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DPPt/HGSS Help me with my team, please? (UPDATED!)

Magmortar @ Wise Glasses
Timid (-Atck, +Spd)
Sturdy Body (+Def)
Sunny Day
Solar Beam

Note: Is there a better grass-type move that Magmortar can learn? Is there a better move altogether to take care of rock/ground types? I'm, overall, happy with this move set. I'm sure it's horrible, as I made it myself, but I was focusing on STAB and his/her weaknesses.


Tangrowth @ Expert Belt
Sassy (-Spd, +Sp Def)
Sturdy Body (+Def)
Energy Ball
Sludge Bomb
Ancient Power

Note: Here, I was, again, mainly focusing on STAB and his/her weaknesses. I equipped Expert Belt to insure that if a weaker attack was used, it would do a formidable amount of damage to the foe.


Lopunny @ Expert Belt
Gentle (-Def, +Sp Def)
Likes To Run (+Spd)
Jump Kick
Ice Punch
Thunder Punch

Note: And I once more focused on his/her weaknesses. I actually had help on his move set, which is posted below. Not too much to say about it.


Gyarados @ Leftovers
Hardy (Neutral)
Runs Away Fast (+spd)
Ice Fang
Dragon Dance

Note: Finally, I once more focused on the weaknesses/STAB. 'Nuff said.
A question from the similarly noobish, but curious: what sort of plan do you have for this team? Do you want a lot of sweepers who wipe the field? Are you interested in more support-oriented roles, and if so how many of those do you want? Do you at least have a general GOAL for each poke you've named? 'Cause a team of a bunch of sweepers of some sort would probably look different than a group where you want to add some annoyance value, or prevent your friends from annoying YOU. :)
A question from the similarly noobish, but curious: what sort of plan do you have for this team? Do you want a lot of sweepers who wipe the field? Are you interested in more support-oriented roles, and if so how many of those do you want? Do you at least have a general GOAL for each poke you've named? 'Cause a team of a bunch of sweepers of some sort would probably look different than a group where you want to add some annoyance value, or prevent your friends from annoying YOU. :)

My gosh! Thank you very much for bringing that up! I can't believe I forgot! In all truth, I -always- have an annoyer. My favorite is Shuckle. But now, with its Power Trick move, I think it is, it would make an AMAZING sweeper OR annoyer. However, I think that this time around I am going for a complete team that can wipe things out, while also maybe have a wall or two. I understand that the Pokemon I have now ( well, not-so-muck Gyarados ) are very brittle.
Alright, that makes some sense-- I started wondering when I saw the Driftblim, which I have heard described as not so hot for sweeper/wall purposes.

To be fair, I've always found Gyarados to be a "do you have someone with a reasonably strong Thunderbolt in your party" check, but that's definitely a personal bias. (Hiss! We hateses them, yessss, we do, we do!) And for the Shuckle with Power Trick idea, the only issue I can see is that frankly it's slow as a rock and has less HP than most Magikarp. If you could get PT off and then a move, you'd obliterate something, but it definitely seems risky. Now, whether that's a calculated risk worth taking is something you'd want to ask a few experienced PvP trainers.

...and I've wandered thoroughly off-topic, haven't I? Whoops.

Back on topic: do you really have no idea what you'd want out of Gar/Drif/Lop? I'd assume it'd be easier for you to do up a moveset (even if it was a sort of poor one) and then put the reasoning behind it, to give people a better idea of what you want.
I literally have NO idea. I was thinking that a Lopunny with a Wide Lens could work out some of its shiftier moves, but I'm not positive. I really have NO idea what I want in them. I think I might enjoy it more if I had a few ideas shoved at me. However, I'm on Serebii, and I have my book open. x)

Any comments on the move sets I have posted so far? Critiquing is nice.

I think that Drifblim might be a good Baton Passer. Maybe something like this:
Baton Pass

His HP could allow him to take some hits, while explosion provides for a last-resort-hopeful-KO-move.
I kind of like this moveset, actually, I think.
Let me step in a get to work.

Infernape@Choice Band
Jolly Nature
252 EVs into Atk, 252 EVs into Spd, 6 into HP
-Flare Blitz
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge

Flare Blitz and CLose COmbat are ideal. He isn't meant to take damage, he dishes it out. He'll outspeed most Pokemon, so it'll strike first and not worry about having lower defenses.
Stone Edge hits what ever resits Fire and Fighting attacks hard.
And U-Turn to get a hit in and get out.

Gyarados can use Leftovers and I like a Adamant nautre for it. Otherwise, it's pretty solid.

On a Raichu set, I like HP Ice over Grass knot, but that's me. Life Orb works well.

Don't use Minimize. Calm Mind works better. Just watch out that you can be Taunted and then you'll have to kill yourself to get out of the Taunt. Otherwise, it looks fine.

Hope that helped.
Thank you! I like that Infernape move set, as it really does cover all of the things I wanted it to. I'll more than likely end up going with that.
As for Raichu, I don't want to have to mess around with IVs. Not right now. I know I should REALLY get learning about these things, but after discovering the horror of EVs, I'm going to stick with my Grass Knot.
And Drifblim, I see where Calm Mind would kick some butt. Special Attack, anyone? :o
Well, EVs you get for killing Pokemon. IV's are the hidden values.

As for a Special Attack, How about Shadow Ball? Good move, strong attack. You probably don't need Stockpile either, so HP Fighting/Ground. Thunderbolt might work aswell. Just watch out for Steelix.

Hope that helped.
It did. Thank you very much!
I think I might go something like: Calm Mind, Baton Pass, Shadow Ball, Explosion, then. Or I could exchange explosion with something otherwise. I'm not sure.
Again - that was very helpful! :)
Drop Explosion for Thunderbolt so it can hit Normal-Types and give it a Modest Nature maybe. Or a Defense/Special Defense increasing nature that sacrifices Attack.
All right! I was trying to watch the duplication of moves, but I suppose that one or two is fine.
It's probably inevitable to duplicate types over six Pokemon, anyways. XD
Silver Wind works all right then if you don't want Thunderbolt. You could always pass the stats you get from Silver Wind as well.
I think that that is a better idea than the one before. I'll probably end up playing around with it, anyways.
Hmm. I really like Lopunny, too, and it has speed to pull of something that might need it- but what could it pull off?
Any suggestions for him/her?
An Attacking version...

Lopunny@Choice Band/Expert Belt/Life Orb
Cute Charm
Adamant Nature
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Jump Kick/Sky Uppercut
-Ice Punch
-Thunder Punch/Fire Punch

This set covers quite a few types, hitting every type in the game for at least neutral damage.
What can I breed a Buneary with to get Ice and Thunder Punch? I think that's the only obstacle and slight turn-off in my way. Although, I do love myself one. x)
According to Psypoke, Thunder, Fire, and Ice Punch are learned through level-up (although they might require the Tutor) by Medicham and Hitmonchan. And you can directly breed both of them with a buneary, which makes it fairly easy to do.
So, then, I should be able to (with the help of Underground [heart scales]), when I get to Snowpoint City, catch a Medicham and go? Of course, I'd need the Buneary first. xP
Thank you, again!
You've both been super-helpful.
Especially because I love Drifblim and Lopunny. :*
That wasn't particularly helpful, but thank you for your opinion!

I updated the thread to have my new team in the list! Hooray for friends with every version, who have swarms of Tangela! :3