Discussion HERE: https://pokecharms.com/threads/hoenn-league-tournament-discussion.19693/
The cruise ship just arrived to the Ever Grande City, where the Hoenn League would be taking place. Trainers on the ship stared at the gigantic city, everybody down there getting ready for the Pokemon League. Snack stands we’re still getting ready, people were selling T-shirt for the league, and some kids were talking about who would win. The cruise arrived at the port, and all the trainers now took a different way to get to the stadium, by riding a train.
The train soon arrived at the league itself. There was an entrance right to the stadium, but there were also tons of stands with their own little islands that connected to five big ones on the outside, leading to the league doors. Inside the league, was the stadium, which took up most of the room. Luckily there were dorms, each with a PC to switch Pokemon for the trainer’s battles. They had nice, fluffy beds, too.
Upon entering the doors, there were three, nice looking clerks at the registration counter, ready to except letters and scan Trainer IDs. To be honest, it felt pretty exciting for the participants and the clerks.
A boy with fluffy hair and an Aipom riding on his shoulder were one of the first ones to bolt out. Racing down the ramp way with a few other speedy trainers, he ran up the small flight of stairs, and entered the door. The third clerk was open, so he took her. She scanned his ID and asked for his name and letter, which he gave to the clerk. In return, he received a room key and two Premier Balls for participating.
“Aipom! Today’s the day. The league is coming up in a few hours, so let’s get ready!” The boy bounced off with his partner and headed outside the league doors.
The cruise ship just arrived to the Ever Grande City, where the Hoenn League would be taking place. Trainers on the ship stared at the gigantic city, everybody down there getting ready for the Pokemon League. Snack stands we’re still getting ready, people were selling T-shirt for the league, and some kids were talking about who would win. The cruise arrived at the port, and all the trainers now took a different way to get to the stadium, by riding a train.
The train soon arrived at the league itself. There was an entrance right to the stadium, but there were also tons of stands with their own little islands that connected to five big ones on the outside, leading to the league doors. Inside the league, was the stadium, which took up most of the room. Luckily there were dorms, each with a PC to switch Pokemon for the trainer’s battles. They had nice, fluffy beds, too.
Upon entering the doors, there were three, nice looking clerks at the registration counter, ready to except letters and scan Trainer IDs. To be honest, it felt pretty exciting for the participants and the clerks.
A boy with fluffy hair and an Aipom riding on his shoulder were one of the first ones to bolt out. Racing down the ramp way with a few other speedy trainers, he ran up the small flight of stairs, and entered the door. The third clerk was open, so he took her. She scanned his ID and asked for his name and letter, which he gave to the clerk. In return, he received a room key and two Premier Balls for participating.
“Aipom! Today’s the day. The league is coming up in a few hours, so let’s get ready!” The boy bounced off with his partner and headed outside the league doors.