“S-Class Mage promotion trails...sounds like something I could get into,” A new voice who had been listening to the prior conversation the entire time muttered to himself. The voice belonged to none other than Nero Proctor, a Plasma Devil Slayer who had the hobby of blowing stuff up with his magic. Naturally, this resulted in most of his jobs ending up quite messy, but that was because he actively looked for jobs where large amounts of demilition would be required. Regardless, he wanted to take part in these trials to finally get himself S-rank, which meant the most dangerous of jobs could be taken by him, and more importantly, the maximum amount of demilition would be required. However, before he could act on this desire, he noticed that three of his guildmates, which were unknown to him but turned out to be Petra, Akize, and a newcomer, were leaving to go somewhere, which triggered the devil slayers curiousity.
Lemme check that out, who knows, it could be something big. And with that, Nero stood up from his seat at the guild bar, and followed the three mages, hoping to find his next demolition site.