So many people afraid of bugs/insects/spiders... o.0
Hmm... But of my own fears... That is pretty simple.
~You know those Marienet dolls? That can look like clowns to anything else, with china faces, and hand painted face detail?
Yeah... I am utterly and completely terrified of those things. I mean, I am afraid of clowns in detail (I'll go into that later), but those things are just creepy... I got one for my birthday when I was a little girl, and I kept it at my father's house (because my parents were divorced, and I only went to his place 6 days of each month). Anyways, I kept throwing that thing in my closest because that thing would glare at me and I would be chilled to my spine. I mean once, I threw it in my closest, shut the closet door, walked out of my room, just shut the door, remembered I forgot something, walked back in to see the doll on my bed on the other side of the room. Unless I had blacked out again (cause I have spells like that) I swear that thing was demonic.
~Then their is clowns. I have this fear thanks to my dad's mother. (Love you, Grandma, bless your soul, but it's your fault!) Ever grandchild in my family gets these hand made clown dolls and this hanging clown to go over their bed when they turn five. I was no exception. These things made with total love, scared the hell out of every single grandchild. We refuse to pass these things on. They always had this evil smile and their eyes appeared to glow....
Believe me, at the funeral, all of us grandkids were sitting there talking about these things and shivering and cringing as we retold our own freaky experiences with them.
~Now on to heights. I can't stand them. I will either hyperventilate and freeze up or I will freeze up and stop breathing. I can't go on most open stairways. (you know the ones with distance from the wall so you can see down sort of thing?) I refuse to go on glass floors. (I live in Michigan, and our capital building has a glass floor. I go to the capital every single year, and have to go to security for a special pass to use the elevators at all times, because of the glass floor and open stair ways. And this also helps in the fact I know every single secret passageway in the building, to avoid heights, and I had to teach security about them all.)
Once, I went on a field trip to the CN tower in Canada, and my stupid teacher chaperon is like "Everyone on to the glass floor (with is over 70 stories up) so I can take a picture!" I refused. She started yelling at me, threatening with punishment, and I said no, and stayed firmly planted by the wall, sitting on the ground. I even told her I had a phobia of heights, she still didn't leave me alone. Finally she came over picked me up (she was the gym teacher), and placed me on the floor. I couldn't help but see down with all the mirrors everywhere and the perfectly clear glass... I cried, froze up, screamed once, then stopped breathing.... After thirty seconds of me not doing anything, even breathing, the teacher finally realized "Oh wait! This isn't good!" and took me down the elevator. Plus side out of this... That teacher became my slave at school... I got out of many things. ^ ^;;;
~Finally, I am afraid of death. I can't really go to funerals. I go in them to show respect, but I can't touch the corpse, doing the actually funeral, you can see my outside, usually smoking (only time I do this is because I am scared or stressed to hell), until the funeral is over. Thinking of death to long causes me to cry and scream in terror. I mean, I know it's natural, but I can't help it.
When I know someone is dying, I distance myself from them, and I truly hate it. I really do. I did this when my mom's baby sister was dying... I loved my aunt so much, she was the closest person to me in the family, and I could barely hug her without being afraid. And because of that, I missed out on so much in her final time.
Those are my fears. I hate them all, but I do try to concure them. I really do.
For heights, I step a little closer to the railing and look over, trying to stand there a little longer each time... But I run away once it gets to hard.
For clowns, a family friend is a balloon clown by trade, so I make sure to always stop by him and say hello whenever I see him in his costume.
For death, I try to stay in the funerals longer, and try to touch the person for viewing... Though this is still my hardest one.
For the Marienet dolls... I don't care. I hate them, and don't want to try anything with them...
But I prefer my fears to my mothers.
She is afraid of:
~Birds (I love them so much!)
~Spiders (I love holding tarantulas and daddy longlegs)
~Mice/Rats (I love them!)
~Most insects (I love touching them, playing with them. Butterflies are my favorite. Bees are sweet, potato bugs rock. xD)
~Most animals that aren't cats (I love animals. I mean it... I am only scared of Collies and Chihuahuas.. But I can still pet them and play with them.)
~Heights (shared)