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DPPt/HGSS help!!

I have just finished my 4th gym, and i want help in my team...
I don't know if I need to replace any pokemon in my roster or change their moveset...
I need help in this so i will not have any problems in the near future...

My team:

Torterra lvl41
Razor leaf
Mega drain

Staraptor lvl40
Aerial Ace
Close Combat
Take down

Floatzel lvl40
Aqua jet

Rampardos lvl40
Ancient power
Zen Headbutt
Rock smash

Happiny lvl1(just hatched)

Pichu lvl1(just hatched)
Volt tackle
Thunder wave
Tail whip
Double team

Thanks for all your help! :)
Takes out the challenge if we help you this early :S the 4 are fine as they are, the other 2 just raise them I guess, im surprised you didnt show us 6 pokemon though have you really been going through the game with 4?
i also have a bidoof.. he is mainly used for hm purposes like cut... but for the most part... i'm only using 4 pokemon,.,. :D
Well since its for in game I suggest just going for aggressive pokemon to fill up your last 2 slots. Drop the happiny for now and go for something like hmm Luxray? any electric type could help but luxray is really great for ingame, he hits pretty hard and is pretty easy to get. I had a Machop that kicked but for the part of the game your in, maybe look into it.