him down, trying to catch up to him, as the Oshawott knew that he had to give her the slip somehow. He saw a school nearby, as his mind quickly hatched an idea! He thought to himself as he grinned, "Hmm... that school looks like a nice place to go to. Maybe I could get somebody to help me out or perhaps make her look bad."

He quickly ran into the courtyard, while the Sylveon still continued to chase him down, as he quickly went into the lobby, trying to avoid any trainer that was in the area. He quickly came into a classroom, not realizing that Yolie was also inside, as he quickly went up to her and hid underneath her desk. The Sylveon showed up at the door, sensing that the Oshawott was in the area, although she didn't seem to know where he was in the classroom. She didn't want to interrupt the Professor, as she quietly walked to the side, while one of her ribbons reached into her bag and got out her badge that shined in the light, in case if anyone wanted to question her.
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Sitting down on the side of the gym, Will Whitman was watching Marin battle. He looked at Soras, who was next to him, and noticed the badge on his chest.

"You beat the gym?" he asked Soras "Cool, i fought the gym earlier but then something happened, and i wasn't able to finish my battle"

Meanwhile, two shady people were staring through the windows near the roof of the gym, "now?" one asked a phone he was holding
"not yet" the voice on the other side of the phone said "i need to get into position to teleport in, once I do though..."
The two fellows on the roof burst into evil laughter, before the voice in the phone shouted at them "IDIOTS!" he shouted "DO YOU WANT OUR COVER BLOWN?"
"Sorry sir" one of the grunts whispered.
Soras was shocked by Will talking to him so he said "Yeah, It was a hard battle, though, but look here!"He said while picking up sligoo"sli!""Oh yeah what stopped your battle?"He asked while putting sligoo.
"Okay, let's begin!" Lenox announced. "Okay, let's do this," Marin said under his breath. "Rory, use Jump Kick!" Marin demanded. Rory jumped towards the Rhyhorn a couple of strides, he then jumped in the air and twirled before moving towards the Rhyhorn with his leg out in front at a fast pace. "Protect!" Lenox said calmly. Rhyhorn looked up at the incoming Rory and squinted his eyes. "Rhy," A forcefield appeared surrounding Rhyhorn. Rory hit the forcefield and got launched back by his own momentum. "Bun!" Rory cried as he flew in the air. "Now continue with Stone Edge!" Lenox demanded. Rhyhorn's eyes glowed blue and Rhyhorn roared at Rory. A stone pillar appeared from beneath Rory and went into the falling Buneary. This caused massive damage to Rory. Rory flew backwards, he crashed into the ground and started to roll as his momentum continued to push him backwards. Rory slowed down by Marin's feet. "Rory!" Marin yelled worried.

Rory rolled over to his front and punched the ground. Rory slowly stood back up and was hurting all over. Rory glanced back at Marin and smiled. "Bun...eary," Rory said, trying to reassure Marin that he was okay. "Okay. Baby Doll eyes!" Marin demanded. Rory eyes started to water and became very cute and stared at Rhyhorn. Rhyhorn wasn't sure what to do as he didn't want to attack something that cute. Rhyhorn stepped back and looked at Lenox with a concerned look. "Rhy?" "What are you doing? Concentrate!" Lenox said assertively. Rhyhorn nodded and put his game face back on and turned back to Rory.

"Use Horn Attack!" Lenox demanded as he pointed forwards. Rhyhorn put on an aggressive look and charged towards Rory. "Rory, use Pound!" Marin yelled. Rory nodded and as Rhyhorn got close to landing its attack. Rory unleashed hiss Pound and blocked Rhyhorn's horn attack. Rhyhorn slightly went off its feet as it collided with Rory's Pound. Lenox couldn't help but smile." You make this too easy. Now use Bulldoze!" Lenox yelled. Marin was shocked by Lenox's strategy. "I see it was getting close to pull off a direct hit," Marin said to himself before realising that Rory still had an ear free.

"That's it! Use Dizzy Punch with your other ear!" Marin demanded. Rory's other ear started to glow. However, Rhyhorn slammed down on the ground and made the ground viciously start shaking and breaking. Rory swung his ear around to land his Dizzy punch before getting launched back by the bulldoze. Rory flew backwards as rocks and other parts of the ground got launched around as well. Rory got pelted into Marin but Marin managed to catch him before he could fly any further. "Rory are you okay?!" Marin exclaimed. "Bun..." Rory said in Marin's arms showing little movement. "Thank you, Rory. You did great," Marin said softly as he carefully placed Rory down on the ground. Rory sat on his butt staring at the ground with a disappointed look. Asura watched the vicious battle with a shocked face as she was surprised with how violent battles got.
Yolie shivered as she felt something brush against her leg. She looked down, and low and behold-it eas the red Pokemon she saw earlier at the gym! She hunched her skirt closed with her hands and stood up.

"Excuse me Professor- but there is a very perverted Pokemon under my desk!!!"

The Professor was about to speak when a Sylveon garnishing a badge walked into the classroom. The Professor quickly noted this and dismissed the class.

"Alright class, we studied typings, type effectiveness and using you Pokédex to find local Pokemon or see a nearby Pokémon's type. Tomorrow we will study status ailments and combat! Class dismissed!"

All of the students were quick to get out of there seats, and they edited the classroom making an indistinguishable wave of students. The students bombarded the entrance Sylveon came in.

Yolie grabbed Knope and woke up Eve, and the trio left for the classroom. She decided to visit the school's library. It appeared that only the Professor was in the classroom now.

"How may I help you today, Ms. Sylveon sir?" The Professor wore a smile as he cleaned his desk.
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"I don't plan on starting so soon," Alan explained. "Right now, I just want to travel and explore. I've been through Sinnoh and Johto, and I have so much to explore still."

He looked down at his Eevee who was happily playing.

"Plus, I don't think my Pokemon are ready for that job yet. We still have a lot of growing to do together."
The Oshawott saw everyone leave the classroom, as he only noticed the Professor and the Sylveon that had quickly moved to the side to let all the students go through. The Oshawott quietly cried under Yolie's desk, as the Sylveon's ears perked up to the sound. He quickly rubbed his left arm in an attempt to wear off the pain, as he couldn't tolerate the stinging pain anymore. The Sylveon went up to the Professor, and knew that she had to find a way to communicate with him, as she said to him while one of her ribbons reached into her bag, "Sylveon, Sylve." She looked around the area and sensed another presence that could be the Oshawott she was looking for, as she kept a sharp look on her face.

Meanwhile, Charles had arrived at Gronk City, as he paid the driver and thanked her with a nice tip, as the driver said, "Alright buddy, take care now. If you ever need me, just call me at my number." She gave him a note that had her phone number, as she waved at him before she drove off. Charles sat down on a bench that was near the Gym, as he placed the bag on his lap while the baby Dragonite sat next to him, as the Minun went up next to the Dragonite. Scanner sat on his holster still, as it said to Charles while it noticed him putting the note in his pocket, "So, what do you want to do? I'm picking up readings of a mysterious energy that's coming from the school. I think that we need to investigate this right away, because who knows who could be in the school?"

He replied while he got up, "Well, I suppose that we have a task to do now, Let's go everyone!" He picked up the baby Dragonite and placed him in his sling, as the Minun walked alongside of him, while he carried the bag on his right shoulder. He went over to the school, and noticed a yellow blinking light that emitted from Scanner's backside, as he said, "Alright, let's be careful here. I don't know who's in that school, but I have a feeling that it might be something big, something fearful, or maybe something that's very powerful. Whatever you do, stay calm, and don't panic."
After a Long day of battling with his Pokemon, Jack Devlin and his Eevee Entered the Gym and looked at his Surroundings,
"Nice Colours...."
"The Gym Leader....."
"A Challenger"
"A group of People?"

He thought, Looking at the Group of people watching the Battle, he had never seen people watch other people Battle, Then many questions came to mind
"Are they the Challengers Family?"
"Are they the Challengers Friends?"
"Were they Travelling in a Group?"
"Could they just be people watching other people Battle for fun?"

He thought of many questions, His Mind was Often blank, Except for Strategy, Battling and Talking to people But when it came to Questions he could never get his Mind blank so he could solve the Questions, He really wished that he had someone who could help him with it, Maybe a Psychic type? His mind was always getting clouded like this, He could never just stop thinking

After a long time of thinking he walked over to the group and said "Uhh.... Hello... Are you friends of the Challenger or are you Just watching?" He Didn't want to seem odd, He had only started getting these weird Mind Fill ups when he was attacked by a Wild Abra, Maybe that was why? Did the Abra do a odd Curse on him? Making him always have his mind filled with questions? He needed a Psychic Type, They could get his Head back into Reality, But where could he find one? He had heard that Espurr started popping up on the Next Route, Maybe there he could get himself saved from these odd Mind Fill Ups

Ǐ̢̳͓̫̂̚͠t̡̙͓͔͂̒̇̋ ̨̝̩̮́͒̔̈w̢̳̩͓̌̐̈̅a̡̜͎̬̍̈̊̈s̙̠̝̄̊̎̚ͅņ̢͎̙̑͌̆̃'̳̖̳̺̅̃̌̆t͕̠̠̫̂̆͋͝ ͉̙̙͕͗̔͋̕ț̗̐̇̐͐ͅͅḧ̛̗̭̙̤͛̇è̝̼͑͒̉͜ͅ ̻͇̼͔́͆̑̕o̡̮̟̬͒̿͘͠n͍̹͍̦͊̓̽̇l̞̫̅̅̀̓͜ͅy̘̖̮̬͌̊̕͘ ͕͈̬̗͗͐̆̆t̨̘̬̭̎̿̆͝h̺̪̹̦̐̊̋̚ï̥̘̻̼̔̂̑n̨̡̪̯̋̓̕͠g̹̼͍̟͆̓̐̚ ̨̭̮̪̒͘̚͝t̢̩͉̪͂̏̌̐ĥ̡̡͍̓̿͋͜e̢̱͔̳̒͋̊͊ ̬̦͓̟̉̓̉̀À̢̩̻̥̓͛̃b̮͉̮̲͂͑́͝r̗̺̮̮͆̓̈́́a̢͙̺̘̾̆̑̉ ̣̪̬̻̋̏͗͝d̡̟͎̙̒̓̋̈́i̡̧̗̻̒̅̇͝d̜͍̲͗̑̿͠ͅ ̞͍̖̩̌̏̇̾t̥̦̝̪͗́̑̀o̙̯̼͔̐͌͝͠ ̳̞̘̠̆̎͘͘ḣ̜̞̦̯͋́͛i̢̖͉͙͆̇͑͝m̘͙͉̦͆̊͐͠.̨͍͔̗͊̔́͒.̲͙̠͖̓̉͊̚.̳̫̤̭̅͆̔̚.̰̬̤͇͑͛̀̊

(I had to add the Scary Font, It will probably mean something later but.... I might delete it off the Post if i want to not have the Weird Jack Arc)
"Tentacruel, use Toxic!" Shouted a trainer deep in the forest, worry evident in his voice, as he fought a wild Meganium.
"Tenta..." Tentacruel launched a ball of pure toxic energy at the Meganium, causing it to flinch. Quickly realizing it was on a timer, Meganium started charging at Tentacruel as fast as it can, readying a Body Slam, hoping to paralyze it.
"Don't let that happen, Tentacruel! Use Protect!" Tentacruel was already on it, predicting his trainer's actions. "Cruel!" Tentacruel exclaimed as he released the energy built up in him, creating a glowing green barrier.
Meganium was going too fast to get out of the way, and crashed into the barrier, stopping to halt.
"Alright!" shouted Findlay. "We better get away before it gets back up. Tentacruel, return." Said the boy as he ran away.
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"Friends" Will said "I met him back in Cronk City, where we did a little battle, speaking of battles, do you want to battle me?"

He looked at the person who approached him in the eye "anyways" he said as he stood up and did a stupid pose "the names Will Whitman, from Kanto! My goal is to become a Pokémon Master!"

"Squirtle Squirt (here we go again..." Squirtle sighed

"Pidgey (nothing good ever happens when he does this)" Pidgey agreed
"Oh... Sure" Jack Gladly accepted, He loved Battling, He found it to be more fun against people who weren't Gym Leaders "Im Jack by the way, Im From Hoenn, My Dad's a Gym Leader there" He said, He was always telling people about his Father and his Strong Dragon Types "So where do we battle?" Jack asked, Looking around
"Eevee? (You Hate this stuff too)?" Eevee asked
"A gym leader?" Will asked, kind of impressed "so I think there is an arena just outside of the gym"

He exited and sure enough, there was an arena "so how many Pokémon do you have?" He asked his opponent "I want this battle to be fair"

He kneeled down next to Squirtle, Pidgey and Wynaut "are you guys ready?" He asked

Squirtle closed his eyes and crossed his fingers "squirt squirt squirt squirt squirt squirt (please no please no please no"

"Wynaut" Wynaut said cheerfully

"Great!" Will said "lets do this"

Pidgey had to stop Squirtle from beating Wyanut half to death :)
Emerging from the forest, the young boy tried to gauge where he was.
"Oh right, the map." he pulled out a map from his backpack.
'Grioru huh. Interesting.' He thought.
"Not that big a place. Shouldn't be too hard to find the Pokemon center. Hope she'll be alright..."
"I have Five, I can use three of mine if you want" Jack said, Looking at two Pokeballs and a Great Ball "Ill use Claw, Soar and Fang!" He said, Bringing out a Shelgon, Mawile and Scyther

"Scyther! (Great! A Battle!)" Scyther Yelled
"Mawile... (Fine ill battle, I need to get stronger anyway)" Mawile Sighed
"SHELGON (I WANT TO FLY!)" Shelgon Yelled, Jumping up and waving its front legs around

"You ready to battle?" Jack asked, He was ready for any Pokemon that came his way
The Professor's eyes peeled up.
"Hopefully you can find... What you're looking for, Sylveon. The room is yours! I assume this...perverted Pokemon interruption is why you are here. Don't let me stop you!"
The Professor picked up a few papers and decided to leave as well, trying not to get in the Pokémon's way.

Yolie collected three large books on Pokémon. She decided to buy the books instead of renting them. Strangely enough, Eve seemed to love the library; the dust that came with old book smell and mystery that came in such a place seemed like a perfect spot for Psychic or Ghost types Yolie thought. Knope seemed ready to rest however, so Yolie returned him to his Pokeball.

Yolie's Pokegear vibrated again, reminding her that she has an unread message. She manages to open her phone and found out Marin had decided to challenge the gym.

"Oh no! Hopefully I'm not too late! He sent this message at the beginning of my class, so-"

"SHHHH!" whispered a loud patron. Yolie looked around, startled to see who she might be interrupting. The next sound she heard was snickering, which came from Eve. Seems her Shuppet was just imitating noises to mess with her.

"Very funny Eve. I hope you are proud of yourself. In any case, let's head to the gym and see if Marin still needs support. We could learn something by watching the next battler."

Yolie returned Eve to her Pokeball and began walking back to the gym.
"Will she be okay, Nurse joy?" Asked Findlay.
"Yes, but I must ponder as to what caused such deep cuts..." The nurse said, deep in thought.
"I don't know... I was in the forest with Eevee, And out of nowhere, she screamed. I turned round, and she was lying on the ground. It was probably just some wild Pokemon." The boy told her.
"Anyway, your Eevee will be fully healed in about half an hour. You could take a walk around or wait in the lobby, as a suggestion."
"Thanks. I probably will." Findlay replied, as he walked over to the PC to make a call.
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when Soras heard that this person wanted to battle will, He just had to take his dad's words into consideration
"now Soras don't worry, I know you want to enter the league when you are old enough, But you have other talents as well."
"what do you mean, dad?"
"Like being a referee for Pokemon battling, or Pokemon riding."
Flashback end

"Hey guys, how about I be the referee?"Soras asked, while following them out to the battlefield, being impressed by this person's Pokemon along the way.
Marin turned and crouched down to Asura. "You can do this. Just remember how you felt at the Training Center outside of Gronk City," Marin said confidently as he gently stroked Asura's head. Asura's face went blank as she reminisced back to that moment. Asura remembered training her Razor Leaf and using Tackle on the punching bag; the thrill and the adrenaline rush she got in that moment she couldn't compare to anything else. Asura came back from her flashback and looked at Marin with a confident look and stood sternly. "There you go Asura! I choose you!" Marin cheered as Asura ran in front of Marin. "Chikor!" Asura yelled with her high pitch voice, trying to be intimidating but couldn't help but appear cute instead.

"Let's continue then," Lenox said smiling as he really enjoyed seeing the bond between Asura and Marin. "Use Razor Leaf!" Marin demanded. Asura raised her head and flicked her leaf, sending multiple razor leaves towards Rhyhorn. "Protect then Horn Attack!" Lenox yelled. A force field appeared around Rhyhorn and the Razor Leaves simply dissolved when it came into contact with the force field. After the force field ended, Rhyhorn started to sprint towards Asura at full speed and venom in its eyes. "Use Tackle!" Marin demanded. Asura started to sprint towards the charging ground type Pokemon whilst saying "Chi...Chi," With every stride. Asura and Rhyhorn were getting rather close to each other and was about to make impact with each other. "Jump and use Sleep Powder!" Marin exclaimed. Asura kicked off the ground and swiveled above Rhyhorn. A powder emerged from Asura's sleep and covered Rhyhorn. Rhyhorn did a couple more strides before finally falling asleep and falling to the ground and snoring. Rhyhorn skid across the ground a couple of meters due to the momentum of its sprinting.

"Now finish this with Razor Leaf!" Marin said clenching his fist. Asura squinted and flicked her leaf sending another barrage of Razor Leaves towards the Rhyhorn. "Get up Rhyhorn!" Lenox exclaimed. However, Rhyhorn was unresponsive to Lenox's cries and continued to helplessly sleep. The Razor Leaves made contact with the Rhyhorn creating a small cloud around the Rhyhorn. Everybody waited to see what the conclusion was to the Razor Leaf. The could disappeared and what remained was the Rhyhorn not moving. "Return, Rhyhorn...You did great," Lenox said. "Yes! Awesome work Asura, just one more to go," Marin cheered. Asura took a deep breath as she was finding hard to believe that this was happening. Asura looked back at Marin and smiled.

"Go Sandile!" Lenox said before throwing his second Pokeball in the air and sending out Sandile. The crocodile Pokemon looked up at Asura and squinted his eyes at Asura. Asura got nervous as Sandile seemed to intimidate her. "Keep your focus Asura!" Marin yelled.

OOC: Sorry these are really long. I like to put detail in these battles.
Out of the Pokemon centre exited the young boy, looking for a nice place to sit.
Deciding to walk around and see what he could find, he walked in a random direction.
As he had not been to these parts of Bloka before, it was understandable.

'Mabye it wasn't the best idea to walk around for ages.' Findlay thought. 'I should probably ask someone if they know anywhere decent to sit down.'
Walking up to a group of trainers, he decided to ask the boy in the black hoodie.
"Excuse me, do you happen to know anywhere where one could get a good seat?" He asked.
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"Uh, well, to be honest, I got here not long ago, so I hardly know this city much. Sorry."said Soras to this trainer who had just shown up, he looked disappointed when Soras said that, so Soras said"Uh, my name is Soras, what's yours?"He said this while, less importantly, sligoo met the shelgon that was there and they talked about how hard it is, being a middle evolution of a puesdo legendary Pokemon.

Meanwhile, on the roof...
"Do we get the dunsparce now?"asked a man who looked like a ninja.
"Not yet, wait until they have they're guard down."said a woman who looked like an F, thanks to her hair.
These two were part of team Flare, they saw two team Rocket members on the roof as well.
"Uh"said the ninja"who are you?"He asked them.
"A wise decision," Def said with a nod, "I guess Team Rocket alone being here will give you experience, anyway." He said, partly in play because it was actually pretty true. "I'm sure you'll make a great police officer, you certainly look the part." That was a compliment, of course. "Time really flies in when you're spending it with pokemon, you're bound to find every moment rewarding."

It wasn't long until they got to a point of the path where there was a solid wooden fence blocking the drop down a cliff. From there, there was a great view over the island and towards the ocean, tons of trees covering the ground below along with wild-flowers being seen in any parts where the leaves didn't touch. Def stopped to lean his forearms on the fence and took a nice relaxing breath of the ocean air.

"Not to mention, travelling means you get to find amazing places like this. I better not get in to any trouble, huh? Don't want you coming along to toss me in jail," He joked.
Cheri didn't stay long in Quinten City upon her arrival. There wasn't a gym in the city, which meant that there was no real reason for her to stay longer than she had to. She did stop by the city mart to restock on some supplies. Once she left, Cheri let out her Pokemon, Roto and Spirit. They were quite happy to be let out after being couped up on the boat ride over.

"Okay guys," Cheri smiled at her Pokemon. "Ready to get going?"

Her Pokemon replied happily as they followed their trainer into Route 1.
Asura sternly looked back at Sandile trying to keep her nerve. "Okay, this is starting to get interesting. Last round, let's begin," Lenox said. "You ready Asura?" Marin asked. Asura looked back at Marin and nodded. "Chikor!" Asura replied smiling. "Use Crunch!" Lenox demanded. Sandile's teeth started to glow before Sandile leaped towards Asura with its mouth open. "Vine Whip!" Marin yelled. Vines came out of Asura's green dots on her neck and they reached up towards Sandile and wrapped around Sandile's tail. Asura then threw over herself and slammed Sandile down on the ground behind her. "Quick! Use Torment!" Lenox exclaimed. Sandile swiveled around and got out of the Vine Whip's grip. Sandile got on to its feet and roared at Asura. The roar was powerful pushing back Asura slightly. "Use vine Whip!" Marin commanded. Asura squinted her eyes and concentrated on Sandile...but nothing happened. "What's happening Asura?" Marin exclaimed. "Torment is a move where it stops the opposing Pokemon being able to use the same move twice in a row," Lenox explained. "Damn it," Marin said under his breath.

"Now use Sand Tomb!" Lenox commanded. Sandile opened its mouth and its eyes started to glow. Quicksand seemed to spawn beneath Asura and trapping her in the sand trap. "Chikor!" Asura cried out as her feet sunk into the quicksand. "Asura, just keep calm, you'll be fine!" Marin cried out to Asura. "Use Crunch, when Chikorita's still stuck!" Lenox yelled. Sandile opened its mouth and dove into the Sand Tomb that entrapped Asura. "Use Razor Leaf!" Marin demanded. Asura snapped out of her panic and flicked her leaf unleashing her Razor Leaf at the on coming Sandile. "Dodge by going into the quicksand!" Sandile spun as it dropped into the sand, avoiding the Razor Leaf.

Asura had a worried look as she frantically looked around. "Keep an eye out, Asura!" Marin demanded. Asura took a deep breath and closed her eyes. this increased her senses and she could hear the slight movements under the sand. "Stay Alert," Marin said calmly. A bulge appeared from one of the sides of the sand Tomb. The bulge gave way revealing the Sandile still eager to finish its Crunch attack. "Sleep Powder!" Marin yelled. asura was quick to react to the Sandile as she could hear it coming. She lifted her leaf and released a Sleep Powder from her leaf. The sleep powder hit the Sandile directly and immediately sending it to sleep. "Tackle then Vine Whip!" Marin demanded. The Sand Tomb started to give way since Sandile was unconscious, so Asura managed to lift her feet from the quicksand and barged into the falling Sandile. Sandile was sent flying out of the sand trap and was rag-dolling in the air. Asura then sent out her Vine Whip and reached up to the air-born Sandile and pulled it down, lifting herself out of the arena trap and throwing Sandile into the floor. "Finish this with Tackle!" Marin roared at Asura. Asura spun as she dropped down towards Sandile which made her gain that much more power behind her tackle. Asura leveled out and unleashed a powerful Tackle on Sandile.

Asura jumped back and took her battle stance, preparing for the Sandile to counter attack. However, Sandile was unresponsive after Asura's attack and didn't move. "Sandile, return. You did amazing," Lenox said softly as he returned Sandile to his Pokeball. Marin jumped in the air and cheered. "YES! WE DID IT!" Marin roared as he ran towards Asura in celebration. "BUNEARY!" Rory cheered as he followed Marin running towards Asura. Asura stood emotionless, processing what had just happened. As she heard Marin and Rory behind her, her legs gave way as she was exhausted. "Woah, it's okay. You did great Asura," Marin chuckled as he grabbed Asura before shecould fall.
"Alright then!" Will said "I'll use Squirtle, Pidgey and Wynaut"
He walked into the middle of the battlefield, and looked his opponent in the eye.
"Are you ready?" he asked Jack "Are you prepared to loose?"