While Peter Parker's death in the Ultimate Universe made me horribly depressed, I have to say that I'm hoping they don't bring him back either. I like Miles, and the only thing I can say that I dislike about him is that he isn't Peter Parker, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Like I said, Peter dying made me terribly sad. I'm interested to see where the Spider-Men thing goes, but I'm not following much Marvel at the moment. Well, not when compared to how much DC New 52 I'm following.
I'm so excited for the Night of Owls, Batman is definitely my favorite of the New 52. And I'm not even saying so as a Batman fanboy, but from an actual legitimate viewpoint. It's definitely got the best writing from any of the series out right now, in my opinion, and as much as I dislike missing out on certain crossovers from not following some Batfamily books (like the crossover Nightwing had with Batgirl back in issue... 4, I think?) I'm really looking forward to it affecting the others. Particularly Nightwing, which is another one of the series high up my list of awesome comics at the moment.
I've also been told to follow the new Punisher series that is out now, but I've got limited funding so I'm going to have to hold off until I've got more cash, but I'm interested to see the crossover that's going to be having with Avenging Spider-Man and Daredevil, as Daredevil is one of my favorite Marvel books at the moment.
Also, just going to throw this out here, I'm really excited to see Avengers Vs. X-Men, even though the whole X-Men canon is confusing the -eff- out of me right now. Probably should actually read Fear Itself and get a bearing on what's been happening with Marvel's canon.