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General Gaming Discussions


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Doctor Oak said:

I'm sure this will be of interest to some.

Read the article. Stole an image. This sums up my response:

While Metal Gear Solid 3 is a prequel and would actually be playable by beginners easily it also references a TON of characters and things MGS1 and 2 introduced.

I'm fighting my way through the MGS games right now and they are quite enjoyable.

MGS1 is on PSN if you want the original playstation version.

MGS3 also has some of the best controls for a MGS game and going back to MGS1 and 2 after finishing the third might be problematic for some which is a shame because both 1 and 2 are very nice games.

There's also a better looking version of MGS1 called Twin Snakes that got released for the gamecube. Some bitch about acrobatics in cinematics but those people are silly.

I would actually get the HD collection instead. Looks better, offers many games, costs less and controls better even if you do have a 2nd circle pad for the 3DS.

Also, the game SHOULD work with one circle pad only. You cant run while aiming and the original version of MGS3 had locked cameras, something that was fixed with a rerelease of the game.

On another note: Guild Wars 2 is going into beta test quite soon and will most likely release this june, Tera is launching in may, Phantasy Star Online 2 is going into alpha in one day and Mists of Pandaria should come soon too.

Thats quite something for MMOs after the blunder that SWTOR was.
I actually got to play Tera by getting past japanese captcha, getting a japanese proxy and changing my whole PC into a japanese machine because the japanese people dont want baka gaijins like me in their game.
Tera might have the best classes ever seen in a MMO:
http://tera.onlinewelten.com/uploads/ga ... pic-85.jpg


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Fumanshu said:
I would actually get the HD collection instead. Looks better, offers many games, costs less and controls better even if you do have a 2nd circle pad for the 3DS.

Thing about me is that I play my handhelds more than my consoles. I can pretty much guarantee that if I bought the HD Collection instead I would likely not play it for ages (especially since I have numerous 360 and PS3 games on the back burner). Buying this will basically be my introduction to the series, and if I like it then I'll go back and play others. I'm not really fussed about playing them from the beginning and any references that I miss I can look into later.
Well then you should be set. I could imagine that the game would also take some mystery out of the Big Boss, the character that you play as in MGS3 that everybody talks about NONSTOP in the games that come after it. But it should be fine.

Might not interest many but I'm way past the point where I care.

Megaman and Pacman confirmed for StreetfighterXTekken.
Both are exclusive for the PS3 and the Vita and the Vita also gets one japanese cat. Cole from Prototype is also in and so are massive amounts of characters from Streetfighter and Tekken.
Xbox gets the smaller roster of characters AGAIN. Same happened with Mortal Kombat and it makes me wonder why. Megaman and Pacman arent really Sony material.

Here is the Megaman reveal trailer:
http://www.siliconera.com/2012/01/26/me ... -and-vita/

Its not really the Megaman most people expected. Its the horrible US-Boxart Megaman from the 80s.

The game looks fine as hell and its something that I cant wait to get. I already played a beta at gamescon and it was pretty cool.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Fumanshu said:
Its not really the Megaman most people expected. Its the horrible US-Boxart Megaman from the 80s.

Um... Okay Capcom. Pacman looks like typical 3D Pacman, and you choose that incarnation of Mega Man to include in the game?

I'd love to know who the marketing genius behind that decision was. It's not nostalgic. It's not "so bad, it's good". It's just plain bad. ;)
Yoshinori Ono the Streetfighter big guy secretly called Inafune the maker of Megaman a year ago which was about the time Inafune left Capcom and together they worked out this type of Megaman.
Pretty cool that he did that because Capcom actually burned all the bridges when its about Inafune.

I love this design. Looks way better than the original Boxart Megaman.

They already wanted to put him into the cancelled Megaman Universe

So talk about that character isnt new.

I think that he looks and behaves in a hilarious way. His Super combo also looks like the typical Megaman run and gun approach.

We already had Megaman in a fighting game before. It was Marvel Vs Capcom and because capcom couldnt think of a good moveset they made up some very stupid stuff and added his soccer ball move from Megaman 8 which just ended up being a very horrible and unused character.

Pacmans Mokujin suit is also amazing.

I really dont think that its a bad thing and the fans need to learn something about humor.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Fumanshu said:
I really dont think that its a bad thing and the fans need to learn something about humor.

See, I'm barely a Mega Man fan and even I find that design downright hideous (in a CD-i Link sorta way). I'm sorry, but I do. It just screams "troll!", which in itself is rather funny... but that's as far as it goes. XD

Doctor Oak

Staff member
It is hideous. That's the joke. That's what the -actual- box art Megaman looked like. I think his appearence in this game is just a way of making good on the joke they promised us in Universe before it got shit-canned.

The -real- sad thing is that this is probably the only thing we'll get for Megaman's anniversary this year. Probably even worse that making such a joke out of Megaman in this way is likely a deliberate play on Capcom's part to diminish the franchise purely out of spite. The company is just plain losing it.

That said, I do find this version to be a hilarious addition and is enough to make me pick PS3 over Xbox. That and Cole from inFamous (Not Prototype :p).
Doctor Oak said:
That and Cole from inFamous (Not Prototype :p).
Everybody knows that inFamous and Prototype are the same games.

Also there was some actual talk about Megamans 25th anniversary.
I think that there will actually come something.

"The year 2012 marks the 25th anniversary of two iconic franchises, Mega Man and Street Fighter and like any anniversary Capcom is planning to properly mark the occasion. Capcom’s Christian Svensson confirmed as much over on Capcom Unity."
Should be more than just a silly character.

All in all people predicted Megaman disappearing from the scene soon enough with Inafune leaving Capcom. I'm not so sure about that.
Zero is in MVC3 (a character that REALLY fits into fighting games), Megaman now in SFxT, I think we'll see more of the blue bomber.

I would be ok with a MM and MMX collections for PSN for the anniversary as those games were never released over here.

In retrospect I would have loved if they treated Phoenix Wright like that in UMVC. The fanboy tears would be glorious.
But the Megaman fanboy tears will have to be enough for now.

Here an anecdote from a fighting game channel I visit.

<Fumanshu> I love it
<skip> me too
<skip> it's perfect
<skip> all you ever heard from the mega man fankids since mm legends 3 got cancelled
<skip> well guess what fucks
<skip> you got mega man


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Trolling is trolling. Some people will get a kick out of it, some won't. Trolling your own fanbase? Hilarious, but not really the smartest business tactic when they're already pissed off at you. ;)

Don't get me wrong. I'm not fussed by this either way, just sharing my two cents. (Although this design is so damn awful that I'd outright avoid using the charrie if I bought the game xD)

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Linkachu said:
Although this design is so damn awful that I'd outright avoid using the charrie if I bought the game xD)

If you watch the video, the character actually looks like he'd be one of the most interesting to play as. Maybe not one of the most powerful (though knowing Capcom, their joke characters can really go either way), but certainly different enough to be a lot more interesting than half the Tekken characters anyway.

Maybe Capcom will throw in a skin (or DLC character) for a more traditional Mega Man, but then, the freaky '3D World' Pac-Man is just as disturbing and 'wrong' to me as the Box Art Mega Man is, so I think they're pretty much equally suited bastardisations of what they're meant to represent.

The cats are the weirdest thing really. Since when did Sony have official cat mascots?
Sonys cat mascots are Japan only afaik and often get cameos in games nobody cares about like Everybodys Golf.

And the 3D Pacman is basically the official Pacman since PSX days.


WiiU news!
First of all Nintendo considers changing the name of the WiiU while also trying to avoid problems that came up with the 3DS launch. They most likely mean the fact that many people thought that the 3DS was just a DS with the 3D option that turned many customers away.
So They might drop the Wii prefix.

Personally I would like the "Nintendo U" or Super Nintendo 2, but thats just me.


http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/3987 ... ealed_.php

Looks like the WiiU will come with its own little barcode scanner type of thing that will enable physical DLC. This is kind of good news because I fear digital only DLC but then again I generally fear DLC because I experienced way too much abusage of that system.

You could basically buy a Pokeman figurine, scan it and get the Peekachew onto you game. Just as an example.


And when will the topic be renamed to "Alex Katie and Fuman talk about vidja general"?

Doctor Oak

Staff member
NFC isn't a barcode scanner. It's basically radio wave data transmission. In effect, another technology along the lines of Bluetooth, WiFi, etc - except that NFC is designed to be 'always on', can transmit automatically so long as you're within its short range and can be produced on something as small and thin as a Sim or Credit card.

The point of the controller featuring it is supposedly for compatibility with NFC credit card transactions (and phones with Google Wallet/Paypal too, I guess). Which is awesome and amazingly forward thinking for the company that launched their last console without HD because it was still a developing technology with no clear market.

The fact it basically allows Nintendo to create their own version of Skylanders is gravy on top that I honestly can't see them NOT taking advantage of - especially for Pokemon.

As for the Wii U name, I'd been anticipating such a move since the 3DS began to falter and we learned the major reasons why. The 3DS name was a fairly poor choice, but even poorer was Nintendo's marketing that didn't make it at all clear that it wasn't just a new version of the DS ala the DSi. Considering a lot of people walked away from last E3 with the misunderstanding that the Wii U was just a new controller for the existing Wii Console, it's not surprising that Nintendo feels a rebranding is necessary.

I wouldn't really be surprised to see them moving away from the existing name AND existing design, really. The Wii U console demonstrated last year is far too similar to the Wii, and will only breed confusion. They don't have to go overboard on redesigning it (although if you wanna make it JUST like the Gamecube, I'd be happy!), but a unique look would definitely be a good idea. Tweaking the tablet controller for a slightly new look wouldn't be a terrible idea either, but so long as it's comfortable to hold and play with, I'm frosty either way. I think a whole new name is the best way to go - rather than invoking either the Wii or U parts of it. Variations on either can't really lead anywhere good.

Overall, I think this year's E3 is going to be a slightly humble one for Nintendo to begin with. They know they made a rather large balls up with the 3DS and the Wii U's original reveal, and they've got some big lessons to learn from all that as well as the Wii's own flaws. There's going to have to be a bit of backtracking and damage control for sure - especially if Nintendo wants to use it as the best opportunity to turn their stock woes around.

That said, I can see a strong showing otherwise for them. Nintendo's promised that the Wii U (or whatever) launch will correct the mistakes they made with the 3DS's. They specifically referred to having a strong software library available on day one (which I, personally, would take as meaning at least one Mario and one Pokemon game available for launch) and hopefully will be sensible on pricing too. With all that to come, I can't really imagine that there won't be a strong software showing from Nintendo this year. If they do it right, they're in a good position to have one of their best E3s for a very long time.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
http://www.joystiq.com/2012/01/29/capco ... ns-of-1-3/

Ace Attorney 5 announced. No indication of whether or not it, or the Prof Layton crossover, will ever make it outside of Japan. Or whether Cacpom will deem us worthy to play the second Edgeworth game at some point in the far flung future, for that matter either.

It's great to see that the Ace Attorney series is making big waves, with new games and a movie forthcoming. It's just a bit heartbreaking that there's a huge possibility that none of it will ever leave the All Glorious Nippon for fear of us dirty gaijins defiling it.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
This is why I'm actually so glad I paid out the extra cash for Playstation Plus when I got my PS3:

From 1st February:
The Simpsons Arcade - 100 per cent off (you save £7.99/€9.99)
Final Fantasy V (PSone Classic) - 100 per cent off (you save £7.99/€9.99)
Hungry Giraffe (minis) - 100 per cent off (you save £2.49/€2.99)
Farm Frenzy (minis) - 100 per cent off (you save £2.49/€2.99)
Sonic Adventure - 50 per cent off (you save £3.15/€4.00)
Sonic Adventure DX Upgrade - 100 per cent off (you save £3.19/€3.99)
Rayman: Origins - 50 per cent off until 08/02/12 (you save £24.00/€30.00)
Second chance offer:
Sega Megadrive Classics: Sonic the Hedgehog - 100 per cent off; Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - 100 per cent off; Golden Axe - 100 per cent off; Streets of Rage 2 - 100 per cent off; Altered Beast - 100 per cent off; Comix Zone - 100 per cent off (you save £24.00/€30.00)
Jellybeans Dynamic Theme - 100 per cent off (you save £1.59/€1.99)
Skulls Dynamic Theme - 100 per cent off (you save £1.59/€1.99)
Rayman: Origins Globox Toe-Grab Avatar - 100 per cent off (you save £1.20/€1.50)
Rayman: Origins Darktoon Avatar - 100 per cent off (you save £1.20/€1.50)
Rayman: Origins Baby Dragon Avatar - 100 per cent off (you save £1.20/€1.50)
Still to come later this month:
Far Cry 2 - 100 per cent off from 14th to 22nd February (you save £15.99/€19.99)
Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment - 75 per cent off (you save £7.50/€9.75)
House of the Dead 3 (Move) - 30 per cent off for two weeks (you save £1.45/€1.79)
Splinter Cell, Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory - 50 per cent off for one week (you save £12.00/€15.00)

I've already enjoyed a cheaper set of Jurassic Park games, the entire Back to the Future series for free, Tomb Raider Underworld for free and a fair few discounts (even cheaper Final Fantasy sale games!).

In just the two months I've had the PS3, I've gotten more out of my much cheaper Playstation Plus subscription than my Xbox Live Gold subscription ever did for me. I have to say that I was initially sceptical of Sony's move with PS Plus - a desperate scramble to monetise a service that MS had already made a fortune from - but so far I've found it to be great value for money.

I wish Microsoft and Nintendo would adopt a similar reward system for people tied into giving them regular payments. Microsoft's attempt to value Gold based solely on being able to listen to whiny 13 year old Yanks curse at you through a shit-quality microphone just really doesn't hold water in comparison.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Huh. That's a pretty nice list of deals. I do admit that I enjoyed my free Playstation Plus subscription while I had it, but since I'm already paying for XBL I didn't want to shovel out cash for PS+ as well. I wonder what North America's discounter/freebie line-up looks like..

Btw - I looked into the Final Fantasy PSN offer. Just as I'd suspected it was Europe PSN only. I'm crossing my fingers that we'll receive a similar deal at some point because it'd be nice getting FF7, 8, and 9 for $5 instead of $10. :)

Edit: I decided to check out what PS+ stuff is going to be offered in North America. Some of it looks pretty sweet:


PS3 Full Games: Far Cry 2 – 2/14 (V-Day Special One Week Offer)

PSN Games:
The Simpsons Arcade Game – 2/7
Sega Genesis Bundle – 2/21
Altered Beast – 2/21
Comix Zone – 2/21
Golden Axe – 2/21
Sonic 1 – 2/21
Sonic 2 – 2/21
Streets of Rage 2 – 2/21
Battle Fantasia – 2/14
Fatal Inertia – 2/14
Hamsterball – 2/14
Inferno Pool – 2/7
Mahjong Tales: Ancient Wisdom – 2/14
Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars – 2/14

Hungry Giraffe – 2/7
Gold Medalist – 2/7

PS one Classics:
Final Fantasy V – 2/7

Full Game Trials:
Grand Theft Auto IV – 2/14
Deus Ex: Human Revolution – 2/21
Tom Clancy’S H.A.W.X 2 -2/21
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 -2/28

Early Access Demo:
The House Of The Dead III Exclusive Playstation Plus Demo – 2/7

Qore Episode 44 – February – 2/7

Avatars and Themes:
The House of the Dead 3 Dynamic Theme
Start The Party 2 Dynamic Theme – 2/21
The House Of The Dead III – Agent G Avatar
The House Of The Dead III – Lisa Avatar
The House Of The Dead III – Z1 Avatar

PSN Games:
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition (Bundle) – 2/14 (PS+ Price: $23.99)
The House of the Dead III – 30% off Crazy Taxi & SEGA Rally Arcade – Drive Me Crazy Bundle – 20% off – 2/21 (PS+ Price $9.59)
Sonic Rivals 1 – 25% off – 2/21 (PS+ Price $5.99)
Sonic Rivals 2 – 25% off – 2/21 (PS+ Price $5.99)
Sar – Search and Rescue Mini – 20% off – 2/21 (PS+ Price $TBD)
Hamilton’s Great Adventure – 50% off Sale Price – 2/21 (PS+ Price $2.50)
Even if the offered games were worse than what we got it would still be miles ahead of xbox live which adds nothing at all.

Personally I'm not using PSN+ because I just dont buy DD content and the few things I actually buy off PSN never really get a discount.

The rental aspect doesnt interest me too much and the money would go to waste.

But its a cool option. Getting things for money is something that works I heard somewhere.

I'm also in dire need of a job.

Also, not sure if I've linked it here before, but Ego Raptor made a new series called Sequelitis which is in my opinion superior to the Awesome series in any kind of way.

He compares games to their sequels and goes into game design.
Its very interesting.

Castlevania and Castlevania 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aip2aIt0 ... ure=relmfu

Megaman and Megaman X
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Fpigqfc ... ature=plcp

Castlevania 4 addendum to the first video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww_PjqYQ ... ature=plcp


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Some interesting bits of info regarding Wii U came up in a recent interview with Team Ninja:

"[Nintendo] asked us what we would want from the hardware, and when we give them feedback we can see that they have definitely listened and are making changes," he said. "The hardware is still changing constantly."

As for concerns over the potential difficulty of developing for the new system and its tablet controller, Hayashi brushed this fear aside, stating that developing software for Wii U is "very easy" and "almost exactly like on the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360."

The more I read reports like this, the more hopeful I am. What I'm still hoping to hear is that the final version of Wii U will include upscaling for Wii games and that the tablet's touchscreen has been upgraded. It'd also be nice if this rumor regarding the tablet supporting apps turned out to be true. Being able to play Virtual Console games straight off the tablet would be pretty cool.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
So apparently Vita is receiving its own version of the MGS HD collection. I feel like I should've known about this already, but regardless it kinda decreases my interests in picking up the 3DS version. This way I'm still getting my portable version but with a lot more to do and (most likely) better controlls. Hard to argue that.

Square-Enix also confirmed that the HD version of FFX coming to Vita is not a remake, it's just a remastered version. That's honestly all I'd originally been expecting out of it, but for anyone who'd been curious - there you have it.

I'm heavily considering signing up for Playstation Plus today (totally blaming it on Alex >=O). The year long subscription only costs me $50, the equivalent of one new PS3 game. With all the free stuff you can get via PS+ (especially this month) it pretty much pays for itself. I also recently noticed that I don't have Sonic 2 on XBL Arcade, so I might as well pick up the PSN's digital copy while it's free...
Afaik, the free PSN games only stay free as long as you pay for PSN+, while the games you buy that are on psn+ sale are the ones that you can keep.

This was one of the major turn offs for me. Otherwise I would have grabbed PSN+ some time ago.

Also, Konami isnt approaching the situation the right way. PS3 and Xbox360 get the HD remake, then we get MGS3 for 3DS only and now the same HD collection for the Vita.
Im sure that they would be able to increase sales if they spread out those releases a bit more.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Some of the free stuff is forever, but most of the good free stuff is limited to you maintaining a subscription. The sub is still a third cheaper than XBL, though. £10 for 3 months is pretty good value for what you get in return. I might actually just take a full year in one go after next month.

I slapped the cash down in the first place 'cos it was relatively inexpensive and I figured it was worth a look-in. They've satisfied me with what they're offering, so now they get to keep me as a customer.

Also, the PSN is now the Sony Entertainment Network. So I guess PS+ becomes Sony Plus or something? I dunno, but it seems like Kaz is already causing waves.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Topical revivial!

Bam: The Next PlayStation is Called Orbis, Sources Say. Here are the Details

Here's how Kotaku summed the article up:


- Is called, or at least carries the working codename, "Orbis".
- Is scheduled for a Holiday 2013 release.
- Won't be backwards compatible with PS3 games.
- Will lock new games to a PSN account as an anti-used games measure.
- New games can be bought either on Blu-Ray or downloaded.
- Current specs are an AMD x64 CPU and AMD Southern Islands GPU

Something I found interesting was the mention that used games put into the console may require you to pay an additional fee in order to unlock the entire game. If the fee was considerable there would likely be no point to buy used at all. Even if information regarding this feature isn't 100% confirmed I wouldn't put anything past Sony. They've been adamant about wanting to kill the used games market for ages.

So, what do you guys think of this news?

Doctor Oak

Staff member
I think that if the rumours of 'anti-used game technology' that have persisted for both the new Xbox and Playstation are true, we're going to need a much better digital distribution market on those consoles than we currently have - 'cos no physical retailer is going to sell any games for them.

Not in America, anyway. Going to be sliiightly less of a problem here now, I guess - but then the only other dedicated gaming stores we have left are basically just pre-owned resellers, and that'd be the end of them completely. There literally wouldn't be a high street gaming store in the UK any more. At all.

To be honest, though, the concept of taking the 'project ten dollar' situation to the core of the console is not that surprising. I can even almost agree with the entire movement to a point. If it's limited (by mandate of the license for publishing for the console) to online features only, then it's fine by me - as it currently is with all the nascent attempts at making money back from used sales. When you start limiting single player content (ie: the actual main game I purchased in the first place), then it's a major dick move and typically only backfires.

Of course, they could just negate the entire problem by having a strong Digital Distribution network on both platforms that makes people want to buy the games online instead. The rip off prices we pay currently - and the lack of movement, depreciation or sales on those prices is what's stunting the existing systems. What we really need, is for them to basically put Steam on the systems. (Or, y'know, a homemade alternative that's at least administrated in the same sensible way).

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Also, just FYI, I really wouldn't put any faith in any rumours of this nature right now. But, at least they're not claiming they'll be releasing it this year or showing it at E3. Neither of those things will happen for either MS or Sony.
An anti-used game technology? HA! They really think that's going to help anything? Games nowadays are too expensive to begin with. I mean, come on, nobody wants to spend close to $50-70 bucks just for a game, while nobody wants to wait half a year for them to become affordable after the fad has passed. Now I'm sure that there's a reason behind this, and I'm probably wrong along some line, since I don't really know too much about the technology required for all of this, nor the ways business works.

HOWEVER, I can tell that there are others out there that probably won't like this. Nobody can resist a bargain, and used games are basically like used cars for video games. As a matter of fact, it can be compared to, exactly, cars. Oh sure, you can buy a brand new car with the keys if you want and have the money, or you can wait a few years when the car has lost most of its value and buy it, OR you could buy a used car, still running fine and all, just at a slightly cheaper price. How is this the same, you ask? Basically, this anti used-game trip would be like denying the keys to somebody who was able to find a better deal on a used car, unless they pay more for the keys.

Not exactly the best comparison, but hey, it works. All I know is that people will be TICKED if this happens, and more than likely, Sony and Microsoft would lose more money in investing in this than they would ever gain from it. And besides that, I still think 2013 is too soon to release a new system to replace something that works pretty well in the first place. As the old saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," and I think we can go AT LEAST until 2015, if not 2016 for another system in those series. Again, I'm a moron and have no idea about what all goes on in the production of new systems, but still, they have to think of this through the minds of the common consumer, and not just the minds of their wallets.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Doctor Oak said:
I'm going out right now. When I come back, I'm going to utterly destroy your post. Just FYI. :)

That's our Alex! :)

But so this reply has a point... << >>

To be honest, though, the concept of taking the 'project ten dollar' situation to the core of the console is not that surprising. I can even almost agree with the entire movement to a point. If it's limited (by mandate of the license for publishing for the console) to online features only, then it's fine by me - as it currently is with all the nascent attempts at making money back from used sales. When you start limiting single player content (ie: the actual main game I purchased in the first place), then it's a major dick move and typically only backfires.

I wouldn't mind much either if it was just the online features that were blocked off because, for many games, I barely use them anyways. That would also allow rental businesses to keep running pretty much exactly as they are now since gamers could still enjoy the full adventure. However, if they took it any further and the extra costs were notable I'd likely just stop buying used games, unless the games I wanted were out of print (but hopefully by the next gen that shouldn't be an issue with digital distribution).

Btw - what is "project ten dollar"? =o
We are already living in times of on disc DLC, forced online for single player games, main game pre-order only content and true endings for single player games as DLC.

I wouldnt put it past them to actually cut out major parts of the game or even completely restricting access to them without paying the fee they demand.

I dont like it. But its a possible way of income for the companies so they will use it.
They basically do it because they can.
Their justification is that they are not getting profit from every copy that is being experienced by people.
I think that one of the reasons why certain super multiplayer centered series like Burnout that used to be perfect couch co-op/vs games nowadays only feature online multiplayer and no offline multiplayer is that they want people and their friends to buy the games multiple times and play the game on multiple consoles.

They would most likely want to charge you for every person in the room that watches you playing.
When the DVD industry tried to pull off something similiar it caused an uproar and they scrapped that idea very quickly.
But with videogames the publishers (not the people that actually make the games) convinced the consumer base that they are so poor and need every possible support instead of maybe trying to push some games that people wont sell back to gamestop after the incredible 4hour campaigns they nowadays like to offer.
We dont even know how much of the money from the project 10$ goes to the developer. Possibly nothing.

Ultimately their aim will be to completely lock the games to the systems, just like steam does at the moment. Only without the nice offers steam has going on right now that would basically disable the used games market by itself.
Why do digital releases of games cost more than the games I order on Amazon on launch day with physical preorder boni and free delivery anyways?

I'm predicting ugly consequences in the future.
I fear for a situation where you buy a used game for the Playstation 4 in the year of 2020 when the PS5 is already out and the PS4 used games activation servers are getting taken down because shit costs money and you're stuck with a game that you cant use.

Its a collectors nightmare.

And I'll be damned if I wont be able to borrow games from my cousin.

Btw - what is "project ten dollar"? =o
Project ten dolla is the abomination our beloved publisher EA summoned to this world to increase their profits from amazing games like Rock Band #4135124 and generic miliary shooter: the shootening.
Its basically the thing we're already talking about.
You buy a game, you get a code with it. You use it and its bound to your account. If you sell the game or give it to a friend they wont be able to experience all features. And if you do want access to the features then you buy the code for 10moneys.

I might be slightly biased.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2 ... lopers-say

So, apparently developers are coming out and saying now that the Wii U isn't even as powerful as the current 360 and PS3.

I might not be a graphics whore, but I think there's something fundamentally wrong with coming in under the competition with a brand new console, especially when the competition's hardware has been available for years. Wii U may have other improvements, but HD and a new fancy controller isn't really enough for future gaming. It doesn't exactly fit with previous statements that the Wii U would be at least double the power of PS3/360 either.

Overall I'm just not really sure what to think right now: believe previous statements, or trust these unnamed major companies that GamesIndustry was talking to.

E3 can't get here soon enough. :?
So basically everything has been lowered so the WiiU can be released with a tablet controller and at a reasonable price. I would have rather they scrap the tablet and boost everything else because I think I tablet for a controller is impractical.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Considering that I know a helluva lot of these characters, I'm stoked. I hope this game plays well and makes it outside of Japan. ^^

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Doctor Oak

Staff member
Considering the last one didn't, and the majority of Sega's cast focusses on characters that never made it across the planet either, I wouldn't count on it. This is, without a doubt, an inherently Japanese focussed game - and all three of these companies have a nasty habit of deciding that the dirty gaijin such as ourselves aren't worthy of games like that.
Ryu srk FADC combo into ultra2 Shoryuken.

This game looks very good. But is that just some fancy animations or will this game actually be an action RPG?
Would be a waste of animations if it was just another turn based game.

And the Sega side actually features quite a few well known characters.
If one actually followed Sega in the last 10 years or something which many most likely didnt.

What worries ime is that the animations look like some CD-i game stuff.
My Avatar related.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Doctor Oak said:
Considering the last one didn't, and the majority of Sega's cast focusses on characters that never made it across the planet either, I wouldn't count on it.

Don't crush my dreams. </3

But considering some of the games that they've been localizing these days, it's not wholly unlikely for it to be released outside of Japan too. I'll just wait and see. :)


Hero of Pizza
Staff member

Looks like Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II may be another flawed experience. I didn't love Episode I but I've been hopeful that they'd correct their mistakes. Was I too optimistic?

I'm going to hold off purchasing this one until a price drop. If any of you buy it anytime soon (as apparently today is its release date), let me know how it is in your opinion.

I guess I should check if a demo is available for this game too...

Doctor Oak

Staff member
There's a demo for every Xbox Live Arcade game.

It's also due to be on PS+ for half price soon, too - but if you're like me and got the first episode on the Xbox, then there's no real value to that as you don't get the Metallix stuff.

The trailers so far make it look far better than Ep 1, but that wasn't exactly a challenge. I'm actually glad they've given up on this instead of dragging it out even further, but hopefully between these two games and Generations, Sega are beginning to clue into the kind of Sonic game we actually want.

Really hoping they do the right thing and put out a remake of one or more of the original Mega Drive games in the Generations engine over the next year.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Doctor Oak said:
It's also due to be on PS+ for half price soon, too - but if you're like me and got the first episode on the Xbox, then there's no real value to that as you don't get the Metallix stuff.

What's this now? I actually bought my Episode I on PS3. Is there actually a reason for me to buy Episode II on the same platform? :o

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