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Ask to Join Fantasy High School


Previously Swirled
"Violet and I were just talking about stuff," Abyss lied though he continued on with the truth, "I might ask Oma to the dance, as friends do. Also I've never played online before what's it like?" Violet seemed pleased as she unpacked her stuff and changed into her pajamas, "So, do you plan on asking anyone to the dance, or do you plan to be asked to the dance?"
After looking around for a bit, Aubrey finally saw Parker, and quickened her step to catch up to him. She didn’t know if he was still feeling flustered to a point that he didn’t wanna talk, but she shrugged. He’d be fine, surely.
“Hey-! Hey- Parker-!” She called, jogging towards him. “I figured out- what we could do. For the dance.” She said with a small smile, proceeding to explain her plan- go to the dance like they wanted to go, dance for a while, and slip away when nobody would notice.
Mallory rolled her eyes and held her hands up in defense at Zack, “Okay, okay, sheesh..” She looked up at Kyle and let out a snide remark, “Ah, no thank you. I don’t know if you know this, but I don’t do dances or sparkly dresses. Not a chance. Not tomorrow, not the next day, not ever.”

She picked up her plate, went to go throw it away and headed for the lunch room exit.
“Same here, I’ll probably just skip it, make a speed clone of myself to pretend I’m there or something. Dances are stupid,” Zack said. Rock girl then threw away her lunch and left, so he didn’t see any reason to stick around.
“Well, see you Kyle,” Zack said before speeding out of the lunch room leaving nothing but a few sparks of lightning. Zack returned to the gym for Break. He rubbed his hands together and sprinted into the workout/gymnastic room.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"Welp its only me now..." Kyle said. He ate the rest of his food but kept his coffee. Basically assuming that everyone else was somewhere in the school he didn't need to be he left to his dorm. As soon as he got in he got into his bed laying there with nothing to do.


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel sat in his bed in his dorm, and looked at Kyle as he entered. He sighed, then got up and sat on a nearby chair near a desk, then grabbed a paper and a pencil and started making a few sketches, while thinking about the dance.

"I'm definitely a single pringle. Why does that dance have to be mandatory? I don't have anybody to take to the dance. Hmm... Maybe I can sneak out. But how?" He thought to himself, a million questions in his head.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"Dude it's not worth just stay or sneak out tomorrow. Not like they're gonna notice with the number of students here." Kyle said. He then turned to his side and his coffee on a desk. 'Its not like I have a chance anyways I'll stay in the dorms with other guys who didn't wanna go. Maybe get to know them and play some games.' Kyle thought.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Parker had calmed down for the most part and his face had only been slightly pink when talking to Aubrey. "Uh, okay. That sounds like a plan I guess. I still would have preferred not going at all, but if this works than it's alright. Anyways, I'm starving... Wanna grab a bite? The cafeteria is right there, and it'll be on me."
Again- why were her friends always so red in the face? She smiled sweetly, nodding in agreement.
“Okay-! But- you really don’t have to pay for me, that’s alright..” she chuckled, her face going vaguely red to match her friends’. So much for that.
Subconsciously, she started planning everything out.. oh, she could wear that, and when it was time to leave, they could go out that exit..
“Should we head there now?” She asked, referring to the cafeteria, the small smile from earlier still on her face.
Last edited:

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
"Yeah sure, after you." Parker announced, sounding somewhat like a gentleman. He held his arm out indicating her to go ahead of him and followed after her heading into the cafeteria. The selections of food amazed him, they had everything you could possible want to eat. "What are you going to get? I'm probably just going to get the ramen, it's always been my favorite..."
Aubrey’s mouth formed a little “O” as she looked around at all the selections.
“Hm.. I’m not sure.. I might get the ramen, too, just to try it out,” she murmured, mainly to herself, although admittedly she wasn’t all that hungry. Mainly just cold, as usual, which had become normal.
She’d absentmindly tugged at her sleeve, which already went past her hands, tilting her arms away as though to hide something, but it wasn’t too noticeable of a movement.
“So. Ramen’s your favorite food?” She inquired quietly, tilting her head up at him with a vague curiosity.
While playing smash with Zoro and Abyss, he called Aubery. "I guess I could talk to her. She's probably still with Parker... Hm... Can she hear my thoughts from here?" He asked himself. "Ah, whatever." He said, the phone still ringing.
A curious look crossed Aubrey’s face as her phone began to vibrate in her pocket. She offered a puzzled look to Parker- she had no reason to get any calls, and it was an unknown number- but reluctantly pressed ‘accept’.
“Hello?” She murmured lightly, tilting her head vaguely into the phone, an act of curiosity that was usually associated with confused puppies, of which she’d picked up.
"I keep forgetting that NOBODY knows I have their number. Hey. What's up. It's ya Boi, Pisces." He said. "Anyway, you hangin' with Parker? I was just Callin' cuz I wanted to warn you of An invisible girl that might prank you by possibly setting your pants on fire. She should be here soon." He said, a not-too-thrilled tone in his voice.


Previously Swirled
As he played Smash he noticed that the Kriby on his screen stopped moving, this gave him the opportunity to pause the game and try and find Oma's room to ask her to the dance, he also thought he might need therapy or maybe he had a crush on her, whatever that means.
“Oh- hey, Pisces, yeah, I am, we’re-“ her voice dropped as he began to explain.. “...Sorry- what? Okay, I’m sorry, you’re- you’re saying that-“ she glanced at Parked again with a confusingly amused expression on her face. “An invisible.. student. Just setting fire. All over the place,” she mumbled lightly, and again she tugged at her sleeves, past her hands. It would be really unfavorable if those were to set fire.

An invisible girl crept up on the two. She was stalking around. How did they know about her? Did they know Pisces? She thought to herself.
"This is going to be a fun fire-prank." She thought.

"Yeah. She's my cousin, Valerie. She's always burning things with the fire she got from my line, and the invisibility she got from her dad's line." He said. "Anyway, she's my age, and she's probably here by now. I bet she's fooling around in her dorm, though. What dorm are you in?" He asked. "Oh jeez, I'm probably overloading you! I'm sorry!" He said.
Aubrey sensed her thoughts like a moth sensed- well, a flame, and immediately she tensed, pulling her arms closer to herself. With the phone still to her ear, she spoke to air, although she knew the girl would hear her.
“Yes, we know Pisces, and he’s the one warning us about you,” she said clearly, answering the girl’s questions (that had only been asked through thought).
“And.. I would really prefer you to.. not. Set my pants on fire.” She added gingerly.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Soon just laying in his bed became him falling asleep to the next morning. He didn't think he would do it but he did. Sleeping under the blankets of his bed like a child waiting for what would happen the next day.
The night flew by like it was nothing.
People ate, had their break.. but everyone’s mind was on the dance. Everyone fell asleep feeling somewhat nervous, no blame to them. The day of the dance approached quickly, considering it was a day after everyone’s arrival. The anticipation was high in the air when everyone awoke the next morning.
During class, nothing seemed important. Just about everyone’s mind was on the dance (proven by Aubrey). Everyone seemed to be making a huge deal about it, with the exception of a few.
Class flew by faster than the students gifted with flight, and it was finally time for the pre-dance.
Girls were crowding their dorms, asking for makeup and pleading the other girls to zip up their dresses. Guys were solemnly asking their friends if their ties were crooked.
They were making much too big a deal of it, and while everyone was making plans to end up in a dorm room to play Truth or Dare or some other dumb teenage game related to making out, a tension hung in the air, and our protagonists dressed themselves for the night to come.
(Cue getting ready montages.. and... Go!)


Previously Swirled
Abyss never got time to see Oma to ask her to the dance, so he just decided to get ready and hoped he met with her after. Unfourtunatelu,due to being kicked out of his hometown, he had no money, so really he had nothng nice to wear. He sought out Zoro when he ran into Violet instead, "Hey Abyss," The angel greeted cheerfully, with a couple of dresses in hand, "So what do you plan on wearing?" He didn't want to go into the whole thing but he felt that this time, it was necessary, "Actually, I'm broke, so I have nothing nice to wear." As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Violet grabbed his hand and sped to the nearest place where one could but a tuxedo and gave the cryokenesis user enough money to buy one. After trying on many, he and Violet collectively liked one and so he bought it with her money. As they walked back to their dorms, st asked, "So are you going to dance?" He shook his head no as he A. didn't like dancing and B. didn't know how to. So he went in his dorm and got changed into your usual tux, it was black throughout as it was one of his favorite colors. Violet had a beautiful white dress that she bought nd she felt that it suited her perfectly, she now waited for Oma to get ready and Abyss waited for Zoro to do the same.
Pisces walked into class with all his clothes on fire. "You know very well that isn't going to work." He said, and then, a girl wearing orange pants, an orange T-shirt, orange shoes, and had brown hair appeared behind him. "Grr...." She growled. "Hey! It's that girl I planned to prank yesterday!" She yelled, and pointed to Aubery. "This is my cousin, Valerie." He sighed.
Aubrey looked up at Valerie’s mention of her, but waved a quick goodbye as she disappeared into her dorm to figure out.. appearances.
She slipped on her dress, a short sweater dress that was somewhat tightly fitted. It was a pastel purple- lavender?
Whatever. It was a light shade of purple that complimented her nicely.
Her hair was an issue to deal with, but after a while she’d managed to tame it, decidedly leaving it down. Black waves and curls rested at her shoulders, considering her hair wasn’t that long, and it felt weird. Usually her hair was up.
Makeup was never really high up on Aubrey’s priority list, and it still wasn’t. She wasn’t too good with the terms (“what’s the difference between foundation and concealer? what?”), but she shrugged. It’d be relatively dark, she was sure, so if she messed up it wouldn’t be that bad. Really all she did was light eyeliner and a bit of.. (“wait what’s this called again?”) mascara. She didn’t bother trying to hide her skin, because she was slowly coming around to it. She looked around at the girls around her and immediately felt underdressed.
Jesus.. these girls look like they’re getting married today. That’s a literal ball gown. No. Thanks.
Admittedly, she didn’t think she looked all that bad, and usually she hates her appearance. Really, if Aubrey thinks she looks okay, she really looks quite good, but as someone who doesn’t think too highly of herself..
After being dragged to his dorm by Valerie, she forced the poor, helpless Pisces into a red and black striped polo shirt and some tan shorts. "Ugh. You know I look terrible in this stuff." He grumbled. "You just say that. You actually look pretty good in it!" She said. "And besides. At least I didn't feel up to doing your hair." She said, putting on her orange dress that went to her calves. She then began putting on makeup, doing her hair, (Insert stuff girls do here. I'm sorry, but I'm a dude. I really don't know what the opposite gender does.). Pisces waited for her, and then he reluctantly was dragged back to the school.
All the girls from her dorm left as a.. flock of frilly dresses, Aubrey reluctantly following in the back. The mass in front of her was a mess of hot pink and neon blue, and their thoughts were even more of a mess to the mind reading girl.
I hope Nick is there.
Britney’s dress is too short, she looks like a total sl-

They made their way into the school, and Aubrey reluctantly drew her arms closer to her, feeling uncomfortable, her face already reddening.
"Hey Aubery." He sighed, as he walked into the school. "Hey, don't be so glum, chum. You could, get the girl that way!" She siad. "Wait. Do you even have a date, Pisces?" She asked. "No. But neither do you." He said. "Well, why don't you ask that girl." She said, pointing to Aubery. "Well, because I'm not the type to ask girls that I just met yesterday to a dance." He said, and Valerie frowned. "Your loss."


Previously Swirled
Abyss then walked out of the room as he straightened out his collar, which was beginning to choke him. He spotted Aubrey with two other people he never met but decided to talk to her any way cause no one else was there. He got up to them and asked, "Hey Aubrey, who are your friends?" Violet walked out of the door, feeling that she looked pretty good, she then shortly found Abyss talking to three others she didn't know, but decided to meet with them anyway, "Hey Abyss, are you and anyone else here going to the dance with a date?"
The boy shook his head no, thinking everyone else would do the same, after all, they all known each other for only a day.
Aubrey looked up at the mention of her name, smiling at the sight of someone she knew.
“Hey!” She replied, fiddling with her sleeve. And then she heard Valerie’s remark.
“Oh, we’re going together with another friend,” she added.
“Hey- Pisces, I forgot to give this to you, I meant to a bit ago,” she fumbled around in a small bag that rested at her hip and handed him a chip of the Skyfire.
And then she looked up at Abyss, waving microscopically. “This is Pisces, and this is.. Valerie?” She explained, gesturing to the cousins. “And- I don’t think any of us are going with actual dates,” she chuckled sheepishly, ducking her head.
Speaking of friends- where’s Parker?


Previously Swirled
"Well nice to meet both of you, so do any of you plan on actually dancing? I know I don't." Abyss asked the group, and when he said this, Violet seemed confused, "I plan on dancing, even though I'm not good at it, why not?" Abyss replied with relative calmness, "I can't dance, I've never learned how, and I don't like dancing." The angel seemed shocked as if he just killed her entire family, "How do you not know how to dance?" He simply told her, "Haven't been taught and I don't care to learn."
"Sooo, basically you're the third wheel, Psice-" "SHUT UP!" He yelled, interrupting Valerie's rude comment. "Anyways, yeah. I'm Valerie." She said, smirking. "Thanks for this shard." He said, holding the peice of the Skyfire. "Yeah. Really, we've only known Each other for a day, so.." He said, but then Valerie left saying something about asking a random dude out. "The lengths she'll go to..." He sighed.
“I’m dancing, just so I don’t seem like the kind of person to sneak out of a high school dance when I sneak out.” She chuckled, bringing a hand up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. At Valerie’s remark, the girl’s face reddened.
“Oh, no, it’s not- it’s not like that, we- we all met yesterday,” she mumbled in a flustered way as Valerie left with a smirk.
“She must be really good at humiliating people,” she commented. “Also- that shard, I can’t hear your thoughts now. Just figured I should.. respect your privacy. So.”
Pisces shrugged. "Man, she's really good at her job. It's probably the fact that she has 9 older brothers." He said. He then faceslapped as Valerie va,e back around skipping. "I got a date with some dude named Austin! Eat on that chumps!" She said. Then, Pisces froze.


Previously Swirled
"Oh God you got a date with Austin, of all people, you picked that laughing stock," Abyss asked, almost laughing, "All he does is just talk acting like he is cool, but gets beat up by everyone, I know your going through puberty but get some standards." Violet just seemed confused, "Who's Austin?" Abyss quickly replied, "No one important."
Aubrey stiffened.
“Oh, nonono, you don’t want to-“
“Hey, losers,” A voice announced, and Austin came around a corner and put his arm around Valerie. He looked around the group and his eyes set on Aubrey and Pisces.
“Hey there, Speckles,” he smirked, “how’s the head?”
Prove you aren’t weak prove you aren’t weak prove you aren’t-
“Y’know, headaches as usual. Mind reading is a pretty tedious task,” she replied coldly, emphasis on the “mind reading” part as to say “Don’t. I can get to your deepest secret in seconds”, which was already a curveball considering he was referring to her being thrown to a wall. Austin’s face didn’t waver as he turned his attention to Pisces.
“Hey, it’s Hotshot! Cooled off yet?”


Previously Swirled
"Be quiet Austin,the adults are talking, and speaking of which, how's that wound from Zoro treating you, in fact you should count how many times you plot owner, lemme see that's three in one day, and knowing you likely more. Know could you please leave us?" Abyss shooed Austin away as he talked down tobhim, with Violet adding, "Do you even contribute anything meaniful to this entire school, the answer is likely no."
Pisces sighed. "Actually, yes. I have. Thank you for taking an interest in me." He said, smiling, completely unfazed. "Anyway, yeah. Do you know this guy? He's amazing!" She said. Pisces sighed. "Dude. He's a jerk. Don't get caught up in his smugness." He said, frowning. "Shut up!" Yelled Valerie.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
(Prepare for the best montage XD)

Kyle woke know this was of the day of the dance and all he had to do was sit in the corner. He put on his hoodie, jeans, and a baseball hat that said I ain't dancing. Walking of his dorm while slipping into his blue nikes.
Then he saw a group of familiar faces and a guy who looked like trouble. "What's up players, it's ya boi Half Ghoul bringing it live from his dark alley!" Kyle said.


Previously Swirled
"And here comes all of the cringe manifested into one single half ghoul and human being," Abyss said tiredly, "Play with Austin for a little bit, I'm sure you two will get along." He then waited for Zoro to come over or Oma cause that would be even better and than he realized, Aubrey can read my mind, so she is gonna get all this and why I want to see Oma.
Aubrey smiled as Kyle made his way towards them.
“Are you ripping off Pisces from yesterday?” She shouted, although her tone wasn’t mean, and it was playfully teasing. And then she scoffed as Austin tried to make a smooth comeback. She glanced at Valerie.
“Just.. be careful with him,” she grimaced, completely aware that the girl was probably too stubborn to listen to them.
She glanced at Abyss, his thoughts entirely on..
He’s gone soft for a girl.
Thats.. kind of sweet.