It's come to my attention that PKMN Master G.K. only has ONE character.
Now, from what I know, the person I feel most inclined to take a character from and give it to PKMN Master G.K. is
I mean, come on dude. It takes you almost a month to reply to a thread after It's 2 or 3 pages in. If you're not gonna roleplay, then let someone else enjoy it. If you don't reply to this post I just now made in the next 24 hours, I will be giving ALL of your characters away. That includes Dr. W.D. Gaster.
Now, I understand that you have school. Most of us do. I have school, yet I can find the time to roleplay (and according to feedback, I roleplay well), but I also keep my grade point average of A's and B's.
You have been warned, friend.