I have the following
- Baltoy
- Barboach
- Burmy
- Cacnea
- Glameow
- Lileep
- Makuhita
- Shuckle
- Spiritomb
- TMs 2,3,5,9,10,12,15-17,20,21,and 23
- Razor Claw
- Metal Coat (x1)
- Light Ball
- Kings Rock (x1)
Is there anything else you are looking for which is none legendary?
what i'm looking for :
adamant (female) bagon with high IV's for attack and speed
jolly smergal with high IV's for speed (and either attack or specail attack)
jolly or adamant sneasle with high IV's for attack and speed
timid or modest gastly with high IV's for special attack and speed