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Should there be fan trolls?

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Previously El Spazzino
RP THREAD: https://pokecharms.com/threads/four-fourteen-homestuck-rp.20886/

Idk if this will be private... I do wanna keep it pretty small... I would like to keep it up to 4 kids, and the rest could be trolls?
And, this might surprise you, sorry, but I don’t wanna be grounded again, so I’ll have to limit cussing to ones that aren’t extremely bad. (crap, etc etc,), and I hope this will last longer than others.

It is 4/14, 2009, it is currently the end of the world. Some kids are standing in their bedrooms, except for a few, being totally oblivious and will play a game that might save them from destruction. What will they do?

oi you guys, wanna do this, you guys are cool.
@Rhysiepuffs @GreninjaTrainer013
Hey hey hey! We could use some trolls! And the people above and you, yes, YOU can be them! Ok bye!

So those of you aren’t familiar with Homestuck, I’d reccomend reading it, though it is
pretty long, and would advise people with knowledge of it do this.

Hero of Space: @Philucifer
Hero of Life: @CriticalMaster
Hero of Hope: @Nukas
Hero of Time: @Riverrunner

oi, gimme trolls.

You can reference Homestuck gags, jokes, and weapons inspired by the webcomic. (x like an x and x on your x).

Age: (12-14)
Kind Abstratus:
Lunar Sway:

Age: (7 Sweeps, 15 Earth years)
Symbol: (If from the extended zodiac, put a link.)
Personality + Hemoloyalty:
Kind Abstratus:
Lunar Sway:

If your weapon is like spear kind or claw kind, try using toy versions like that, unless you’re like Dave, or a troll. (Ex: Clawkind: some floss things held together by rubber band)

and the font used for pesterlogs/spritelpgs is courier new, bold.
like this!

Name: Jace
Age: 13
Surname: Mulligan
Classpect: Heir of Space
Guardian: Sis
Appearance: https://pokecharms.com/works/my-gog-this-is-bad.52606/
Jace is a very weird person, and may do what he thinks is right. He is also somewhat egotistical, and ironically gets mad when he loses. He is below average in his fighting skills, and good with weapons, because he uses them to thrash people when he gets really upset. He has creativity and fast, though he gets tired really easily. Jace is also optimistic and a sometimes either has a bold and/or cowardly actions. He is also a bit lazy and will act if someone doesn’t, and is one to pretend everything is fine, when he is very scared.
Kind Abstratus: Spearkind
Chumhandle: elatedPopsicle
Lunar Sway: Prospit
Modus: TenZi. Roll a die/dice for the amount of syllables the thing has in it. The faster it is, the more power it will use to launch it.

Name: Tubril, comes from tumakbo n baril, filipino (my race) for run n gun, as she lives on the streets.
Age: 7 Sweeps
Surname: Gohdoe, comes from the Ace Attorney prosecutor, Godot.
Classpect: Mage of Breath
Lusus: A large, large, mouse with 4 small wings on their back
Appearance: https://pokecharms.com/works/lasy.53380/
Symbol: http://hs.hiveswap.com/ezodiac/truesign.php?TS=Gemun (My True Sign is GEMUN)
Personality + Hemoloyalty:
Tubril is infected with voidrot, a disease that goldbloods have. It means you're always gonna or will die. To survive, her powers are the power of emitting small waves of energy, but this really tires her out. Her main move is doing something similar like that, but give her energy via hugging or some crap. Her visor also makes sure she is doing good. She lives on the street with her lusus, and can be extremely rude and switches her interests alot. Tubril has a 'reputation' being a hot-headed person who duels people when they look at her. She doesn't really care about the hemospectrum, but really hates the snobby highbloods, just those types really infuriate her! Tubril has a high level of intellect and shares good info if they're cool. Now, for the obligatory funny statements you see in troll call cards. Pizza crust enthusiast. Lives off raw eggs. Trash mammal.
Kind Abstratus: bladekind. It's a scimitar with a gold blade and a pink handle.
Sprite: Mousesprite
Trollian: dustyVerdoemde
Lunar Sway: Derse
Modus: Syllable Modus (Clap out the syllables and badabing badaboom, you got it.)
Other: UH. Ancestor is the Roadpest.

oi, get sumotha people, I’m new at this.

Also, how will the trolls fit into this? :T
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Name: Brandon
Age: 13
Surname: Stewart
Classpect: Page of Life
Guardian: Father
Appearance: He has extremely messy black hair and wears an unzipped blue sweater and grey jeans, his eyes and skin are light brown.
Personality: Brandon is an extremely mellow and lazy person, he is very content with doing nothing all day, usually this laziness gets him into trouble, He always tries to deflect blame but fails to do so because of a lack of effort to cover up his tracks. He has almost no fighting skills and can be very cocky and arrogant when fighting. He is also a huge nerd for old videogames.
Kind Abstratus: Fistkind
Sprite: Battletoadsprite
Chumhandle: glacialChamp
Lunar Sway: Prospit.
Modus: Array
Other: His birthday is July 14.
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Previously El Spazzino
Noice, but I’d recommend making the chumhandle like glacialChamp and I’d say something about the name not being 4 characters, but I guess humans don’t have name letter rules or something. Also, is your sprite a TMNT ripoff? Accepted.
Are we gender-locking classes? I'd like to have a female Prince (well, more like Princess) of Time. (human, of course. I'm not sure how we can incorporate trolls into a human session unless they're trolling the kids.)


Previously El Spazzino
Nah, no gender-locking. Unless it's a Bard. And if you were a female prince, if they rised up, that'd be awkward. (Ascending into god-tier.) But, hey, it's 2019. I'm fine with it! Also, there has to be two Prospit dreamers and two Derse dreamers, reminding you. And I would like to not have trolls, and have it be a regular session!
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not as awkward as some godtier outfits... poor Jake, he deserves pants

I'll submit my bio when I have time, thank you! Also, I think trolls would work as, well... trolls like they were in the canon session. Not actively participating in the session but contacting the kids and talking with them. Of course, we don't have to do patron troll things!

I was also wondering if any of the kids were going to be awake (or "awake") on their dream moons before the game "starts"? Like how Kanaya and Jade were awake on Prospit before any of the other players, or how Roxy sleepwalked and Dirk was able to control both of his selves.


Previously El Spazzino
Yes, I was planning to have my character dream on Prospit their whole life, and you could both be awake and on Derse on the same time, though sophisticated circumstances. Also, I'm thinking they could both be in their sessions, contacting them in a weird way? :/ Btw, we have 2 boys and need 2 gals.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Name: Lily
Age: 12
Surname: Maddison
Classpect: Knight of Hope
Guardian: Brother
Appearance: Lily has her hair in a high ponytail coming about halfway down her back. She wears a t-shirt and leggings with a symbol of a flower on it. She's not overly concerned with her appearance, as long as it doesn't get in the way.
Personality: Lily is very serious doesn't really let her personality show much. She has learned to fight from her Brother and enjoys training. She does care deeply about her friends even if she doesn't show it much. She has a strong belief in her own abilities. Enjoys playing fighting and strategy games online with her friends.
Kind Abstratus: Staffkind and Shurikenkind
Sprite: NinjadogSprite (first prototype: stuffed ninja Lily's had since she was little second: her dead dog)
Chumhandle: stoicAssasin
Lunar Sway: Derse
Modus: Target modus (allows you to store up to 30 items, displays your items as targets you have to hit in order to get it to appear, the more recent the item was put in, the closer the target)
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Previously Kid_Nukas
Ok cool I'll try to get a post up later today. Just so you know this is her text color. Tell me if you need any more info on her.


Previously El Spazzino
Your post was amazing, @Nukas. And by the way, who is gonna be the EctoBiologist? And if your guardian is mom or pop, you might need to get another figure to be your ectodad/mom.
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Previously Kid_Nukas
The first person in the game is usually the ectobiologist, so in this case it would most likely be criticalmaster. Also, Lily's final pesterlog should be occurring as Brandon is entering the game in case there was confusion about time.
If this is still open, I can make a Derse-dreaming Time player (who I assume would have to be a girl if you guys are following Homestuck session rules to a T) to prevent the session from becoming void.

As a bit of a disclaimer, while I've read all of Homestuck (minus the epilogues), I haven't read the beginning or interacted with the fanbase as a whole in a while, so I might get some terminology wrong at first if I'm allowed to join.


Previously El Spazzino
Yeah, this is open. Feel free to make ya character. Sorry, @pearlie.Oh, and both my prototypings are pre-entry, so the imps will have twoheaded monkey imps. Sorry!
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Sorry for the wait, I've had a busy couple of days. Anyway, here's my character:

Name: Ally
Age: 13
Surname: Bishop
Classpect: Mage of Time
Guardian: Pop
Appearance: Standing at around 5'3" with her brown hair chopped into a messy bob and a complexion that indicates she hasn't seen sun in a while, Ally could be described as appearing almost fragile at first glance. Despite this, she's fairly strong, with a bit of muscle hidden under the long sleeves of her shark-emblazoned shirt. She keeps a dark blue jacket tied around her waist over a pair of black jeans, just in case.
Personality: Generally Ally tends to act kindly (if a tad bit socially inept), trying to behave with everyone's best intentions in mind. She's knowledgable on a variety of different subjects, especially those in the realm of everything aquatic and different types of literature. However, she lacks confidence in her own abilities, owing all of her accomplishments to rigorous planning beforehand. As such, she's not great at thinking on the fly, and tends to panic when a situation slips out of her control.
Kind Abstratus: Fishingrodkind (fshngrdkind?)
Sprite: TBD
Chumhandle: neptunianHaiku
Lunar Sway: Derse
Modus: Capsule Modus: Items captchalogued within are set to emerge at a specific time. Fantastic if you have a plan—not great for thinking on the fly.
Other: She's just a kid with way too much time on her hands and no way to manage that without time management skills. Basically what I'm saying is that if she were a DnD character, wisdom would definitely be her dump stat.
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Previously El Spazzino
Amazing, accepted. I love everything about it. Though, your kind can be fshgrodkind, because all weapon kinds have 12 letters, including the kind. I’d love to see you use the rod as a weapon. And I think your modus is kind of like the human and more probably easier version of Kanaya’s modus, but it’s ok.


Previously Kid_Nukas
@Riverrunner I love how your character truly embraces the negatives of time like how mages are supposed to start out. Plus it gives you a much easier access to your items later on by controlling time. I think she's really cool and unique and feels like a character out of Homestuck.


Previously El Spazzino
Alright, I made a fight with an imp. I guess you could say we're on hard mode, if there is an option of that on SBURB. I hope Ally gets everything together on her own, and I still gotta do the Exile thing... I forgot, lol.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Are we gonna have post scratch characters? I'm kind of setting up Lily's brother for it if we are, but I just don't know if it's necessary at the moment.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Ok everyone, I did finally post. I hope that is enough to revive this thing. I promise not to take that long of a hiatus again if we can revive it.


Previously Kid_Nukas
That is correct. While I'm pretty sure Lily's meteor won't show up for at least another hour or two as the time they had went up for each kid in homestuck, The difficulty to get to each totem also increased with each kid so they need to start setting up for Lily's challenge. Lily has no idea how much time she has, so she wants to hurry along just in case.


Previously El Spazzino
Ok, I think it's time to make like, 4-6 trolls. I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move and make a character sheet for trolls, aight? Also, to be original, the trolls are gonna be in their OWN session and the kids in THEIR session, at the same time. Feel free for your trolls to die!

Make sure your troll names mean something and a creative symbol!

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