"I guess so" Angel said, placing her 2 other pokeballs on the counter. "I'm pretty sure we're ready."
Nurse Joy returned with Weave, Nymkit and all of the pokeballs. Nymkit leapt off of the counter and flew onto Angel's head. Angel let out Noibat and Popplio. Noibat sat on Angel's shoulder and Popplio slept in a bubble on Angel's hand. "We're Definitley ready for this battle" Angel exclaimed.
Nurse Joy returned with Weave, Nymkit and all of the pokeballs. Nymkit leapt off of the counter and flew onto Angel's head. Angel let out Noibat and Popplio. Noibat sat on Angel's shoulder and Popplio slept in a bubble on Angel's hand. "We're Definitley ready for this battle" Angel exclaimed.