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Ask to Join Gorgon Glare (A Fairy Tail RP)

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
"I tough it was zidande tho, well, no matter , nice to meet you" he said as he closed his book "you are obviously tired, you should gey some sleep" he told Zidane "ill get back to reading tho" he said as he re opened his book

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"Yeah," Amelia responded to Aezer. "It wasn't that difficult to be completely fair." Amelia said with a shrug and lifting her bag of coins from the mission reward. The mission required Amelia to harvest some rare material on the outskirts of their town. It really was a generous reward for something so easy. Amelia almost didn't take all the money, but the owner insister, so she took it all anyways. "Any news lately," Amelia asked to any of the people she's been talking to as of now. "Things been quiet in Gorgon and the town lately, there's not much excitement around here to be honest." Amelia said with a pout, because everyday was basically the same it and it was getting tedious for the latter.
"Nice to see you Zidane, did we wake you up?" Leonidas said with a grin and took a swig of his drink. "Sudden spike of team jobs and two new recruits, quite a busy day all things considered. We should probably start making some teams to do the jobs before others do them, the pay is good enough to give it a shot." He said to Amelia although the last sentence was meant for everyone.

He got up from his chair and walked towards the job board. "I do wonder why there are some many team jobs, not complaining because the pay is generous but it does seem unnatural. Anyone got an idea or theory for why there are so many?"
"Crimes? Maybe illegal guilds started to become more active, it is something to consider." Leonidas noted, thinking of other reasons why this sudden surge would appear. "I would hope that it is not something that dangerous, but it might very be true. No matter what, they are team jobs for a reason and thus should not be done alone unless you are around or above the strength and capability of Miss Stoneworth." He said as he finished his drink.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
" i would consider my quick thinking in a team, but then again not my choice" he said to leonidas "are there fighting tests in this guild" he then asked "i haven't fought in a while and i dont want to become rusty"
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Previously Sarah316
Melli listened to the conversation between the Guild Master and other mages among the guild; the rise in activity among criminals and perhaps the need for more team missions. Seemed to be pretty serious stuff, which was kinda scary but also exciting though Melli continued with her cool and casual demeanor as she cleared her throat before she spoke up.

"Well, if we are planning to fill teams, it would only be fair of me as a new member to do what I can to help. I-if you consider me for any team." Melli said to the Guild Master and the mages present.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
Eleo heard melli " you want to in a team? I still dont know if were doing that" he told her " and you are obviously trying to keep a cool attidude" he told her
"I'm not sure, you two are new recruits and it would be unwise to send either of you on a job requiring a team. The decision is up to Miss Stoneworth but don't expect to go on such a job. No hard feelings, it's just that it is pretty dangerous even for more experienced mages." Leonidas said to Melli and Eleo, concern being clearly audible in his voice.
"I don't mind the new guild members going on these jobs but only with an assigned guild member, that means that regardless of the situation that guild member always stays by their side" Euryale said as an answer to Leonidas, then asked "so who would want to volunteer?".

"Oh! Oh! I'd like to volunteer!" Aezer said as he stood up from his seat and stood in attention trying to make a good impression, it was one thing being in a team, but to be trusted to keep a new member safe on dangerous missions was a different and very serious thing and Aezer hoped this left a positive impression of himself in the new members' minds.

"Fine Aezer, talk to the new Mages to see who's willing to have you around them on jobs, anyone else?" Euryale asked the rest with that last part.
"I guess I can show them the ropes, besides I would be doing nothing here otherwise. I volunteer, Miss Stoneworth." Leonidas said as he stretched. He looked at Eleo, Melli and Aezer. "So, do we make two teams of two or one group of four? What do you three think is the better option?"
Zidane had been silent throughout the exchange, though he rolled his eyes at Leonidas' comment which was clearly a tease directed at him. Though he focused more on Miss Stoneworth's comment which concerned having the new members team up with some veteran mages if they were gonna be part of this team.

Naturally, Zidane groaned at this. As the idea of being stuck showing newbies the ropes had been far from appealing. Still, when the other members began to volunteer one after another he knew if he kept back he'd be pressured into doing this irregardless. So with a sigh, he decided he'd simply throw himself to the wolves now before he'd be dragged kicking and screaming to them. Least it'd be on his terms.

"Fine, I...I volunteer. I guess." Zidane said, as he gave his passionate response and offered his services to join this team.
"and what about you Katrina? im sure the new members can learn a lot from you" Euryale said, though the sentence was spoken in a more demanding tone than questioning.

As Eleo looked at the board they mostly looked like high class jobs, breaking curses, dealing with monsters, but the highest paying one seemed to be dealing with a group of dark mages that have been terrorizing a nearby town for a while now.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
"I think ill take that one!" As he took the one with mages terrorizing a town and showing to the others " what do you guys think about this one? Im taking it anyways so yea" he continued still talking to the others

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Amelia hummed at the new giant team forming in response to the one job request. "Isn't that a bit much though. If it's an illegal guild it would be understandable," Amelia pointed out to the crew. "What exactly does the request say? If it's only a few mages, would it now be an overkill to send...." Amelia hesitated for a bit to count how many people would be going on the mission. "Seven to eight people?" Her tone rising at the end of the question and questioning if sh had counted correctly. "Including myself too. And how much is the reward exactly? We can't split this well if there's not much to divide. Some of us are still have rent to pay," Amelia pointed out, mainly her situation on rent.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
"It says here we here we got to defeat a group of 'dark' mages" he said "for five thousand hundred jewels" he continued " you guys in?" He said next to the HQ door "oh yea! I own a hotel i can get you a v.i.p room if you want"

((If you didnt notice, Eleo has superspeed, at his fullest the can achieve twenty time the speed of light))
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Katrina was reading her book, until she suddenly heard the voice of Master Stoneworth, and she immediately faced her master to listen to see what she had to say. Though, Katrina wasn't quite pleased with what Master Stoneworth had to say.

"With all due respect, master," Katrina responded, "I don't think that would be the best course of action." After all, the new member, Melli, may have still been in bad terms with Katrina, and Katrina didn't completely trust her own self.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
" i dont think that you have a choice " he told Katrina "even with what you said hes probably just gonna tell you to come anyways so yea" he continued

((Why do i feel like my character is the main but not the main?... also , why do i feel like people wait for my response to continue ▪~▪ □~□ ○~○ ●~●))
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