Zofia leads the Zodiacs group, She has shared dream of creating a paradise with Gobe, only for super-powered. (Gobe keeps saying, that Future schould lead to Evolution)
Zofia is known to possess an affinity for the "Phantasm Mirror" Prismtame, which allows her to craft intricate and life-like illusions.
Zofia in truth is 12 years old, She looks older when she is using her transformed form (She also becomes two different beings)

Ina(Libra)- The young, confident president of a powerful manufacturing company, Ina ended up serving as one of Gobe's Zodiacs to protect her android assistant Dystnine, the only one to whom she'll open up. She has an affinity for the "Gravity" Prismtame, which allows her to alter the gravity of her surroundings and control their moments.

Dystnine(Taurus)-An android created for Ina, Dystnine seemed to be able to receive Prismtame, drawing the curiosity of Gobe, who would have had him ripped apart and examined, had it not been for the intervention of Ina. Grateful, he now serves her as a fellow Zodiac and personal assistant. He has an affinity for the "Vectored Cloth" Prismtame, which allows him to manipulate the vectors in the space around him, he also possess Sword made of Light energy (Gift from Iota).

Stella(Virgo)- immensely popular idol figure famous for her impressive live performances, she flips between a cutesy, bubbly pop-star and a serious, contemptuous Zodiac. She has an affinity for the "Companion" Prismtame, which allows her to create energy particles known as EXSIA and even human copies.

Nicholas(Leo)-The de-facto don of a crime family, in-fighting weakened the mob, leaving it vulnerable to Gobe's influence. In order to protect his subordinates, he allowed himself to be recruited as a Zodiac. Nicholas has an affinity for the "Spiral" Prismtame, which allows him to unleash mass torrents of energy upon his foes.

Cleo(Cancer)-A self-proclaimed artist obsessed with explosions, he abuses his authority as a Zodiac to have occasion to make explosions (everywhere) in an all-consuming pyromania. He has an affinity for the "Detonation" Prismtame, which allows him to condense energy and release it as a devastating explosion.

Riberio(Aries)-A kindly young man forced into violence by a terrorist group (Ophelia's Thugs). As they promised to not kill him, if he will listen to them. he meet with Gobe and was convinced to join the Zodiacs in order to protect his (Orphan) family, as he lied to him, that Elise can resurrect them. He has an affinity for the "Energy Wool" Prismtame, which allows him to craft anything he desires out of a powerful fibre. The strength of fibre depends on training and determination to fight.
He lived in the same Orphanedge as Ryon. Riberio has seen in Ryon "Older Brother" as he is a year younger.