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Open Heart Village (RP)

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Majesty was glad that she wasn't the only one who felt nervous about the festival. She at the sky and said, "I do hope it starts soon". She'd practically come here for it. Ok maybe she didn't, but that doesn't mean she can't be excited about it.


Previously Swirled
"I hope so as well," Emerald said as he also turned his attention to the sky, seeing as Majesty was looking at it, there must be something that is worth looking at, "So, what are we looking at?
Boom walked out of his room wearing a scarf to help with the cold. Because of his wings and ears he could not wear coats or hats so he was stuck with a scarf to reduce his x4 exposure to the cold. He noticed that the people here seemed to be getting ready for the festival.
"i guess i might as well join in on the festival since im here" Boom said to himself.

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
"Hm? Oh, nothing. I'm just imagining something coming from the sky to start the festival. Like a big heart balloon or fireworks or something.'' she said amusemnt flickering on her face. She'd been to many festivals before and they all included something special to start it. But she wasn't so sure about this festival as most festivals she'd been to were not in the mountains.


Previously Swirled
"Oh, that's nice," Emerald said absent mindedly whilst looking at the sky, now imagining some sort of firework display and really just zoning out.

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
After a long period of awkward silence in which they were both staring at the sky, Majesty stood up. ''Well it was nice talking to you again but I must be heading onward to the festival,'' she said motioning to the mountain peak with her head. She hoped that it would be held up there but she wasn't sure. But it wouldn't hurt to try. She slowly began her dreadfully long walk up the mountain.


Previously Swirled
Emerald followed after her, only because his destination was also for the festival. "Hey Majesty, I'm going to the festival too," He shouted ahead of him as he also hiked up the mountain.


Previously pokeyman
Breeze was doing nothing, so he decided to do something. He went back to his cabin to get ready for the festival.

A glaceon was at the very top of the mountain. Conveniently, the top had some flat land, so that is where the festival was every year. The glaceon was talking to a couple of other Pokemon. "The festival is going very well. I'm going to go into town, to make sure we have enough supplies." The other Pokemon nodded and went back to work. The Glaceon started to walk down the mountain, smiling.
Boom began to read one of the festival signs they had up. He was curious why it was called the heart festival. He took a few minutes to read the sign before turning around to look at the mountain the festival was located at.
"so this festival is about falling in love? Huh. Sounds neat i guess. I suppose there is no harm in joining the festival. Although climbing or flying that mountain is going to be a pain" Boom said to himself as he looked up the mountain peak.
Wound walked up to his cabin, surprised he got here that slowly. "So...... Is this my cabin?" He asked himself. He walked inside. He saw.... Nothing. He had to unpack all of the things he brought from home. Phone, small TV, couch, table, chair, snacks, and that's all. "This place looks way better now!" He said. He looked outside. He saw a sign for a festival about falling in love. He instantly tried to wipe his fin with anything smooth. He came out with the smoothest fin he'd ever had. He walked outside and looked at the top of the mountain. He waslked up to the side and used Mud Shot at the top. It hit the wall and trickled down as he slid up the mountain. He had reached the top in less time then you can say 'Marshtomp'!

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Majesty was grateful for company on the way up. She wandered onward at a slow pace observing the scenery. Finally, she reached the top. She turned back and looked at Emerald waiting for him to come up too.
Wound looked into the distance. He saw a flock of Butterfree, he smiled by mother nature doing her thing. He looked somewhere else. He saw some Patrat looking for food. Wound threw an oran berry at them, taking the food as a pleasant surprise, the many Patrat took the food and began to eat it. He smiled even more, letting out a small giggle. He turned to see Majesty, asking her a question. "Are you here for the festival?" He asked her.


Previously Swirled
Emerald slowly made his way up to the summit of the mountain and paited heavily, "Sorry, hey who's your friend?"
Dylan woke up, felt ready for the festival. He got ready again in his bowtie and suit and headed out his cabin. He started to make his way into town looking for directions. He saw a sign that said to go up the mountain to get to the festival. On his way up, he saw other Pokemon climbing up together. Dylan realized he didn't have anyone to go with at the moment, so he didn't know what to do. He thought he could just hang up atop the mountain, he probably didn't need anyone.

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Majesty nodded to the marshstomp. "I've heard it's around here somewhere." she then heard Emerald asking a question. ''Actually, I don't know him, but I'd never turn down a chance to meet other pokemon.'' she said a smile flickering on her face.
Dylan reached the top of the mountain were he could see more people coming together. "Now this seems like a festival!" He said in joy. He made his way to the slope of the hill were he came up. "Wow, it seems so... big from up here." He thought of all of the things leading up to now. A tear rolled down his eye.

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Her smile spread into a grin. ''My names Majesty,'' she replied. She hadn't had the privilege to meet a lot of people since she'd come to heart village so her mind wasn't creating a big list of names that she needed to know. She added the name Wound to her mental list and then smiled.
"Alright, Majesty it is! I'll have to remember that....." Said Wound, turning to see more Butterfree heading towards the mountain. "Maybe they've come to see the festival too..." He thought. "Hey Majesty, check this out!" He said, showing her the flock of Butterfree. "I just love nature sometimes.... So beautiful..." He told Majesty.


Previously Swirled
"Nice to meet you Wound, name's Emerald," The Ivysaur introduced himself as he looked at the Butterfree flying and thought to himself, I'm here, time to find love, or at least, that's how I am told it works.
"Well, hello Emerald. Lovely Butterfree aren't they?" Wound said to Emerald. "He must be thinking of love, I'm thinking the same thing..." Wound thought to himself, starting to lose his grin in thought.


Previously Swirled
"Yeah, wonder why they're here," Emerald said as he saw Wound lose his grin and asked him, "What's wrong?" He was worried that something was troubling the Marshtomp, but he was lost in the beauty of the festival, he wanted to start enjoying right now.
"Oh? It's just... I've never found a friend before, everyone teased me. I'm pretty sure my old trainer left me, i I remember correctly... I'm just so happy I've found a friend....." Wound said as a tear rolled down his eye. He began to get his smile back. He was happy he was at least in a conversation. "Emerald, tell me.. Will you be my friend?"


Previously Swirled
"Sure, I believe everyone should have one friend, so if you need one, I'll be here," Emerald said as he used his vines to pat Wound's shoulder, he had a reassuring look in his silver and blue eyes, telling the Marshtomp, "It's gonna be okay,"
"Th-thank you.. I've never had a single friend.." Wound said as his tears grew into straight-up crying. "I always thought I was useless....... You've made me regret that, so... Thank you..*sob*"

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Majesty watched awkwardly as the boys had an emotional conversation. She casually coughed and glanced at the butterfree but her mind was spinning. Never had a friend... I do have friends she told herself shaking her head but deep inside her heart, she knew that it was false. Friend felt like another language, one that she never got to experience. Still, she managed to shake her head to break out of the thoughts. She had made many aquaintances here and that was good right?


Previously Swirled
"Well I have two friends here, the other being Majesty, hey Majesty, we're friends right?" Emerald asked as he saw the Marshtomp break down into tears, and felt bad for him, he had four friends, surprisingly considering his shy nature, they were a little awkward, but they got along fine.

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
''Huh?'' she asked tilting her head. ''Oh yeah. Right.'' if I'm a friend to him does that mean I actually made a friend here? She awkwardly stared at the two male pokemon in front of her and waited for the Marshstomp to stop crying.
Dylan looked off into the distance, he saw the flock of Butterfree. Today is the festival, and today everyone is coming together, but he didn't know anything about love. He was so distant from people back at home and everywhere else, he didn't even have friends. He wiped his tear, "Heh, guess I'm off to a great start, aren't I?" He chuckled.
Wound was starting to get over it, getting his smile back. "Thanks... You've made me feel better, which no one I know has the abilty to do." Wound said as he wiped his tears away.
Moki was hiding behind a warm rock, leaning against it while sitting on the ground. She was threading together clovers, grass, flowers, and anything that was in reaching distance. Festival? Her ears perked up as she turned and peeked out from the rock to listen to the conversations happening around her. The word Festival had been thrown around, and she remembered now. Nobody was really saying it now, but Moki was still interested. What's a Festival?
Dylan sat down again, now looking back down at the town. "Alright, i'm gonna do it!" He started to walk back down the mountain when he saw a sled. It seemed abandoned so he grabbed it and surfed down the mountain. He started to head toward town while he was still at a fast speed. He tried to pick up speed by using his ice beam. He was heading down the rest of the mountain and then got an idea. He turned and then used ice beam to create a ramp and then boosted himself again with ice beam. He started to fly and glide into town.


Previously Swirled
Emerald began walking into town and waved to his companions, "Well I'll see you later, have a good time at the festival!" As the Ivysaur walked through the village, he noticed a Pokemon hiding behind a rock out of the corner of his eye. Of course he wasn't able to make out what Pokemon it was, but he tapped the Minncino of the shoulder using a vine, though he had no idea what Pokemon hid behind the rock.
So, I see this rp has been inactive for a while and I just came back to this because it was my first rp I was a part of and it was also the longest one I was in XD
I dont think there are rules agienst posting in old threads so a RP that was months long past due, is now on the top of the list, so thats that for everyone.

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